Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Once more into thr breach ❯ Of partings and meetings ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once More Into The Breech
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. I do own any OC's and OJ's (Original Characters and Original Jutsu's)
WARNING::: This chapter contains rape, but I will give a warning in story so you may skip the scene. I refuse to censer my writing! :::WARNING
Naruto stood atop the Hokage Monument and looked down on the bustling city. He had grown over the years into an almost exact copy of his father, Kazama Arashi. Naruto wore the same style cloak with black shinobi pants and a tight blue sleeveless shirt, but what stuck out were his whisker marks and the green gem around his neck. The streets were alive with the celebration of the end of the Fourth Great Shinobi War, all thanks to the Rokudaime Kazama Naruto. He had finally earned respect in the village and it flourished with him in charge, but there was something missing. He always thought when he became Hokage that all his friends would be there to congratulate him and share in his happiness, but sadly only one of them was with him still.
Said person appeared behind him in a swirl of leaves. Knowing that he was thinking of the fallen, he waited for Naruto to acknowledge his presence. The figure stood just three inches shorter than Naruto's six feet, wearing an ANBU cloak that was open in the front to reveal a black ANBU issue uniform with the light gray ANBU armor and a mask tied to his waist. His silver gravity defying hair waved in the wind and his Hitai-ite covered his left eye and a mask covered his mouth and nose. "Kakashi, I can't do it. Every time I look upon the village I can hear their voices. I know they'd be proud of me, and I got my revenge, but now I feel so hollow. I feel as though there's nothing left for me here."
There was silence between them for a couple minutes while Kakashi thought carefully of his response. "Naruto, do what you think is right, but please don't give up on life. You have never given up before and I see no reason to start now."
Naruto smiled, Kakashi had always been the most adept at reading him. Looking back to his former sensei, and captain of his ANBU forces, his face became serious. "Kakashi, would you take the chance to go back if it were given to you? To try and change the past and save those that meant everything to you?"
Kakashi knew Naruto was serious. With a sigh, he walked up next to his Hokage and looked out across the village. "I wish for it every day Hokage-sama."
Naruto looked out across the village for the last time. "Then you won't begrudge me for taking it."
Kakashi's gaze snapped to Naruto's tear stricken face. "How?"
Naruto smirked. "Kyuubi and I will perform a demonic ritual that will send me to another dimension. As he explained it to me time travel is impossible, but there is an infinite number of alternate realities, each one slightly different than the last. The trick is to land in one where the difference is that it's not as far along as the one you're from."
Kakashi chuckled. "You truly are the number one most surprising ninja. But tell me, why go back if you can just go to paradise? Why take the chance of it happening again?"
Naruto smiled. "Kakashi, if there's one thing I learned from my life it's that something taken is worthless, but something earned is worth everything."
Kakashi smiled under his mask. "Those are the words your father told me long ago. To hear them again from his son warms my heart."
Turning to Kakashi, Naruto handed him a scroll. "Kakashi, before I go, I would like to ask you a favor. I would like you to become the Shichidaime (change to Nanadaime) Hokage. I know you never wanted the job, but you're the only one I can trust to lead Konoha down the right path. While it hurts to be here, I still love this village with all my heart and feel that you would lead it to prosperity."
Kakashi smirked as he took the scroll. "So, I take it you're not allowed any passengers on this trip."
Naruto gave his long time friend and older brother figure a sad smile. "No, I'm afraid not. It's not even guarantied that I'll survive the trip. Human souls were not meant to hop around the multiverse, as Kyuubi put it."
Kakashi looked back over the village. "Attempting the impossible once again I see."
Naruto nodded. Taking out a scroll and a familiar three pronged kunai he put them in Kakashi's hands. "I want you to have this. I don't have children to pass these down to, but you and Rin-chan do. Little Obito will become quite the ninja in the future, I know it. I know father would agree with me that these techniques would be safe with you. In the scroll are both the Rasengan, including my elemental variants, and the Hiraishin no Jutsu."
Kakashi took the kunai and the scroll. "So I guess this is goodbye then."
Naruto nodded. "Yeah, it is. I'll try not to annoy you so much this time, but I'll be damned if I don't fix your tardiness problem again!"
Kakashi chuckled. "Good luck my brother. I hope you find the happiness you're looking for."
Naruto and Kakashi shared a hug before the young Hokage disappeared in a flash of yellow. Kakashi chuckled again. "I can't wait to learn how you and sensei do that. And don't worry brother, I'll make you proud."
Deep within his own mind, Naruto walked up to the massive bars that confine the most powerful demon in this realm. "So Kyuubi, how do we go about this?"
Two large red eyes appeared behind the cage. "All I need from you is three conditions. These conditions will guide you the dimension you seek. You will join with your other self at the first moment that you and I meet."
Naruto raised a hand to scratch the back of his head. It was a habit of his when he was either anxious or thinking. After an hour, Naruto turned to Kyuubi. "Ok, I think I got them down, but some how I know you're not telling me something."
The Kyuubi bellowed with a laugh so evil that it would have sent Orochimaru screaming for his mother. "Very perceptive, you and I will be parting ways here. You will be going to one dimension while I will be going to another. While I regret not being able to have the satisfaction of torturing and devouring you, I will be free from this damnable cage."
Naruto smirked. "So this is also goodbye for us. Somehow, I don't think I'll miss you fur ball." Naruto could feel the hatred flow from the Kyuubi, but just waved him off. "Let's get this over with quick."
Kyuubi growled, but grit his teeth as he gave his vessel directions. "Just keep the three conditions in your mind. Koumajutsu: Jigen Kurasshaa! (Demon Art: Dimension Crasher)" Seeing the blond nod, he grinned as he sent an ungodly amount of chakra into the blond symbol of his imprisonment knowing it would be the most painful thing this human would ever feel.
Naruto grit his teeth as the chakra flowed through him. This was definitely the most chakra he had ever received from the fox. It was so much that he could feel it destroying his body outside his mindscape. As the walls finally crumbled around him and blackness took hold he kept the tree conditions clear in his mind.
The Kyuubi and I meet before the academy. He wanted time to prepare for what was coming. He had to stop Sasuke from defecting, stop Akatsuki from getting the Bijou, and keep all his friends alive. To do this, he would have to train like hell. Good thing he had a couple aces up his sleeve. Those being Kage Bunshin, Rasengan, Hiraishin, and Kusari no Tendo ga Makai (Chains of Heaven and Hell). Four of a kind, his lucky hand.
The Kyuubi sealed within me is friendly and willing to help. He figured if one thing could turn the tide it was this. Many times Kyuubi had refused him power to save his friends. Kyuubi always pointed out their original deal was chakra when he was about to die. This had lead to the demise of many comrades and friends. The only reason Kakashi was still alive was he threatened the fox that if his last precious person died, he'd kill himself taking them both down in a blaze of mutual hatred. The fox grudgingly gave it to him and he was able to kill Sasuke before he was able to kill the last person precious to him.
I have the same parents as I do now. He knew that the fourth was his father, he only learned this after both Jiraiya and Tsunade had died and he took the office of Hokage. The old man Sandaime had left a scroll in a secret safe that was revealed after someone tried to blow up the Hokage Tower to kill him. In the safe was a note from his father to him and his mother to say he loved them and would wait for them in the next life. Too bad it didn't say who his mother was; it just left the initials K.T. Not even Kakashi had known who Arashi's lover had been. Maybe this time he would find out.
As the blackness cleared he seemed to be rising from a glowing orb. Looking around, Naruto noticed millions, upon billions, upon trillions of the glowing orbs surrounding him. He then noticed a red essence rise from the same orb and rocket off in a streak of red. He then noticed himself streak of in a different direction, dodging around countless orbs as he made his way until finally he rammed right into one and the darkness once again surrounded him.

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Unfortunately, today was just like any other day for little six year old Uzumaki Tsukiyo. She had run from a mob of villagers only suffering a nasty gash on her right arm from a broken bottle that had been thrown at her and a dislocated left shoulder when she wrenched herself out of the grasp of a drunken old man. This would have been a good day in comparison to her usual but during her running she had dropped Gama-kun, her frog wallet. Add to the fact she had just gotten her monthly payment from the Hokage and you get a very depressed little girl. She knew she'd have to resort to dumpster diving for food this month. With a heavy heart and the constant question of why she was hated she made her way home.
Locking her door behind her, she notices her apartment had been ransacked again. With a heavy sigh, laden with too much sadness for one her age, she got to work cleaning up. After cleaning up all the garbage and waste that had been left about, she changed into a long night shirt. Before she laid on her futon she looked into a cracked full length mirror. She stood about three and a half feet and was almost sickly thin, but not quite. She slowly fingered her whisker marks as she looked at her face. Her shoulder length blond hair was kind of dirty, but she'd shower tomorrow. What she loved most about her appearance was her eyes, her deep blue eyes.
Looking out the broken window, she noticed it getting darker. Laying down on her futon, she tried to get comfortable. 'Well at least it's summer time. I need to get a new blanket before winter comes.' Rolling over, she got comfortable as she fell asleep.
A figure at the window grinned evilly as he noticed the child fall asleep. Waiting till night fully came, he snuck into the young girls' one room apartment. The moonlight shined off his gray hair as he casually walked over to the sleeping child. Kneeling down, he did a couple hand signs before touching her neck lightly. Whispering the name of the jutsu, "Busata no Jutsu. (Silence Technique)" his grin turned even more sinister as her neck had a faint glow to it before returning to normal. His fun could now begin.
Not one to wait, he tore her shirt off her body and held her down by the throat. Seeing her eyes go wide as she woke and tried to scream, he smiled. "No-one will hear your screams tonight demon! After tonight, no-one will hear you at all!" Seeing the tears in her eyes only fueled his twisted desire as he used his free hand to rip off her panties. At seeing her young body exposed to him, he could feel his own arousal. He would rape the demon that attacked his village and then kill it. He would be seen as a hero, and the people would cheer his praise! Oh, what a sick and twisted mind he had. Undoing he pants enough to pull out his erect member, he thought of the perfect way to lubricate his entrance, for it would most likely hurt him if he didn't.
Pulling out a kunai, he stabbed the child in the stomach and twisted the blade as he stared into her eyes with a gleeful grin. The tears and silent cries pushed him to further cruelty as he removed the kunai and stabbed it into the mattress. The demon tried to hold it's wound but he just batted away her hands and sunk his fingers into the wound to stir up some blood. She seemed to be begging him to stop, so he pulled out his hand and stared into her eyes. He grinned as she seemed to relax ever so slightly now that wasn't tearing into her stomach. He chuckled to himself as he coated his dick with her blood. After he figured he was suitably lubed, he guided himself to her virgin mound after forcing her legs apart.
He loved the sight of her eyes as he placed the head of his cock at her tiny opening. They seemed to widen to an impossible size as she felt him start to push. His glee increased as he felt her rip as he rammed himself to the base of his cock. What he saw in her eyes he would never forget, he stared into her wide unfocused eyes as he pounded away at her. He could see the life start to fade. The sight just increased his arousal, so seeing as she had stopped fighting and just laid there, he moved the hand on her throat to join the other holding her waist to get a better angle. He threw his head back and let out a low moan as he got close.
As he approached his orgasm he failed to notice a red aura start to rise. As the aura rose, the child's eyes narrowed and in a split second the kunai lodged in her mattress found a new home in her assailants' heart just as he buried himself deep within her, filling her with his essence. Snapping his eyes to that of his victims, he noticed the fear and pain had gone and in it's place he found hatred and determination as his lifeblood sprayed onto her face and chest, he noticed she didn't even blink as some of his blood sprayed into her eyes. No, she was enjoying the life fade from his eyes as he slumped over. Her world the went dark just as ANBU and the Hokage arrived on the scene.
Tsukiyo opened her eyes as she heard the sound of water dripping. Sitting up, she found herself in what seemed to be a sewer, and she was sitting in two inch deep water. Looking around she noticed red and blue pipes along the ceiling.
"Come to me child and all will be explained," Came a soothing, yet powerful, feminine voice. Standing up, she decided she really had no other choice seeing as she had no clue where she was. After what seemed like hours of endless tunnels, she came into a large open room with a very high vaulted ceiling and large iron bars blocking the rest of the room with a paper with a weird marking on it holding it shut. Walking up to the gate, she could feel something very powerful lay on the other side. When two large red eyes appeared behind the bars, she fell on her backside and scrambled backwards. The eyes disappeared and a figure walked up to the bars. "There is no reason to fear me child. I will not hurt you."
Tsukiyo just gaped at the beautiful woman before her. She looked to be in her early twenties and had brilliant red hair that fell down her back to just below her waist. She wore a light pink kimono with a white obi held to her body in a conservative and elegant way and Tsukiyo noticed a red fox with nine tails embroidered along the bottom. Standing, she approached the bars once again. "Who are you, and where are we? I mean, I'm dead, right, and this doesn't quite look like hell."
The woman smiled. "I'm the Kyuubi no Kitsune and we are in your mind." Kyuubi had to hold in a giggle as Tsukiyo tilted her head slightly to the right and raised her left eyebrow. "I'm sure you have more questions, so feel free to ask."
It took the child a while as she looked around and then back to Kyuubi. "Weren't you killed six years ago? And why is my mind a sewer?"
Kyuubi's smile turned sad as she answered. "While it's true the Yondaime Hokage did defeat me six years ago, he didn't kill me. Even as great a man as he was he would never be able to kill me, so he used a self sacrificing jutsu to seal me within a new born child. That child being you. As for the sewer, it's a surreal representation of your minds state."
"Surwhat?" Tsukiyo's confusion was understandable since those were words she didn't know.
"It basically means you're generally depressed, so your mind took the form of a deep dark place." Kyuubi smiled when the girl nodded in recognition.
"So, are you the reason the villagers hate me?" Tsukiyo watched as the demon before her started to cry.
Kyuubi fell to her knees. "Yes, they hate you because they see me instead of you. I'm so sorry that your life has been this bad because of me. If I could I'd change the past, but that's impossible."
Tsukiyo knelt in front of Kyuubi as she continued her questions. "Why did you attack?"
Kyuubi bowed her head. "I was looking for someone." Tsukiyo tilted her head and raised her eyebrow in a silent question. "I was looking for my son, Hidama. He was taken by humans wearing the symbol of the leaf village."
Tsukiyo smiled sadly. "Then it's not your fault, and I forgive you."
Kyuubi looked up with surprise in her eyes. She hadn't expected to be forgiven. Smiling, she became even more adamant to help this child any way she could. "Thank you Tsukiyo, but to make it up to you I'll help you any way I can."
Tsukiyo's eye's lit up. "Can you help me become a ninja just like Hokage-jiji?"
Kyuubi nodded. "I can, but you must realize a ninja's life is full of danger and hardship. You will need to kill, and not always for a noble purpose."
Tsukiyo bowed her head. "I know, that's what Hokage-jiji told me," Tsukiyo looked at Kyuubi with pure determination as she continued, "but I want to become strong and be able to protect myself and those I care about! I want to be the Hokage because the Hokage is the best at protecting people!"
Kyuubi smile. "Then I will help you."
Tsukiyo flung herself through the bars and enveloped Kyuubi in a massive hug. They both were enjoying the embrace when a bright white light appeared on the outside of the cage as a tall man appeared. He looked to be in his early twenties and Kyuubi at first thought it was the Yondaime, but his coat said Rokudaime. Standing and pulling Tsukiyo behind her, Kyuubi growled. "Who are you and how did you get in here!"
Naruto shook his head as he got his bearings. Looking around, he noticed he was in his mindscape. 'Did the damn fox's Jutsu fail?' Hearing a growl, he turned to look at the cage only to be caught off guard as he saw what had to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen with a small blond child behind her. That is when he noticed that aggressive stance of the woman and her clothing. "Kyuubi? Is that you?"
Kyuubi continued to growl as she repeated her question. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"
Naruto then realized he must be in the child's mindscape. Turning to face them, he smiled. "I am Uzumaki Naruto, Rokudaime of Konoha! Well, back in my own dimension anyway!"
Kyuubi realized what must have happened. Growling again, she took a more aggressive stance. "You will not consume this girls soul! I will kill you before that happens!"
Naruto's eye's went wide. "I would never do such a thing!"
Kyuubi glared. "You can not fool me human! You used Koumajutsu: Jigen Kurasshaa! You came here to consume this girls soul and take over her life!"
A killing intent filled the room that even impressed Kyuubi, even though it was nowhere near her own. "I'LL KILL THAT NO-GOOD TWO-TIMING FOX! THAT MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD TRICKED ME! OH I HOPE WE MEET AGAIN!" Naruto then took some deep calming breaths when he noticed he had scared the girl half to death. Walking to the side of the room, Naruto leaned against the wall and seemed to fall deep into thought. After a while, Kyuubi watching him intently the entire time, he looked over to them. "Kyuubi, can you send me back home?"
Kyuubi looked at the young man and frowned. "No, the jutsu destroys the body and sends the soul on its way. Didn't you know that?"
Naruto growled and cussed to himself some more. Turning to Kyuubi, he had a look of defeat in his eyes. "He won. That fucking fox KNEW I wouldn't kill someone to take their place." He then realized he'd been swearing worse than Tayuya in front of a young child. Scratching the back of his head with a sheepish expression, he apologized. "I'm sorry for my rude behavior and my foul mouth. I was tricked by the Kyuubi of my dimension. He said I'd merge with my other self not have to consume it." Looking at the little girl he smiled. "So, can I ask you your name?"
Tsukiyo hid behind Kyuubi more when she was addressed. The scene of her rape playing over and over in her mind. Kyuubi realized this. "Tsukiyo, go deep into the back of the cage. If he comes in here I will attack him, but for now I want to have a grown up talk with him." Tsukiyo looked up at Kyuubi and nodded before running deep into the cage. Turning to Naruto she sighed. "What conditions did you choose?"
"Well the first one was that I would meet you before I entered the academy because there are enemies that I faced that will ruin the rest of my life, the major one being Orochimaru the Snake Sannin. He will turn my best friend, the person I considered a brother, against me. Second, is that the you that was sealed in me would be friendly and willing to help me. A lot of my friends died because my Kyuubi refused to help me unless we would die. Because of him, I watched too many people close to me die. Thirdly, is that I would have the same parents. It would be weird being anyone else's child. My father," Naruto looked to the back of the cave. He had been gradually getting louder during his rant, but stopped and used a much quieter voice to continue, "Our father was the Yondaime Hokage, Kazama Arashi. I know what you are thinking, how can a man force this on his own child, but I don't blame him. At the time it was me, some Uchiha, or a girl from a civilian family. The Uchiha would have immediately trained the child as the perfect weapon, and the civilian family would be attacked just like I was in my youth. He could not force his people to sacrifice something he was not willing to himself. Unfortunately, I never found out who my mom was because soon after Arashi left with me one of your attacks destroyed the hospital."
Kyuubi bowed her head. She remembered accidentally hitting the hospital. The humans managed to make a barrier of lightning and her attack was deflected right at the hospital. "I'm sorry." Looking back into the cage, she let couldn't help but think about the young girl. Turning back to Naruto, she frowned. "I'm afraid you're stuck here then. I can tell you're being truthful so I know you won't hurt the girl, but what do you plan to do?"
Naruto crossed his arms and sighed. "Well, if this dimension is like my own I might as well tell you my story."
Kyuubi nodded. "If you let me hold your head you can let me see your memories."
Looking down at the water on the floor he grinned. "That's good, I wasn't looking forward to sitting in the water as we talked. The first thing I'm teaching her is how to change things here."
Kyuubi smiled. "Yes, that would be most appreciated." Seeing Naruto walk right up to the cage and nod she reached out and touched his forehead. She saw highlights of the things he was going to change in his life within a five minute period. Looking at Naruto, she frowned. "I see what you mean. I would do anything to stop those things from happening, but it may take time for her to trust you. I know you to be an honorable man from what you have shown me, but something happened just recently that was the catalyst for our meeting."
Naruto scowled. If it had been enough to force an encounter with Kyuubi, it had to be serious, especially since she was only six. "Can you show me?"
Kyuubi looked away. "If I show you, it will be from her perspective and it is not a pleasant thing."
Naruto looked at Kyuubi. "Kyuubi, I want to see it all. From the beginning to now. It'll help me to understand her and I know if she gives the Hokage names he will see justice done. When I finally told him about some Chuunin that had been experimenting with genjutsu on me they were sent to Ibiki and died after twelve days of constant torture."
Naruto watched as Kyuubi bowed her head, still not looking at him, but reached out and touched his forehead once more. Up to that night it had been familiar, but when it came to this night his blood boiled, and he growled out the name Mizuki. Kyuubi even went as far as to when he showed up. After it was over, he noticed Kyuubi pull her arm back and he could see tears falling. 'She blames herself for this.' Stepping in the cage he gave her a hug as he spoke softly. "I know you feel it's your fault, but just as she said, it's not. I happen to know most Jinchuriki are mistreated and are alone in their childhood, but now she has us. I plan on teaching her everything she needs to know to become Hokage, that is, if she wants me to." Letting go and stepping back, he saw a small smile.
Kyuubi looked up at Naruto. "I think she will. Just take it slow because, right now, she's deathly afraid of men."
Naruto nodded then walked on to the other side of the bars. "I think you should call her out and tell her what she needs to know. Her training should start as soon as she's ready and willing. I, for now, am going to walk around so she won't be distracted by my presence."
Walking down the hall, he looked back to see Kyuubi heading deep into the cage. Turning a corner, he couldn't help but ponder his new existence. The fox had tricked him good. He was going to be trapped in here for a good long time, but he had a small smile on his face. He would treat Uzumaki Tsukiyo as he would a little sister because, really, she was in his eyes. He would help her become Hokage. Besides, this Kyuubi was much easier to talk to then his was.
As Kyuubi made her way to where Tsukiyo was, she thought about Naruto. The things he did in his life. On the whole, she felt sorry for him. He had lived through much sadness. Shaking her head, she saw Tsukiyo sitting against the wall so she knelt in front of her. "Tsu-chan, it'll soon be time to wake up, but first I want to have one more talk."
Tsukiyo looked up in sadness. "But I want to stay with you."
Kyuubi smiled. "Don't worry, I'll always be here. When you wake up, just think about me in your head and we can talk, but right now I want to tell you to have the old man enlist you in the Ninja Academy."
Tsukiyo looked around quickly before whispering. "Is the scary man gone?"
Kyuubi smiled softly. "Yes, for now, but don't worry. It's time for you to wake up. Remember to ask the Hokage. And only tell him about talking to me if you absolutely have to. He may not understand that I'm helping you."
Tsukiyo nodded and hugged Kyuubi as she noticed she was fading away.
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Zen: Well there's chapter one of Once More On To The Breach. I hope you like it!
FemKyuu: Why did you to that to poor Tsukiyo?
MalKyuu: Because I'd kill him if he wimp'ed out and made it a super beating, I mean come on! What's more traumatic than that? I think more people should use this pretext more often!
Zen: That's because you make Oro-teme look like Mr. Rogers!
::MalKyuu gives the BAG GUY POSE complete with eye glint while looking over a pair of shades::
Naru: Where did you go anyway? I mean you went like the opposite way then me.
::Zen shivers:: He visited me to make sure I wrote it the way he wanted.
::A blond woman with a deep tan and blue eyes walks up with an ultra ditzy demeanor:: I'm Mihoshi Kuramitsu of the Inter-Dimensional Police Force! Somebody called about an unauthorized dimension jump?
MalKyuu: SHIT THE FUZZ! ::Uses Koumajutsu: Jigen Kurasshaa::
Naru: I think I left some ramen on the stove!
FemKyuu: Oh I'll help you Naruto!
::Naruto grabs FemKyuu and uses Hiraishin with a kunai he left in Tsukiyo's mindscape::
Zen: But Tsu-chan hasn't made the changes yet! YOU DON'T HAVE A STOVE!!!
::A loud explosion can be heard in the distance and Mihoshi walks up:: My ship's out of commission, can I stay with you till Kiyone picks me up.
Zen: I'm gonna regret this! Please review! I'll update ASLDM within a week don't worry!