Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Time Thing ❯ One Time Thing ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Summary: Sasuke tries to persuade Naruto into being uke. SasuNaruSasu!

A/N: All right, so I kind’ve screwed myself over. Heh. After ‘The Morning After’, I was supposed to stop there, but then my muse demanded lemon-y goodness for the end of it. Sorry, muse-y, but there wasn’t one. That’s why I have written this for you. You should be grateful. Ah ha ha…j/k. Anyway, review!!!

Muse: YAY I LOVE YOU!!!! Muse is very happy!!! LEMONEY GOODNESS!!!

Warnings: Just the usual. There’s some oral, anal, solo-if it even counts-and I guess that’s it. On a completely irrelevant note, I’ve always wanted to throw in some rimming, but just the thought of writing it…/shudders/ I’m distracted enough as it is. ^_^

Nearly three months had passed since that fateful mission, where Naruto happened to roll over in his sleep and things got a little too warm for Sasuke. But, for the first time in a long time, he felt at peace with the world in general. He was even okay with Sai-some of the time-and even made an effort to like him. It wasn’t an easy task, though. The dark haired ninja made it excessively harder each day to want to like him. The ex-ROOTS member was all over Sasuke’s blond lover, and even though the older boy didn’t know about their relationship, Sasuke felt the pressing need to grab Sai by the throat and choke the life out of him.

Sakura wasn’t making things any easier, either. She made rather…perverted comments when it was just the three of them, and made a point of sneaking condoms and lube into their travel bags when they were on a mission. And damn if they didn’t use them all up by the time they got back to Konoha.

But none of that got to Sasuke as much as he let on. No, what really bothered him was the fact that his blond lover-who Sasuke was convinced was evil-wouldn’t let him top. At first it didn’t bother him, having the blond writhing inside him felt too damn good to stop. But after three months he got a little frustrated at the fact that Naruto didn’t want to hand over the reins and bottom. No amount of ramen, fights, or pleas could sway the blond teenager to change his mind.

So Sasuke decided to play dirty. It was no secret the blond loved sex more than he did; Naruto was usually the one to instigate it. What better way to convince the blond than by withholding it? Sasuke didn’t know what would come of this ’withholding sex’, but knowing his luck it would only backfire. Naruto would turn the tables-like he always did-and Sasuke would find himself on his back, fingers gripping tanned skin and trying to hold on long enough so the sex wasn’t shit. Why couldn’t Naruto be more…gentle with him?

Sasuke made sure it was a day he trained with Kakashi, so that he could get the blond all worked up before he left. With Naruto rock hard, and begging him to stay, the blond’s only option was to wait until he got back. That way they could finish what they started. But Sasuke wasn’t going to let that happen, no matter how much he himself wanted to continue their little sex games.

All in all, he thought it was a good plan, although he was depending on the factors to tip in his direction. He had to get Naruto worked up to the point of exploding in a very short amount of time, and he didn’t know if he could even hold out himself.

With that plan in mind, Sasuke went to find Kakashi and make sure the silver haired man knew about their little training session tomorrow night. He was going to put his plan into action as soon as he could.


The pictures on the screen flashed upside down in front of him as he lay on the couch, his head hanging off the cushion and his legs thrown over the back. All of the blood was rushing to his head, but he didn’t care as he kept his eyes glued to the television screen. He was waiting for Sasuke to get home. The dark haired boy had gone out to get some things for dinner, and he had made it clear that it wasn’t ramen.

“Probably not as good as ramen.” Naruto muttered, finally pulling himself upright on the couch. He grabbed the remote on the table in front of his legs and shut off the television. It wasn’t too late in the day, but it felt later to the blond boy slumped over on the cushions of his couch. He’d done a little training with ero-sannin earlier in the day, had lunch with Kiba, and now he was waiting for some alone time with his dark haired lover. It was hard to find time to be alone with him these days. Sai wouldn’t leave them alone together, Sakura was trying to catch them kissing, and Kakashi was giving them his old volumes of Icha Icha Paradise. Of course, only two out of three of them knew what was going on, and the blond ninja wanted to keep it that way.

Naruto was so out of it that he didn’t hear the front door open; didn’t hear Sasuke call out his name as he came in through the doorway, his arms leaden down with bags. When the Uchiha kicked the door shut with his foot, Naruto finally snapped out of his daze.

“Help me put these away, dobe.” The dark haired teen set the bags onto the counter, and rifled through the one that contained their dinner. He pulled out a box of white rice, a zip-lock of chopped onions and peppers, soy sauce, and finally a pound of pepper steak. He set those on the only clean space of counter, and helped the blond boy put the rest of the groceries away. When all of the groceries were put away, and their dinner safely simmering in a wrought-iron frying pan, Sasuke finally gave himself some time to relax. He’d put a timer next to the stove so he’d know when it was time to turn it off and serve it.

Sasuke sprawled himself on the couch, and shut his eyes against the dim light of the kitchen. A few, short seconds later he felt Naruto climb onto the couch and didn’t hesitate to sprawl himself over Sasuke. The Uchiha was only mildly annoyed as the blond teen pressed a soft kiss to the spot just under his ear. The dark haired boy tried not to shiver as a warm hand wormed itself underneath his shirt and rested flat on his belly.

“I haven’t seen you all day, teme.” The blond boy sighed, stroking his fingers over the ribs closest to his hand. He attached himself to the same spot he’d kissed earlier, and felt Sasuke go limp underneath him. Naruto didn’t know how much time he had before dinner, but he was sure he could coax the dark haired boy into doing something before time ran out.

“Hn. I can’t get anywhere close to you without Sai biting my head off.” He swallowed audibly when Naruto shifted higher on top of him, and bit down on his earlobe softly. Sasuke knew what his blond lover was up to. Naruto was trying to coax him into doing a little something before their dinner was ready. Two can play that game, the Uchiha thought, shifting onto his side so the blond was trapped between him and the back of the couch. He cupped both whiskered cheeks in the palm of his hands, and pressed a searing kiss to the soft tufts of skin just begging to be claimed. He was rewarded with a soft groan as the blond tangled his fingers in Sasuke’s hair and deepened the kiss. The hand still underneath the dark haired boy’s shirt started moving up his side and to his back.

Sasuke felt arousal warming his veins as the blond’s fingers stroked scorching paths up his back and over his side. The hand in his hair clenched briefly as their hips came into contact, and he felt Naruto’s stuttered breath against his lips as he pulled away to gasp. Taking this sudden chance, Sasuke shifted again, pinning Naruto against the cushions with the lower half of his body, grinding their hips together. Naruto pulled his hand out of the older teen’s shirt and fisted it in Sasuke’s hair with the other one, then pulled him back down for another round of tonsil hockey.

Sasuke slipped his hands down to the blond’s shirt, hooked his thumbs into the bottom, then lifted the dark material until it rested under Naruto’s arms. He stroked his fingers up caramel colored skin and tweaked a nipple between his index finger and thumb. Naruto groaned into the other boy’s mouth, chest arching into the older boy’s touch. Sasuke left the blond’s lips reluctantly and trailed his mouth down the teen’s chin, his neck, and over the black mesh tucked underneath his arms. Sasuke reached a pert nipple and swept his tongue over the hardening bud, then tugged on it with his teeth.

Fuck, Sasuke.” Naruto hissed, tugging on the hair clenched in his fingers. Sasuke winced slightly as his hair was pulled, and bit down on the nub still between his teeth in retaliation.

“We’re getting there.” The Uchiha murmured, transferring to the blond’s other nipple. With his lover so distracted, Sasuke dipped his hands down to the other boy’s god-awful orange pants and carefully pulled the zipper down. Naruto shifted underneath him, spreading his legs more so Sasuke could fit perfectly between them. The dark haired boy couldn’t help but smirk at the suggestiveness of that position. “You’re letting me between your legs, dobe?” Sasuke teased, unable to help himself. He unbuttoned the other boy’s pants, then shifted so he could slip his hand underneath pants and boxers to fist straining, hard flesh in his palm.

Azure eyes glazed over as Sasuke gave him a slow, almost painfully wonderful stroke, and Naruto leaned up to capture his lips again. The blond lifted his hips to meet the other boy’s strokes, urging him to pick up the pace, fingers moving from dark hair to the arm of the couch. Naruto couldn’t respond to the kiss properly, too caught up in the fire building steadily in the pit of his stomach. The slow burning arousal was thick in his veins, which only happened when he had the urge to give up the reins and just drown in sensation. But he couldn’t give up so easily, dammit! He liked seeing Sasuke on his back beneath him, completely vulnerable, completely wanton.


Sasuke pushed himself up and looked towards the stove as he pulled his hand from the confines of the blond’s pants. He ignored the moan of loss he got from the blond boy as he moved off the couch and over to the stove and peeked into the pan. A few seconds later Naruto came up to him from behind, wrapped his arms around the dark haired boy’s waist, then kissed the back of his neck.

Bastard.” The blond hissed without much conviction, tightening his arms around his lover’s waist and rocking his hips forward only slightly. Sasuke was glad the other teen couldn’t see his smirk.

Sasuke pulled a spatula out of the drawer then stirred the peppers, onions, and steak in the frying pan. He reached over to peer into the pot with the rice, and was pleased to find that it was almost done.

“You can’t just leave me like this.” Naruto whined, nuzzling the tip of his nose against that pale neck. He rolled his hips forward again just to ease some of the pressure, and slipped both of his hands underneath Sasuke’s navy blue shirt. Sasuke didn’t say anything, and only the sound of their dinner sizzling broke the silence in the small apartment. Naruto let his hands rest against the other boy’s abs, and contented himself with laying butterfly kisses up the pale column of skin just in front of him.

Sasuke tried not to give in to the blond’s gentle ministrations, but he could only take so much before he jumped on the other ninja. The Uchiha made himself busy by moving over to the cabinets, and pulled a large white bowl from inside, the blond still connected to him at the waist. He pulled the lid off the pan with the rice in it, and pulled the bag out with two of his fingers then set it in the bowl. Naruto was still holding him as he stirred their pepper steak, making sure the steak soaked up all of the soy sauce he’d put in the frying pan.

“Sasuke, come on.” The blond whined loudly, making sure his dark haired lover heard the desperation in his voice. He rolled his hips forward, just to reiterate his point, and was irritated when Sasuke just opened the bag of rice and emptied it into the white bowl. The Uchiha switched off the eyes and took a step to his left to pull two plates from the cupboard just above his head. Finally tired of being ignored, Naruto released Sasuke’s wrist and moved back towards the couch and collapsed on top of it.

Sasuke smirked as he heard the telltale signs of the blond unzipping his pants before a breathy groan sounded behind him. “Dobe, couldn’t you hold your libido for another couple of minutes?” The dark haired boy smirked, as he spooned food onto their plates, making sure both of their shares were equal. When he was sure it was even, he turned towards the table and set both plates on the polished wood surface. Of course, the sight that greeted him only made his smug smirk widen even more. Sasuke moved over to the couch and wrapped his fingers around the blond’s wrist, pulling his hand out of his pants and boxers. “Just wait a couple more minutes, okay? After dinner we’ll go into the bedroom and take care of your little…problem.”

Naruto made a strangled noise in his throat, then nodded his head reluctantly and let Sasuke pull him off the couch. They both took a seat at the small, circular table and picked up the silverware in their hands. For the next half an hour, they ate in complete silence.


Naruto rubbed his belly as he sprawled himself over the bed, staring at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes and waiting for Sasuke to get done with the dishes. He’d done what the older boy said and ate dinner instead of…taking care of his problem. But he couldn’t stop squirming through the whole thing, and the squirming only made it worse. The soft cotton on his boxers only managed to rub him in all the wrong ways. His anticipation only built in the span of half an hour, and now he wanted nothing more than to sink himself in tight, silken flesh.

Sasuke appeared in the doorway, arms folded across his broad chest. He was staring openly at the bulge in the blond’s pants, one elegant, dark eyebrow raised. He was smirking, as if he was hiding this great secret that would cause the world’s end if anyone ever found out.

“You look completely wanton.” Sasuke leaned against the doorframe, completely content with just standing there until the blond got mad and dragged him into bed. Naruto raised an eyebrow; not sure he liked the look on his lover’s face. He was definitely up to something.

“Bastard. Get over here.” Naruto reached down to the hem of his pants, and ran his palm lightly over the stiff bulge just begging to be touched. He stuttered out a pained breath and slowly let his eyes slide shut as he increased the pressure against his erection. Sasuke watched the blond with hooded eyes, wanting the blond to continue for just a couple more minutes, until the moment was right. “Nnn. Sas…uke.”

Thinking he’d waited long enough, Sasuke went over to the bed and slid onto it, moving up to straddle the blond’s hips. He took Naruto’s wrists into his hands and pinned the tanned boy’s arms above his head, grinding his pelvis into the boy below him. He was rewarded with a breathy call of his name, and Naruto’s bottom lip found itself wedged between his teeth.

Sasuke bent down to run his tongue up the blond’s jaw, and flicked it over his earlobe. “Know what I want, Na-ru-to?” The Uchiha whispered, biting down on his lover’s ear and tugging on it gently.

“A-ah…what?” Naruto panted, lacing their fingers together and rocking his hips against Sasuke’s. It was only making the pressure even worse.

“I-“ Sasuke made his way down the other boy’s neck, leaving light, purple bruises in his wake. When he lifted his head to meet Naruto’s eyes, he let out a breath against his lips. “-Want to fuck you.”

“Heh…I knew…you were up…to something…teme.” The blond swallowed thickly, his erection giving a wonderful throb at the possibilities in that dark promise. Whenever Sasuke and he had sex, he was always distracted by the noises the dark haired boy made. If it felt that good, then…”All right. But only just this one time.”

“I can top?” Sasuke blinked, not believing his ears. Naruto had essentially said he could top. After three months of wondering, and even coming up with a plan, he could finally feel what the blond felt every time they did it. The thought of topping the blond teen made his own arousal increase tenfold. The dark haired teen bent to capture the other boy’s lips, and ran his hands down to hook his fingers under Naruto’s dark shirt. Sasuke lifted the mesh material to the blond’s chin, then broke the kiss to pull it off the rest of the way.

Naruto reached for the bottom of the Uchiha’s shirt and tugged it off none-too-gently. Sasuke broke the kiss in favor of trailing his lips down the other boy’s neck, stopping to suck at his pulse, leaving a light red mark. He felt the other boy’s fingers tangle in his hair, forcibly pulling his head back up until they could kiss again. Naruto shoved his tongue into Sasuke’s mouth, and the dark haired boy heard the possessive groan that rumbled in his throat. He answered it with a roll of his hips and nipped at the other boy’s lip.

“So impatient.” Sasuke murmured between kisses, his fingers drawing lazy circles on the other boy’s abdomen. He had to shift lower to the blond’s thighs to reach the zipper of those gaudy, orange pants, but when he did he pulled the zipper down slowly, almost teasingly. Naruto’s hips arched into the brief touch on his arousal, and his moan was muffled in the Uchiha’s mouth.

“Fucking tease.” Naruto growled out, biting down on the other boy’s lip a little too hard, just to prove he was running out of patience. Sasuke chuckled low in his throat-just downright evil-as he shoved his hand into the blond’s pants, without even giving his lover any warning. His fingers wrapped around the cloth-covered erection and gave it a long, painful stroke. “Shit, Sasuke. Keep doing that and I’m not gonna last for much longer.” Naruto’s hips bucked at another painfully slow stroke, his mouth falling open in a silent scream.

Sasuke shifted lower still, grabbing the blond’s legs and spreading them apart before he reached for the button on his pants, then pulled the orange material down with Naruto’s bright orange boxers. The small bead of pre-cum at the tip of the other boy’s erection caught his attention first, and he bent to lick it up before he could stop himself. Moaning at the slightly salty taste, Sasuke lowered his head and wrapped his lips around just the tip, sucking gently. The blond’s whimper reverberated through his whole body like a bass drum.

The Uchiha watched the blond through the cover of his bangs, enjoying the scroll of emotions going down across face. He lowered his head slightly, and was rewarded with a slight hitch in his lover’s breath. He gave the blond a few, long sucks, wanting to bring him to the edge, wanting to hear him cry out.

He felt the blond’s thighs tense, a warning of his impending orgasm. Sasuke pulled away before the blond could reach the edge, and smirked at the outraged cry he got for leaving him hanging on a very thin strand.

“Damn fucking tease!” Naruto growled, trying to bite Sasuke as soon as the dark haired boy bent to kiss him. Of course, that only made Sasuke’s smirk widen as he dodged the attempted bite and pressed a hand to the blond’s chest. “Fine, be that way. See if I let you fuck me.”

“I could just leave you like this. Hard and desperate for a release.” Sasuke brushed the tips of his fingers over the other boy’s arousal, still overly sensitive from the aborted orgasm. Naruto glowered up at him, his face screwing up at the briefly wonderful sensation before Sasuke’s fingers left.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Wanna try me?” Sasuke brushed his fingers over the blond’s length again, this time lingering for more than a few seconds. Naruto’s eyes fluttered shut despite his attempts to keep them open.

“Bastard. Just hurry the fuck up, would ya?”

“Hn.” Sasuke reached for the waistband of his shorts and yanked them off as quickly as he could, and had to shift to pull them off completely. As soon as his arousal was freed, tanned fingers wrapped around his length and gave him several quick strokes before he pulled Naruto’s hand away. He pinned the hand he had caught next to the blond’s head before he reached over with his free hand to pull the lube out of the table next to Naruto’s bed. The blond’s other hand went to take place of the trapped one, and stroked Sasuke fast and hard.

“Payback’s a bitch, teme.” Naruto grinned, watching as the dark haired boy let his eyes fall shut and reveled in the feeling of Naruto’s hand stroking him. After a few more seconds of wonderful, tingling warmth, Sasuke pushed that hand away, too, and parted the blond’s legs more. His patience wearing thin, Sasuke uncapped the lube and spread the clear liquid on three of his fingers, then threw the tube onto the floor next to the bed.

He let the blond wrap his legs around his waist before he dropped his slick digits to the blond’s entrance, and slipped one past that first, tight ring of muscle. Naruto only grunted as Sasuke pushed the finger deeper, knowing that he didn’t have to explain to the blond that he needed to stay relaxed. Naruto had this process memorized, being the only one that read Kakashi’s perverted books.

When Sasuke added a second finger, the blond let out a stuttered breath and tensed for a few seconds before he forced his muscles to relax. Sasuke circled his fingers inside the other boy, pushing them in deeper to find the spot that made fireworks explode behind his eyes. He knew he’d found it when Naruto gasped his name, and tried to bring Sasuke’s fingers deeper into himself.

Adding a third finger, Sasuke stretched the blond as far apart as he could make his fingers spread, and watched Naruto’s face for any sign of pain. Either the blond was hiding it well, or there really was no pain at all.

Holy shit, Naruto breathed, trying to ignore the twinges of pain. One finger had been a piece of cake. Two fingers had been easy to ignore. But three fingers were just too much. Fuck. Is this how Sasuke felt? The blond swallowed around the lump in his throat, determined not to show Sasuke how much it really did hurt. Then his azure eyes dropped down to the other boy’s length and he swallowed convulsively. Shit, this is gonna hurt.

Figuring Naruto was stretched enough, Sasuke pulled his fingers out of the blond and spread the rest of the lube on his length. “Ready, dobe?” The dark haired boy laced their fingers together on the pillow above the blond’s head and pressed himself forward, breaching the first ring of muscle.

So far so good, Naruto breathed; locking his eyes with the onyx one’s above him. As Sasuke pushed himself in further, Naruto felt his eyes tear up, pain sparking up his back. Fuck, this hurts. There was a throb of warmth where they connected, and Naruto let out a choked moan as Sasuke pushed himself the rest of the way in, giving the bond boy time to adjust. Naruto told himself to breathe, repeated it over and over inside his head, but his body didn’t seem to want to listen.

Sasuke rocked himself forward, unable to hold still; wanting to get things moving. The muscles hugging him felt like pure heaven, intensifying only when they tightened around him.

“Try to move, teme.” Naruto breathed out, tightening his legs a fraction like Sasuke had done so many times to him before. He felt a rush of warmth all the way up his spine when the dark haired boy brushed against that spot buried inside of him, and let his head fall back against the rush of pleasure it brought. When Sasuke pulled out, he lifted his hips to meet his next thrust, and stars burst in his vision when the other boy hit his prostate.

Sasuke ducked his head to kiss him, running his tongue over a trembling bottom lip. Naruto responded to the kiss as best as he could, distracted by the way Sasuke’s length slid exquisitely against his inner walls. He clenched down on the length moving inside of him, and was rewarded with a low moan that sounded like a garbled version of his name. He did it again just to get the same reaction, and was taken by surprise when Sasuke reached down to grip his waist and slammed his hips forward, pulling Naruto down to meet his thrusts.

“Nng!” The whiskered boy screwed his eyes shut, gasping as white-hot tingles of pleasure ricocheted up his spine. He pulled Sasuke’s head down to kiss him desperately, moaning into his mouth every time his prostate was hit. Naruto held on as best as he could, digging his nails into the older boy’s shoulders, and rocking up against him.

Sasuke reached down to splay his fingers over the blond’s back, his fingers slipping on sweaty skin. When he was sure the blond wouldn’t just slid back down, he lifted the lower half of his body, insuring that his thrusts go even deeper than before. To Naruto, the stabs of pleasure grew more constant, his prostate hit with every downward thrust. And suddenly it was too much for him.

“Sasuke!” He said in a half-scream, half-moan, coming between their bodies, his sensitized length brushing against a muscled, sweaty abdomen. His fingers bit into the other boy’s shoulder blades angrily as he pushed his spasming length into the body above him, clenching painfully around the length still moving inside him.

“Naru…to.” Sasuke ground out, thrusting one last time before he burst at the seams, spilling his seed into the blond undulating beneath him. He gave a few shallow thrusts into the blond, riding out the last waves of his orgasm until his arms couldn’t hold him up anymore. He collapsed on top of the blond with a stuttered breath, and lay there for a few minutes, waiting for his body to cool off.

Naruto placed his arms around the Uchiha’s shoulders and hugged him loosely, feeling Sasuke’s arms go around him seconds later, returning the hug unconditionally as the older boy rolled them onto their sides. Naruto eased his legs from around the dark haired boy’s waist, and Sasuke pulled out of him, eliciting a tired moan from them both. Without even thinking of cleaning themselves off, the Uchiha pulled the blanket from underneath them and wrapped it around their cooling bodies.

“Hey, Sasuke?” Naruto muttered after a few moments of silence, nuzzling the tip of his nose under the other’s jaw. When onyx eyes focused on him, the blond smiled sheepishly. “You can…top next time, too. But don’t get used to it! I’m still more dominant than you.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes sleepily, “Whatever, dobe.”

“…Hey, Sasuke?”

“Mmm?” The Uchiha grunted, already half asleep by the sounds of it. Naruto ran his fingers over crescent-shaped marks on the other boy’s shoulders then pressed a soft kiss to the other boy’s forehead.

“I love you.” Naruto whispered, snuggling down into Sasuke’s embrace.

Sasuke tightened his arms briefly before muttering back, “I love you, too.”

Naruto blinked rapidly to stop the tears from falling, and pressed another soft kiss to the dark haired boy’s chest. He’d waited so long to hear those words from Sasuke, and he had no doubts of their truth. Maybe, when Sasuke was more awake, he’d get him to say it again.


A/N: All right. So that really is the end of this little trilogy. I think I do a lot better when I write SasuNaru lemons, but that’s just my opinion-although I’m falling in love with NaruSasu!- It’d be cool to get reviews on which you liked better-the NaruSasu lemon or the SasuNaru lemon. Or both. ^_^

P.S. To my muse, Magical Angel. Thank you for the little note!