Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Time ❯ The Frog Princess ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Eclipse of the Dimensions
Rating: T
Warnings: Semi-Character death
A/N: So a new stories another Sakura-centered one. No pairings as of yet, the timeline is set in the time-skip obviously. Hope you enjoy, it is a little confusing. I was listening to Tourniquet while writing this. Anyways, I know this probobly won't happen so it's auish.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Santa won’t get me it *pout*.


It had been a gruesome and extensive battle between the Sound and Leaf. After Sasuke had killed his brother, he had decided to gather the civil warring Sound and attack Kohona. The power had finally gone to his head, perhaps induced by the few shards of Orochimaru that held on. The war was slowly ending, and not on Kohona's side either.

Sakura panted harshly as she ran quick gulps of air that did not seem to reach her lungs. She was hoping to make it to the battlefield in time. She was the best medic ninja, having surpassed Tsunade already. It had been a surprise attack that held her up. A red head named Karin had stopped her. Karin disgusted Sakura because she seemed to be a magnified version of her old self.

Karin was a member of Hebi, and had frankly fought a good fight. Sakura had won in the end; however, Karin had served her purpose. Now Sakura was late, and it had probably cost her.

Suddenly Sakura came upon the small battlefield, bodies covered the ground and the stench of blood was enough to make her gag. She stumbled about, seeing if there was anyone possibly alive.

There was not. It was not everyone from the battle, but it was quite a few. She bit her lip as a few tears traced their way down her face. Sakura swallowed audibly, she knew for a fact Naruto had been in on this battle, but where was he…

She tried to pinpoint his chakra signature, finding it somewhere to the east. Sakura viscously pumped chakra into her feet, sprinting off in that direction.


Sakura skidded to a stop, just in time to see Sasuke plunge his sword into Naruto.

Time seemed to slow down to an incredible rate. The only noise she could hear was the hammering of her heart, the nauseating pull of the weapon from her friend’s body, and the labored breaths spilling past her lips.

Her footsteps seemed to pound, deafening her, as she raced towards the falling body.
She grabbed him, right before he hit the ground.

Blood trickled through her fingertips, saturating her khaki skirt. His eyes had darkened to an impossible color, his heartbeat getting fainter.
“N-Na-Naruto” she managed to choke out brutally.
“Sakura-chan, I’m sorry…,” his voice was weak, barely audible.

Tears pooled at the young woman’s eyes. She squeezed Naruto in a loose embrace, the tears falling on his orange jacket.

‘Sakura-chan you cry too easily’

Her fingernails bit through her gloves as she bit her lip, blood soothingly caressing her chin.

‘You’re annoying’

She clenched and unclenched her fists.

'You crybaby Sakura'

She had sworn never to be weak again, to have the power to save her friends, to be able to keep up...

Sakura gripped Naruto tighter, there was only one logical option, hide and heal Naruto, then attack. If she waited any longer, he could die. She bit her lip again, Naruto could not die because, because...

Sakura would not let him.

Suddenly the sword came down upon her. The quick reflexes implanted in her by Tsunade kicked in. She dodged artfully, the bleeding Naruto held gently in her hands.

Jumping behind a bolder she placed Naruto down and made several shadow clones. She hoped that it would distract Sasuke long enough to save Naruto.

Speaking of which…
She looked down at him and checked his wound.

‘Damn, it’s critical!’ Sakura could only do so much. Sakura thought back to Chiyo-baasama and her resurrection technique. If she could only remember how to distribute the chakra!

She raised her trembling fingers above Naruto’s chest.
‘This is it!’
She started to pump her green healing chakra into him. Sakura began to try to siphon her life force soon after. Copying Chiyo’s movements and chakra, hoping to hell she was doing it right.

Suddenly it felt as if her body was crushing violently, her vision blurred with green. She tried to breathe only to find that her mouth could not open, her whole body frozen, eyes open in horror. She could not even blink.

She plummeted, or so it felt like she had. The green surrounding her was no indication of anything. The air around Sakura compressed even further. The girl’s lungs cried out for air. Tears beaded at her eyes, she could not save Naruto and now she was dying. Funny, she had never pictured death as being green. Her tears fell and distorted the backdrop, making it look like blurry.

Red invaded her line of sight, wrapping Sakura in its warm imaginary embrace. It was oddly comforting like a hug.

Sakura’s need for air rose, black fuzzily disorienting her peripheral vision. She suddenly gasped only to find…


I am a little evil bitch aren’t I? Do not worry, you will find out what happens soon.
If you have a pairing idea, I will gladly listen to it. No guarantee that romance will be a guiding force in this; it will probably be action/adventure.
Sorry about the slight Karin bashing, it was Sakura. I actually like the pervert!
Hope you enjoyed!
Review or I will throw my cat!