Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One of Us ❯ One of Us ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

S.A.: (sigh) I changed a little bit at the end. I think its better (kinda)
Title: One of us
Summary: Ino reminisces about her relationship with Shikamaru… By singing at a karaoke bar?! O.o Okay then. But, guess who happens to hear her? ShikaIno (again).
Ino: They passed me by, all of those great romances.
You were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chances.
My picture clear, everything seemed so easy.
And so I dealt you the blow.
One of us had to go.
Now it's different, I want you to know.
Sakura dragged Shikamaru to a seat in the front row of the blond Jounin.
Ino: One of us is crying.
One of us is lying.
In her lonely bed.
Staring at the ceiling.
Wishing she was somewhere else instead.
One of us is lonely.
One of us is only.
Waiting for a call.
Sorry for herself, feeling stupid feeling small.
Wishing she had never left at all.
Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at Sakura, who merely smiled. “You know, it's rude to poke your nose in other people's business.”
“Only when it's uncalled for!”
Ino: I saw myself as a concealed attraction.
I felt you kept me away from the heat and the action.
Just like a child, stubborn and misconceiving.
That's how I started to show.
One of us had to go.
Now I've changed and I want you to know.
One of us is crying.
One of us is lying.
In her lonely bed.
Staring at the ceiling.
Wishing she was somewhere else instead.
One of us is lonely.
One of us is only.
Waiting for a call.
Sorry for herself, feeling stupid feeling small.
Wishing she had never left at all.
Never left at all.
Shikamaru sighed and stood up. The place was nearly empty and those there (other than Sakura and Ino) wouldn't recognize him. He smiled. This was going to be easier than he thought. He walked behind the mini-stage Ino was singing on and grabbed a headset (the owner was extremely rich), before walking on the stage behind Ino. She didn't notice so he got closer and rapped his arms around her waist. She cried out, clearly surprised and he took over for her until the end of the song.
Shikamaru: Staring at the ceiling.
Wishing he was somewhere else instead.
One of us is lonely.
One of us is only.
Waiting for a call.
Sorry for himself, feeling stupid feeling small.
Wishing he had never left at all.
Ino turned around and stared at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Sakura dragged me.”
Ino blinked before turning and glaring at the pink-haired girl in the front row. “Brat.”
“Match-makers should not be looked down upon, for they have a very difficult job indeed. That's a quote from you, you know.”
Ino rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Uhh… Shikamaru… could you… umm… oh… curse it! Your arms are kinda around my waist.” She said, blushing. He released her and walked out of the bar. Ino glared at Sakura. “If I can't catch him, I'm going to kill you. Understand?”
Sakura smiled. “Run fast!”
Ino leapt off the stage and ran out of the bar. She got to the door and saw Shikamaru had turned the corner all ready. “Get ready to die, Sakura…”
“Looking for Shikamaru?”
Ino turned around, startled, and saw Temari leaning against the side of the building. “Yeah…”
“Turned left, muttering about women, mood swings and cursing everything in between to the pits of the underworld. Figured you were involved.” Ino twitched, but said nothing. After all, Temari had just saved her a good two hours of searching. She had begun to run off when Temari called her. She turned around. “Just remember this, Ino. If you don't want him, I'm taking him!”
Once again, Ino twitched. “Do you honestly think I'd be chasing him if I didn't want him?”
“….Nope.” Ino sighed, closed her eyes, counted to ten and once again resumed her chase of Shikamaru.
“If he was muttering about stuff like that, he probably went to Choji's house…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Choji stared at the ceiling while Shikamaru ranted about the unfairness of Karaoke, Ino, women, Ino, mood swings, Ino, ex-girlfriends, Ino, microwaves, Ino, nosey pink-haired girls and lastly, Ino. Apparently, Shikamaru's microwave had broke and he called Sakura to help him fix it and she had dragged him to a Karaoke bar where Ino had set him up and shot him down. The only people who ever saw Shikamaru like this were his ex-teammates. While everyone else only saw him cool and collected, he always came to one of them to really blow up about something. After Ino and Shikamaru broke up, however, he only confided in Choji, most of the time about, you guessed it, Ino.
Suddenly, the door bell rang and Choji thanked the heavens as he got up to answer it. He really didn't mind listening, but he could only hear so many complaints about Ino in one sitting.
On his doorstep stood a panting, sweating Ino(1). “I-Is Shikamaru here?” Choji nodded, trying desperately to figure out the situation. “Could I talk to him?”
“Sure… Come on in…” She sat on the couch and Choji walked back to his bedroom. “It's… Ino…” Shikamaru raised an eyebrow in a This-concerns-me-how? kind of look. “She wants to talk to you…” Shikamaru sighed, got up and walked to the living room.
“This is so troublesome…” However, as he walked into the living room, he felt arms rapped around his neck and lips pressed on his.
“I'm sorry, Shikamaru…” Ino whispered after she pulled away.
Suddenly, Choji walked in from the hallway. “Yes, yes. You're back together and all is well in the world of ShikaIno. Now get out of my house. I really don't want to repeat the My-parents-found-you-two-making-out-in-the-hall-closet-incident again, thank you.
The End
S.A.: I know that it's not my best work, but it was supposed to be shorter than this… as in, they never left the bar short. Writing Choji's addicting… though I don't think he's really in character… Please review and remember: Just because I never mentioned Choji's signature bag of potato chips, doesn't mean they're not there. Note: My sister said he was seriously OOC because he didn't have his `Tato chips.
1: Yes, I realize that Ino can make it across town without breaking a sweat but just ROLL WITH IT, for my sake… please?