Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"All the feelings that I get... But I still don't miss you yet," -Three Days Grace

Movement... There's something moving beside me. I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by the rays of the morning sun. I quickly shut my eyes. "Didn't I put drapes up?"I asked myself. I opened my eyes again, but with more caution, so that my vision could adjust to the light. I wasn't in my room.

"That's right... I'm on a mission in Suna," I muttered, sitting up.

"Ahh..." that noise made me turn. My eyes widen at what I saw! M-M-Mayu?! What is she doing in the same bed with me?! This doesn't make any sense! I could have sworn I went to bed alone! Well, I'm not naked... so I guess we didn't do anything...

"Oh, wait... Now I remember..." I thought, staring at Mayu's face.

"Stay the night?" I asked. She didn't answer the way I thought she would answer.

"Alright," she said. I almost didn't believe my own ears.

"What? ... Really?" I asked with uncertainty. Mayu did like to joke around. You never know if she's being serious or not. She got off my lap, much to my displeasure and spoke.

"Yeah, sure..." she said, giving me a small smile. "My room is all the way upstairs and Ino talks in her sleep, so I guess I'll stay here for the night."

At the time, I felt relieved because I thought that was her way of saying she wanted to fix things between us... I sighed softly, not wanting to wake up Mayu just yet. I realize now that Mayu was just being lazy. But I'm glad that her personality hasn't changed much. My hand found it's way to Mayu's cheek. Her face had matured into a face of a woman, and yet... I still see some child-like features. "That is why... That is why I..." I thought, the feeling of the corners of my mouth tugging upward.

"S-Sasuke...! Hm... Sasuke!" the sudden sound coming from Mayu's mouth caused me to snatch my hand away in surprise. Luckily, her eyes never opened. I sighed again as I put my hand over my heart. It was beating quite fast. And with good reason. For a moment, I thought I was going to get punched... "Ahh... Sasuke... m-more...!"

I felt my face grow hot when I heard her words. Mayu's face suddenly became flushed and beads of sweat started to form, her head shook to and fro. "I... I wonder what you're dreaming about, Mayu..." I muttered. Suddenly, words from that old pervert's book flashed through my mind. I think my face got hotter. "Damn it, Naruto!" I thought, trying to get those images out of my head. "Why did you have to show me that book, too?!"

"Sasuke... please... m-more...! I want it now!" Mayu muttered in her sleep. The way she had said that suddenly gave me the urge to kiss her. But... I knew that action would be forbidden. Especially since Mayu keeps going on and on about this stupid fiancée of hers! It pisses me off! Mayu is supposed to be my fiancée! "Sasuke... more!"

"What are you dreaming about?" I muttered.

"Sasuke... more! Order more sake and ramen!" Mayu said. I nearly fell off the bed in surprise. Damn my dirty mind! And what the hell was up with that dream?! Guess I shouldn't be surprise. One time... I think she was dreaming about me in a dress... No, seriously! A dress!

"Mayu, you...!" I mumbled. That's when her eyes slowly cracked open, her hand made it's way to her eye. She rubbed both of her eyes as she sat up. "Uh... good morning." Mayu turned her gaze to me, she blinked twice.

"Ano, Sasuke... You're bleeding," she said.


"Your nose... it's bleeding," Mayu said, pointing a finger; this time I really did fall off the bed. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine!" I muttered, clutching my nose. I stood up and began walking towards the bathroom.

"Wait!" I felt my arm being grabbed. I looked back and saw that Mayu had got off the bed just to stop me. "I'll take care of it."

"You don't have to..." I told her as she guided me back over to the bed; she sat me down on it. "It's really okay."

"No, it was most likely my fault that you have that nose bleed," Mayu told me, walking into the bathroom.

"Got that right..." I muttered; I felt more blood on my hand.

"For some reason, even though I don't dream of actually fighting... I tend to kick and punch," Mayu called from the bathroom.

"Boy, do I know it," I grumbled, recalling the time when Mayu had passed out because she was drunk.

"You say something?" Mayu came out of the bathroom with a box of tissues.

"No..." I said. She nodded, and then handed me the box.

"Wipe your hand and nose, I'll get a wet rag," Mayu said, going back into the bathroom. I unconsciously nodded, and then did as I was told. "It's really pouring. Must've hit you pretty hard," she called; I could hear the water running.

"Hn..." I closed my eyes as I began wiping the blood off my hand; I'd already wiped my nose.

"It's still flowing!" Mayu came out of the bathroom with a washcloth in her hand. She walked towards me and got on her knees. She pushed the wet item on my nose and held it there.

"Hey, I can do it on my own," I stated, swatting her hand away with one hand and holding the cloth with the other. Mayu frowned, and then turned her head away from me.

"You're so stubborn, bird brain!" she said. "Why can't you just accept help once in a while?" I smirked at what she said. Although it was an insult, I'm glad she's calling me that again. I guess I just got used to it.

"You're one to talk, cocoon girl," I retorted. Mayu stood up and glared at me.

"What did you just say...?!" she asked slowly.

"Co-coon... girl..." I replied, taking the washcloth from my face. I was fairly sure that I had gotten all of the blood off.

"Y-You...!" Mayu began, and then she tackled me down; she was now kneeling on the bed, straddling me, holding down my wrist. Her actions surprised me. I didn't think she'd do that. "You are the biggest jerk that I've ever met!"

"Well, we can't all be mother-approved," I responded, smirking. Mayu's face looked shocked, and then she smiled.

"I really enjoy our talks, too... No matter how ridiculous," she said. Mayu leaned in until our noses touched.

"M-Mayu...?" I muttered.

"Quiet..." she whispered, and then kissed my forehead; she released my wrist, but I was too shocked to move.

I could feel her body press against mine and her hand travel up my shirt. She rubbed her body against mine, her lips against my neck. "M-May... u..." I choked out, sitting up; Mayu only wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I said be quiet," she said in a hushed voice. "I want to enjoy this. Don't you, Sasuke?" Her legs wrapped around my body. My eyes widen and my face grew hot yet again.

This... This has to be another dream. "I don't want it to be, but..." I thought, wrapping my arms around Mayu's body. Even though, the only thing Mayu was doing was caressing my skin with her lips, it still felt nice. "I don't want this to end." But of course, it did end. Mayu's lips left my skin; we sat there, not saying a word.

"Ano... Sasuke..." she whispered. "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" I asked.

"Sorry for... doing this, but I can't help myself," she answered, rearing her head back to look at me. Her deep blue eyes seemed to pierced through my very soul. I know that sounds kinda corny, but... that's what it felt like. For a moment, I believe I stopped breathing. "Sasuke..."

"It's alright... It's not like I don't enjoy it," I told her; I licked my lips, wanting to kiss her now.

A frown appeared on her face for a moment. Why is she looking at me like that? Her lips formed a grin. Now what? "Already thinking naughty thoughts, eh, Sasuke?" she spoke.

"What...?" I questioned. A small blush appeared on Mayu's face, and then she looked down, causing me to look down. My eyes widen and I could feel myself blush. "I-I'm sorry..."

I lifted her off my lap and away from my unsightly bulge. Mayu giggled lightly, causing my blush to deepen. "It's not f-funny!" I said, throughly embarrassed as I covered myself with a pillow.

"Sasuke, you're so adorable!" Mayu said.

"Adorable...?!" I began to protest. "I'm not supposed to be adorable! I may be a lot of things, but that's not one of them." That's an insult!

"But you are!" Mayu said, sitting on her knees. She leaned forward and smiled. "You are most adorable."

"I am--" I didn't finish because Mayu leaned forward again, making our lips meet. Not that I'm complaining. She pulled back after a few moments, causing me to frown lightly. She then proceeded to kissing my cheek, neck and collarbone.

Pleased with this feeling, I laid back on the bed, pulling Mayu down with me. I know that it's only a dream, but... damn it! I'm going to make the most of it! I began to gently rub my hands up and down Mayu's back, trying to get her excited as much as I was. Mayu's lips traveled back up to my chin, and then to my lips. Feeling a little bolder, I let my hand slid down and gave her butt a small squeeze. Mayu made a weird noise, so I quickly remove my hand.

Mayu pulled back and stared at me. "Was that a little far?" I asked; she frowned. Well, I'll take that as a yes...

"For someone whose perverted... you sure are shy," Mayu said, and then grinned. "That's what's makes you so adorable!"

"I am not adorable!" I stated. And to prove my point, I pulled her shirt, causing her lips to crash into mine.

The kiss was long and passionate. We pulled away from each other, both of us panting heavily. Mayu put her head on my chest. "You've gotten better..." she said, and then she sat up and pulled my shirt over my head.

"Mayu..." I groaned out as she began kissing down my chest. Her hands slide down my stomach. "L-Lower...!"

Suddenly, Mayu's lips and hands left my skin. "WHAT THE HELL?!" she yelled.

"Huh?" I mumbled. Out of nowhere, I feel this pain on my cheek, and then I found myself on the floor. I put my hand on my pained cheek, only to pull away because it stung. "What was that for?" I asked, returning the glare Mayu was giving me. Her face was red and she looked angry for some reason.

"What do you think?!" she shouted. "Do you have any idea how it feels to wake up to someone fondling your breast?!" For a moment I was confused, but then I realized that I had woken up from that wonderful dream. I must've been touching Mayu outside the dream and that's why I woke up to this burning sensation on my cheek; that explains why I still have my shirt on.

"Well, for starters... I don't have boobs, so I don't know," I said; a look of embarrassment crossed Mayu's face, and then disgust. She was most likely thinking of me with boobs, so I'm not going to question that look. "And I'm sorry... I guess my hands have minds of their own."

I knew what I said was the wrong as soon as I saw hostility and rage flash in Mayu's eyes. She clenched her fist and lunged at me. "Don't pull that shit on me!" she yelled. Luckily, I had enough sense to get out of her way. When she stood up and looked at me, I noticed that a fist-shaped dent was in the floor. "Who do you think you are, anyway?! Miroku?"

"That would have hurt..." I thought, turning my attention back to Mayu.

"Wait a minute! Who the hell is Miroku!" I asked, standing up. What that the name of this fucking fiancée of hers?! "Does he grope you?!"

Mayu blinked at me, anger and aggression gone. "What...? What was that?" she asked.

"This Miroku person... Does he grope you? Who is he?!" I questioned. Mayu blinked at me again, and then sighed heavily.

"Sasuke... your naivety has recently become quite adorable and I find it hard to stay mad at you. Strange, no?" Mayu said, walking past me. "I'm going to get ready. The sun's gonna be up soon. See ya later." She closed the door behind her.

I stood there for a moment, repeating what she had said in my mind. "Damn it! I'm not adorable!" I grumbled. Mayu and dream Mayu might be different in some ways, but in most ways... they're the same!

Adorable...? Yeah right!

I looked out the window and noticed that the sun was about to come up. "Better take a shower..." I muttered.

"What's that noise?" I thought as I finished drying my hair. I had just got out of the shower. The water stopped unexpectedly like always. This village was trying to conserve water, so that's why... But I'll never get used to the water cutting off by itself. Anyway, back to the sound coming from my room. It sounded like that thing Mayu always had with her.

Did she come back? I swear... Mayu's mood swings are amazing. I opened the door and saw that Mayu was sitting on the bed, her back was facing me. I was about to speak, but Mayu began to sing.

When I was darkness at that time
Furueteru kuchibiru Heya no katasumi de I cry
Mogakeba mogaku hodo Tsukisasaru kono kizu
Yaburareta yakusoku hurt me

Nobody can save me
Kami-sama hitotsu dake
Tomete saku you na my love

I need your love
I'm a broken rose
Maichiru kanashimi your song
Ibasho nai kodoku na my life

I need your love
I'm broken rose
Oh baby, help me from frozen pain
With your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me

I wanna need your love...
I'm a broken rose
I wanna need your love...

Her words made me shudder. The way she sang was so passionate... as if she, herself, was the broken rose. I waited until she was finished playing her guitar, and then spoke. "What are you doing in here?" I asked. Mayu flinched, and then turned around. Her tanned skin seemed to pale when she saw me.

"Put some clothes on!" she hissed, throwing a pillow at me; I merely dodged it by moving a little to the side.

"You're in my room..." I stated. She just threw my bag at me, stuck her tongue out, and then turned around. I sighed, and went back into the bathroom, bag in hand. She probably won't talk to me unless I put some thing on other than a towel around my waist. I stopped my movements and smirked. "She wants me..." I thought. "She wants me bad."

After I changed into my usual attire, I opened the door to see Mayu sitting on he bed again, but this time she was facing me. She had a big grin on her face, so I knew she was up to something. I sighed slowly, and then asked my previous question. I think her grin got wider... "Hiding!" Mayu answered in a child-like voice. Now I know for sure she's hiding something...!

I know I'm going to regret asking this, but... "Why are you hiding?" I asked, walking towards her. She winked at me and pressed her finger to her lips.

"That is a secret!" Mayu said.

"MY BOOK! MY PRECIOUS BOOK IS GONE!" a shout was heard; I blinked in confusion.

"That sounded a lot like Kakashi," I thought. That's when realization hit. Please tell me Mayu didn't...!

"Heh! Guess it's not so secret now, huh, Sasuke?" Mayu asked pulling out that green book from nowhere. "Ta-da! Kakashi-san's favorite book!"

"And what exactly possessed you to take that?" I asked. Mayu's lips twisted into a sinister smirk. "Something tells me that's not good..." I thought.

"Isn't it obvious, Sasuke?" she asked in an wicked tone. Not really... "With this book in my grasp... I will finally see Kakashi-san's true face!"

Suddenly, thoughts of what Kakashi's face could look like flashed through my mind. Then I remember that it had already been done. "We already tried that. Naruto, Sakura, and I tried to see his face when we were younger," I said, shaking my head slightly. "Anything you try... it won't work."

"Heh... You three didn't have this!" Mayu taunted, waving the book in the air; I sighed heavily at her actions.

"You haven't changed a bit..." I muttered. Though... I was still curious about Kakashi's face, too.

Mayu looked at me, all mirth and her evil looks gone. I was startled at her sudden change in demeanor. She bowed her head, but I could still see the frown on her face. "That's... That's where you're wrong... baka..." she mumbled. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What does that mean?" I thought. Before I could voice my question, the door was nearly ripped off it's hinges and an enraged Kakashi barged into the room.

"Mayu... be a good girl and hand over my book... now!" he said, looking calm and enraged at the same time. Mayu started laughing nervously, she had already hid the book behind her back.

"Ano... Kakashi-san, what are you talking about?" she asked; I could see her sweating, making her look guilty. She probably didn't think he would figure out that she did it so soon.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about... Mayu, give me the book!" Kakashi said, stepping towards Mayu. She only laughed nervously again. I sighed heavily, but I was just ignored by both of them.

"Oooh! You mean this book?" Mayu asked, showing the book.

"You hellcat! I knew you took it!" Kakashi stated, pointing an accusing finger. Kakashi can really become immature when it came to those books. I should know... He acted like that whenever I tried to stop him from reading when he was training me for the chunin exams.

"Now, now, Kakashi-san... name calling is not necessary," Mayu scolded; Kakashi took one menacing step forward. "Gah! Sasuke, help me!"

I gave her a look, and then passed Kakashi and walked right out of the door. "I'm not going to get involved with something as childish as that," I thought, frowning.

"Sasuke, you traitor!" I heard Mayu hiss. "Ahh!" I turned around to see that Kakashi had snatched the book right out of Mayu's hands.

"Stop messing around," I told her. "Have you forgotten our mission?"

Mayu's eyes suddenly turned hard. "No, of course not!" she said. "I'll crush the one that took Gaara-kun!"

"I wonder why she feels so compassionate towards Gaara..." I thought as Mayu walked out of my room. "Then again... he feels the same. He spoke so strongly of Mayu. His first friend... how strange."

"Let's go kick some ass!" Mayu shouted, following Kakashi out of my room.

"Hold on. Leave that thing here," I told her.

Kakashi passed by me, but Mayu stopped and looked confused. "Leave what here?" she asked.

"That thing on your back. It's not a weapon, it will only slow you down," I stated. "Leave it here." Mayu shrugged, and then went back to the room. I decided to wait for her, so I leaned against the wall. Mayu came back a few seconds, her guitar no longer on her back.

"Okay, let's go," I said, pushing myself off the wall. I turned and began walking down the hall.

"Wait!" Mayu's voice stopped me. "I have to tell you something... It's about the talk we had last night."

"What is it?" I asked, turning around.

"Well, it's..." she began.

The five Leaf shinobi stood outside waiting for Temari and other Sand shinobi to come. They had planned on leaving as soon as they came. "Ahh! What is taking so long?!" Mayu groaned, stretching.

"Yeah, we've been out here for at least five minutes!" Naruto complained; Ino nodded in agreement. Kakashi sighed heavily, and then spoke.

"As soon as the Sand finishes their preparations, we'll be leaving with them," he said. "So, you're going to have to wait a little longer. Got it?"

"There's no need to wait any longer. They're here..." Sasuke spoke. Sure enough, Temari as well as other Sand ninja were walking towards them.

"Sorry for making you wait," Temari said, stopping in front of the five.

"Then we're all here?" Kakashi said.

"All right! Let's do it!" Naruto exclaimed, bending his knees.

"Wait!" a voice made all of the shinobi turn.

"Baka-san!" Mayu exclaimed, blinking in confusion.

What was he doing here? Suddenly, Sasuke and Kakashi delivered a punch to Mayu's head. "Mayu!" Kakashi scolded.

"I meant Baki-san!" she said with a frown, ignoring the slight pain; Ino just snickered. She recalled a time when she had called Baki that, truly thinking that it was his real name. Baki only nodded towards Kakashi's group.

"Temari, you and your team will remain here on border patrol duty," he said, looking at Temari and the rest of the Suna ninja.

"Are you kidding me?" Temari asked, a look of surprise on her face.

"It's an order from our superiors," Baki stated, crossing his arms. It was quite obviously that Temari didn't believe what she was hearing. Anyone could tell from the look on her face. "If word of the Kazekage's absence gets out, one of the other villages will try to attack us."

"What?! No way!" Ino blurted out.

"But that's why we need to rescue Gaara as soon as possible, right?" Temari asked. "These guys came all the way from Konoha to help us!" she motioned towards the Konoha ninja. "Even Ino came back! ... Gaara is supposed to be our Kazekage. They have to send someone from the Sand!"

Baki looked momentarily flustered. Just was he supposed to tell her? It was an order from Suna's superiors. There's no way that he could possibly go back on an order. But Temari was still young; he had to come up with something that would put her mind at ease. "But..." Baki began... But he couldn't think of one at the moment.

"I'll go..." a voice stated. The voice was female and it sound as if it was coming from above. Everyone looked up to see Chiyo standing on a nearby building. The old woman's clothing flapped against the warm breeze. It made her look so dramatic in Mayu's opinion. "If you need Sand shinobi, I'll be more than enough."

"But you can't!" Baki began to protest; a sly grin appeared on Chiyo's wrinkled face.

"I'm retired, I can do whatever I want!" she retorted.

"But, you mustn't force yourself to...!" another Sand shinobi started.

"Don't treat me like an old lady!" Chiyo said with defiance, and then she jumped right off the building's edge! Ino and Naruto gaped as she was descending. The old woman landed right in front of the two blonds.

"Granny Theresa!" Mayu thought, staring at the old woman with a grin on her face. "That's exactly the type of thing she would say to Yasume and I when we called her Granny Theresa. Granny Chiyo's got game too!"

The old woman stood up straight. "I've been longing to see my cute little grandson for a while now..." she said.

"Cute... little... grandson..." Mayu thought. "What kinda crap is that? But she looks so old! He shouldn't be cute and little anymore! Especially if he's involved with Akatsuki!"

"It's time we got going," Kakashi stated. The shinobi were all at the entrance to the Sand Village.

"I'm so sorry. I'll try to convince the higher-ups to change their minds," Baki said.

"We'll catch up to you later!" Temari said with a small frown, she was still worried. Ino saw this looked and gave her a reassuring look.

"Don't worry, sand wench!" she said. "I'll bring Gaara back! There's no need to frown!" she pointed a thumb at herself. "Gaara will be just fine as long as I go!"

"Yeah! By the time you get there, we'll have already saved Gaara! Gaara will be fine as long as we're on the case!" Naruto agreed; Sasuke nodded his head. Even though Gaara and his relationship was strictly sparing partners, Sasuke had grown fond of Gaara... his fighting tactics at least. It wouldn't be good to lose a training partner like him. Gaara was very strong and Sasuke wasn't about to let him die. Not that he'd ever admit it.

"Well, see ya!" Mayu said, giving a two-finger salute. The five ninja plus the retired old lady ran off.

"Uzumaki Naruto, Ishikari Mayu, Yamanaka Ino, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke... and Chiyo-baasama..." Temari began. "They're all going to save Gaara."

"I still think someone else should have gone," Baki admitted. "Do you think they will succeed?"

"Of course! Naruto might be a little dumb... and Ino might be a little air-headed sometimes, but they'll do just fine!" Temari defended. "Not to mention the Copy ninja and Uchiha Sasuke is with them."

"What about the others?" one unknown Sand ninja asked.

"..." Temari didn't reply; she didn't know how that Mayu girl fought and she had only heardof Chiyo's abilities.

"... We are so fucked..." another Sand shinobi muttered, causing glares to shoot in his direction.

The group of six traveled through the forest at a constantly fast pace. Of course, Naruto and Mayu were in the lead. Sasuke was a few paces behind the two, Ino and Kakashi were side by side, and Chiyo was last. The group had been traveling for about thirty minutes. Ino quickened her pace, so that now she was running along side Naruto. Something had been bothering her ever since she found out that it was Akatsuki that took Gaara. "Naruto..." she said, getting his attention. "I have a question."

"What is it?" he asked. It must have been important. Ino had rarily talked to him in the past.

"Do you know how long Akatsuki has been after you and Gaara?" she asked. Mayu glanced at Ino in surprise.

"Why is she asking him a question like that?" she thought. It shouldn't matter at this point in time. Naruto looked momentarily shocked at Ino's question as well, and then he frowned, thinking of the time when Itachi and Kisame came after him.

"I don't know..." he replied, and then sped up. Ino frowned, and then turned her attention to Mayu.

"What about you? Do you know?" she asked.

"I don't..." Mayu answered, shaking her head. "But I do know that two members of Akatsuki came after Naruto. Sasuke and I were there when they encountered. You remember, right, Sasuke?"

"I try not to," he grumbled, causing Mayu to roll her eyes.

"Luckily, Jiraiya-san was there. If it hadn't been for him or Sasuke and I being distractions... they would have taken Naruto that day," she continued.

"That was three years ago. Now they're on the move again," Kakashi said.

"But why now?" Ino questioned. "Why did they come now of all times?"

"I don't know the reason," Kakashi answered. "I'm assuming they wanted to go after him again, but couldn't. Probably because Jiraiya-sama was with him the whole time... Not to mention Sasuke." Ino nodded her head in understanding. That made sense.

Tsunade had told her that Jiraiya was one of the legendary Sannin like her. So, that meant that he was strong... really strong. Who in their right mind would go up against a Sannin? "No," Chiyo said. Ino glanced back at the old woman who spoke. "The information I have gives a different reason." Everyone glanced back when she said that.

"A different reason?" Naruto thought.

"It takes a lot of preparation to pull out a Bijuu once it's been sealed into a person," Chiyo continued. "That's why they were delayed."

"What's a Bijuu?" Ino asked, feeling a little dumb for asking. Common sense told her that a Bijuu was the demons sealed within, but she had to know for sure.

"You're Tsunade's student and you don't even know that?" Chiyo asked; Ino was about to retort, but she began talking again. "Especially since Konoha had the Kyuubi."

"In Konoha, everything about the Kyuubi is treated as top-secret," he said.

"Well, I guess it'd have to be," Chiyo said. "The Bijuu are mythical demon beasts with tails. The Sand has had the Ichibi for a long time. That would be Shukaku, who's been sealed within Gaara."

"Ichibi?" Ino muttered.

"One..." Sasuke said. "Gaara's demon has one tail. I've seen it before."

"So, there's more than just Kyuubi and Ichibi?" Ino asked.

"That's right," Chiyo stated, nodding. "There are nine of them total, and they all have unique characteristics and powers. Each of them has a different number of tails. The Ichibi, as Uchiha said, has one tail. Nibi has two tails... up to Kyuubi, each one has a name that corresponds to the number of tails it has. The Bijuu are essentially enormous masses of chakra. During the Great Ninja Wars, each nation's hidden village tried to obtain them, hoping to turn them into weapons. But their powers are far beyond human understanding. They can't be controlled. I don't know why Akatsuki wants their power, but it's far too dangerous. I suppose even during peace, the times continue to change. The Bijuu still exist, scattered across the world."

"Humans are truly an ignorant race," Mayu muttered; everyone looked at her back in surprise. "Thinking they can control something as big and powerful as a demon. Then they become surprised and afraid when the demon threatens their village... They succeed in sealing the demon away, but treat the container, savior of the village, like they're worst than trash. It sickens me..." She said this and nothing more. The group traveled in complete silence. Only their footsteps against the bark of the trees could be heard. This continued for a while, that is until Kakashi spoke.

"We're close, everyone down on the ground," he said. The group did as they were told. Kakashi was the first on the ground. They were close to a small clearing when Kakashi stopped and spread his arms out. "Everyone stop!" he ordered. The rest stopped behind him. When Mayu saw what was blocking their path, her eyes grew wide.

"So soon?!" she thought. She turned to Sasuke, who was at her side. She noticed that his fingers were clenched around hilt of his sword. He bared his teeth and glared at the obstacle.

"Who is that?" Ino asked. "He looks a little like Sasuke-kun..." she thought.

"Already, huh?" Kakashi muttered, staring at the lone enemy.

"Those eyes..." Chiyo thought, narrowing her own eyes. Naruto also glared at the Akatsuki member.

"You..." he said. The wind blew, causing Naruto to pause. "Uchiha Itachi..." Ino's eyes widen in surprise.

"He's the one... The one that killed Sasuke-kun's clan!" she thought. "He's the reason Sasuke-kun left Konoha that day! His brother..."

Of course she knew the name of the killer of Sasuke's clan. She had read through Konoha's files before. Back then she was still obsessed with Sasuke, so she wanted to know more about him. Ino had come across Uchiha Itachi's file. There was no picture, so she didn't know what he looked like. Now she knew... Sasuke and Itachi looked somewhat alike. "Itachi..." Chiyo said, stepping forward; Naruto glanced at her. "This is him? The kid who wiped out his entire clan?"

Blood rushed away from Sasuke's hand because he was squeezing his hilt too tight. Mayu saw this and put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down..." she whispered, taking her hand away. Sasuke relaxed slightly at her words, but was still alert.

"It's been some time Kakashi-san, Naruto-kun, foolish little brother..." Itachi said in a polite voice; Sasuke went back to clenching his hilt; Mayu glowered at his action. "... and Mayu-chan." Four pairs of eyes widen at his last remark.

"D-Damn you, Itachi!" Mayu thought, a look of pure annoyance flashed across her face, and then a glare. "Yes, it has been some time... since you killed my clan as well as yours, and tortured your little brother... right, Itachi?" she asked out loud in a cold, yet calm voice. The Akatsuki member didn't respond.

"Bastard!" Naruto shouted, transferring Itachi's attention back to Naruto. "Not just me, but Gaara, too?!" He pointed a finger at Itachi. "I'm gonna kick all your asses!"

Itachi merely lifted his hand. Kakashi's eye went wide. "Everyone! Don't look directly into his eyes, or you're finished!" he warned. Because he said this so suddenly, it caused his team to look towards him. Itachi frowned, and then made a hand sign. "Itachi's genjutsu are eye techniques. In other words, they take effect through your vision. You're okay as long as your eyes don't meet his."

"I know that!" Naruto stated; Sasuke and Mayu nodded in agreement.

"How are we supposed to fight him?" Ino asked.

"Well, you..." Kakashi began. "You focus on his feet and body, and attack based on how he moves." Ino watched Itachi's body, but her eyes kept moving upward to his face; Itachi had stopped making his hand sign.

"That's not going to be easy..." she muttered. "Especially with a face like his," she finished in thought.

"The Uchiha Clan?" Chiyo muttered. "Been a long time since I've fought a Sharingan user. They're nothing special, though."

Sasuke almost glared at the old woman. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he thought.

"There are plenty of ways to fight eye techniques," Chiyo continued.

"What should we do?" Naruto asked. Sure he had fought Sasuke, but Sasuke had never used genjutsu with his Sharingan.

"When it's one-on-one, run away," the old woman said. "When it's two-on-one, get him from behind."

Out of nowhere, Sasuke started snickering, and then it was full blown out laughter. Everyone looked at him as if he were insane. Sasuke covered his mouth with his hand to stop himself from laughing. He finally calmed down, same usually stoic look on his face. "Sasuke..." Mayu began. "Did you happen to have taken some pills before we left Suna?"

"No..." he answered, ignoring the looks he was getting.

Mayu scratched her cheek. "Ano... Then why are you acting like a crack head?" she asked. Sasuke frowned at her question.

"It's your fault..." he muttered.

"It's my fault...?" Mayu asked, pointing to herself. "I don't believe I--" Sasuke grabbed her shoulder and pulled her towards him, and then whispered something in her ear.

Mayu's face turned from confusion to trying to suppress laughter. Her face was red when she turned to Sasuke. "T-This isn't the time to be thinking like that!" she said, covering her mouth to hide her grin. "Stop acting like me!"

"See... it's your fault," Sasuke muttered.

"Would you two cut it out! We're in a dangerous situation!" Naruto shouted, pointing to Itachi while looking at his two teammates. "What the hell are you two talking about anyway?!"

"Ya see... your brother is gay," Mayu said.

"W-What?" Sasuke asked giving her a 'WTF' look.

"Dude... the guy wears fingernail polish... on his toes!" Mayu exclaimed. "Now, he's either gay or secretly wants to be a girl. Personally, I prefer a gay Itachi over a secretly wants to be a girl Itachi. Most girls do anyway..."

"Nothing...!" Mayu and Sasuke muttered in unison after remembering that certain memory.

"You children... are weird," Chiyo muttered.

"I see you have changed yet another person," Itachi said, gaining everyone's attention again.

"Hai... I have a habit of doing that... Just like Naruto," Mayu said, nodding her head. "Shall we continue?" Her teammates nodded their heads. "Now... What did you mean Granny Chiyo?" she whispered; the old woman glared at Mayu before speaking.

"The first one is obvious, right?" she asked; Ino, Sasuke, Naruto, and Mayu nodded. "In that situation, you can't win. But if it's two-on-one... if one person gets caught up in a genjutsu, the other can attack the guy from behind. And if you attack the user, the genjutsu vanishes. Or if attack isn't possible, you can dispel the genjutsu by hitting you ally. In other words, since there are several of us, one person will be the diversion, and the rest will attack the Sharingan's blind spot from behind." Mayu hid a grin when the old woman said behind again.

"I see..." Ino said.

"I guess old people have their uses!" Naruto said, glancing at Chiyo. "Okay, I'll attack!" he said, stepping forward.

"No!" Mayu said, putting an arm out in front of Naruto. "That won't work!"

"Child, are you saying my tactics for fighting the Sharingan are wrong?" Chiyo asked.

"No, I'm not saying that... but those tactics won't work with Itachi," Mayu said. "Once you're caught by his Mangekyou Sharingan, there will be no way to escape his world. Your teammates won't be able to help, or know to help you. While it might seem to be only a second to everyone else, it could be hours or days of torture for the one who is caught."

"Then he's a very dangerous opponent," Chiyo stated. "Just who is he?"

"Just what I'd expect from you, Mayu-chan," Itachi said with a small smirk; Mayu had to keep herself from blushing at his compliment. "You learned much from just watching me use my Tsukuyomi on my foolish little brother." Sasuke's eye twitched and his hand made its way back to the hilt of his katana. Just one sentence of back then angered him. And why the hell was he saying Mayu's name with a 'chan'? That just angered him more.

"I'm not finished just yet," Mayu said; Itachi frowned. "After using your Tsukuyomi on your brother, you grew tired, and then just left right after. Not only that, but... using that technique too much is causing you to slowly loose your vision. Isn't that right, Itachi? Just how bad is your eyesight at this moment? " Sasuke's eyes widen in surprise. His brother was going blind?!

"Very good, Mayu-chan. Your observation skills are impressive... just like your mother's," Itachi said. Mayu closed her eyes and a smile, that sent chills down Sasuke's spine, appeared on her face. Never had Sasuke seen such a cold expression on Mayu's face. "But about my vision... You couldn't have known..."

"Itachi..." she said. Suddenly, her hair colored changed. It was no longer black with blue highlights. Instead, the color matched Sasuke's hair color, not to mention her skin color changed as well; it was now pale-colored. "First off, do not speak of my mother in such a casual tone. Second, it wasn't hard to tell. That day after you had Kisame tie me to a tree, I noticed that you were squinting a lot when you were talking to me." Mayu opened her eyes, revealing red eyes.

"The Sharingan...?! When did she...?" Sasuke thought in surprise, though he didn't show it.

"Don't think I'm the same as before. I'm no longer confused, or afraid... Things will be different this time around," Mayu said. A grin appeared on Naruto's face.

"That goes for me, too! You're making a big mistake if you think I'm the same as last time!" he said.

"That goes for me as well," Sasuke stated.

"So, she's has somewhat mastered her family's techniques," Itachi thought. "This could prove to be quite interesting."

"Sasuke, Mayu, Naruto... I'll take him," Kakashi stated.

The three looked at their former sensei and glared. "Don't tell me you mean 'not fighting is our teamwork' again?!" Naruto shouted.

"Yeah, Kakashi-san! I didn't like the last time you told us to not get involved!" Mayu complained.

"No, this time I need you three to back me up," Kakashi said; the three former students looked at him in surprise. "While I'd like to act cool and say, 'You go on ahead' ... I won't be able to hold him off by myself."

"Fine..." Mayu and Sasuke muttered in unison. Both were annoyed that they couldn't attack Uchiha Itachi right then.

"I see..." Itachi said, lifting his hand; Mayu and Naruto looked directly at his finger. "It's time for you to come with me."

"I'll attack first!" Kakashi said, and then charged towards Itachi. He threw a punch, but Itachi only blocked it with his hand. That's when another Itachi comes out of nowhere and runs towards the others!

"Shadow clone?!" Mayu thought, getting in a defensive stance. Naruto and Sasuke went ahead, Chidori and Rasengan in hand.

Itachi made a couple of hand signs as he was running. Three more Itachi clones appeared. Two of the clones picked up speed and jumped right over the two boys. They were coming right for the girls. Mayu's eyes widen in surprise when they went right pass her and attacked Ino and Chiyo! Ino was punched in the gut, causing her to fly back and hit a tree; Chiyo was kicked in the face, sending her back as well. "Ino! Granny Chiyo!" Mayu cried out.

A shout caused Mayu's attention to be turned back to Sasuke and Naruto. The two boys were on the ground with multiple kunai lodged in their chest. "Sasuke! Naruto!" Mayu yelled. All the Itachi clones turned their attention to her, and then they began walking towards her slowly. Mayu glanced over to see her former sensei on the ground as well, that Itachi clone was walking towards her as well. "T-This isn't h-happening!"she thought, watching as the clones continued to advance. "I didn't think he'd be so friggin' strong!"

She watched as all the clones came closer, and then she noticed that her teammates turned to ash. "What?" Mayu thought, watching all the clones again. "... a genjutsu? But I never looked into his eyes!" She shook her head, and then focused. "This is a normal genjutsu.... that much I can tell. I know that I can get out of it. I just have to remember what dad told me."

"It's not fair, dad! Ita-san always uses a genjutsu on me!" an eight-year-old Mayu complained. "He's cheating! I hate genjutsu!"

"Now, now, Mayu... he was only doing what shinobi are meant to do," Mayu's father stated.

"But he always uses it! Even before I can use my taijutsu on him!" mini Mayu stated. "He knows that I can't help but to look him in the eye when we're sparing and he uses that to his advantage! And his stupid smug like look he gives me afterwards is friggin' annoying!"

"If it will stop your constant complaining, I'll let you in on a little secret to getting out of a genjutsu," Haruka said, sitting down next to his daughter. They both were eating lunch together outside; Mayu's mother was a few yards away doing a hand stand. "Kami, you're just like your mother..." he muttered.

"I heard that, dear husband!" Mayuka yelled. "But since I'm training... I'll get you later."

Haruka shuddered slightly. "Dad! What's the secret?" mini Mayu asked, ignoring the interaction between her parents. Haruka turned back to his daughter and smiled lightly.

"Stop your chakra flow," he said.

"Eh?" mini Mayu muttered.

"When Itachi uses genjutsu, he is controlling your chakra flow in your brain," Haruka explained. "If you can stop that chakra flow, he will lose control of the genjutsu. As soon as it stops, break his hold on you completely by redirecting all your chakra at once."

"Yeah... I don't get it..." Mayu muttered. Haruka's eye twitched.

"You really are just like your mother..." he said.

"HARUKA!" Mayuka yelled.

"Fine, fine... I'll explain it again," Mayu's father said, and then sighed heavily.

"I didn't know how to do it back then. Not to mention I never tried it when Itachi was fighting me, but... I've changed... Let's hope my chakra control has too,"
Mayu thought, frowning. Suddenly, the Itachi clones stopped moving, causing one of Mayu's eyebrows to shoot up in surprise. "What's he thinking? ... Oh well, if he's giving me time, then I'll take it!" She got on her knees, smacked her palms together, and closed her eyes. "Focus!" Suddenly, Mayu felt a hand on her head. "No, not yet!"

"There is no need for that, Mayu-chan... I only wish to speak with you in privacy," Itachi's voice made Mayu open her eyes. What she saw was Itachi's other hand extended towards her as if he wanted to help her up. Mayu's eyebrows furrowed together. Several emotions flashed through her eyes, but she pulled apart her hands and allowed Itachi to help her up. "I see that you remember now... About what happened to your family." Anger appeared in Mayu's eyes. If Itachi saw her hand coming, he made no move to dodge it.


Itachi showed no emotion, even as he his cheek turned red. His face turned back to Mayu slowly. Smacking Uchiha Itachi was a little risky, but considering the situation, Mayu didn't really care at the moment. "Y-You...! How dare you speak of my family in that casual tone!" she yelled. "After what you did...! How could you do that to us and not even care?! I-I thought...! I thought you loved it there! Why did you do it?! Why did you kill my cla--" Itachi didn't allow her to finish; he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in, causing their lips to meet. Mayu's eyes grew wide in shock, all anger gone from her eyes. Her eyes closed slowly, and then kissed the older man, after all... this wasn't the first time the two shared a kiss.

Itachi pulled away from Mayu, and then wrapped his arms around her. Mayu did the same to him. "Damn... even now... even now, I can't be angry with him..." she thought. "I'm sorry... mother, father... family."

"Please... let me explain, Mayu-chan," Itachi said. Mayu let her arms fall to her sides.

"I'm listening..." she said, voice muffled because her face was still pressed against Itachi's cloak.

Itachi released her, and then took a step back. Mayu stared at him expectingly. This was what she wanted: answers. Ever since Mayu had gained her memories, she had been thinking of only Itachi and what he did. And if she didn't like his answers, she'd get Sasuke to kill him, though he'd do it anyway... "Well, are you going to start?!" Mayu asked. "You know how impatient I can get!"

"I understand... On that day, four other Uchiha clan members and I were ordered to wipe out the Ishikari clan," Itachi stated. Mayu knew that Itachi's explanation was going to be quick and to the point, but a little suspense would have been nice!

"Who ordered the annihilation of a clan that was supposed to be a last line of defense?!" Mayu asked, crossing her arms. "I know the Hokage didn't!"

"It was my father... It ordered the five of us to kill your clan," Itachi said. Mayu didn't respond right away.

"And you just did it?" she asked, frowning. "You destroyed your entire oasis just because your father told you to?! Isn't that what you called my place? Your oasis?"

"Let me speak," Itachi said, narrowing his eyes. Mayu instantly closed her mouth to keep from retorting something. No matter how Itachi used to be with her, he was still scary as hell to her. "I wanted nothing more than to disobey his orders again, but I knew that if I hadn't, I couldn't save anyone. I wanted to warn your family of the approaching danger, but my father knew of my intentions, so he kept me busy. So... I decided to at least save you. I had planned to take you with me when I left for Akatsuki."

"When you left for Akatsuki...?" Mayu repeated.

Itachi bowed his head, closed his eyes and sighed before speaking. "I was offered a spot in the organization before those events happened," he said, opening his eyes; Mayu nodded her head.

"You were going to take me?" she asked.

"In my thirteen-year-old mind... that was the best option," Itachi said. "But that night, Ishikari-san sent you away, thinking I was betraying her."

"We walked in on you killing my dad. What do you think she thought of that?" Mayu muttered; Itachi ignored her comment and continued.

"After she sent you away with that jutsu, your mother died," he said.

"I remember that... I remember you attacking her," Mayu stated.

"Yes, but the injury that I inflicted upon her wasn't enough to kill her..." Itachi said. "That forbidden jutsu she used is what killed her. She died protecting you. After that..."

"After that... Kakashi-san told me that you killed your clan," Mayu stated. "Why did you have to do that?"

"After your mother died... I blacked out."

"Excuse me?!"

"When my senses returned, the bodies of my parents lay in front of me, blood on the floor and walls," Itachi continued. "I could sense Sasuke on the other side of the door."

"You blacked out?"

"I was lost control of my emotions and actions," Itachi said. "Being with your family turned me soft. I killed everyone because I didn't have my anger in check... even the ones that didn't deserve to die."

"Then why did you lie to your brother?! Why did you tell him that you were only testing your abilities as a shinobi?!" Mayu asked; Itachi didn't answered, he only looked away. "Answer me, weasel!"

"MAYU! WAKE UP!" a shout caused Mayu's eyes to widen. She looked around in surprise. "Mayu, are you okay?" Mayu looked at Ino who was holding on to her arm. "You and Naruto were in a genjutsu, but you're okay now, right?" Mayu didn't speak, tears began to fall from her eyes. "Mayu, what's wrong?!"

Sasuke looked at his teammate, and then turned to glare at his older brother. "What the hell did he show her?!" he thought in anger.

"Itachi... are you saying that it was my fault? Are you saying that because of me, you made Sasuke's life a living hell?" Mayu thought as more tears fell.

"Calm down, child..." Chiyo said, taking her hand from Naruto's arm; he had just woken up from a genjutsu. "It's over." Mayu closed her eyes and wiped her tears away. She stepped forward with a determined look on her face.

"Mayu...?" Kakashi said.

"Itachi..." Mayu began.

"Explicaré las cosas aún más cuando nosotros no estamos en la presencia de sus camaradas..." the Akatsuki member said. (Translation: I will explain things further when we are not in the presence of your comrades.) The other five members of the group looked momentarily shocked that Itachi had switched languages.

"Those words... I've heard similar words before," Sasuke thought, staring at his brother.

"¿Qué está equivocado, comadreja¿No quiera ser casado a un mocoso?" Mayu said in a weird language.
"Huh...?" Sasuke muttered confused. Mayu opened her eyes and grinned up at him! Uh... was this supposed to happen? "Mayu, what's the matter with you?" Sasuke asked as she sat up. "Why are you talking like that?"
"¿Usted no me quiere?" Mayu continued in the weird language; she looked down at the floor.
"Mayu, what's wrong with you?" Sasuke asked lifting her chin with my finger.

"I remember that day well,"
Sasuke thought. Of course he remembered that day! That was the first time that he and Mayu had shared a kiss. Sasuke's cheeks went slightly pink when that certain memory ran through his mind.

"¡Yo no pienso que ellos nos pueden entender si hablamos en este idioma! ¡Dígame por qué usted mintió a Sasuke!" Mayu shouted, her words suddenly became angry. Sasuke looked at Mayu in surprise. Did she just say his name? (I do not think that they can understand us if we speak in this language! Tell me why did you lie to Sasuke!)

"I can not," Itachi said.

"And why the fuck not?!" Mayu yelled.

"I told you, I can not..." Itachi repeated. Mayu didn't reply for some time. Her teammates were really confused. Why were Mayu and Itachi communicating in this weird language?

"You know what? Fine!" Mayu exclaimed, pointing a finger. "I have fucking had it with this Uchiha stupidity! You and your stupid lil' brother are fucking retards!"

Sasuke winced; Itachi had to keep himself from showing emotion. They both know that a pissed Mayu was a bad Mayu to be around. "How did I get dragged into this?" Sasuke thought.

"Uh... Mayu... I don't know how you got so worked up, but... calm down..." Kakashi said.

"I am calm!" Mayu said, her words angry, but her voice was calm. "Itachi... your ass is grass!"

"Ass is grass...?" Ino and Chiyo repeated confused.

Mayu turned back to Kakashi with a sinister smile on her face. "Kakashi-san, this is no longer us backing you up... It's now you backing me up, right?" she said. Kakashi was a little freaked out by the look on Mayu's face. He was almost afraid to speak.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Mayu..." he said. "This is Uchiha Itachi we're talking about." Mayu only flashed him another scary look.

"Mayu... didn't you tell me not to let my emotions get in the way?" Sasuke asked, putting a hand on Mayu's shoulder.

"Yeah... well... this change," she muttered, shrugging his hand off. "Itachi seems to have forgotten who I am! I think I'm going to remind him!" Mayu started performing hand signs. "Mother... give me strength!" she thought as she stopped making hand signs. She clutched her wrist and chakra began to become clear in her hand.

"That's...!" Sasuke thought.

"CHIDORI!" Mayu exclaimed, her Sharingan eyes screamed anger and hostility.
"I hate everything about you...! Why do I love you?!"

This chapter was slightly shorter than the last, but at least I'm updating, right?
And before you say anything in the review... Itachi's personality is VERY HARD to do. So please don't flame me if Itachi's character is not exactly right. At least I tried!
I know that Sasuke's abnormally calm considering the situation... But I can't let these chapters remain TOO serious! My friends all agreed and I'm sure you do, too. If you didn't... then you wouldn't been reading this.
And not to worry, you will find out about Mayu and Itachi's past soon.
Anyway, review and I'll try to update soon!