Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites ❯ Chapter 2

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From the same line they descend
Yet united they do not stand
So diverse they are
The gap between them too wide to breach
One seeks for change
The other constancy
One believes in strength of character
The other fate
From other people she gains her confidence
While the pain of loss fuels his ire
They both want to grow stronger
Improve …
They both want to break free
Let go…
Yet their motivations…
are nothing alike
All she wants is the acceptance of one man
The same man he seeks to destroy
Her pale eyes downcast
His own glaring with disdain
A rosy tint coloring her cheeks
An arrogant smirk gracing his lips
She bites her lip in consternation
He sneers at her regarding her weakness with contempt
And they stand there waiting
Unsure of what to do
Waiting for the judgment to be passed…
Feather light touches causing unbearable pain
Glancing blows causing internal destruction
Wounds… scrapes… scratches…. burns…
Waiting for the judgment to be passed…
Pearlescent eyes filled only with concern
A similar pair a vortex of hatred and distrust
Heavy jacket once spotless now bloodied, frayed and torn
His own immaculate robes crusted with dried blood
She drops to her knees exhausted
He moves in for the kill
She struggles helplessly
He lands the final blow
She falls unconscious
Yet he continues forward wanting to crush her existence
She lays unmoving
He feels the rush of victory as he closes in on her
And then her savior comes…
A mere brat
garbed in blinding orange
with spiky golden hair
and blue eyes burning fiercely
with anger and determination
He looks at he battered form and suddenly attacks
White eyes widened in shock as he came crashing down the ground
Her savior
His punisher
Her broken form lovingly held and taken to safety
His remains left on the ground for the wild animals to feast on
Her wounds healed… her body carefully restored…
His festered… infected… his body infested…
Her life given back
His… taken away…
Hyuuga Hinata
Hyuuga Neji