Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, Mr. Sex-ed Teacher! ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Nyaah don’t kill me! Ohkay guys! Chapter 7 finally here. I just re-read through my shit and I got myself all hot and steamy, yeah, so I was like I totally need to finish this. And also, if I finish this, I get another chapter in return. ;) I’m so working my butt on these stories and I feel pretty uhm… gay for not updating my other stories, cause I hate it when people don’t update, and I’m not updating like I should… so yeah! Cheer me on, I’m trying to do my best. I might revise this chapter though, I'm not entirely to jolly about it... Haa. Enjoy! [Insert maniacal laughter with a few grunts and moans and ooh’s and aahh’s]
Oh &p.s. this may be the last chapter :)
Love prevails- most of the time!
Chapter 7
So maybe this wasn’t the brightest idea the Uzumaki had. Following your lover’s somewhat crazy older brother to his room did seem kind of suspicious. Following that crazy brother that got him slightly, just slightly and nothing more, hard just by one look, was definitely not the greatest thing to do. Especially with his ‘I hope to see you soon, Naruto-kun’ and ‘Oh look, I’m gonna casually brush my hand against you just to make you sexually uncomfortable but seduce you at the same time’ bull shit.
Fuck that. It was kind of too late.
Naruto frowned as he followed the older male down the hall. Even though he and Sasuke had been together for three months, he rarely came inside and he never got a full tour of the mansion. Sasuke, of course, never showed him the west wing of the house because that was Itachi’s domain. The only place where Naruto had been was the bathroom across Sasuke’s room, Sasuke’s room, the living room and the kitchen. He hadn’t even seen the backyard. God, Sasuke was such a bad host... maybe because while he was there, Sasuke had done some rather interesting things that prevented him from wanting a full house tour.
While Naruto was lost in his thoughts, and not paying attention like he should have been, Itachi was discreetly looking back over the blonde and smirking. The blonde looked damn delectable when he was in his own little world, oblivious to the obvious. Itachi could tell he wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but that just made him all the more adorable. The boy was wearing slightly baggy jeans and a loose fitted black tee. His hair was messy and those blonde strands were jutting in every direction, just like he rolled out of bed.
Itachi wasn’t one to ever, ever drool. But his mouth slightly watered and he had to control himself from jumping the boy.
Besides… He had to deliver him to his adorable little otouto…
When Itachi felt that he could handle and restrain himself from lunging at the younger boy, he cleared his throat and looked back at the blonde. He didn’t have to make sure that he had his usual, stoic façade plastered on, but his eyes burned with something, that look that made practically everyone fall to his whims, except for his brother. Naruto stopped and glanced around nervously. His poorly concealed apprehension caused the older Uchiha’s lips to curve slightly.
“This way, Naruto-kun. I wouldn’t want you getting lost…”
Naruto had to suppress a tremor that shot through his body and nodded, watching the brunette and making sure he kept his distance. He wondered if the older sibling had ever tried working for a sex-hotline… and he wanted to voice out his query.
The urge to ask was unbearable. He needed to know. If he asked Sasuke, the raven would without a doubt throw a hissy-fit, say something un-called for or try to do some physical damage, and then would withdraw into his angsty broodiness that Naruto was oh so well-acquainted with. Sasuke was just a chock-full of angst. But a sexy chock-full of angst, nonetheless.
The blue-eyed teen suddenly found it unnerving how far Itachi’s room was from Sasuke’s and also from the front door, which was his escape if the older teen tried to pull something. There were a few windows around, but he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to survive that two-story fall. Well, he wasn’t sure until he tried. They had passed by many doors, had walked down and turned a few halls. It definitely would’ve been a good idea if he had somehow got a blue-print of the house, because he was damn sure he was lost.
Fuck the sex-hotline question.
“Eh… Uchiha-sama--”
“Itachi.” He corrected with his smooth, sex-hotline voice.
“So this is the way to your room? It’s like a labyrinth…Isn’t this a fire hazard?”
Itachi chuckled and Naruto gripped the book hard and froze.
‘Oh god, he’s leading me somewhere and I won’t be able to find my way out—oh God! OH GOD!’ It was time for a good mental freak out.
The brunette nearly laughed out loud. Fortunately, they didn’t have to walk any further. They were finally at their destination, whether the blonde liked it or not. It was too late to turn around and even if he did, he wouldn’t know where to turn. Most likely, he’d get lost and he’d probably end up wandering the Uchiha mansion for days, starving, until he was found.
“Please come inside.”
The corner of Itachi’s lip arched into a smirk when the blonde visibly relaxed. Did the blonde expect him to lead him into a room where he would tie him up and do things to that tanned body no one could even imagine of? Oh heavens no…
They passed that room quite some time ago.
Naruto felt like crying tears of joy. He didn’t get raped or molested and the older Uchiha actually told the truth. But…
Why the hell was Sasuke in his room?
Naruto dismissed the thought and made his way towards the sleeping figure, setting the text book on the nightstand beside the bed. The younger Uchiha looked like a small child just lying in that obscenely large bed. Something was off; strange… aside from the fact that Sasuke was lying half naked on his brother’s bed. Naruto scowled.
“Is he that sick?” the blonde asked, leaning forward to brush his fingers against the boy’s forehead.
He was warm. Normal body temperature.
He stilled and slowly turned his head towards the long-haired brunette, his brows knitting together in confusion. The distinct click of the door locking sounded like a bomb.
“He wasn’t feeling too well, earlier.” Itachi began, making his way towards the blonde leisurely, like a cat stalking a mouse, not for food, but just for fun, for the thrill.
To say Naruto was terrified was an understatement.
The boy was ready to soil himself. Fuck his dignity, the older teen before him had the same look the Big Bad Wolf probably had before he ate Little Red Riding Hood.
“You see, Sasuke absolutely hates being in my room…” He continued, eyeing the boy closely, “And what he hates more than that is being alone with me in this room.”
The boy was hyperventilating by now. He felt a bead of sweat trickle down his neck.
“I wanted to tend to my otouto, but it’s such a long way from my room to his.” Itachi grinned and Naruto could’ve sworn he heard people screaming, babies crying, and bombs setting off in the distance. He was sweating bullets by now.
Itachi took another step forward and the blonde gripped at Sasuke’s arm.
“I slipped something in his soup that would make him… less likely to protest.”
Naruto’s grip tightened and he shook the boy. Full blown panic hit him. The man had actually drugged his own brother for Christ’s sake!
“Sasuke…” The blonde shook harder, but the boy didn’t respond. “Oh Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck did you do to him?!”
Itachi snorted and the blue-eyed teen glared at him.
“He’s only sleeping, Naruto-kun. I would never do anything to harm him.”
God that was such an obvious lie.
Naruto didn’t believe him. He checked for his lover’s pulse and sighed in relief when he found it. Itachi rolled his eyes.
“You know, I wouldn’t kill my brother. I’m not a homicidal maniac.”
‘No, you’re just psycho pervert, you twisted butt-fucker…’ Naruto seethed silently.
“Why isn’t he waking up?” the younger teen demanded, grabbing the pale shoulder and shaking. If he continued to shake the boy like that, the younger Uchiha was bound to get whip-lash.
Itachi shrugged, discreetly moving closer until his legs were hitting the foot of the bed.
“Sasuke… wake up, teme…” The blonde was slightly getting hysterical, “Wake up! Please wake up! You’re brother’s about to rape me!”
He half expected Sasuke to at least twitch after that last statement. There was no twitching. No movement. No nothing.
He screamed when he felt slender fingers grasp his wrist and tried to pull away. For a girly looking boy, Itachi was pretty damn strong. The older boy gave a smug grin when he pulled the tanned blonde forward, tingles running through his body when he heard the blonde boy give a strangled cry of horror.
“Oh God, no!” Naruto screeched, “You can’t fucking do this! Rape!”
He drew a tanned fist back and aimed at that handsome face that looked so much like Sasuke’s.
Itachi dodged the blow and grabbed at the other wrist successfully, pushing the blonde back until the back of knees hit the bed and the rest of his upper body fell back. Itachi fell on top of him, his hands holding the tanned wrists in a death lock. He used his body as a cage, preventing the boy beneath him to escape.
Naruto gave another yelp and struggled against the older boy. He was going to get butt-raped by Sasuke’s brother, on the same bed where Sasuke lay. He was practically going to get raped on top of Sasuke and he viciously tried to fight back.
Itachi frowned. Although he found it amusing the boy was resisting him, it was getting annoying.
“Stop, right now! You won’t get away! I’ll scream!”
“No one will hear you.”
“Then I’ll… I’ll--”
“Tell Sasuke that I raped you?” Itachi snorted, squeezing Naruto’s wrists harshly. The blonde gasped in pain and glared. When the blonde continued to glower, but refrained from saying anything else, the brunette grinned in satisfaction.
“I won’t tell Sasuke… it can be a little secret, just between you and I.” he murmured, his gaze lowering to those full luscious lips.
‘He looks so much like Sasuke…’
Naruto closed his eyes and forced himself to relax.
Itachi smirked and craned his neck forward until his lips brushed against the blonde’s.
Sasuke was having the strangest dream.
He had been sitting on one of those massaging recliners that he wanted badly, but when he had sat down, the chair had started shaking violently and for some reason, he couldn’t jump off or stop it. When it finally stopped, Naruto was there. His idiotic grin plastered on and Sasuke wanted to reach out and kiss him.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, something was nagging at him… trying to remind him that he had something to do… someone to see.
The raven frowned. He couldn’t lift his hand to touch Naruto. The blonde suddenly looked like he was close to crying. He tried again, but he couldn’t reach the boy. Blue eyes continued to stare and tanned fingers brushed against his pale forearm.
Then the boy was gone. All he could feel was something heavy against his leg, cutting off the circulation until he felt his limb go numb.
Naruto… that was his voice…
“I don’t care if your fingers can work wonders, I love Sasuke!”
What the fuck was the blonde screeching about…
“STOP! Asshole! Rapist! Ughhnn… no…please…”
Sasuke frowned as he slowly regained consciousness; it was like resurfacing from being held under water too long. His body felt heavy but he was light headed. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. There was something moving against his leg...
His squinted eyes widened in horror.
“What the FUCK?!“
It was obvious that Sasuke had awakened and all Naruto could do was look at him. He regretted it though. He didn’t want to react to Itachi’s touch but his body was traitorous.
Sasuke saw it.
Itachi didn’t stop, didn’t even bother to look up. He continued to work his fingers against the blonde, his hands skimming over the tanned flesh that was exposed. Naruto gasped and bit his lip.
“Oh God, stop…” the blonde grunted, his hands fisting into the sheets. The blonde was currently on his stomach, his shirt long gone, with the brunette on top, straddling him.
The raven watched, mortified, as his brother worked at those shoulders, his fingers digging in to work at a knot he knew was there.
His brother was giving the blonde a massage. Oh God.
“What are you fucking doing?” the raven snapped, attempting to kick the two off of him and shooting them the most scathing glare he could muster.
“I told him to stop, Sasuke… I tried so hard…” Naruto bit out, groaning when the older Uchiha began to push at one particular spot.
“You…” The coal-eyed teen bit out. “I can’t believe you’d do this…”
“It’s not what it—ahh oh God, right there…” Sasuke’s mouth dropped. His blonde looked like he was having the best orgasm of his life.
“Jesus, Sasuke, has he ever done this to you?” He was using his ‘this-is-mind-blowing-sex’ voice.
Itachi finally stopped and arched a delicate eyebrow. Naruto gave a content, loud sigh and dropped his head forward.
“Sasuke, stop looking at me like I just slept with him.” The long-haired brunette gave a smile.
“I can’t believe you, you asshole! And I can’t believe you’d allow him do this to you, Uzumaki!” Sasuke screamed, finally able to move away from the two. Somewhere in the back of his mind he screamed ‘And I can’t believe it’s not butter!’
“Sasuke, c’mon, it’s just a massage.”
Sasuke jabbed a finger towards him.
“It looks like you were having a fucking orgasm!”
“You would look the same if you’d let me give you a massage. Geez, Sasuke. You’re such and uptight anus.” Itachi commented. “Don’t get your panties in a twist, nothing happened.”
“Don’t you dare talk about my panties, which you have no effect on, whatsoever,” Sasuke glowered at his older brother. “How did I get here?”
Naruto chuckled and crawled beside his lover, frowning when the boy tried to push him away when he leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.
“You know, your brother’s not that bad…”
“I drugged you and when you passed out, I carried you here.”
Sasuke boiled inside. He was so angry, that if he sat in a bathtub full of water and eggs, he was sure he could make some hard boiled eggs.
“You… drugged me?”
Itachi closed his eyes and nodded thoughtfully.
“You fucking--Get out.”
The red-eyed teen frowned.
“But, otouto, this is my room…”
“Get. Out.”
“Oh, the brooding begins. Fine, princess.” Itachi waved a hand dismissively and jumped off the bed, heading towards the exit. “When your emo-attack has passed, call me so I can get back to work.”
When he left, Naruto felt he should be more scared than he was with Itachi. There was an intense heat emanating from the pale boy. He gulped.
“Ne… Sasuke…”
“Shut up.”
“I love you.”
“Shut. Up.”
“I missed you.”
“I didn’t.”
Naruto gave a pitiful whine and dropped his head into the raven’s lap, bringing his fingers up to rub against the creamy pale thigh. When the Uchiha didn’t protest or hit him, he gave a soft smile.
“So he gave you a massage.”
The blonde slowly nodded and yelped when he felt fingers twist his ear.
“It’s not like I asked him! He forced me! I seriously thought he was gonna rape me.”
Naruto sighed when he felt the fingers comb through his golden locks, his own tanned fingers moving higher until he felt those fingers slightly grip his hair. He grinned.
“Oooh…I know what you’re thinking about… Master.”
Another fantabulous idea, of course, it wasn’t completely Naruto’s. In fact, he had suggested they used another room, any other room. Master Sasuke ignored him because Master Sasuke had no morals and did not give a shit when it came to sex and where they were doing it, particularly even if it was in his own brother’s room. God it was so wrong.
“Sas…’ke…” The blonde grunted, his fingers deftly pulling at those inky strands. Sasuke gave an annoyed growl and let the boys cock slip out from his lips.
“Stop pulling so hard, damn it, I’m gonna have a bald-spot.”
Naruto keened softly and squeezed his eyes shut when the brunette continued with his task, his tongue expertly swiping across that slit that made his whole body twitch involuntarily.
“Your… brother… he’s…aghhhnnn ahh…”
Sasuke gave a smirk and swallowed the boy’s quivering member, relaxing his throat and mentally giving himself a high-five when the blonde screamed.
‘Let aniki hear…’
“This is bad Sas—Oowww!” The blonde grit his teeth and tried to give the Uchiha a scalding glare, which was practically impossible because what the brunette was doing between his leg only gave him the options of drooling, grunting, moaning, screaming, etc.
Sasuke looked up at the blonde through long eyelashes and pinched his ass roughly again, trying not to laugh when the blonde hissed in pain.
“Aaghh… Master Saa—Sas’ke…” The blonde looked like he was dying, which was a good sign.
The pale teen gave one last swipe at the blonde’s length and crawled over the sun-kissed body, letting his own erection brush against the other. He shuddered and grasped that length, lifting his body upward and balancing on his knees.
Naruto stared up at the boy, marveling at how beautiful he was. His pale skin was now flushed, his hair was messy and sticking up like a cockatoo… well, it looked like that everyday but it was damn sexy. He gave an anticipated moan when he felt the tip of his cock probe against the boy’s entrance.
When the willing body began to encase his cock, the boy responsively thrust upwards, causing the brunette to gasp and still. The blonde gripped at the pale hips and forced the boy down, watching the boy’s shallow breathing, how his skin glistened from the fine sheen of sweat. Naruto urged the body to move, to create a rhythm that would bring him inch by inch closer to completion. Sasuke complied, making small encouraging noises every now and again, his hands gripping at tanned forearms for more support. Blue eyes glazed over as the boy continued with his own leisure pace. The brunette’s eyes were half lidded in a daze and Naruto opened his mouth and a guttural moan ripped its way out when the boy above him grinded into him in sharp circles. He couldn’t take it anymore.
The brunette gave a surprised yelp and cried out when the blonde suddenly pushed him backwards until he was underneath. Strong arms hooked under the boy’s knees and pushed forward until he was bent in half like a paper clip. The blonde’s thrusts were harsh and the sound of flesh slapping flesh reverberated through the room accompanied with the frequent groans and shallow breathing. Sasuke clawed at the other boy’s back, not really caring if he was hurting him or not. Naruto didn’t seem to notice.
The pale body arched forward and Sasuke couldn’t hold back the scream when the blonde hit that particular spot inside that made the pit of his stomach grow increasingly hot. Naruto continued to relentlessly pound into that spot, his orgasm approaching quickly. The brunette could already feel the blonde swell even more inside him and he leaned forward and clamped his jaws down on the blonde’s shoulder, eliciting a throaty cry from Naruto as he abruptly came. The feeling of the hot thick liquid filling him triggered his own orgasm and he bit down harder. The body on top went rigid and slightly convulsed before going limp and falling forward.
“Jesus Christ, Sasuke…” the blonde breathed, turning his head and kissing the boy’s clammy pale neck.
Sasuke groaned and tried to push the boy upwards to observe how badly he had bitten. Naruto grunted and lifted his head. The brunette winced when he saw the angry dark bruises and the deep bite mark. It wasn’t that bad, it was bleeding just a little.
“Sorry.” He murmured.
Naruto groaned again and rolled off the boy. The room always got so hot after sex.
It was a while before one of them spoke.
“You are so gross. I can’t believe you did it in Itachi’s room.” The tanned boy commented.
“I don’t care.” Sasuke snorted and ran a hand through his hair.
“Gross.” He repeated, elbowing the raven until the boy punched him hard. “ Ow… Hey, Sasuke?”
“I love you.”
Sasuke frowned. The boy had said it seriously. Well, as serious as Naruto could ever get. He gave a small smile and rolled onto his stomach, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on the blonde’s lips. Naruto scowled.
“How come you never say it? You almost did the other time.”
Sasuke shrugged and looked away. “You know me and words, Uzumaki. I’m better at showing how I feel through actions.”
“But it’s nice to at least hear them once in a while. Or even just once.”
When the raven laid back down and turned away from the blonde, Naruto blew out a breath and turned to his side, his back against Sasukes. After a pregnant silence, he closed his eyes, suddenly wanting to leave.
The soft murmur of something filled the quiet room and Naruto jerked upward.
“What did you say?”
“I don’t want to say it again.”
The blonde gave an aggravated growl and shook the boy. “I didn’t even hear you!”
“That’s your loss.”
“Can you just say it once more time? I will… make you my master forever and ever.” He bribed.
“That’s a given already.”
Naruto clenched his jaws and began to crawl off the bed.
“I love you.”
The blonde smiled.
“Idiot,” the brunette quickly added.
“And I love you too, you nasty butt-slut bastard.”
“And you are so washing my bed sheets, you assholes.”