Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Good Party ❯ My Baby ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter #9
My Baby
Disclaimer: Naruto. Don't own him or any of the others.
Hiya!! I'm back and you aren't getting rid of me!
I think you guys will like this chapter because the baby is coming!!
Ok I made my decision for the name *cries It was so hard!* but I chose the name I thought suited the baby best.
I almost forgot to mention to that their may be a sequel, I'm not sure yet though. I still have to work out the finer points of the plot but basically Sakura's child will be about 12 or 13 years old. Tell me if it's a good idea ok? In it I will probably use the names you guys have given me, there are still some good ones.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Sasuke had quickly abandoned the idea of trying to make it through a crowd of people and was now gunning it over the rooftops. The girls had told him to get to Tsunade as quickly as possible while they helped Sakura.
While she was getting Naruto's ramen the baby had decided it was the right time to be born. Her contractions had started, her water broke, everything was moving pretty fast which meant he needed to get Tsunade to Sakura's house as soon as possible. The baby was going to be born any time now.
It was only luck that Sasuke glanced into the crowd and saw Tsunade in the crowd already heading home.
“Shit,” he cursed skidding to a halt just in time to not slide off the edge of a roof.
He swiftly turned around and jumped off the roof landing on the street below. He took of through the crowd and quickly caught up with Tsunade.
“Tsunade wait up,” he called grabbing her shoulder.
“Sasuke what is it? What is wrong,” she asked.
Sasuke began dragging her down the road in the direction of Sakura's place, “Sakura's water broke, the baby is coming. We need to get to Sakura's place right away.”
“Well you don't need to tell me twice,” Tsunade grinned.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
“Sakura are you ok,” Ino asked, her friend crushing her hand in her fist to try and relieve her own pain.
Sakura shot Ino an angry look, “Do you really need to know?”
“No but you might want to ease up a bit on my hand there,” Ino winced as the bones in her hand popped and made cracking noises under pressure, “Much more of this and you are going to break my hand.”
“Sorry,” Sakura murmured lessening her grip on her friend's hand.
“I hope Sasuke gets back with Tsunade soon,” Hinita wondered biting her lip.
Naruto kept glancing at the door, “I just hope that Sasuke will be able to catch her before she heads home. If he has to run all over town looking for her then it will take him twice as long to get back here. We may have a small problem if that happens.”
“It won't happen Naruto,” Sasuke just as he walked in the door with Tsunade, “I found her just heading out.”
“Alright boys I need you out of the bedroom,” Tsunade said getting strait to work, “When we deliver this baby it will be just girls.”
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Kakashi was grabbing something he was going to eat for supper that night when he noticed a figure dashing over the rooftops.
What on earth, his one visible eye focused on the blurred figure as he jumped from roof to roof, is that Sasuke? What on earth is he in such a hurry for?
He decided to follow him and see just what he was up to so he just set his food back down on the stand and took off after him. Kakashi had no real problems keeping up with his former pupil, he just did not want to be noticed by him or be stopped by anyone curious as to why Kakashi was in such a hurry.
It kind of looks like he is going to get Tsunade, Kakashi thought recognizing the direction they were heading, could it be?
It seemed so until he saw Sasuke skid to an abrupt stop and pause for only a second looking down onto the street. The young boy jumped off the roof and disappeared behind a group of men heading home after work.
Being careful not to let Sasuke see him he made his way around the crowd and just saw Tsunade and Sasuke heading back the way Sasuke had come. They were heading back in the direction of Sakura's house there was no doubt about that. Kakashi just stood in the crowd like a statue slightly stunned.
This is it isn't it? The baby is finally coming, Kakashi's stunned mind thought, Sakura is going into labor…
Without another thought Kakashi took of down the street with speed that even surprised himself. He was able to dodge through the crowd quickly appearing like a blur to all that were able to catch a glimpse of him. This was one thing he was not going to be late for.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
“How long do babies take to be delivered,” Naruto asked absently slumping himself on the couch. Tsunade had just arrived minutes ago to help deliver the baby and just like any other birthing no men were allowed in the room. It had only been the best of two minutes and he was already getting impatient, new record for Naruto.
Sasuke sat himself down on the sofa chair, “Hard to tell, each kid is different. It could take hours. Though I am not sure about Sakura, that baby seems to be coming pretty quickly.”
“Hey if this kid is born before midnight you know Kakashi wins the baby pool,” Naruto pointed out.
“You're right for once,” Sasuke nodded, “It is the twentieth of February today.”
“Damn how much does he get like fifty dollars?”
Sasuke nodded.
Right on cue the silver haired Jounin came in the door, seemingly out of breath. Today he did not seem as slow as he normally appeared, he seemed awake more than usual. (We all know what Kakashi is normally like) He walked in trying to stop his heaving chest.
“Speak of the devil,” Naruto mumbled, “Hey Kakashi in time for once? That's some sort of miracle.”
Kakashi shot Naruto a glare but dismissed it quickly, “I saw Sasuke heading here with Tsunade. Is it actually time?”
“Yup,” Naruto grinned, “They just kicked us out of the room so they could deliver it. You may as well make yourself comfortable Kakashi this may take a while, you'll know their finished when you hear the kid.”
“Everything is running smoothly,” he asked.
Sasuke looked at him suspiciously, “Like Naruto said, they only just started, so yes everything had gone smoothly so far. Kakashi are you alright? I have never seen you this concerned outside battle before; even when you were training us you seemed to be half asleep.”
“I am just concerned about Sakura,” he said simply sitting down next to Naruto on the couch.
“Kakashi you are going to be one lucky Jounin if this child is born before midnight,” Naruto yawned.
“Why is that?”
“Don't you remember the baby pool? Today is the twentieth baka,” Naruto laughed.
Kakashi didn't laugh, he just remained serious, his eye fixed on Sakura's bedroom door. He could hear voices behind it and footsteps of the girls trying to get everything set for when the baby started to come. He could also hear Sakura's voice, it was whispery and slightly shaky, she was scared. But she had good reason to be; after all having a baby was a big deal for a girl.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Sakura moaned, ever since her contractions started everything had just become uncomfortable and painful. If this was before she started actually having the baby then she was definitely not looking forward when it happened.
“How long do we have to wait for this,” Hinita asked worriedly, “I have never helped deliver a baby before…”
“Well this baby seems damn eager to be born,” Tsunade explained, “The way this is going I would guess within the next hour or so.”
“You have got to be kidding me,” Sakura mumbled, an hour was good time but for her it seemed closer than the New Year. She knew this would drag out slowly just because her mind wanted it to be over as soon as possible.
Ino was busy nursing her hand and trying to get the kinks out of it, “Damn Sakura you have quite the grip. I think you would do well to take up arm wrestling or something.”
I am never doing this again, Sakura mind growled as the time kept on passing, even if that means no more parties, and no more talking to guys! Of course guys are the ones that don't have to go through this crap; their job is done nine months before this even happens.
It was not long after Sakura felt it; it had definitely been sooner than Tsunade anticipated. Sakura could tell without even looking at the clock on her beside table, but it really didn't matter what any clock read. She knew her baby was coming.
Tsunade noticed right away the look on Sakura's face, “Come one girls its time! The baby is coming.”
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Outside in the living room Kakashi had been listening carefully for any sign that the baby was being born. To do so he had to completely tune out Naruto's voice, not that he had never done that before, but it seemed now he was more focus, not trying to read or take a nap on the job. It had been fairly quiet for a little while, during which the sun had almost completely set leaving the sky with nothing but shades of purple, pink, blue and black. The only thing that lit the room was a lamp Sasuke had turned on earlier.
Surprisingly it had not taken long before he heard more frantic footsteps inside and Tsunade's voice announcing, “Come on girls its time! The baby is coming.”
Kakashi was positive his heart stopped beating for a few seconds when he hear it, he stopped breathing altogether for a few minutes just to be able to hear everything that was going on behind the closed doors.
“Kakashi are you ok,” Sasuke's worried tone coming through.
“I'm fine,” he murmured almost as if he not been paying attention to anything else, “I think the baby is finally coming.”
“That was fast,” Naruto said in amazement, “A lot of times you hear the mother is in labor for quiet a while before the baby finally comes. It's been what just short of an hour?”
Sasuke nodded also listening in on what was going on.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
“I can see it,” Tsunade announced, “Come on Sakura you need to push.”
Kami, Sakura's mind cried but she obeyed what Tsunade told her, she seemed to be the only one that knew what she was doing; her friends were there mostly for support. Sakura was again grasping Ino's hand as an outlet for her pain, Ino looked as though she was about to have a baby herself as the pressure on her hand intensified greatly. Hinita was helping Tsunade as best she could, bringing her any of the supplies she required.
“Come on Sakura push,” Hinita urged.
Sakura gave a growl as she pushed as hard as she could, she tried to stifle crying out as much as possible, and squeezed tighter on Ino's hand. Ino kept mouthing rather colour swearwords but did not say a thing; at least he had lost feeling in her fingers due to poor circulation.
“Just a few more pushes Sakura and it is all done,” reassured Tsunade, “You can do it Sakura just breathe.”
Are you quiet sure about that, the voice in Sakura's mind held a harsh tone of sarcasm.
Give a muffled groan Sakura pushed again, straining to do it as hard as possible. There was only one real word for it, painful, and she wanted it to end sooner rather than later, but just pushing was just causing more agony.
“One more,” Tsunade said excitedly.
This was it, it was almost over, but Sakura was far from feeling relief quiet yet.
With all she had Sakura pushed…
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
In the living room the men could clearly hear all the commotion in the room and despite Sakura's attempts not to cry out they could still hear her. Especially the very last time, Sakura cried out and just as she did another cry started. It was the clear cry of an infant.
You did it Sakura, Kakashi relaxed slightly but his heart was still not beating regularly, you did it.
“Be prepared to pay up when they tell us it's a boy,” Naruto grinned.
Sasuke gave Naruto a `you have got to be kidding me look', “Is that all you can think of right now Naruto?”
Naruto just shrugged, “Hey you can't tell me you're not curious. How about you Kakashi what do you think it is?”
Kakashi did not answer; he just seemed to be staring off into space.
“Yo earth to Kakashi,” Naruto said giving Kakashi a slight nudge.
That seemed to get his attention but Kakashi did not look to happy about it, he actually looked slightly annoyed, “What is it Naruto?”
“What do you think it is a boy or girl?”
“I don't know,” he mumbled, “If you're so curious just wait for one of the girls to tell you.”
“Just thought you might want to guess,” Naruto shrugged, “The kid sure has some pipes on it does it?”
“All babies cry like that when they are born,” Sasuke sighed, “It opens the airway. Besides you weren't exactly quiet as a kid either Naruto.”
Hinita just seemed to appear out of nowhere, in the middle of the conversation they did not even hear the door being opened. She walked into the room a small smile on her face.
“How is Sakura,” Kakashi asked quickly.
“She is fine Tsunade is just tending to her now,” Hinita smiled wider, “It's a girl!”
“Damn,” Naruto said under his breath while he quickly passed Sasuke a ten from his pocket.
Sasuke gave a smirk.
“Are we allowed to see her,” asked Kakashi.
Hinita shook her head, “Tsunade said we should limit visitors for a little while until they have finished up everything. Plus I really think Sakura needs rest, she needs some time with her baby.”
“Has Sakura decided on a name yet,” replied Hinita, “She is planning on it soon though.”
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
“It's a girl,” Tsunade smiled handing the small cloth wrapped bundle to Sakura.
Sakura was now propped up in her bed by pillows, after it had finally ended she was staring to feel much better, and the only thing on her mind now was seeing her precious baby girl for the first time.
Gently Sakura took the newborn in her eyes and held it close to her. The baby's eyes were large and obviously Sakura's. They were the same sparkling shade of green her mom's was, and through the towel short wisps of silver hair could be seen on her head. Definitely not from Sakura, but Sakura didn't care, this was her baby and she loved her no matter what.
“Welcome to the world kid,” Ino whispered then put her uninjured hand on Sakura's shoulder, “Meet your mommy.”
“My little girl,” Sakura whispered smiling warmly down at her child.
“What are the arrangements for tonight,” asked Tsunade, “Someone should stay with her for a few days; she won't be able to get up and go for a little while.”
“Hinita and I are crashing here for the night,” Ino explained, “Its no problem; missions can do without us for a couple of days. We'll help her until she is back on her feet again.”
“That's good,” Tsunade sighed.
“Its no trouble,” Ino assured to both Sakura and Tsunade, “The couch in the living room pulls out anyway so Hinita and I will be fine.”
“You guys are the best,” Sakura said thankfully.
Sakura turned to her baby again looking down on it with a genuine smile, the newborn looked up at her with what seemed to be Sakura's own eyes, she is so beautiful. She is my baby…my little girl.
“You know she still needs a name,” Tsunade pointed out.
“You're right,” Sakura murmured, but what will I name her? There are so many different possibilities which one would suit her best? For my little girl… After what seemed like the longest awkward silence in history Sakura spoke, “Gina, her name will be Haruno Gina.”
“Gina…it means silver doesn't it,” Ino smiled, “Well it suits her, look at that hair already.”
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Lol thanks HellHoundBreath! I was planning on making the child have silver hair. I thought it would fit her best!! Yah!
I am betting by now you can guess who the father is, if not keep reading, I just might put it in the next chapter! *Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge*
Keep reviewing!