Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ On the Wrong Path ❯ Misdirected Dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On the Wrong Path
By DARKMizuSasuke
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.
My brother dared me to write a horror. I took on the challenge.
Genre: Horror
Warning: OOC. Bloody. GRAPHIC and VIOLANT.
He licked the blood from his lips. It tasted good. He reached down to lick more from her face. Mmnnnnn... even better. He kissed her blood stained lips in satisfaction.
“I... N...” she stuttered.
“Shhh....,” he said, placing his rough finger in her tender lips, “Don't speak. It'll only increase your pain.”
Tears streamed down her face, her body quickly losing its power. Her sapphire eyes looked up into his, his eyes ruby red, his pupils thin like the snakes she grew up to hate and burn. His hair, like hers, was soaked in blood, his hands too, especially between his lengthy nails that had previously scratched into her thigh. She reproached as she watched him come closer, her head rested against the hard wood of the tree bark. It felt like it dug into her She moved a few centimetres away from him, but he got her left thigh this time,
“Hey, Sakura...” he said, and for a moment he sounded like his old self, as though they were stil friends and having a normal, casual conversation, “Even now, under the flaming evening sky, you look beautiful. You know you were always beautiful, right?”
Tears streamed down her face as she tried desperately not to choke on her own blood. Her men needed her. The rest of them wouldn't make it without her. Right now, Neji should be on his way here...
“Eh.... Hokage-sama....”
Two men stood shaking in fear behind him, bloodied katanas in their hands, each drop belonging to the rebels from the south. “If... If you don't kill her soon, the rest of the rebels will be here soon!”
He smirked, his canines glistening.
“The rest of the rebels... hmn... Honestly, I don't think you should worry...” he said. “Besides, I want to enjoy this. Right Sakura-chan? You want to enjoy this too? Before you die, you want to remember me as the boy you used to know? Childish and pure...” He felt every soft strand of her hair as he spoke, looking at her with malice.
“But you know... you caused me a lot of trouble the past five years. Damn it, you were a bitch...”
She swallowed her blood; her wet eyes stared at him in horror, his shadow looming over her face.
“N...Naruto...” she slowly spoke, barely audible under all the screaming and yelling in the distance. The fighting was coming closer. The battle still raged on.
“O-ho! You can still speak!” he laughed in amusement. He waited and watched patiently.
He leaned closer.
“You'll... never be... like Yondaime.”
His eyes widened and the next second scorching pain seared through her body as his hand pierced her skin, plummeting into her belly, his nails digging deep and hard, his filthy long nails twisting violently and cutting through her. He stared at her face in hatred and watched as her eyes widened in pain, but she made no sound.
“Scream, bitch, SCREAM!”
A few more moments and it was over, her body limp as he jerked his hand out. Still staring into her blank, soulless wide eyes he swatted off the blood onto the two men behind him. They leaped back in disgust.
“Whatthefuck Sakura...” he cursed, “That wench. You think I wanted to let them see me like this?”
His men stared in horror.
“Well...” Naruto said, dangerously, “What are you waiting for? Do you want the same fate?”
The two shook their heads, and with a quick salute, ran into the forest, looking for the rest of the rebels.
Naruto grinned and looked up, into the crimson sky. It was beauriful. And so were the bodies that had fallen around him. They had made a carpet of blood and corpses around his country. Foolish rebels. FOOLISH! This was the fate the whole country for trying to overtake him. He was the Hokage. The STRONGEST;
Isn't that right father? Putting a demon in me? Look at where it has gotten me...!
But although his power was overwhelming, there was one person that seemed to allways make him trip over his own feet. One person that seemed to rebel against him above all others. All his friends were dead now. Kakashi still lived, but was secluded and being tortured for information. Jiraiya was long dead. Bastard, if he had lived... maybe things wouldn't turn out this way.
No. Not even Sasuke. He was dead too. No. His power wasn't enough. His biggest threat... was...
He grinned. The only person who had the power to stop him was himself. He had the power to rule the world. He laughed blissfully into the sky. “Come get me Neji-kun! COME GET ME!!” he threw his hands into the air and laughed louder, tails whipped from his back, the nine-tailed demon's voice mixing with his, “COME GET ME HYUUGA!!”
Blood splattered, a head rolled onto the ground and bounced.
Neji... very slowly....
“No, Naruto... AAHHHHH!!!!”
“AAAAH!” Sweat coated his body and he shivered and jerked violently. His heart pounded in his chest as his eyes adjusted. He panted, his sweaty chest heaving up and down with each breath... He was in a wooden room... a cabin of some sort. From the open window, he could see the moon shining brightly amongst the starry night sky.
Sakura.... “Sakura!” he whispered in horror, but then to his relief, she was a few feet away from him, sleeping soundly. And... who was that? To his right? “Sai...” he whispered in realisation. He never thought he'd be relieved to see him.
“Oh my god,” his head fell back onto his bag in relief. He looked up at the wooden ceiling.
A dream...
“Naruto,” a familiar voice called him. He opened his eyes and saw Yamato-taicho in front of him and he yelped at his frightening face.
“You make too much noise in your sleep,” he said. Naruto apologised. Yamato wouldn't stop staring and Naruto felt a chill. Was it just him or was his captain's voice oddly different? “Tell me what you want me to do with the bodies okay?”
Naruto stared.
“The bodies?”
“Yes. You usually want me to keep them a little longer than usual. I got rid of the smell like you asked. Sakura's corpse is just like the cherry blossoms you asked for.”
“You're always like this after the ninth-tail, Hokage-sama.”
The End?
Mwahaahahhaha!(evil, demonic voice) Hope that was frighteningly horrific! Not my best fic, but certainly entertaining while it lasted. Whenever I write I try as much as possible to stick to the genre lol. I'm too scared to even think of writing another horror! So yes, this my first and last horror! (way too much OOC) I'll continue if people want me to though!
Until next time! DARKMizuSasuke