Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ On The Moon Lit Night ❯ 01- Leaving So Soon? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Authors note: Ok, this is just a fingering session...but a damn good one! This will be a hentai filled story with sexyness. Perverts and horny people will definitely enjoy it...or if you just like a good lemon!


She looked over a mess of paper that had piled high on her desk. Her red orbs narrowed as a small fowl tapped lazily on the window that sat just a few inches from her desk. With brief hesitation she walked to the window and opened it, watching carelessly as the fowl fluttered in, perching itself the only clean spot on her oak desk. She approached the bird and looked over it. The fowl was a carrier, no doubt about that, but there was no message.

She growled slightly as a gush of wind sped by her. She growled slightly and reached for the empty kunai pouch, her enemy wouldn’t know nothing existed in the small black holster. Slowly her eyes searched the perimeter of the room, her breathing steady. With a muffled cry she was mercilessly wrenched to the floor, her arms held over her head.

She gasped at the man who towered over her, his own red yes peering into hers. “Uchiha Itachi?” Her voice was like a hoarse whisper in the silent nearly silent room. Papers fluttered about for the Uchiha had lept over the desk to get her.

“Yuuhi-san, don’t act so’s not like this is our first little ‘meeting’.” He smirked playfully kissing her neck softly. Kurenai shivered hatefully, she didn’t want him to be here.

“Consequences Itachi, you know what they are.” She muttered, setting her head back slightly as he kissed her neck. Itachi gave a smug smirk as he drew into her face.

“You know me Yuuhi-san, I don’t fear trouble...” He paused and claimed her lips in a passionate kiss, “ all.”

Kurenai turned a slight shade of crimson as he kissed her, she was still new to the fact the boy was I love with her. She shifted her weight slightly as his hands ran down her sides, caressing every inch of her until they crossed into her inner thighs. Kurenai let a soft moan escape her lips as his stroked her thighs.

Itachi smirked in victory at the jounins moans, he shivered briefly and bit his lip as his member began to swell within the tight compound of his pants. He brought his lips over her collar bone as he ran his hand over her stomach, pulling at the elastic of her panties.

Kurenai’s eye widened slightly as she took the advantage, slipping her hand deep into Itachi’s pants. The S-Class moaned in pleasure at her cold hands. She began to stroke him lightly with her nails, she could feel him tense under her. “You shouldn’t let your guard down Uchiha.” She muttered with a devilish smirk.

With a brief growl of pleasure the Uchiha had her hand once again pinned high above her head. With a cruel smirks and slowly slid two digits into her, smirking as she gasped and moaned in pleasure. He felt her tight around his fingers and he bit his lips, hiding his own carnal desires.

He moved his finger in and out of her body, her moans increasing considerable as he slid a third finger inside her. He grinned and kissed her deeply, her walls pulsating around his fingers. His lips trailed down her chin as he felt her tighten farther.

Then a satisfied moan erupted though her lips as she released. Itachi sank back to his heels and he brought the fingers to his lips. He let his tongue run over his finger, a smirk gracing his lips. “Mmm, sweet...” Kurenai looked up at him with a slightly flushed face, a light layer of sweat coating her porcelain skin.

“Are you just going to leave?” She asked, her breathing quick as she descended from her climax. Itachi smirked and stroked her cheek with his dry fingers.

“I’m afraid I must leave for the time being, I cannot risk dying my dear.” His voice was smooth and calm as he spoke to her. He stood and adjusted his clothing before re-pulling his hair into a ponytail. He gave her a slight smile before departing through the window with great speed.

Kurenai sighed slightly and let her head fall against the floor. She


Review please, I love them lots!!!