Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Shots-Valentines Day[SasuxNaru] ❯ Valentines Day!Everything Changes! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yuuki:Yes my ficcie of sweet valentines yaoiness![sighs dreamily]Sasuke-kun, Naruto-kun, you two are so perfect toget-

Sasuke:Shut up, Naruto, before I screw you up!

Naruto:Ohhh I'm Sasuke I think I'm so emo when Gaara's really emo-er than me.Then I go home a cry in my corner while I think about him![does be-da face]

Yuuki:Um...yeah their perfect anyways to the ficcie of yaoiness ^-^UU

Disclaimer:I don't own anything...TT-TT


Episode 01{Valentines Day!Everything Changes?}

A holiday for lovers and the lovesick, Valentines Day.

"Ugh...why me...?"annoyedly muttered Sasuke as he walked to the academy.He wasn't one for holidays, especially Valentines Day.He shoved his hands into his pockets and sighed as he entered the classroom...


No squealing, Yelling, or glomping?Sasuke looked around and noticed all the girls passing out their chocolates and cards.They were probably waiting untill he sat down, Sasuke shook his head and walked to his desk."Hello Sasuke."smiled Sakura as she held something behind her back.

Knew it.

He scowled and turned to glare at the pink haired girl, 'What the fu-'he watched as Sakura passed the chocolates to a blushing Ino.

"Here you are Ino-pig..."lauhged Sakura,using that silly name she use to call her childhood friend/enemy."Thank you Sakuru-kun...I got this for you"Ino smiled handing Sakura a card and a box of candy.Now it was Sakura's turn to blush as she read the card,

'Your friendship is dear to me, but our love mean so much more!Hoping that we last forever and Happy Valentines Day, Forehead.'

Sasuke twitched staring at the two girls.Instead of drooling over him, they were drooling over each oher!What was happening today?He messaged his temples as he began reavaluating this mornig.He woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, walked into class...was there some strange portal to a different universe instead of a door?

"What's wrong with you, Sasuke-kun?"worriedly asked Naruto, staring at the raven haired Uchiha.Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts looking at Naruto cofusedly."Oh is it about Ino and Sakura-chan?Their over you for sure."he laughed.

Sasuke glared at the golden blonde boy, "Shut up, Naruto...I could careless..."he mumbled annoyedly.Naruto smirked, "I thinik youdo care, now that everyone's over you, your not that great anymore."he laughed once again as Sasuke turned away.Yes, finally he got under the cold Uchiha's skin and god it felt good.It was revenge.Revenge for the damn Uchiha affecting him like this.Yeah he was in love with Uchiha Sasuke.

"I don't see YOU with anyone, Naruto..."planely retorted Sasuke.Naruto chucked, "You got me ther, but I have someone in mind..."

Sasuke made a mistake, he was intrested in who this 'someone' was?"Who...?"Naruto smirked,"Would you really like to know, Sasuke-kun?"he said sing-song.Sasuke wondered about the sudden use of honorifics, but continued anyways, "Not really now.."he answered annoyedly."Right..."Naruto smiled, taking his seat as Iruka-sensei entered the classroom.

Sasuke didn't want to admit how bad Naruto's bothered him.He looked at the blonde boy as cerulean blue eyes met his midnight blue ones.They stared for awhile until Naruto finally looked awaywwith radish red blush.Sasuke also felt the heat coloring his face, 'What's up with this holiday...?'

Naruto looked down at his empty notebook as he waited for the blush to subdue.'Stupid Uchiha...'he though,glancing at the boy once again.He couldn't wait to give the older boyhis special gift, to see the look on Sasuke's face when-

"Move it dobe, it's lunch..."annoyedly muttered Sasuke as he waited for Naruto move.Naruto grumbled as he stood, allowing the Uchiha to pass.Sasuke walked by planely when he felt the tanned boy's hand lightly brush against his.He turned and they locked eyes again, "...Dobe..."

Sasuke gulpd down water as he drank from the slightly dirty water fountain.Let the water pass through his dry throat, he sighed walking to a empty table for lunch.It was so annoying, each table had their couples.Ino and Sakura, Hinata and Kiba, Tenten and Lee, Gaara and Neji, and many more.Why was there a ping of jealousy as he watched the lovey dovey couples.

"You jelous, Sasuke-kun?"chuckled the so-called, 'dobe,'as he took a seat at said table.Sasuke glared at the boy and ate deicing to ignore the blonde question.Naruto smirked, taking ramen into his mouth, "Yeah your jelous.Poor Sasuke-kun..."he cooed.

Sasuke growled angerly, "Urusai gaki!"he grabbed lunch and headed outside in his attempt to be alone...

Of course it didn't work.

He was surrounded by even more lovers, none for him.Even that damned Uzamaki had someone and that also bothered Sasuke.'WHo the hell could be his valentine...?'he snorted taking a bite of his onigiri."I know your there, Naruto..."

Naruto laughed nervously, walking from the tree Sasuke was eating under."Hehe...ya got me, Sasuke-kun"he said smiling hugely.Sasuke looked at him annoyedly,"What is it Naruto?"he continued,"I just this day to be over with..."

Naruto looked at him sofitly, pulling out something out of his orange jumpsuit."Your really upset about this Valentines thing aren't you...?"Sasuke sighed, closing his bento box,"Yes Naruto it's bothering me...more than I thought it would...even your secert valentine is bothering me for some reason..."he muttered as he laid his head against the tree.A soft thud and something was placed in Sasuke's lap, "Here you go!"NAruto smiled as Sasuke looked at him in shock."I wanted to wait till the end of the day, but since it's bothering you so bad I thought what the heck"Naruto shrugged.Sasuke looked at the present then Naruto as he blinked confusedly."Oh and before I forget..."mumbled Naruto as he snapped his fingers, turning back to Sasuke.They locked lips and Sasuke stared at Naruto with widden eyes unntill they slowly shut as he returned the kiss.

Sasuke woke up drenched in sweat as he breaths came out raspy, "UGh...what a bad dream..."he umbled looking at his clock.Next to the clock was a.....

box of tissue.He reached for it when he noticed a badly warped gift on the floor.Picking it up he read the card,

From: Naruto To Sasuke-kun

His eyes widden, did he seriously kiss Naruto...?