Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ On the Wrong Path ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

don't own Naruto. Sorry for the long wait everyone :D.
Chapter 5
Present Day
……………………̷ 0;Pain…
……Total Control
………Rebels… Where are you?
“Tsunade died here for me.” The 6th Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto, whispered. He was in his office overlooking his village. His country.
“Naruto-sama,” Yamato said, “The rebels have destroyed the bridge in the east and are headed towards the Yellow Mountain Ridge. There's fear that they'll take the people there hostage. They want you on the battle field master. You're the ransom”
Naruto turned to face Yamato. He still had the scent of cherry blossoms on him. Her body… unburied. There was one more physical threat that remained. One more person that stood in his way.
Did they really think he'd exchange his life for that of peasants? How cowardly they were to use them as bait. How foolish. He thought they knew him by now. His tired eyes, met with Yamato's.
“Kill them all. I don't care.”
“Today, I want the flower's blood to disappear from my body. When her scent is gone, I will return to battle.”
“Very well sir.”
Naruto returned to his desk and sat down, letting as much air blow in as possible, even if that air was coated thickly in blood and sorrow. He stared tiredly at the photo of Tsunade on his desk.
“I'm not ready to join you just yet… Granny Tsunade.”
Years back…
Tsunade was buried on a cold, wet day. The rain poured as they lay her coffin in the dirt. She was not the only one to be buried that day. The organisation had taken away many lives. From above, the view was nothing more than rows of people in black.
“The strongest of the village becomes Hokage,” the council spat, “and he is not here!”
“The decision is just then? Final? The Hyuuga will take the position?”
“Unless you know anyone stronger?” the old man cried hysterically, tired of the events of the past few days.
“No, there is none. Fine, call them in.”
The large mahogany door creaked open and four figures stood at the doorway. They each had a look fierce determination and anger in their eyes.
“We're ready,” Sakura said. The fire in her eyes was enough to impress even the oldest of the council. Next to her were Naruto, Hinata and Kiba.
“Haruno Sakura: Captain of this team. You have only one month to retrieve the new Hokage. Please… the future of Konoha rests in your hands…”
Five days had passed and finally the group reached a tiny village in the north. It was picturesque, home to farmers and workmen. Pottery and crafts decorated the streets and the overall atmosphere was warm. It was a good change in Sakura's mind: their journey so far had been very tense. She had hardly managed to sleep. Not only was she worried that the survivors of the organisation may have recovered quickly, (although it did seem unlikely after the resistance Konoha gave), but she couldn't help but feel that Naruto was acting differently. Could he have found out about her and Kiba? As though that wasn't bad enough, Kiba found it hard to look at Hinata, and Sakura too felt pangs of guilt every time the innocent girl looked her way.
But she was captain, and there were more important things.
“Let's ask some people here if they've seen him,” she suggested and they split up. Naruto headed to one end of a crowded market place and Kiba the other. Hinata meanwhile went to a group of old women chatting to each other and Sakura decided to head for the man closest to her at flourishing flower shop.
“Excuse me sir… May I take a moment of your time?”
It took only a second for her to recognise the blond man and she gasped,
“Danjou! I mean, Danjou-san!”
“Well well, so it is you! You've grown so tall! And you cut your hair! Inos' still long I suppose? The two of you were so competitive! The last time I saw you you had graduated! We live too far, you kids never visit us!”
Danjou, Ino's uncle, her mother's brother who was, like her, a born business man. Sakura had no idea he lived so far away from Konoha.
“How can I help you?”
“Well,” Sakura said, the faint smile disappearing from her face, “I'm surprised you guys haven't heard the news yet…”
Danjou gasped when Sakura was done, “She's… dead… Our Hokage… dead?”
The blood had rushed from his face and for a moment she thought he was going to collapse, but instead, he extended his arm and gripped his chair. He rubbed his head and Sakura thought it would have probably been wiser had she not told him. But the moment the thought entered her mind he said, “Thank you dear. Thank you for telling me…” he breathed a little better but he was still paper white, “No one ever tells us anything anymore. Just a few weeks ago, that young Hyuuga boy and his team passed through here and headed North, not even stopping to buy anything, they were in such a hurry, and weeks before that… a group of young archers stomped by, they looked like they were preparing for war… led by a teenager wearing the Uchiha symbol… No one tells us anything….”
Sakura's world suddenly spun and she thought she would be knocked off her feet, “Wha- what did you say?”
“I said that no one ever tells us anything anymore, we're just ignorant villagers after all, what do we know about Konoha's affairs and all that…”
“No, you said… the Uchiha… and Hyuuga?”
“That's right. It looked like the Hyuuga was after the Uchiha,”
But before he could finish Sakura had darted away. Her heart drummed madly in her chest. She couldn't believe it… After all these years… she felt elated. She had to tell Naruto… she had seen him a minute ago…
She slowly came to a halt. People stared at her as she stood in the middle of the road.
“I've finally found you Sasuke… after all these years in exile…”
Fear suddenly rushed through her body. She knew that Sasuke, the man in exile, had come back several months ago all ready, and that he had been seen with a large group, and was still gathering more forces. His exact location changed every month, but word was that he was in the North, the exact region Kakashi had gone to find Naruto and had disappeared. No one had told Naruto yet of Kakshi's disappearance. It would be best if they kept that from him for now. But if she told Naruto of Sasuke… he didn't even know that Sasuke had been seen… he didn't know that Sasuke was a serious threat to Konoha and was declared an enemy and should be killed for returning… No, if she told him about Sasuke it would complicate things. At least, she couldn't tell him now.
When she calmed down she finally realised something: where was Naruto anyway?
Naruto's hand was wrenched tightly around the man's throat. He tried not to squeeze too hard but his anger hindered him from reasonable thoughts. The darkness of the alley blanketed over him and the man. The bustle of the market place was faint.
“What did you say?!”
“I… said… gah… a ffeeew weeks ago… A boy… weeering the Ucha… Uchiha symbol… passed by.”
“You're lying! It can't be true!!”
“Ple… I swear…!”
Naruto squeezed tighter, until suddenly a tear spilled from the corner of his eye and he smiled at the man, who now kicked furiously against Naruto's legs, “The man with wings… has come to save me… from the abyss.”
His grip slowly loosened and the man scampered free.
That evening the fire crackled ferociously into the chilly air. They sat around the fire, but no one spoke.
“So we can assume he's headed for the boarder?” Hinata asked softly, breaking the silence.
By `he', she didn't mean Sasuke of coarse. Sakura had little intention of sharing the news with her team mates just yet. She gave a slow nod.
“I'm glad,” Hinata continued, “I don't like leaving Konoha defenceless. We'll be back sooner than expected if we keep going.”
“But will he accept?”
Kiba snorted, “How can he decline? The Hyuuga's rarely disobey orders.”
There was silence for a while when Kiba said, “I hope Akamaru's doing well. His wound was pretty bad.”
“He'll be okay,” Hinata smiled reassuringly, “He's had worse! Just needs to lay low for a while.”
Kiba looked into her eyes for a second but not before she looked away, blushing, and he turned away too, guilty. He clenched his fists. Fool.
You're such a fool.
He glanced up at Sakura. She was in her own little world. He eyes were focused on the fire, he could tell by her expression that she was worried to death about something… Konoha maybe?
Blue eyes didn't miss this. That stray dog was staring at his woman. His used woman. He did not forgive… nor forget…
Naruto's eyes shut and reopened. Subconscious. He was in his dimension.
He reached out his hand for Kyuubi's cage.
Not afraid you're hands will burn? Kyuubi's voice thundered in amusement.
Heh… don't kid yourself.
Naruto thought about this for a moment, a frown on his face. His hand left the iron bars.
I won't be tempted to use you. Black wings are coming for me.
Kyuubi's grin extended, How do you know those wings won't be too late? Like you said, you can feel every bit of your light slipping away rapidly. The black ocean is not far away now.
How exciting, Nauto answered, and, quite suddenly, his eyes flashed madness, his grin wide, he exclaimed, The darkness… is making my blood boil!!
It must have been midnight when she felt a chill. She heard disturbing voices and her heart pounded against her chest. Her eyes snapped open and swiftly adjusted to the darkness.
It was just them.
The stars above, the dark forest, the dead leaves and smell of moss and decay and the ashes of their fire… and Naruto…
She caught her breath, tried to calm down, but her heart immediately began to pound loudly, oh so loud.
Could he hear it, the drumming, again and again?
Please don't wake up
She was surprised at how rapidly she had fallen in love, and couldn't comprehend how a human being could love a person even more than they previously had.
She blushed.
That was probably why. Naruto had turned in his sleep and his bare chest was exposed to the chilly air. She gave a squeak as she stared at his chiselled body. Her cheeks burned fierce ruby red. Damn… he was so close, yet so far away. She wanted to turn her eyes away, afraid that someone might catch her gaping at him like this. God, wasn't he cold? She was ashamed that she was thinking about him in a whole different way.
Her eyes suddenly caught something. He was speaking… For a second she thought it was to her, but she soon realised he was still asleep. His brows were crossed.
A nightmare?
Her heart ached.
Of coarse he was having a nightmare. While they were all enjoying sleep, he was being tormented again and again… Those bastards… how could they?!
His lips were moving as though in conversation. She got up. What was he saying? Should she wake him up? She crept closer as silently as she could. Her feet were by his chest. She watched him, and as though caused by her very presence, his facial expression softened. He had quietened down. She shivered again. It sure was cold.
“Huh!” she gasped and closed her mouth with her hands quickly. She had never seen… from that far… but now so close… By some mustered mental strength she got to her knees for a better look. Scars…. So many scars… scars… and… what did that say? God!
Her head wisped round, Byakugan activated. No one.
“I… love…”
Barely a whisper… it was Naruto… She held her breath… he was confessing in his dreams. Unable to stop herself she crept close to his face so she could hear him better, but the moment she did Naruto's eyes snapped open.
Oh no.
He grabbed her hand and she was lunged onto his chest.
“Hi… hinata?!” he whispered in realisation.
God… this cannot be happening to me…
She couldn't move.
Couldn't breathe.
Air! Speak! Speak!
“Sorry…” he said. He looked at her surprised. But he did not let her go.
She tried to calm down. But her chest was heaving up and down so quickly. She really was on Naruto!
He stared into her eyes and she couldn't take it anymore and she looked away.
“I'm sorry… I'm sorry… Your pain… You went through so much pain… I… I would do anything to stop your pain! I'll kill them for doing this to you! I'll kill them!”
She blushed and he stared at her. Even in the dark, he could see the redness of her cheeks. Before he could stop himself, he took her chin and kissed her. Her eyes widened.
“Hinata…” he whispered when he let go, “You'll do anything?”
She shivered, not because of the cold, but because of her joy. It wasn't a dream… this couldn't be a dream… “Yes…” she said, “Anything and everything… for you… Naruto…”
“Hinata…” he took her in an embrace and whispered, “There are things I want to share with you… so many things… but you mustn't tell anyone… okay? Just the two of us… I…” he looked into her eyes again, “I love you.”
Hinata couldn't help but sob silently into his neck. After all this time… there was no turning back now. He loved her. This was it. This was the moment when they'd be there for each other… forever…
“I… I… love you…” she whispered back, and slowly, but with just a little fear, kissed him back slowly.
If only she could hear him say “jackpot” in his mind…
“Go to sleep… We don't want to wake the others up…”
She nodded slowly, and with such joy, crept back into her sleeping bag.
Naruto turned away from her and smiled evilly into the night sky.
There was once a trading village that secretly trained shinobi. This village was now nothing but ash. As Sakura and her team walked through the horror before them she couldn't help but feel she was being watched.
The air stunk with ash. Crows perched on burnt wood that were once houses and stalls and schools. Rotten fruit lay upon the streets and the annoying buzz of flies filled their ears. Bodies of men, women and children were scattered… burnt. Crows tugged at their flesh.
They each closed their eyes to the horror before them… and gave a moment of silence, before they each breathed… and took the role of the shinobi once more.
Kiba touched the ashes, his voice as steady as he could muster, “It's at least a few days old.”
“It's clear what happened,” Sakura said, “the question is who?”
“You don't think… the organisation?”
Both Naruto and Sakura knew it wasn't the organisation. A symbol flashed into her mind and she clenched her fists.
“No,” Naruto answered, “they knew we weren't here, they wouldn't just burn a whole village for no reason. Their goal is me.”
“Yeah,” Kiba retorted, “but they probably know that you're not in the village anymore. This is their way of luring you out.”
“There's no way they have such information,” Sakura said calmly as she continued through the wreckage of burnt houses. Kiba growled. He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it.
Then a soft voice spoke, “The rebels…” she said, “They… they were at the border a few months ago… maybe they broke off the defence?”
Damn. Yes Hinata. That's exactly what I think. Sakura thought.
“This… this is their way of getting Konoha's attention! To announce that they're on their way!” she exclaimed.
“Search for survivors,” Sakura ordered sadly, not being able to respond to the kunoichi's good guess.
They split up. She searched the rubble. Her clothes, hands and hair quickly became dirty. She knew there was little hope.
Her eye caught something.
She knew it.
The figure fled at the sight of her and, like a bird, she darted after him, before they both took flight for the trees.
“Stop!” she yelled.
The figure turned and she barely dodged an arrow to her head.
She pursued him a little longer, dodged a kunai, before he suddenly stopped and she caught sight of his face.
It was like the world slowed down as she watched him pull his arrow against the string of his bow, her eyes never leaving his handsome features. His onyx eyes never let go of hers.