Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Once upon a time, I was only a ninja ❯ Kunoichi ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chiyo wasn't looking forward to the future. The future held many things that didn't agree with the life of a ninja. Like family.
She was supposed to be getting married soon. An arranged marriage, naturally, as she was apparently 'not getting any younger'. Funny, she thought, that she wasn't old enough to drink but she was 'past due' for a family. Damn the life expectancy of ninjas.
The marriage itself wasn't actually the problem; it was what came with it. Getting married meant starting a family, and, with her being a woman, that meant no more dangerous missions. After all, a mother can't risk herself so easily, what would her children do if she died?
So Chiyo, upon marriage, would be reassigned- rather than an assassin, she would be- (shudder)- a teacher. Yippee. After all, she had only spent years perfecting death; of course the next step would be watching over a bunch of brats as they hurt themselves with large wooden death traps. Maybe she shouldn't have joined the Puppet Troupe.
After all, unlike the other puppeteers, she hadn't joined because she was an artist or performer, or even because she liked marionettes. She was just looking for a fighting style that used her her particular talents- because she was good at chakra control and (like all women) manipulating people, and the only things one could do with that were Genjutsu, Medicine, and Puppeteering.
Quite generally, Genjutsu was far too inefficient for her tastes; she was really more the direct type. Why bother messing with someone's mind when running them through with a katana is so much faster?
And medicine? Well, that was easily ruled out by the fact that Chiyo despised medical ninjas. Bunch of hypocrites, the lot of them; living oxymorons. A ninja kills people, that's their job, that's what they do. A doctor saves people, and does everything they can to help. These two careers should not mix- how the hell could someone who's dedicated their life to saving people possibly be an effective shinobi?
Bah! It didn't matter- she was what she was and hell if that was going to change; family or no.
Yes, Chiyo decided, to Hell with the whole damned village- they train her to be a ruthless killing machine, and then expect her to roll over and submit to a life of tedious domesticity at the drop of a hat! Who did that damned Kazekage and his council of idiots think they were, anyway?
No, she wouldn't let anyone tell her who to be- she was a Shinobi first and a woman second, and she didn't plan on that changing anytime soon.
So, she would get married- there was no avoiding that, even if she got out of this particular wedding it would only be a matter of time before she ended up tying a knot, anyway. Then she would get the child-rearing out of the way, because that was even less avoidable (that and the fact that she wouldn't be able to use her poisons while pregnant, so she might as well get that over with while she was still assigned to her hell-hole of a teaching job.) But after that- then hell bar her from her returning to her true calling- death, destruction, and all other things associated with the life of a ninja.
Yes, Chiyo thought. She would shape her own future, and there was no need to worry about what would come next.
After all, she had her whole life ahead of her.