Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Word ❯ one word ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Naruto.
AN: This takes place during the Sea Country Arc and if you're not familiar with it this may be a spoiler so take this as a warning.
No pairing.
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He was walking down the narrow hallway searching for the door that would lead him to the rest of his team. Beside him Ino walked on looking in some doors and walking on a bit ahead. The smell of the sea was everywhere and he was grateful it would cover up some of the stench this place contained.
Holding his light higher he quickened his pace. It was then that he saw it. Just one word written on the wall.
He froze.
Upon closer inspection he observed it was written in blood on the stones.
That was all it said, one word and it drove him to the brink of insanity and back again. It could have been a coincidence, but this word was what he always called him. It was their odd friendship, `Bastard, Dead Last' That was just how they communicated, and here it was written in his blood taunting him.
His fist clenched.
Damnit I'm going to bring you back, he thought before continuing on ahead.
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OKAY more spoilers…..
I just wanted to write this because I thought how sorry it was that Saskue and Naruto just missed each other, (by a few weeks but eh), so I wrote this to give another little insight into their friendship and Naruto's dedication.