Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One More ❯ Aza ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
One More

benitorabankotsu- welp....I've done it....another danged story! dern it, I need to finish my stories before starting new ones, but this one has been eating away at my brains, which I wish to keep, so I wrote it. Anywho's, hope ya enjoy my peice of crap story

Chapter 1- Aza

Low hanging vines snapped and cracked as a young woman plowed through them, arms flung protectively around her angular face. The wind tugged and pulled at her raven locks, as the whisper of the trees called out to her, 'faster, faster, little Aza, or you'll never escape...'
The woman sobbed, stumbling and falling to her knees with a thud, "Stop it! Stop it!" She cried out, tearing bark away from a nearby tree in small amounts, ripping the long nails from her fingers, "Stop it..." She murmured, noticing the taunting calls had died down, only to return seconds later calling, 'what's that on your dress Aza? Blood?'
Aza shrieked, ripping violently at the trees with a new vigor, the vigor of a wild animal, "Be QUIET!" The beating of wings caused Aza's head to snap upward, watching as a large, black crow shrieked, 'muuuurderrrrer, kiiiiillerrrrr....'
Aza grabbed her head, watching as the sky flashed red, and blood began to trickle out of the areas she had stripped of bark on the majestic tree.
The tree, a weeping willow, opened it's large, blackened mouth, and it's eyes fluttered in agony, "Whyyyyyy Aza? Why have you betrayed meeeeee..." The voice that filled the clearing was decidedly female, and eerily familiar.
Aza's eyes snapped open, "Mama?" The sound of wood brushing against wood was accompanied by the feeling of being completely encompassed, of being hugged by the willow, which bled in earnest onto the rain slicked forest floor. "Dear Aza, why? Why have you killed our clan?" Aza shrieked, thrashing about in the branches of the tree, tearing her flesh against the rough material of the trunk. "I did NOTHING! It was the Shadow! Shadow killed you! I-I tried to HELP you!" The tree seemed to shake as it cried out, "Noooooo my dear, 'twas you who killed us, why must you blame him?"
Aza trembled in rage, "I DID NOTHING!!!!! I DID NO-" Aza gasped, flicking her deadly dull eyes toward her stomach, from which blood poured, and a branch protruded. ""

Aza shot forward suddenly, sweat damped and panting. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shouted, still caught in the false memory.
Two ANBU stopped in their tracks, having heard the forlorn cry, and the shrieks and sobs that accompanied it.
"Fox, should we check it out?" A dragon masked figure asked, glancing shortly at a fox masked man.
"definitely, dragon."
An obvious woman, with long, midnight black hair, dragon nodded, shooting off towards the source of the sound, with fox in tow, sometimes darting ahead, at others lagging behind.
In time, the couple stopped in a clearing, only to be greeted by the sight of a young woman stabbing a tree over and over with a dull blade, sobbing loudly.
"Shadow..." They heard her mutter.
"I'll handle this."
The dragon masked figure nodded, stepping aside to allow fox to pass. Fox knealt beside Aza, taking the blade in his hand, though not with out a fight. "Give it to me!" She shrieked, lunging for the useless weapon. "And if I say no?" fox asked casualy, as though discussing a change in wallpaper.
Her bangs that once covered her eyes were lifted with a sudden gust of wind, and she muttered darkly, "Then I shall kill you," sharingan swirling.
Fox almost dropped the knife as dragon gasped. Through his stupor, however, fox was able to manage one sentence, "Oh hell no..."

benitorabankotsu: -.- wow...that sucked. REVIEW ANYWAY! OR I SHALL POKETH YOU!