Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Once more into thr breach ❯ The Council and Interductions ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The first thing Tsukiyo noticed when she awoke was that she wasn't in her home. Worried, she bolted up to see the one person she trusted in the village, the Sandaime Hokage. Without a second thought she sprung into his arms and started to cry. He just held the child as she cried into his robes, giving her soothing words of reassurance. After a few minutes, an ANBU appeared in a poof of smoke.
"Hokage-sama, the council requests your presence." At the sound of his voice, Tsukiyo was under the bed.
Sarutobi waved the ANBU away and knelt down to talk to Tsukiyo, but what he heard made him stop.
Tsukiyo was curled up chanting to her 'nee-san' to let her in. Frowning, he decided to stop any rumors of this here. "Tsukiyo, I'll be back in a little bit." Not getting any response, he sighed. Walking out the door, he raised his hand and in an instant, a dog masked ANBU appeared, "Yes, Hokage-sama."
Without turning to the ANBU, Sarutobi spoke. "No-one is to enter this room, and it is to be sealed so not even the Hyuuga's eyes know what happens in this room." He turned to the dog masked ninja. "Under penalty of death, No-one is to enter." Turning to the door, he did a blood-seal to lock it. "I will be back after I am finished with the council." As he walked away, one last thing could be heard. "I'm entrusting you with this Kakashi, don't let me down."
As the Hokage turned the corner out of sight, Kakashi
summoned his team. "Panther, you are to hold an S-Rank barrier on this room with Raven. Chameleon, you are to watch the window. We will switch every hour. No-one enters this room alive." After a slight breeze, his team was gone. Standing before the door, the dog masked ninja thought upon the scene he and the Hokage arrived at at the girls' apartment. He thought about her eyes the most. She had accepted on a subconscious level that Mizuki's life would have to end for her life to continue, and she had taken pleasure in that kill whether she knew what she had done or not. He couldn't help but think he would have too in her place. What's worse was the council would most likely spin this to be the child's fault. This ninja was no fool, he knew the child and the demon were two separate entities, and had complete faith in the abilities of the Fourth. Sighing lightly, he just hoped the Hokage could do something about this before things got ugly.
Sarutobi took a deep breath and let it out before he entered the council's meeting hall. "You have called me away from urgent matters, so if you could make this quick" Standing behind his chair as if to make a point, he looked out across the council. Almost all the faces he saw were dark and foreboding except for the Nara, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Inuzuka, and the Hyuuga clan heads. Although one could almost never tell what Hiashi thought until the man spoke.
A head of one of the more influential merchant clans was the one to speak first. "We demand that the Demon be killed tonight! Anyone that was alive the night that beast attacked could feel that it had used its power, and more than that, is that a shinobi of Konoha was found dead in the things lair! It is a danger and it needs to be…"
The man was stopped by the wave of KI (killer intent) that was directed at him "SILENCE!" Seeing the man frozen in fear, he looked out across the rest of the council. "Is this the will of the council? That a child be charged with murder for killing the man that was raping her!"
He could see a reaction in the Ino-Shika-Cho group as their faces took on a look of dismayed horror; Hiashi took on a disgusted and solemn look, while Inuzuka Tsume bolted to her feet and raised her foot on the table. "I hope the fucker burns in hell for it too! No child deserves that, Demon or no!" She turned to glare at the civilian, merchant, and shinobi clans that had raged for the child's death "You people DISGUST me! Don't you see she's just a little girl?! No family, no guardian, and no friends! This girls' life is hell because of you ignorant FUCKS!" Turning to the Hokage, she put her foot down and stood tall. "Let it be known from this point on she's under the protection of the Inuzuka clan. If she is attacked or even threatened in the presence of one of us, we will respond with force." She turned back to the ones she had yelled at before "Lethal, if necessary!"
What surprised everyone was when Hiashi stood. "I too declare one Uzumaki Tsukiyo under my clans' protection." The Ino-Shika-Cho group was soon to follow with similar pledges.
Sarutobi let himself smile slightly. He had expected something like this from Tsume and knew the Ino-Shika-Cho group would back her, but he was curious as to Hiashi's reason. The man was cold and calculating, but he was honorable to nearly a fault. With him behind the girl, many would step back. Not all of them, but enough to where he could go through with his plans.
Kyuubi sighed as she looked around. Tsukiyo would be unconscious for a while yet and she was back to being alone. A couple hours after Tsukiyo left, Naruto came back into the room scratching his head. "Hum, so all roads lead here I guess."
Kyuubi looked to the tall blond and figured she might as well try and get to know him since they were now stuck with each other. "So Naruto, tell me, what was the me from your dimension like."
Walking out to the cage and leaning against it, he thought silently for a while before answering. "I'd have to say he was the most arrogant, sadistic, and all around most evil being I know. He took pleasure in the fact my life was mostly a living hell and saw fit to tell me so." Looking over his shoulder, he noticed Kyuubi had bowed her head. After a short pause, he turned to Kyuubi. "So, how long do you think till she'll trust me enough to be within her sight?"
Kyuubi frowned. "I honestly don't know. That wave of KI earlier didn't help matters either, but I'll try and get through to her." Sighing, she sat with her back against the cage bars. Scowling at the water that she was now sitting in brought her to her next question. "How do you know how to change your mindscape? I doubt from what you told me it was to improve the other Kyuubi's living condition.
Naruto took a while to answer, but she could hear the sorrow in his voice. "It was when five of my friends died because Kyuubi refused to help me. After they died, I just wanted to hurt him somehow. I imagined his cage to be the most painful thing I could think of at the time. When I next entered my mindscape a few days later to confront him, I was shocked to find his cage became a whirling mass of super heated blades continually tearing at his ever regenerating flesh." She could hear Naruto grunt. "When I saw the rage, hatred, and most of all pain in the beast's eyes, I turned around and left. It stayed like that for three years before I finally got my revenge and saw no point to torturing the beast anymore." Sighing, he continued their give and take session. "Kyuubi, you told Tsukiyo you were looking for your son. If it's not too personal, I would like to know the story behind it."
"You can call me Ryoko." Hearing his questioning 'huh' she sighed. "Kyuubi no Kitsune is my title as Queen of the Demons, but my name is Ryoko. As for my past, I'd rather not talk about it."
Just then the voice of Tsukiyo could be heard, begging to be let back into her mindscape. They could both hear the fear in her voice. They both stood and Naruto started to walk away before Ryoko stopped him. "Naruto, wait." Seeing the questioning look on his face as he looked back at her, she let out a sigh. "She's going to need to become comfortable around you sooner or later. It might as well be now."
Naruto continued to walk away as he shook his head. "No, now is the time for you to comfort her and be there for her. She doesn't need me at the moment and my presence would be detrimental." as he finished his sentence, he disappeared into the darkness of the hall.
Ryoko smiled as Naruto disappeared. She silently thanked him for understanding before she pulled Tsukiyo before her. Before she could even speak she was enveloped in a fierce hug as the girl sobbed. She just held the child as she gave her the same calming words of the Hokage. Knowing she wouldn't be able to tell her without breaking into a sobbing fit, Ryoko went over her recent memory of what set her off. She saw the overly white room of the hospital and then the aged Hokage. She smiled as she heard Sarutobi comfort Tsukiyo much like she was doing now. Then an ANBU appeared and startled Tsukiyo. She then realized that the ANBU and her attacker nearly had the same color hair. While not much to some, that small detail triggered the overwhelming fear. "Tsukiyo, it's ok. You don't have to be afraid."
Tsukiyo continued to cry. "But *sniff* but he *cry* he came back!" Looking up at her 'big sister', she nearly went hysterical. "He came back to hurt me again! Didn't Jiji see what he did?!" She buried herself into Ryoko. "I thought I killed him! Why didn't he die?"
Ryoko rubbed Tsukiyo's back. "Tsu-chan, that wasn't the same man."
Tsukiyo just hugged her tighter. "No! It was him!"
Ryoko frowned, but she knew she had to do this. She quickly conjured two forms, one of the ANBU and one of Mizuki. "Tsukiyo, look, they are not the same person." When Ryoko told her to look she did and screamed as she tried to bolt deep into the cage. Grabbing the girl and holding her as to face the two images, she took a harsh, commanding voice as she talked. Pointing to Mizuki, she continued. "That is the man that hurt you! That man also died by your hand. You spilt his blood and watched as the life left his eyes." Now pointing to the dog-masked ANBU she used a softer, but still authoritative tone. "This man has saved you from the villagers on numerous occasions. Remember what happened to you on your last birthday." Getting a slight nod from the crying girl, she continued. "He was the one to stop the ones hurting you. He was the one that rushed you to the hospital. He is not a bad man."
She could feel that Tsukiyo had calmed down some, but she was still sobbing. Dismissing the illusions, the demon hugged the girl to her. After what seemed to be a long time, Tsukiyo looked to Ryoko and spoke up. "What about the scary man. Is he bad?"
Ryoko shook her head. "No Tsu-chan. He is not a bad man."
The girl looked doubtful. "Then why was he yelling? How can you tell? He was really angry and angry people usually hurt me!"
Ryoko gave the girl a sad smile. "It is an animal instinct that tells me when to trust and when not to. If you want, I can give you this sense to help you."
Tsukiyo looked wide eyed. "You can do that?" Seeing Ryoko nod she smiled. "Thanks nee-chan!"
Ryoko smiled as Tsukiyo hugged her. She started to leak her chakra into the girls' body to make the change. After a couple minutes, she was done. "There, you now will be able to tell when someone means you harm whether they hide it or not. Now back to the man that is now with us. He was angry because someone where he comes from tricked him and now he is stuck here. He will not hurt you so you don't have to be afraid of him."
Tsukiyo's eyes went wide. "He's still here?"
Ryoko nodded as she looked out towards the hallway. "Come on out Naruto. I think you should properly introduce yourself."
As Naruto stepped out of the shadows, Ryoko could feel Tsukiyo tighten her grip on her kimono. As Naruto stopped a couple feet from the bars he smiled and bowed. "Hello, my name is Uzumaki Naruto, Rokudaime Hokage, at your service."
As the council members that were not called to stay left the room, Sarutobi let out a sigh. Once there were only those that had pledged their clans' protection for the girl left, he continued "Now, as for the matter that I wanted to speak to you about. I will be taking Tsukiyo into my home so as to protect her and so I can begin her training. I want her to be able to protect herself and have a happy life."
Hiashi rose and after a nod from Sarutobi, he spoke. "I am afraid I cannot allow that Hokage-sama." Raising his hand to stem any response, he continued. "I am afraid that you are too busy with your duties to the village to properly care for or train the girl. That is why I suggest one of us to take her in. I would volunteer, but the Hyuuga Council and I do not see eye to eye on this matter and they would most likely see to turning her into their personal weapon."
With a tired sigh, the Hokage slumped into his seat. "I see your point Hiashi."
It was at this time Yamanaka Inoichi stood. "I would like to take her in. After such a traumatic experience I think she would be better off in a home with as few males as possible and with my knowledge of psychiatry I could help her over come the experience. I also have a daughter her age that I think would be glad to take her on as a friend and sister."
Sarutobi smiled, remembering little Ino. "Ah yes, Ino would make a great friend for Tsukiyo. If there's no objections," Looking to the rest of the clan heads looking for and hint's of doubt, he smiled. "Then it's settled. Uzumaki Tsukiyo will now be staying with you, Inoichi. I'll have her stuff packed and moved to your house by noon tomorrow. Now, there is one final thing I would like to discuss. It seems that Tsukiyo has had contact with the Kyuubi and sees her as an older sister figure." Seeing the shock and worry on their faces, he continued. "I was going to request an S-ranked mission from you Inoichi, to enter the girls' mind and determine the level of this possible threat. If, indeed, there is need to worry. I will contact Jiraiya to see what can be done."
Inoichi looked apprehensive, but nodded. "Hai Hokage-sama."
Sarutobi stood and moved to the door. "You're dismissed; I will keep you informed on what happens. Inoichi, please follow me."
As Sarutobi and Inoichi came to the door to Tsukiyo's room, they noticed that the ANBU that was standing guard had still wet blood on his mask and the walls were splattered with it. The aged Hokage let out a sigh. "Then it is as I feared. They tried to kill her while I was called to the council."
The dog-masked ANBU nodded. "Yes Hokage-sama. Three Jounin level ninja tried to enter the room, but were stopped after lethal force was used."
Sarutobi nodded as he released the seal he placed on the door. "I want you to keep watch until she leaves the hospital." Getting a nod, he led Inoichi into the room. Looking under the bed, he found the girl still tucked in a tight ball in the back corner. "She's sleeping at the moment. Can you go in now or would you like to wait?"
Inoichi just made himself comfortable sitting on the floor. "I will do it now Hokage-sama. If she is in contact with the demon I will be able to see how they interact." Quickly doing the seals for the Shintenshin he entered the girls mind.
Tsukiyo's eye went wide. "You're a Hokage!" She then noticed he looked like the fourth big head on the mountain. "But I thought you died sealing the demon in me! And don't you mean Yondaime?" Then a light went off in her brain and lit up her eyes. "You're an Uzumaki too?! I thought I was alone!"
Swearing at himself in his head, he stumbled for an answer. Ryoko saw his hesitation and smiled. "Tell her the truth. It would be counter-productive to lie and you're here to help her."
Letting out a sigh, he sat down. "This may take a while." It took a while to tell her about how he came to be in her mind and a little about his life and he answered almost all her questions except the one where she asked if he knew who their parents were. He wanted to tell her about their father, but that could be dangerous information if it got out. It had taken about an hour to go over everything, but now they were finished so he stood up. "You know, sitting on a wet floor gets really annoying."
Tsukiyo had really got hooked into Naruto's story and when he mentioned the floor she became down trodden. "I'm sorry my head is a sewer, nii-san."
Naruto just squatted down and ruffled the girls' hair. "Don't worry, I'll show you how to change it." Just as he finished his sentence he and Ryoko felt a presence enter the room. Recognizing the feel of the aura, he smiled.
As Inoichi approached, he noticed a man outside the cage he got worried. He instantly thought Naruto was the demon and had somehow escaped, for Naruto was blocking his view of both Ryoko and Tsukiyo. "How did you get free Kyuubi, and where is the child?"
Naruto chuckled as he looked straight at Ryoko. "You know, on any normal day I'd take offense at being called a demon," Standing up and stepping aside as he turned to Inoichi he smiled. "But in this world I think I'll take that as a compliment." Ryoko was thankful that Naruto wasn't looking at her because she was sure that she was most likely blushing.
Taking on a more commanding pose as he had learned to do as Hokage, he looked straight into Inoichi's eyes. "You know Inoichi, entering someone's mind without permission when not in a combat or mission situation is a big taboo in your clan, if I remember correctly, so that would lead me to believe the old man put you up to it."
Inoichi stopped dead in his tracks as he saw a tall blond man wearing a white sleeveless coat that came to inches above the floor with an embroidered red flame design along the bottom and mesh long-sleeve shirt. Underneath, he wore black ANBU pants with combat boots and a Konoha Haiti-tai was worn on his brow. Inoichi's breathing stopped as he let out a single word slip "Arashi?"
At hearing Inoichi use his father's name, he smiled. "Please Inoichi, flattery will get you nowhere. I am not Arashi, I am Naruto Uzumaki."
At this Tsukiyo stepped forward and glared at Inoichi as she declared Naruto's title. "Yeah, he's the Rokudaime Hokage of the other Konoha, so show some respect!"
Naruto inwardly groaned at this, but still couldn't help but chuckle at Inoichi's flabbergasted appearance at the statement. After doing an amazing rendition of a fish he just looked at Tsukiyo. "But there hasn't even been a Godaime Hokage, how can there be a Rokudaime? And what do you mean 'other Konoha'?"
Naruto groaned. "You know, this will be the third time I've had to tell this story." Seeing Inoichi's questioning look, he gave him a quick and abbreviated version.
By the end Inoichi was full of questions. "If what you say is true, then why didn't you try and find some sort of paradise?"
Before Naruto could answer, Tsukiyo spoke up. "Because something taken is worthless, but something earned is worth everything, right nii-san?"
Naruto looked to his little sister and smiled "Right! If you remember that and the other things I will teach you, you will go far in life. Maybe even become a Hokage yourself."
Inoichi smiled. "Arashi used to say that. Matter of fact, it was in his address to Konoha after being declared the Yondaime Hokage."
"While all this talking is fun, I'm willing to guess you're here because of me." Inoichi flinched when Ryoko stood up and stepped up to the bars, her nine fox tails flowing behind her, and crossed her arms. "You were probably sent to see if I was a threat to the child, and if I was somehow corrupting the girl to hate the village."
Inoichi nodded. "If I was to deem you a threat we would be contacting Jiraiya to see if the seal could be reinforced."
Hearing this, Tsukiyo got angry. "If it wasn't for nee-chan, I'd be dead right now! You can't take her away from me! Why does everyone hate her? It was the bad people that took nee-chan's son that are to blame!"
This revelation shocked Inoichi, and when he looked to Kyuubi to ask if it was true, he could see the pain and sorrow in her eyes. He had seen it in my people, but to see it in a demon was something else. He couldn't help but think if someone had taken Ino, he would kill anything in his way from saving her. "So this is the reason you attacked? But you are the only demon in Konoha. Are you sure it was a Konoha shinobi?"
Ryoko glared at Inoichi. "The man that took my child wore the symbol of this village upon his brow. I was able gouge out one of his eyes and rip off an arm before his comrades stopped me with a barrier of some sort while he disappeared. After I killed his colleges, I searched for the origins of the men that attacked me by asking where the village that used a leaf for its symbol was located. That led me here. When I was confronted by your shinobi, I lashed out. I was in no mood to talk, for I had come to free my son and destroy those that dared to anger me. The rest you already know." Looking away from the others, Ryoko continued. "I tell you this not to justify my actions, but to show that I mean no harm to this child, for I consider her one of my own."
Inoichi looked from the Kyuubi to Naruto and back a couple of times before he sighed. "I don't know, this is a lot to take in. Then there is the fact that all this could be a plot to win your freedom, but I somehow doubt that. I will tell Hokage-sama all I have learned here and let him decide." Looking down at Tsukiyo, he smiled softly. "But I also bring good news. As of tonight Tsukiyo, you will be living with me and my family. You have gone too long without someone to look after you, and even if these two prove to be truthful, they will not be able to help you in your day to day life."
Tsukiyo was conflicted on what to think. On one hand, she had always wanted parents, but on the other this man might have her nee-chan taken away. Still not sure of what was being offered. she asked while trying to hide the hope she was feeling. "You mean you want to adopt me?"
Inoichi smiled, seeing the sparkle of hope in the girls' eyes. "Yes, I have already cleared it with the Hokage, and you will meet the rest of my family tomorrow when you are released from the hospital."
Tsukiyo nodded to herself before stepping up to Inoichi and held out her hand "As long as you promise not to take nee-chan away."
Inoichi frowned. "It's not up to me Tsukiyo; it's up to the Hokage."
"Then I'm just going to have to tell him he can't take my nee-chan!" She turned to Ryoko. "I'm ready to go back and tell Jiji my terms."
Ryoko smiled and Tsukiyo faded away. With a bow, Inoichi too made to exit, but Naruto stopped him. "Are you also going to be preparing her for the academy?"
Inoichi nodded. "Yes, I'm going to be teaching her and my daughter Ino the basics of chakra and possibly how to use kunai, why?"
Naruto grinned. "I plan to have her tree climbing within a year tops, and hopefully by the time she enters the academy she will be able to perform the Kage Bunshin."
Inoichi's jaw dropped before he went into over-protective father mode. "That's too much to ask of one so young! Not to mention the Kage Bunshin is a kinjutsu and could kill the girl!"
When Naruto chuckled, he could see Inoichi become more aggressive and his hand slide to kunai holster out of habit. "I think you underestimate her. She already has the chakra capacity of a newly graduated genin and that's only going to increase with time. You see, the seal is constantly siphoning a small amount of Kyuubi's chakra thus expanding Tsu-chan's capacity. If she is not trained to control it now it will be a hell of a lot harder later when she graduates. Believe me, I had a high Chuunin to low Jounin chakra capacity when I graduated and that was without formal training. You have no idea what it's like trying to learn control when you have that much chakra. As for the Kage Bunshin killing her, that is almost impossible, for she'll always have us to keep her from dying from chakra depletion."
Inoichi grudgingly had to agree with Naruto's statement. "Aren't you afraid she'll end up being used as a weapon? If it was to be known that she had this much power, the council would use her for missions she's not mentally ready for!"
Naruto's expression became serious. "And I trust the old man to keep that from happening. As long as he's alive, she'll be fine."
Inoichi nodded. "Just in case, I'll tell her other protectorates of this so they can help."
Here, Naruto quirked an eyebrow. "Protectorates?"
Inoichi smiled. "Yes, after what happened to her, Inuzuka Tsume declared her under Inuzuka clan protection. Hiashi, Shikaku, Choza and I also put her under our clans' protection."
Naruto deadpanned "Figures, I had no such luck. If it hadn't been for the old man, I would have died or ended up a member of Root."
Inoichi winced. "I should be getting back now." And after a small bow, he left.
Naruto turned to Ryoko and smiled. "That was interesting to say the least, but you were very quiet during that conversation."
Ryoko had been thinking about the gift of animal instincts that she gave Tsukiyo, and was pondering what other things she might give the girl. "I'm just thinking what I will be doing to help with her training."
Naruto suddenly slapped his forehead. "I forgot to tell her how to change the mindscape!"
When Inoichi returned to the land of the living, he heard Tsukiyo's voice in a commanding and forceful tone telling the Hokage why he couldn't take the Kyuubi away from her. She was just finishing her rant to a flabbergasted Hokage when he stood up. "And if you take her away, I'll hate you forever!" Ending it with a pout, she plopped down on her bed with her arms crossed.
Inoichi had to smile, because not a week earlier Ino had used the same line to try and get him to agree to getting her a puppy. He had stood firm, but something told him his life was going to get 'interesting' if the two teamed up against him. "Tsu-chan, I will talk to the Hokage about it. I personally don't see any problem with how things are at the moment. As for you, young lady, it's late and you will have a busy day tomorrow, so lie down and get some sleep. I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up, and take you to see your new mom and sister."
With one last cute glare at the old man, she got under the hospital covers. "Goodnight tou-san, jiji."
Inoichi gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight Tsu-chan." And with that he turned and exited the room with the Hokage right behind him.
Before closing the door, Sarutobi turned down the lights. "Goodnight Tsu-chan." After the door was shut, he turned to Kakashi. "You can release the barrier, but you're to continue your watch until Inoichi here retrieves her tomorrow. After that, I want you and your squad to report to me."
The dog-masked ANBU nodded "Hai, Hokage-sama."
Inoichi smiled and made a sweeping motion with his hand for the Hokage to lead onward. "We should go to your office. I'm afraid it'll be a long night explaining what I have seen and heard."
The aged old man nodded. "Yes I believe there is much to discuss."
The two men walked off and Kakashi let out a sigh. It was going to be a long night and he had just gotten the new volume of Icha Icha. Musing to himself, he smiled. 'If I was a Nara I would have to say this was troublesome.'
Ryoko turned to Naruto. "So why didn't you tell them you were a demon?"
Naruto winced. "You noticed, huh?" Scratching his head sheepishly, he gave her a sad smile. "They don't need to know that. It was only because of the amounts of demonic chakra Kyuubi forced into my body that I became one. He thought if I became a demon he might be released. In the end, it only made me depend on him less."
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Zen: Well here's the next chapter of OMITB. I was going to update ASLDM first but I have this ready and just sitting here so I figured I'd update. I just want to put your worries to rest and say that this will be a Naru/FemKyuu Tsukiyo/??? and I already have her pairing chosen but would like to see who you would like to see her with!
Mihoshi: Zendura, your T.V. is smoking again!
::Zen grits his teeth:: I'll be there in a minute. Incalu, if you're asking why Naruto ended up in the mind of a female him it was just because that was the dimension he ended up.
Mihoshi: That's what you get for using unsanctioned methods of inter-dimensional travel!
Zen: Well anyway! Kyuubi Fanatic, Kage Husha kind of beat you to the punch. If you see any errors please tell me about them and I will correct them, but he has already gone back and Beta'd the entirety of ASLDM and as thanks, I made him my official Beta.
KH: Sorry Kyuubi Fantastic…I hope you can forgive me. The next story can be yours, how's that?
Zen: sounds good to me! I got me plans for the next one, but won't start it for at least a month or two.
Mihoshi: What's a Beta?
Zen: It's someone that pretty much fixes your mistakes for you.
Mihoshi: Like Kiyone!
Zen: Yes, like Kiyone. Speaking of which when will she be picking you up?
Mihoshi: Huh?
::Zen slams his head on the keyboard:: You haven't even called her have you?
Mihoshi: Why? Was I supposed too?
::Zen slams his head on the keyboard a couple more times:: Any who, I hoped you liked the update. See you again real soon!