Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Good Party ❯ A Good Mother ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter #5
A Good Mother
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto damn it! Stop asking me!
Ok I thought I might turn Sakura's attitude around slightly. After meeting a woman selling children's toys in the market she starts to think `hey maybe I can make this work'. She is still sensitive about her friends talking about it but she does a bit less snapping and gives them more of the cold shoulder.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Keeping her eyes cast to the ground Sakura walked home, weaving her way through the late morning crowd and keeping an eye out for running children in case they ran into her. At the time she didn't think she could take looking at anyone or talking to anyone. So she just kept walking slowly on her way home, avoiding shops and anyone she knew from the old days of the academy.
“Are you ok miss,” a woman asked from her small stand she had set up in front of a shop.
Sakura looked up at the woman who was talking to her. She was fairly young looking, only a few years older than Sakura with long light purple hair that shone in the morning sun. Her eyes were large and crystal blue, and sort of reminded Sakura of Naruto's eyes. She wore a light pink kimono almost the same colour as Sakura's hair and through it a clearly pregnant belly was poking out.
She stood behind a stand selling children's toys; the table had many neat looking little wooden figures and plush animals with hearts for little girls. Sitting on a mat just in front of it was two children that resembled the woman so much Sakura could only assume that they were the woman's. They were twin boys no more than four years old playing with dull wooden swords to see who was a better fighter, their purple hair was cut short so it didn't hand over their eyes as they played.
“I'm fine,” Sakura said softly.
“You don't look fine hun,” the woman said in a concerned tone, “the baby on board fussy.”
Sakura looked surprised and glanced down at her stomach, “I am only three months pregnant how can you tell so easily?”
The woman just shrugged leaning on the table and motioning to the two boys, “Once you have already had a couple and another is on the way I guess you just learn to recognize the signs. I have seen you come by here before hun, I did the same things when I was expecting the boys, you know baggy cloths, slouching my posture to hide the belly, and so on.”
“Is it really that obvious?”
“Probably not to just anyone especially not a guy,” the woman laughed, “If a boyfriend sees his girlfriend three months pregnant he thinks she is just gaining weight.”
Sakura nodded remembering all to well the crack Naruto had made about her.
“So what do you want it to be boy or a girl? I hope this one is a girl, I would love another boy don't get me wrong but I would like to have a daughter too,” asked the woman.
“I haven't really given it much thought to tell you the truth,” Sakura mumbled watching the young boys argue over who won the fight, “I guess either is fine.”
“I'm Juri,” the woman said giving Sakura a handshake, “What us your name.”
She took the handshake, surprisingly she was feeling slightly better even though Juri really didn't do anything, “I'm Sakura.” Her eyes scanned over all the toys on the table, “Who made all of these toys? They are quite cute.”
“My husband made them. He started out just making toys for our two boys but then he got the idea to sell them and I must say business is going well. My husband has become quite the toymaker. Would you like to buy one? Never to early to get them their first toy.”
Sakura's eyes scanned carefully over the toys. They were in fact very well made, Juri's husband truly made them like a professional. She was looking over the many toys for a while when she spotted a stuffed lamb about the size of a puppy sitting among the obviously popular teddy bears. For some reason it stood out to her, its eyes were made of black buttons and the wool looked so fluffy and huggable she could have sworn it to be real sheep's wool.
Picking up the lamb Sakura handed Juri the money for it and set it in her purse so it looked as though it was alive. Its little black eyes looked out at the world grabbing the attention of more than one little girl on her way home.
Why did buying a dumb little toy sheep make me feel better, Sakura wondered as she walked back to her house, it's just fabric and cotton stuffing there is nothing really special about it…
After she entered her apartment Sakura placed the lamb on her bedside table and just looked at it for a bit, maybe seeing Juri so happy with children means I can turn this thing around. What if I raised this kid not to follow my mistakes? I know what lesson number one would be, if you have to go to a party don't drink anything that has been out in the open or unattended.
Sakura laughed poking the sheep in the nose, I can try…
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Sakura examined each apple as she put them into her basket; she had been looking around the market for food for herself. She was beginning to run low and there was no way she was going to resort to eating all that ice cream she had locked up in her freezer.
It had been two months since she started thinking more about the baby than her own self. She was still more than just a bit worried about how she was going to make it work, and still got very pissed every time Naruto opened his mouth and said something stupid. (Not like that was a surprise) But she just decided to grin and bare it, then made sure Naruto wasn't looking while she slipped a good helping of vinegar into his ramen. Hey whatever cheers you up right?
Earlier that month she had bought a couple larger shirts for later use, but for now was forced to put away any shirts that had originally not been baggy on her away. Her stomach had more of a bulge to it now and none of her normal shirts would fit over it without rolling up and showing her belly button. Then again most of her old shirts were fairly tight fitting…
After paying for her groceries Sakura hurried across the street to a small book shop for a book on … well you can guess can't you? When it came to parenting Sakura had only ever babysat and was still not sure whether she could handle the pressures of being a full time mom. She had never realized how much her parents actually did for her before she was more than half way to a baby herself.
The bookshop was small and rather cramped with large stands filled with books on almost any subject Sakura would desire. It was well lit and rather cozy with overstuffed sofa chairs at the end of every isle.
Mumbling the chapters as she went along the shelf Sakura searched for a good title for a book on infants, None of these seem right…wait a second why am I being so picky why the hell don't a just pick one and get this food home?
She was so preoccupied that as she ran her hand along the different titles she didn't notice another gloved hand until she hit it.
“Kakashi,” Sakura said in surprise, “Are you in the wrong isle? I think those perverted books you like are in the next isle.”
“Nah the next book for Come Come Paradise doesn't come out for two or three months. I saw you with all those grocery bags and I just thought I'd help you out a bit, and I really have to say for being pregnant you are still hard to keep up with,” Kakashi smirked under his mask.
Thanks for reminding me, Sakura's mind growled as she grabbed a book she thought suitable and headed over to the cashier to pay for it. She hadn't handed any of her things to Kakashi at all, she wanted to prove she could still do things on her own.
“Hiya Kakashi,” the man behind the counter greeted, “Who is your lady friend here?”
“My name is Sakura,” she stated rather bluntly handing the man his money for the book.
The man behind the counter saw the title on the book and his eyes instantly traveled down her to rounded stomach. It made Sakura uncomfortable to have a guy staring at her like she had to heads; you think he had never seen a pregnant woman.
Kakashi took this chance to take most of the bags out of Sakura's hand and ushered her out of the store and away from an awkward moment.
They did not talk for most of the walk down the street, so Kakashi tried to make conversation, “I always knew you were a smart shopper Sakura but since when did you become this smart of a shopper?” One bag alone was filled with a wide assortment of vegetables, another had chicken, turkey, fish and other healthy meats. There seemed to be no sweets at all in any of Sakura's bags.
“I wasn't craving anything sweet,” shrugged Sakura, “Besides its not all that good for the baby if all I eat is sugar.”
The Jounin looked slightly surprised.
“You never sounded concerned about this baby before, it's a good thing that you are though,” said Kakashi, “Have you decided what you are going to do? Its only four months before you're due isn't it?”
Sakura nodded, “Well it's not just his kid, whoever he is, but its mine too and I decided it should be raised properly. Thought I don't know if I can actually live up to it, there is so many things a baby needs, and then there is the fact that the baby is going to be born in the middle of winter so getting to Tsunade when-”
“Slow down there,” laughed Kakashi, “So you're saying you're going to keep the baby?”
“Yes,” Sakura sighed, “But what if I am not a good mom?”
“Sakura, I have no doubt in my mind you won't be a good mom to this child.”
“No doubt.”
Sakura's cheek lit up with a small blush, “Thanks Kakashi.”
“For what,” he asked smartly.
The blush on Sakura's cheeks deepened, why does he have to be like that? People don't need to be that specific when they talk, though I guess he can make me laugh…
“I could help you put this stuff away if you want,” Kakashi sudjested, “If you needed any help with anything.”
“I can take care of myself,” Sakura said casually, but when she saw the look in Kakashi's eye something in her mind changed, “But if you don't mind I could use the extra help. I have been felling tired lately and all…”
What am I saying, the small voice in Sakura's head cried, wait a second … this whole conversation seems like flirting to me…
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The man carried Sakura into her apartment and took her into the bedroom. He was about to lay her down and leave but Sakura held on to him.
“Please,” she whispered.
So the man sat on the bed with her for a little while just running his fingers through her long hair.
Sakura smiled and looked up at him, he was so dark and mysterious but he was also gentle and the most caring person she had ever known. She could have just stayed there forever, but she … she wanted to kiss him. So she did.
Lifting her head she kissed him on the lips, deeply, and he kissed her back. They went a few seconds without even coming up for air.
“Sakura,” he said soothingly stroking her cheek and placing butterfly kisses on her forehead, “I love you too…”
“Never leave me alone,” Sakura whispered to him giving him a quick kiss, “I don't want to be alone anymore. I have been alone for so long.”
“I won't.”
“Thank you,” Sakura kissed him again, “I love you.”
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Ok so Sakura is about five months pregnant right now so somewhere in the next few chapters is the birth of the baby!! *Claps hands*
This brings me to something I want to ask here!!! I do not know yet what I am going to name Sakura's baby and I want my readers to help me. When you review put down a Japanese name you like (Male or Female) and one of the names I will choose!! *Fantastic Prizes (not)* Please put though, whether the name is male or female because sadly I am not good with telling them apart.