Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Once Rejected, Thrice Betrayed ❯ Running ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Once Rejected, Thrice Betrayed
Inspired by the song “Sweet Sacrifice” by Evanescence
Chapter One: Running
Dodging persistent pursuers, a young woman wearing a thin black cloth over her eyes continued leaping from branch to branch. She leaps to another branch when a kunai wrapped with an explosive tag hit the branch that she was currently on. The blindfolded young woman jumps off the branch as flying debris scatter everywhere. Landing on the ground kneeling, the young woman growls in annoyance as two shuriken rush passed her body, barely avoiding scaring her face as the young woman heard a husky voice ordered in a commanding tone, “Kagemusha Tsuki, you are under arrest for treason against Kumogakure.” Tsuki let a small chuckle escapes her pale lips as she stated in a scornful tone, “Just because I won't be his kage-nie…”
Tsuki pulled out twin katanas from their back sheaths as she let a small smirk graced her face.
“Tsuki-san, we don't want to hurt you…” a small timid voice stated calmly. Tsuki's back was still turn to her pursurers as she warn them in a soft tone, “Don't follow me…” Spirals of chakra wrapped around her body as her hita-ite slowly descended on the barren ground.
“I'm not his… to control…” Tsuki stated when she bought her foot down hard on the hita-ite, crushing the metal plate symbolizing her former alligience to Kumogakure. “Goodbye Kahori… Kenji…” Before she could leave the ones she came to care about, metal chains quickly wrapped around her arms tightly as lightning travel down the chains, executing her body. One loud gasp and annoyed angry growl was heard in the distance when she collapse down onto her knees as she heard a small sarcastic chuckle.
“Tsu-nee… why?”
Platinum white hair covered over her black cloth that was over her eyes as she whispered, “I'm no one's toy…” The chains slowly went back to their owner as Tsuki slowly rise to her feet. Tsuki just let a small smile grace her lips as the rain descend on the earth harder in response to her attitude and mannerisms at this point.
Crimson blood stain the wooden floor of the Kagemusha shrine as a young Tsuki could only watch as the man that she was supposed to protect take a katana to her father's head. Just because her own father refuse to let his daughter sacrifice her life for the corrupted old man.
She could only run as the Raikage was going after her… the ritual for the kage-nie only needs the blood of both individuals for the Kagemusha to take all damage, making the person immortal in a sense of the word. She hid and for hours, she was plague with screams of her family only to her mother and younger brother find her curled in a little ball, crying.
“Go…” was all that Raidon said as Tsuki turn around just to take one last look at the ones who became close to her. She gave them a genuine smile and whispered quietly, “Arigato, ne…. Gomen nasai…” And with that, she slowly begun to walk away from them, ignoring the pleas from Kahori to stay. Meanwhile more Kumo shinobi were sent out to bring in the nuke-nin, Kagemusha Tsuki, Shadow Guardian of the Moon a.k.a. Moon Dancer.