Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Origin ❯ Internal Debate ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

The Origins of Clan Uzumaki

Chapter 2: Internal Debate

Sakura stepped out into the sunlight of a bright summer day, but she paid no attention to it. She was mad, livid even, at her best friend's insinuations. She was not into girls, she liked boys. She did, dammit. So she had kissed Ino a few times. She had just been learning how to kiss well, that's all.

It's not like she had chosen to have wet dreams about Ino for the next three days, no sir. It had just been hormones. So what if she still had an occasional dream about her? Or that her eyes would linger a bit too long on Ino at the onsen? She wasn't into girls. She wasn't, it simply wasn't possible.

The pink haired medic's feet took her down the streets of Konoha, no real destination in mind. She was fuming, still, and she wanted to beat the crap out of something, but nothing was presenting itself to be pummeled by her rage. She came across a bench that looked out over the park and flopped down on it, huffing in irritation at the thoughts that refused to leave her head.

Damn that blond pig. First she had to get Sakura's hopes up with all that harem nonsense, then she had to go and say that Sakura was bisexual. Share Naruto? With Ino? With others? What the hell. Ino was greedy, so was Sakura. And yet... the thought of being with Naruto finally, no matter how, was just too tempting to dismiss. Sakura crossed her arms under her breasts and glared at the ground in front her as she thought.

So... Naruto. And Ino. And her. Sakura pictured it in her head and saw a rather detailed image of Naruto sitting behind his desk, still in his robes, he even had the hat on. She herself was sitting in his lap with his arm around her waist and her arm around his neck. Ino, nude as the day she was born except for that collar, was kneeling beside them and resting her head against Sakura's knee, with her eyes closed and Sakura's foot rubbing her side. The fact that she was able to picture the three of them together so quickly and clearly made Sakura squirm. The fact that she could picture her and Ino were being so intimate and close made her all red and embarrased and uncomfortable. And, with something approaching horror, she realized that thinking about it was making her aroused, if the heat in her belly was any indication.

Sakura tried to think of something else to calm herself down. It wasn't working. All she could do was see that image in her head, and no matter how much she tried thinking of something else, she would see that situation again within five seconds. She knew that because she actually timed it after the fifth time.

Sakura considered herself smart, she knew she could recognize what was right in front of her. And now, she had to face the possibility that Ino hadn't been messing with her. That she, Sakura Haruno, pursuer of hot guys, might like girls too. Sakura cursed her intelligence.

So girls. Was it girls in general? Or was it Ino? Sakura pondered that. She tried thinking of other girls. Temari of the Sand was the first female she thought of. Slightly older, Temari was also blond. And strong and fierce. She was also very pretty, and she had a body guys drooled over. Sakura had seen the Sand kunoichi's body first hand in the onsen. Temari with her hair down was something very few people had seen, Sakura being one of them. It had been a sexy sight, seeing her wet hair plastered to her neck, a few strands running sideways across her face, the heat of the onsen making her face red. It wasn't much of a stretch to imagine that same disheveled and red-faced look in other scenarios. And Sakura had to admit, to herself at least, that Temari had inspired a dream or two.

Sakura thought some more. Was she into blond girls? Or strong, fierce, and loud girls? Ino and Temari were all of that. Hmmm. To test her theory, she tried thinking of girls that didn't fit either. That quickly led to thinking of Hinata Hyuuga, the shyest, most nonloud, and most nonblond girl in Konoha. Hinata had the best female body in Konoha. Every girl and guy that saw her knew it, despite the baggy clothes she wore. There was only so much that clothing could hide, and after a point, it became more erotic to see a body that clothes couldn't hide due to the whole teasing and leaving it to imagination thing. What about personality? Sakura tried to see it in her mind. Hinata, blushing up a storm, arms crossed over her generous chest, trying to hide herself and failing miserably. How a caress along her jaw would make her whimper shyly and turn her face into the touch, how kisses trailing down her neck to her collarbone would make her writhe and hunch and gasp cutely.

Sakura squirmed as she pictured it. So... girls, yeah. Sakura had to admit it, the evidence was overwhelming. Sakura liked girls and boys. And after thinking about it for so long, she was definately horny. Nothing new there, Sakura got horny quite often. Usually a trip to her boyfriend solved that problem, but Sakura felt a bit of hesitation in going to Kiba now. Would... Sakura licked her lips nervously, and tried to talk herself out of the idea forming in her brain.

Ino. And kissing... No, dammit, quit thinking about it! ... kissing Ino, pushing her down onto the blond's desk, her hand slipping under Ino's top as the blond gasped into Sakura's mouth because of the leg between her thighs, pressing, rubbing... Gah! Sakura whined and pressed her legs together, knowing it wouldn't help. Should she? Ino might say no, due to Naruto. But, perhaps Naruto would tell Ino to go along with it?

Sakura groaned and put her face in her hands as she realized what she just thought. No way she could go to Naruto, the Hokage, and ask him to order his girlfriend to have sex with her. The thought he might say yes if he got to watch was not helping. At all.

A sudden but gentle caress down the side of her neck made Sakura start horribly and she leapt off the bench, spinning to face whoever had touched her so intimately and without permission.

Only to find herself staring in surprise at a smirking Ino.

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This chapter is a bit shorter than the first, I think, but I like it. I seem to be getting back into the writing groove, I'm much more satisfied with this chapter than the first one.

Anyway, on to some points from reviewers:

About who is going to be in the harem, I haven't decided yet. Who does join, however, will need an actual canon reason to want to be with Naruto in the first place. Ino actually doesn't, but the fic starts with them together, so it's cool that way. Sakura and Hinata will be in it, despite my earlier misgivings about Hinata. Tenten probably won't. Temari likely will be. Hanabi still might(Hyuugacest!) but I'm not sure anymore. Anko and Kurenai... I'd need a reason, so if you really want to see them in it, give me a canon reason why they'd want to be with Naruto.

Tsunade is not Hokage, Naruto is. This story takes place years down the road, the Rookie Nine are all in their twenties.

Hinata's personality once aroused... I don't know how I'll have her be. Ino will be surprisingly submissive for such a loud girl, Sakura will be the more dominant of the two.

I think that answers all concerns raised. Next chapter, will there be some yuri? Perhaps with a bit of voyeur Hokage thrown in to boot?