Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Once more into thr breach ❯ Meeting the Family and Training ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"So chakra is the energy of the spirit and body combined, and is the fuel for jutsu and increasing
physical abilities." Tsukiyo had gotten bored while sitting in the hospital, so she asked Ryoko
and Naruto to start training her. So far it was just them lecturing about chakra and its many uses.

"Yup, but I'm afraid our lesson will end here squirt, because Inoichi's here to pick you up."
Naruto stood up from under the sakura tree they were talking under. "And thanks again for
fixing up this place, it's really quite beautiful."

Ryoko smiled as she looked across the mindscape. It had changed from a dank sewer to a
beautiful field with a small cottage by a lake. By the house, there was a massive sakura tree they
had been talking under with a rope swing. "Yes, thank you Tsu-chan."

Tsukiyo stuck her tongue out at Naruto for calling her squirt, but smiled at Ryoko. "I just made
it look like the home I always wanted."

Ryoko nodded. "Well, you need to go back now, but remember you can talk to us by thinking
at us." She watched as Tsukiyo faded away while waving. "She's doing better than I thought she
would be after what happened."

Naruto let out a sigh. "She just used her happiness at having us to bury it deep in her mind. I
know because that's how I got over finding out I had Kyuubi in me. I used the fact that Iruka-
sensei cared and saved me to push the hatred of Kyuubi under the rug as they say."

Ryoko stood up and started to walk toward the house. "Well, I'm going to see if this mindscape
has a shower. Not having one for six years leaves a grimy feeling that I'm not fond of."

As Tsukiyo came to, Inoichi walked through the door, "Hey Tsu-chan, ready to get out of

Tsukiyo jumped off the bed and was pulling his arm toward the door. "I thought you'd never
ask! It's so boring here!"

"Tsukiyo, I'm glad you're excited, but you should change out of that hospital gown before we
leave." Inoichi laughed when she looked down at herself and back at him with a sheepish grin. "I
borrowed some stuff from my daughter since you're about the same size." Handing her a bag,
he headed for the door. "Come out when you're done changing and we'll head to your new
home. My wife is making a special lunch to celebrate you living with us."

When Inoichi left the room, Tsukiyo dumped the bag on the bed and removed the hospital
gown. It only took a minute or two and she was out the door. Inoichi smiled down at her. She
looked cute in the purple shorts and yellow tank top. "How do they fit?"

Tsukiyo smiled. "A little loose, but that's ok."

Inoichi nodded. "I'll have to have Misaki and Ino take you shopping."

Tsukiyo frowned and bowed her head. "But the stores don't let me in. I had to get the clothes I
do have from the dumpsters by the marketplace."

Inoichi bent his knees down to be at her level. "That's all going to change. Misaki and I are
good friends with one of the merchants. I'm sure you'll be let in to that store." Taking the girls
hand, he smiled at her. "Now come on. We better be getting home or else we'll be late, and
Misaki doesn't stand for tardiness."

As they walked out of the hospital, Tsukiyo began to ask questions. "Who's Misaki?"

Inoichi chuckled. "Misaki is my wife. She takes care of the flower shop we have."

Now she was really curious. "Is she a ninja too?"

Inoichi smiled. "She retired when Ino was born, but she still trains every day. You and Ino will
be training with her."

Tsukiyo bowed her head. "Are you sure they'll like me?"

Inoichi chuckled. "Yeah I'm sure. Misaki and Ino can't wait to meet you."

Tsukiyo walked closer to Inoichi as she noticed the usual glares. "So Ino wants to be a ninja

Inoichi let out a sigh. "Well you see Tsu-chan, if two ninja have a child it is required that the
child attend the first year at the academy. Ino is nervous, but she also is willing to give it a shot."

Tsukiyo's brightened up at the mentioning of the academy. "When will we start the academy?"

Inoichi chuckled again. "In two years when you're both eight."

Tsukiyo tilted her head to the side in a cute curious gesture. "What's Ino like?"

Inoichi grinned as he looked down at his new daughter. "Well, you're about to find out because
we're here."

Tsukiyo looked at the building they stopped in front of. It was a three story house that the first
floor was used as the store. The front had large windows and lots of potted plants in them. As
they walked in she noticed that there were flowers of all shapes, sizes and colors. She was lost
in the beauty of all the plants when she heard a young girl's voice.

"Welcome to the Yamanaka Flower Shop..." As Tsukiyo turned to see who was speaking she
saw a blond haired girl with blue eyes wearing a purple sun-dress launch at Inoichi with a squeal
of "Daddy!" After giving Inoichi a huge flying hug, the girl noticed Tsukiyo. Jumping out of her
fathers arms, Ino stood in front of Tsukiyo. "Are you my new sister?" Tsukiyo just gave a small
nod, but that was enough. She soon found herself in a hug as Ino greeted her, "YAY! I'm Ino!
We're going to have so much fun!"

Inoichi chuckled at his easily excited daughter. After flipping the sign on the door to the closed
side he noticed that Tsukiyo was smiling as Ino told her about how she planned on introducing
her to Sakura. Inoichi smiled seeing Ino take an instant liking to the girl. "Well, we better get
upstairs or mom will blame me for us being late."

After hearing Ino respond to him with a 'Hai', he saw her disappear in a flash up the back stairs
pulling a slightly dazed Tsukiyo behind her. Chuckling once again, he made his way upstairs. As
he walked into the living room, Ino was going over how much she and Tsukiyo looked alike. He
noticed Misaki smiling at the two girls and he let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long
discussion about how he had decided to take in the child without even asking her or even
thinking about how it would affect Ino to suddenly have someone else to share her parents'
attention. He was glad she wasn't mad about the fact it was the Kyuubi vessel, and after he told
her about what happened to her, he could see the rage in her eyes. That quickly turned to fear
when he told her about going inside the girls mind and meeting the Kyuubi and Naruto. He had
gotten permission from the Hokage to tell her everything since she would most likely find out
eventually. By the end of their talk Misaki agreed with his actions even if she was still mad about
not being consulted.

"Well, I'm sure you two will have fun later, but right now it's time for lunch. I made some ramen
since I was told that is what you like Tsu-chan." At the magic word of ramen, Tsukiyo was at
the table sitting waiting as patiently as a six year old can. Misaki laughed as she served lunch.
After everyone was served, they started. To say Tsukiyo's eating habits were poor was like
saying the Hokage was an ok ninja. After getting Tsukiyo to slow down and eat only a couple
noodles at a time instead of a bowl full, they settled into a light conversation.

"So Tsu-chan, how would you like to go shopping later? I think the Haruno Boutique would
have some clothes you'll love." Misaki couldn't help but giggle as the girl had a piece of noodle
on her cheek.

"Yeah, Sakura and her mom could help!" Ino was thrilled at the idea of going shopping.

Tsukiyo wiped her cheek with her arm and nodded slightly. "Ok, but stores usually don't let me

Ino was curious, so she asked why. "Why, I mean you don't sell stuff if you don't have

Before Misaki or Inoichi could interrupt, Tsukiyo answered with a slight growl. "It's because
they hate Ryoko-nee-chan!"

Ino looked confused and was about to ask further when Inoichi interrupted. "That's enough Ino.
It's obviously a subject Tsukiyo doesn't like talking about, so leave it alone."

To both adults' surprise, Tsukiyo looked at Ino with a slightly worried look. "Ryoko is Kyuubi's
name. She was sealed inside me when she attacked the village looking for her son."

Ino looked really confused as she looked to her father. "But I thought the Fourth killed

Inoichi let out a sigh as Misaki explained. "No Ino, Tsu-chan is right. When the Kyuubi attacked
the village the Yondaime wasn't able to kill it, so he sealed it into Tsu-chan. At the time no-one
knew why it attacked."

Tsukiyo stood up and glared. "She's not an 'it'! Someone took her son and she was looking for
him! Yeah she killed some people, but I would too if that happened to me!"

Misaki bowed her head. "Sorry Tsu-chan, I didn't mean to offend her."

Tsukiyo stopped glaring and sat down. "I'm sorry I yelled, but people don't understand how she
feels and it makes me angry."

Ino looked at Tsukiyo. "What's she like?"

Tsukiyo smiled. "She's nice. She said she was going to train me to be the best ninja ever!"

"Tsu-chan, if Ino wants, I can teach her too." Tsukiyo smiled as she heard Ryoko in her
head. 'Cool! I'll ask her!' "Hey Ino, Nee-chan says she'll help you too if you want!"

"What exactly will she be teaching you, Tsu-chan?" Misaki still wasn't sure about how she felt
about the demon. If she was being truthful in its reason, she couldn't really blame her, but...

Ryoko heard the question and answered before Tsukiyo could ask her. "What I will be
teaching you is exercises to build chakra stores along with control. Once I feel you
have a good enough grasp on control, I will teach you how to use your chakra's fire
element. Since I never learned any jutsu, I can't help you there."

Naruto decided to put in his two ryo here. "That's where I come in. I know plenty of jutsu's
and I will also teach you about your wind element when you're ready."

Tsukiyo nodded. "Ok, Ryoko says she'll be teaching me chakra control exercises that will also
build up my chakra capacity. Once she thinks I'm ready, she'll teach me about my fire element.
Naruto will be teaching me jutsu and about wind element."

Ino looked confused once again. "Who's Naruto?"

"Naruto-nii-san is..." Tsukiyo was cut off by Inoichi.

"He's a person that lost his body and ended up in Tsukiyo's mind." Inoichi then gave Tsukiyo a
look that said 'leave it at that'.

"Yup, and he's nice too, even though he calls me squirt." Everyone but Tsukiyo laughed at that.

As they settled back into their meal, Inoichi looked to his daughter. "Ino, what we just talked
about is considered a village secret. Only Tsukiyo is allowed to tell people, and even then she
should only tell the people she trusts most."

"Ok. I promise I won't tell!" After they finished, the girls headed out to the marketplace as
Inoichi watched the store. Ino was walking next to Tsukiyo when she noticed the glares people
were sending her. She also noticed how her new sister seemed to get depressed when she got
glared at, so Ino tried to get her mind off the villagers. "So, what's you favorite color?"

Tsukiyo thought about it for a second. "Well, I like blue and red."

Ino noticed Tsukiyo cheer up a little, so she continued her questions. "What types of clothes do
you like?"

"Stuff like this." She answered, gesturing to what she was wearing. "I don't like dresses because
you cant do anything in them."

Misaki giggled. "Spoken like a true kunoichi. I think we'll be getting you some every-day clothes
and some training outfits along with some formal wear. Ino, you too will be getting some training
clothes if you want to learn with Tsu-chan." As they turned the corner, Misaki lead them into the
Haruno clothing store.

A girl with pink hair was putting away some shirts when they came in. "Welcome to the Haruno
Boutique, hey Ino, Misaki-san, how are you? And who is she?" Setting down the shirts on the
counter, she walked up and gave Ino a hug.

Misaki smiled at Sakura. "We're good Sakura-chan. We came to get some clothes for Tsukiyo
here and some training clothes for her and Ino. We just adopted Tsukiyo and she doesn't have
any clothes of her own."

Sakura hugged Tsukiyo, catching her off guard. "Cool! I'm sure we'll be great friends! Come on,
I'll show you what we got!"

Misaki laughed as the girls started to get out clothes for her new daughter. "I see you took the
girl in. It's nice to see someone had the guts to do it." She turned around to see a tall, pink
haired woman come in the front with a large box.

Misaki smiled at her life long friend. "Thanks Yuri, how are you doing?"

Yuri smiled. "I'm doing great." Seeing the girls laughing together as they looked through the
clothes, she sighed. "I heard about what happened to her. She seems to be doing well."

"Yes, she does seem to be handling it well, but only time will tell." Misaki finally noticed Yuri
unpacking the box she carried in, only to be surprised. "When did you start carrying ninja

"I made a deal with Himitsuheiki Satoshi. I will now be selling the various ninja equipment he
makes, and his daughter Tenten will be helping out here. Ever since his wife died, it's been real
hard for him to keep up with running his shop and making the product to fill his orders. Since
most ninja shop here for clothing, I figured I'd make it easier to sell the equipment too." Laying
out the kunai in the glass counter, Yuri grinned. "It looks like Tsukiyo has a thing for mesh!"

Misaki turned to see Tsukiyo step out of the changing room wearing dark blue shinobi shorts
and sandals with a full-body mesh suit and a crimson tank top. Turning around once, she looked
to Misaki. "How do I look?"

Misaki smiled. "It looks good on you, Tsu-chan. Now what did you want for your every day

Looking down at herself, Tsukiyo shrugged. "This'll work."

Yuri burst out laughing while Misaki shook her head. Looking at Tsukiyo's confused expression,
she sighed. "Ok, but you have to at least get one formal kimono for special occasions."

Tsukiyo grumbled, but let Ino and Sakura pull her over to the kimonos. Yuri finished laughing
and leaned against the counter. "I swear she's just as bad as Tenten! The way she looked at you
when you mentioned the kimono was priceless!"

As the three girls walked into the family store, Inoichi smiled, "Looking good Tsu-chan! Those
will be excellent training clothes!"

Misaki looked to her husband and sighed. "This is what she wants to wear all the time. I had to
force her to get a kimono, but dresses and skirts were out of the question."

Tsukiyo huffed. "Have you ever climbed a tree in a dress, or try and run in one? Skirts are just
as bad too; all they do is let people see your butt!"

Inoichi chuckled. "I see your point. I guess you can wear what you want. Now, I'll go over the
basics of chakra while mom cooks dinner, then she will continue after dinner while I go to a
council meeting." Seeing both girls nod, he started with a question. "Can either of you tell me
what chakra is?"

Ino shook her head, but Tsukiyo smiled. "It's the combination of spiritual and physical energy."

Inoichi smiled, "Very good. Now let me explain it in more detail."

That night, Tsukiyo lay in her new bed tossing and turning. Waking up suddenly, she found
herself covered in sweat. She had dreamed about the rape, but this time she couldn't fight back.
The scene played on until she finally died and that's when she woke up. Drying off the sweat
and changing her night shirt, she left her room and went to Ino's. Opening the door, she walked
up to her sister and called out her name. "Ino, Ino can I sleep with you?"

Ino had always been a light sleeper, much to her parents' dismay, when she was a baby, so the
gentle calling roused her, "Tsuki? What's wrong?"

"I had a bad nightmare, can I sleep with you? I don't want to be alone." Ino could see that her
new sister had a rough time sleeping and was nearly crying.

Scooting over, Ino lifted her covers. "Ok, you can sleep with me."

As Tsukiyo got in the bed, she thanked Ino. As they got comfortable, Ino asked what the
dream was about. "It was like remembering what happened last night."

Ino looked at Tsukiyo with a questioning expression. "What happened? Dad said you were
attacked, but he didn't explain." So Tsukiyo told Ino all that happened, and by the end she was
crying. "It's ok Tsuki, nobodies going to do that to you here. They would have to get through
me, mom, and dad before that would happen."

Tsukiyo sniffed as she calmed down a little. "Thanks Ino. Goodnight."

Ino pulled Tsukiyo into a hug. "Goodnight Tsuki."


"Ino, see I told you that you could do it!" Tsukiyo was cheering on Ino as the girl was levitating
three leaves on her forehead and six on each arm.

Ino grit her teeth, but smiled. "It'd be easier if you would stop jumping around yelling Tsuki!"
Letting the leaves fall, she looked at Tsukiyo as she caught her breath. "You can still do it longer
than I can though." Ever since the first night in the Yamanaka home, Ino called her Tsuki and
since then the Hokage, Inoichi, Misaki, Yuri, Sakura, and Tenten did too. But if anyone else did,
she was quick to correct them, because only her friends could call her that.

Tsukiyo grinned. "Yeah, but you're getting there!"

"Hey kit, if you want to try it, I got an exercise that might help you and Ino with your
chakra capacity." Ryoko was quite impressed with Ino. The young girl was never more than a
step behind Tsukiyo. "Go to the tree and focus chakra to your feet, then try and walk up
the tree." Ryoko sent a mental image of her doing it.

"Hey Ino, want to try something Nee-chan showed me?" Walking over to the tree that was in
the Yamanaka's back yard, she took a second to focus her chakra and put her foot on the tree,
only for it to be forced right back at her.

"That was too much, squirt. It takes just the right amount of chakra to stick. Too much
and you'll blast off. Too little, and you'll fall." Naruto laughed when Tsukiyo sent him a
mental growl for the squirt comment.

Ino watched as Tsukiyo put her foot on the tree, only to see the bark crack and her foot launch
off. "What are you doing?" Tsukiyo quickly explained what Ryoko and Naruto told her.

"That's a Genin rank exercise and I'm not sure Ino's ready for it yet. The only reason you might
be Tsuki is because of your larger reserves." Inoichi had come out to check on them and heard
Tsukiyo explaining the tree climbing exercise.

"If I can do it, Ino can do it!" Tsukiyo always got defensive of Ino when he told her that sort of

Inoichi sighed. "Fine, but if she gets to tired she has to stop. She can get chakra exhaustion
unlike you, remember?"

Tsukiyo bowed he head. "Ok dad. Don't worry, we'll be careful!"

An hour later Ino was sitting, out of breath. She had made it about ten feet up while Tsukiyo
only made it six.

Tsukiyo looked at Ino and smiled. "You want a refill? I can probably do it one more time before
I'm out too."

"Actually, squirt, call it a day. I want to give you something that will help with your
training." Naruto grinned as Tsukiyo got excited.

"Actually, Nii-san says we should stop. I'm going to talk to him because he wants to give me
something." Ino nodded as Tsukiyo sat against the tree.

Tsukiyo appeared by the lake in her mindscape. Looking around, she found Naruto sitting on
the dock. "What did you want to give me?"

Naruto smiled. "Hold out your wrists and I'll sow you."

Tsukiyo just held out her hands and watched as Naruto made some weird marks and did a few
hand seals. "Kusari no Tendo ga Makai" Tsukiyo gasped as the marks changed to look like
chains around her wrists. "These are the Chains of Heaven and Hell. The saying behind these
seals goes like this, 'Those that wish to soar to the Heavens must first trudge through the bowels
of Hell'."

"That's cool Nii-san, but what do they do?" Tsukiyo thought that they sounded cool and was
really excited.

"These are very powerful seals that change the gravity around you. The chain on your left hand
is the Chain of Hell. It makes your body heavier, which forces your muscles to grow stronger.
With each chain link that turns black, your weight will double. Right now you're only at a tenth
of a chain, so you weigh ten percent more than you normally do."

Tsukiyo nodded. "What does the other one do?"

Naruto smiled. "The Chains of Heaven make you lighter. For each Chain Link of Hell you finish,
you will unlock a Chain Link of Heaven. When you use a Chain Link of Heaven, your weight is
cut in half. This will make you very fast, but you can only use it for a short time because unlike
the Chains of Hell that store chakra to make weight, the Chains of Heaven use chakra to make
you lighter."

Tsukiyo gave Naruto a tight hug. "Thanks Nii-san! I'll be real careful." As she pulled away, she
had a sudden thought. "Can Ino have them too?"

Naruto knew this was coming, "Not yet Tsu-chan. You see, these seals can really damage you,
but since you have Ryoko to heal you, it's no big deal. I'm afraid if I gave them to Ino now, they
might permanently hurt her."

Tsukiyo frowned. "Ok, but once she's ready can she have them?"

Naruto let out a sigh. "Yes she can, but she would have to be at least a level two medic-ninja
before she can have them, because she would have to be able to heal her own muscle tissue."

Tsukiyo nodded and smiled. "Thanks Nii-san! I'll visit again later!"

Naruto waved as Tsukiyo faded away. "You're doing better than I hoped Tsu-chan, and Ino is
definitely surprising." Walking back to the cottage, he found Ryoko at the table working on their
project. "Any luck?"

Ryoko looked up and smiled. "With your help, it should be no problem getting out. The
problem is, you don't know how to condense your chakra into a body like I do."

Naruto took on his thinking pose of leaning against the wall and scratching the back of his head.
"You know, every time you explain it, it just seems like you're making a kage bunshin."
Shrugging his shoulders, he sat down next to her. "Well, we still have to wait until she's thirteen
so there's no real rush."

Ryoko couldn't help but think what would happen when they left. Over the last six months, she
realized she had developed a crush on Naruto but didn't want to tell him. If he rejected her, it
would be too awkward, and she really didn't think he liked her that way. Maybe once they
were out she'd tell him, but no sooner. "You're right, there is no rush. As for the kage bunshin,
it's kind of different. You need something living to mold into your image. The one time I was
forced to use it, I used a fox that happened to be nearby. Once you have the living base, you
use your chakra to change its DNA to match your own and force it to grow until the body is
complete. Of course, you could take a short cut and use a more complex life form, but that's
like stealing if you ask me. The problem is when you leave you'll only get one chance at it."

"We'll cross that road when we get there. I just might stay in here for a while longer until she
meets Tsunade the Medic Sannin." Naruto watched as Ryoko stretched out and got up. He
couldn't help but think about how he was falling for her. Ryoko was strong, beautiful, intelligent,
and fun to be around, but even after all this time he couldn't get her to talk much about her past.
He didn't want to try and start something if she had someone waiting for her, so he just settled
for being her friend. Trying to get his mind off such thoughts, he figured he'd tell her about his gift
to Tsukiyo. "I gave her the chains today."

Ryoko frowned. "Isn't it a little early for that?"

Naruto grinned. "Not really. They're only at a tenth of a chain. That's like, what, seven or eight
pounds? It'll be fine."

Ryoko shook her head. "I hope you're right."

When Tsukiyo came to, Ino and Inoichi were walking over to her. Ino, to Tsukiyo's delight, had
gone in to get them something to drink. "Hey dad, check these out! Nii-san gave them to me!"

When Inoichi saw the seals, he nearly fainted. After regaining his ability to talk, he frowned. "I
personally don't think you're ready for something like that, but it's too late now. You should
keep those covered, though. You don't want anyone to know you have those seals."

Tsukiyo frowned. "They're not bad, are they? I wanted Ino to get them too, but he said she had
to be a level two medic-ninja before he would do it, something about how Nee-chan heals me
all the time."

Inoichi let out a sigh. "They're not bad. They can just really hurt you if you're not careful. If you
push yourself too hard with those, it could destroy your muscles. I only say cover them because
while they're dangerous, they can be a real bonus in a fight and you don't want your enemy to
know your abilities before you even use them."

Tsuki smiled. "Ok dad, I'll be careful and keep them covered."

Ino looked at the seals. "What do they do?" Inoichi lead them into the house and once they
were inside, he explained them to Ino. Once Inoichi was done explaining, Ino grinned. "Maybe
now I'll be able to beat you in taijutsu if they slow you down."


Inoichi and Misaki had been pretty much forced to bring the girls to a weapons master
exhibition that was being held at the stadium. It was that or they'd have to deal with the pouting
duo until they got over it. Once they had taken their sets, Tsukiyo couldn't wait. "I hope they do
some really cool jutsu!"

Inoichi laughed. "Tsu-chan, this is an exhibition of skill with various weapons. You'll most likely
see only weapon styles. As you know, ninja tend to be very secretive about their jutsu."

As the exhibition started, two girls from the Hidden Mist Village displayed their abilities with
various weapons, starting with blunt weapons like staffs and normal tonfa's, then onto various
pole arms like naganita's and pikes, on to small sharp weapons like bladed tonfa and kunai, and
finally to swords like katana and ninja-to. What really caught Tsukiyo's eye was when one of
the girls was using two scimitars while the other girl looked like she was using the same swords,
but they were connected at the hilt and the blades were on opposite sides.

After the demonstration, Tsukiyo looked at Misaki and Inoichi with big, puppy-dog eyes. "Can
I learn to use scimitars like that? And the swallow too?"

Ino, hearing this, got her pleading look on. "I want to learn to use the tonfa's!"

Both parents laughed before Inoichi answered. "Ok, but you have to choose one or the other

Tsukiyo frowned. "Why? They're the same thing, just connected!"

It just so happened that Himitsuheiki Satoshi was behind them and couldn't help but speak up.
"I agree with the girl." Seeing both Misaki and Inoichi turn to look at him, he smiled. "I'd be
happy to teach both of them in their chosen weapons along with my daughter Tenten."

Inoichi smiled. "While I'm thankful for your offer, don't you think carrying three weapons of that
size would be too much?"

Satoshi grinned. "For that, I have a special weapon planned. Seeing the demonstration for the
swallow and scimitars together gave me an idea. I was going to make a set of scimitars that can
fuse together at the hilt when the wielder wishes. This would cut down on weight and add a
surprise on the battlefield. I would be glad to have Tsukiyo learn to use it. She and Ino have
been great friends with Tenten, so it'd be good for them to train together."

"Hey squirt, ask if you can have them made to take on your elemental affinity. Wind
and Fire are powerful allies when used together and this sounds perfect for you to start
learning about your affinities." Naruto had been planning for Tsukiyo to use some sort of
weapon since she was more of a speed and grace style person instead of speed and power like

"I agree with Naruto on this, kit. I was going to start your elemental training soon, so
this will be a good way to start." Ryoko was amazed at Tsukiyo and Ino's progress over the
last year. Not only had they both mastered tree climbing, but Tsukiyo had mastered water
walking and was working on kage bunshin while Ino was finishing with water walking.

Tsukiyo gave Naruto and Ryoko a mental nod and bowed to Satoshi. "Satoshi-san, could you
make it so one can be used with my fire affinity and the other my wind affinity?"

Inoichi gave Tsukiyo a sad smile. "I'm sorry Tsu-chan, but something like that would be too
expensive for us right now."

Satoshi laughed. "Tsu-chan, if you can prove to me that you can use such a weapon after two
years training with me and control the elements of fire and wind, I'll make it for you for free."

Tsukiyo looked up at the big burly man with a huge smile. "You mean it?" Seeing him nod,
Tsukiyo gave the man a huge hug. "I promise to train real hard to prove I can use it!"

Satoshi smiled at the girl, "Good, because I'm going to work you to the bone along with Ino-
chan. I want you both at my forge by eight am every weekday. You'll both train with me until
two pm at which you can go home and do your other training."

Tsukiyo and Ino both nodded enthusiastically. They both had a real hard time getting to sleep
that night from their excitement, neither of them knowing the hell they just signed up for.

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Hey guys and girls! How'd you like the latest installment of OMITB? It was easy once I got the
writers block I affectionately name 'Mihoshi' that was bugging me on ASLDM out of my head!
Well I like how this chapter came out. At first I was worried that the family scene was off but
after reading it over found it was ok. I have no clue what Sakura's parents actually do so I
figured I'd give them a clothing/ninja equipment store! Next chapter will have their training and
them entering the academy. Originally I was going to skip to the academy after the family scene
but figure I should go over their training and the exhibition scene now instead of flashbacking to
it. Now to answer some reviews!

Dragon Man 180: I second your Yay for NaruFemKyuu! As for Tsu-chan's pairing I have
decided but I will be keeping you guys in the dark just to see you squirm! Muahahaha! As for
Ino being Tsu-chan's sister I always thought Ino and Naruto could be brother and sister. Their
both load, annoying, and blond!

Death Incarnate: I really try and be original with my stories. I wanted to do a 'Do Over' fic
without the over used time travel plot devise. Then I was watching Tenchi Muyo and it clicked,
Multiple Universes! And as an ode to my inspiration I gave Kyuubi the name Ryoko since she
was supposedly the most powerful demon in the universe.

Canis Black: Hum I was thinking of screwing around with someone's gender and I found my
target so stay tuned!

Kyuubi Fanatic: Yead it was the sight. I found a way around it its just a pain!

Vysen: Like I told Death Incarnate I wanted to do a 'Do Over" and figured having him end up in
a girl him was too much fun to pass up! I think I covered the NaruKyuu question in the chapter,
as for Tsu-chan allot of people have asked me NOT to pair her up with Sasuke. Since the
pairing is set in stone I am happy to say it's not Sasuke.

NarutosBrat: It'd be funny if Lee had a ridiculously low tolerance for that as he does for alcohol.
BTW there is no TECHNICAL yoai in ASLDM. Haku just happens to be both.

spiritwolf30: Once again she won't be with Sasuke. I kind of have a dislike of him. You'll come
to see this as both my stories progress.

D: Hum, good idea but I got plans for Hina-chan so she stays the same.

surprised: Thanks! As for pairing once again You'll have to wait and see! As for control issues
her training before the academy is to keep that from happening.