Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Ever carried the weight of another?" -Blue October

Ishikari Mayu sighed loudly as she gazed at her former sensei. "I can't believe you're still unable to move your body right!" she grumbled. "We haven't been anywhere!" The girl was sitting on a chair that was near Kakashi's hospital bed. Sasuke was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. Sakura was also in a chair on the other side of Kakashi's bed... and Naruto... was not present at the moment. Neither were Tenten, Lee, Ino, or Neji. They said that had to take care of something first. Gai was still there, though. "This reminds me so much of that one time with Zabuza! Honestly, I thought you were stronger!"

"Mayu-san...!" Sakura scolded, narrowing her eyes. "Kakashi-sensei did what he had to do to save you! Don't ridicule him for doing that!" Mayu only grumbled some more, and then crossed her arms. "You're a pain in the butt!"

"Just don't hit me for it like you do with Naruto," Mayu muttered.

"What was that?!" Sakura asked, her voice rising with each word.

"Nothing..." Mayu said, looking away.

"How could Sasuke-kun ever like a girl like her?!" Sakura thought, glaring daggers at indifferent look on Mayu's face. A sudden groan caused all heads to turn to Kakashi.

"Sorry about this," he said, his voice was hoarse as if he hadn't used it recently.

"There's really no need to apologize, Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura replied, quickly. "Mayu-san was only being rude!"

"What?! I was speaking the truth, right, Sasuke?" Mayu said, and then looked towards the Uchiha.

"Not interested..." he responded, causing Mayu to frown.

Kakashi tried to sit up, but Sakura quickly pushed him back down. "Master Shizune and I believe that you shouldn't be moving around. It's better to rest!" she said. Kakashi made a small groan of protest, but laid back down nonetheless.

"Speaking of which, Sakura..." Mayu began, causing the pink-haired girl to look at her in question. "Could you really use your medic skills to stop someone from moving?" Sasuke's ear twitched in curiosity. He wanted to know about Sakura's abilities as soon as he saw her that day he came back.

Sakura opened her mouth to speak, but then quickly closed it. "What's wrong?" Mayu asked.

"Uh... Master Shizune said it's not nice to brag," she answered. "But I guess I can tell you since you asked so nicely!" Mayu's eye twitched a bit. "Master Shizune has taught me plenty over the years. Because of her training, I'm able to use my excellent chakra control to heal some of the most deadly injuries, not to mention I work well with poison. My body is able to resist most poisons because of this."

"Who's not bragging?" Mayu thought, trying not to roll her eyes.

"Oh, I also spared with Hinata-chan and Ino a couple of times, so I was able to learn how they use their super strength," Sakura continued, not noticing the look on Mayu's face. "As for my medical strengths... I believe--no, I have stopped a person from moving in battle. It's really no big deal..." Mayu's mouth hung open in surprise.

"I am so glad I didn't fight her that one time! She might even be able to surpass Tsunade-sama!" she thought. Sasuke was thinking similar thoughts.

"HA! SAKURA IS FILLED WITH THE UNDYING FLAMES OF YOUTH! IT'S NO WONDER THAT HER AND--" Gai's rant was interrupted by a needle gliding by his head.

"Now, now, Gai-sensei... What did I tell you about talking about that?" Sakura asked, twirling another needle between her fingers.

"... Sorry..." he muttered. "Dangerous woman..." he thought.

"I don't even think I want to know..." Mayu thought, rolling her eyes.

"What about you, Mayu-san?" Sakura questioned. "What are your abilities?"

"Who me?" Mayu asked, pointing to herself.

Inner Sakura: No, I'm talking to the other Mayu in the room! What is she? An idiot?!

Sakura just nodded her head, ignoring her inner self. She had been ignoring her inner self a lot lately. Pretty soon, Sakura wouldn't be able to hear her inner self. "Oh, well... I guess you could say I'm just like Kakashi-san!" Mayu continued.

"Like Kakashi-sensei...?" Sakura muttered. "What do you mean by that?"

"Copy cat..." Sasuke spoke up as if he had just realized something; Sakura looked at him in confusion.

"Mayu's able to copy another's abilities," Kakashi answered. "But I'm assuming she can only copy advanced bloodlines with little effort..."

"That's right," Mayu said. "At my current level, my abilities only allow me to copy things like the Sharingan or the Byakugan. If I were to try to copy anything else... my body would become weak soon after using the ability of another. Other than that, my weapon of choice would be the bow."

"I see... That's strange... According to your file, most of your family had weapons dealing with close combat. You have a long-ranged weapon," Sakura muttered; Mayu shrugged her shoulders.

"It doesn't matter now," she said, looking away.

"So she is an Ishikari. She lost her family at a young age... just like Sasuke-kun. No wonder he seems so close to her. They have that in common," Sakura thought, looking her at lap; she bit her lip. "Sasuke-kun must feel closer to her than anyone. I was a fool to think that... he didn't need to feel loved. Sasuke-kun has most likely... fallen for Mayu-san because she can give the love he really needs..."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, causing all to jump slightly in surprise, except for Sasuke. The door opened, and in stepped the Hokage and Shizune. "Tsunade-sama...!" Mayu exclaimed; the Hokage merely nodded in acknowledgment.

"Master Shizune, what brings you here?" Sakura asked, standing.

"Good work, Hatake. Ino told me what happened," Tsunade said. "I took a look at you earlier. You're going to have to stay in bed for a week. And after you're out, it will be another several days before I clear you to go on any missions."

"I had a feeling that would be the case..." Kakashi muttered.

"Looks like it'll take some time for you to master that new Sharingan," Tsunade contined. "For the time being, don't overdo it and rest up." The Hokage looked towards Gai. "I want you to rest today as well! You may submit your report tomorrow. Tell that to your team."

"Yes, ma'am!" Gai said, straightening his posture.

"As for the rest... I need to speak with all of you," Tsunade said, walking out of the room.

"Oro-teme?!" Mayu asked in disbelief.

"With Orochimaru as bait, Akatsuki could be lying in wait for you... at the Tenchi bridge," Tsunade continued, ignoring Mayu's outburst. Sasuke remained silent, leaning against the railing, staring down at the village.

"If it's a trap, we'll just fight," Sakura stated; Mayu nodded her head in agreement. Tsunade didn't reply right away. "Considering the situation, though, I think what Ino told you is correct."

"... I'm going to form a new team," she said. The eyes of the three teens present widen in surprise. "I'm separating Team Kakashi and forming two new teams. A small team of four will go check things out."

"She can't be serious!" Sasuke thought, glancing at the woman to his right. Was she actually planning to split him and Mayu up? NOOOOO!

"Tsunade-sama...!" Shizune spoke.

"What?" questioned the Hokage.

"In that case, you should send a different team to investigate..." Shizune began. "You must leave Naruto-kun out...!"

"... Shizune, Sakura is, like you, one of the few shinobi I can trust in. And although I do not fully trust Uchiha Sasuke, Ishikari Mayu, I'm sure, will keep him in line," Tsunade said; a small blush appeared on Mayu's face. "I do not know for certain which team I'm going to send on this mission."

"Then wouldn't it be the same if my team went?" Shizune asked.

"No, it wouldn't..." Tsunade answered.

"How so...?" Shizune questioned.

"Members of both teams, I know, want this to end. Orochimaru had greatly effected their lives because of his actions," Tsunade said. "These strong emotions will make the mission a success. It's all depends on who I send."

"... Understood... but for this mission, Naruto-kun..." Shizune began.

"That fool..." Sasuke muttered, looking up.

"Well, now that you have heard all of it, what do you have to say, Naruto?" Tsunade asked, also looking up. Sakura, Mayu, and Shizune all looked at the Hokage in confusion, and then looked up. There he was, standing on the edge of the building with his arms crossed.

"He was here this entire time?" Mayu thought.

"I'll go looking for new members right away!" Naruto exclaimed. He jumped, and then dashed right pass the Hokage.

"... Bah, always rushing... I hadn't even finished talking..." Tsunade muttered with a smirk.

"All that energy..." Mayu thought, watching Naruto jump from building to building until he was out of sight.

"I will find members to fill the gaps in the new teams. Tell that to Naruto," Tsunade said.

"Y-Yes," Sakura responded. "I wonder what team I'll be on..." she thought.

"Well, I have to go," Mayu muttered, jumping over the railing without waiting for someone to reply. Sasuke followed suit.

"You going home?" he asked, once he landed.

Mayu shook her head and began walking; Sasuke walked by her side. "No, not yet. I think I'll go see how Yasmine's fairing at her job. I haven't been there yet," she answered. "What about you?"

"I've got nothing better to do," Sasuke said. "I'll come with you." The two walked in silence, their destination: Kitty Paradise!

"... Sasuke," Mayu said in a soft voice.

"What is it?" he asked, giving her a quick glance.

"I... I really want this mission," she said. "This is chance for me to see Oro-teme, and perhaps..." Mayu trailed off. Sasuke knew what was going on in her head. Mayu wanted to kill Orochimaru. Why? The only reason Sasuke could think of was the fact that his actions led to him leaving Mayu. Sasuke felt that Mayu was still angry about that. "But at the same time... I don't want to be separated."

"I don't think the Hokage will separate us, Mayu," Sasuke said; Mayu gave him a questioning glance. "Didn't you hear what she said? You're the one who will keep me in line." The girl beside him hid a grin.

"Oh," she said. "Is that right, Uchiha Sasuke? Do I have the power to keep you in line?"

"You've got no idea the powers you over me," Sasuke thought. "You wish...!" he said out loud.

Mayu showed off a small frown. "You were supposed to say 'Yes, Mayu! You are my master!' not that bullshit!" she stated.

"Oh really?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes, really!"

"I don't know... I recall that I was the master," Sasuke stated. "I believe you said it yourself."

"What?! When did I say something like that?!"

"When we were younger..." Sasuke answered. Mayu looked up in thought, trying to remember what the hell Sasuke was talking about. There was no flipping way she would ever call Sasuke her master. No friggin' way that would ever happen! The day she called Sasuke her master was the day spirits talking talking to people. Little did she know... Mayu's eyes widen when the memory sudden hit her.

"Do something else to past the time!" Sasuke called down to her. "You're going to give me a headache."

"Yes, master, I am your humble servant," Mayu said sarcastically.

"Damn straight!" Sasuke said, grinning.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing...!" he replied quickly.

"You... remember that?" Mayu questioned with a nervous frown on her face.

"I remember every thing about that day... trust me," Sasuke said. That was the day he thought he'd gone insane. When spirits start talking to you, you know you've lost it! "Speaking of which..." Sasuke thought.

"That was sarcasm! I didn't mean it, idiot!" Mayu said, lightly slapping Sasuke's shoulder.

"Mayu," Sasuke began, ignoring Mayu's hit. "What were the names of your parents again?"

Mayu suddenly lost her relaxed demeanor, and looked away. Sasuke didn't say anything more. He didn't want to be unhappy, but... Mayu needed to move on. Though, Sasuke couldn't say anything. He still had not gotten over the loss of his family and clan. "... Ishikari Mayuka and Haruka. Mother and Father," Mayu finally said.

"That's what I thought," Sasuke said in his mind.

Those two... were Mayu's parents. Should he tell her that he saw them. No, Mayu would think he was crazy. Not that she didn't call him crazy on the regular basis. Well, she used to, anyway. "Anyway, as your master, it's my duty to punish you if you step out of line!" Sasuke said, making Mayu flinch; she turned to him as if he were a psycho.

"Now who's wishing?! Baka!" Mayu shouted.

"We're here," Sasuke said, glad to see Mayu was back to normal.

"Huh...? Oh, you're right!" Mayu exclaimed, turning to face the entrance to the building. As soon as she saw the window, her eye started twitching. "What the hell... is this?"

"That's your friend, isn't it? She must be the new attraction that old man was talking about," Sasuke muttered as Mayu pointed a shaky finger to her friend's picture that was currently on the window. Her friend was giving a 'sexy' pose in a skin tight, cheetah spotted cat costume, equipped with the cat ears, tail, and whiskers. Next to her friend's body were the words 'Come in to see the young "Foreign Beauty!" and you might win a free massage if you can get this feisty feline to laugh!' "Hm, I guess you're surprised... Mayu?"

Mayu had already disappeared from his side. She had gone in yelling something about killing the boss for violating her precious friend. "That reminds me," Sasuke thought as he went into the building. "I have to take her to see Haku some time." Sasuke immediately saw Mayu shouting at the receptionist, and rolled his eyes. Mayu was way too dramatic about this situation. Though, he did wonder what it would be like to see Mayu dressed in a cat costume.

"Welcome home, Sasuke!" Mayu said with a small on her face. Sasuke had to stop himself from moaning at the sight of his newly married wife. She was wearing red heels. Oh, how he liked her in heels! She was also wearing long fish net stockings that seem to connect to black short shorts, a long black tail was being twirled in her red-gloved hand, a black tank top that was cut to show off her flat stomach, and black cat ears with red tips. "Happy Birthday, master!" she purred lightly.

"Bow chicka bow, bow!" Sasuke thought.

Sasuke snapped out of his daydream and quickly wiped the blood from his upper lip. "Damn my perverted mind!" he thought, hoping Mayu didn't see. Luckily, the girl was still yelling at the receptionist. Sasuke sat down one of the convenient blue couches. He watched as the female Mayu was talking put her hands up in defense. She said something with a nervous smile. Mayu seemed pleased with whatever is was that was said because she crossed her arms and nodded.

The receptionist seemed extremely relieved as she went through a door that lead to the back. Mayu walked over to Sasuke and sat down. "I can't believe what I just saw!"

"You know it's not nice to scare people, Mayu," Sasuke said.

"Well, it's also not nice to punch people in the balls for talking too much, but it happens anyway, right?" Mayu responded with a pleasant smile.

"Forget I said anything," Sasuke muttered. "Why are you so worried, anyway?"

Mayu didn't reply for quite some time; she only stared at the wall with a far away look in her eyes. Sasuke thought that perhaps she didn't ear his question, so he opened his mouth to repeat his question. "... Yasmine is too pure. It's up to me to ensure her stability," Mayu answered before Sasuke could repeat. "She needs me and Yasume as much as I need them..."

"Need them...?" Sasuke thought.

"If it wasn't for Yasmine, bless her soul, I wouldn't be--I would be six feet under," Mayu continued.

"MAYU! OPEN YOUR EYES! I STILL NEED YOU!" Yasmine's voice echoed in Mayu's head. "GRANNY THERESA!! MAYU TOOK YOUR PILLS!" Mayu glanced at Sasuke to see his reaction; her eyes were slightly glazed over because of the memory.

Sasuke's eyes widen in shock. Six feet under...? Doesn't that mean 'dead?' Sasuke's body started shaking slightly. The very thought of Mayu not alive affected him greatly. Before he could ask what the hell she was talking about, Yasmine appeared, causing Mayu to stand. "Mayu, I'm so glad you came! It's the very first time you've been here!" she exclaimed, walking towards the two. Mayu quickly hugged the girl, startling her to no end, and then delivered a punch to her head.


"Yes, I know. You should have seen them! The boss told me that was the best week of her life!" Yasmine answered with a smile; she was rubbing her head. "Yasume is the one who posed for that picture though. There were so many guys here trying to make her laugh. In the end, it was someone most unexpected!"

"Then why the hell is that picture still out there?!" Mayu questioned.

"I suppose the boss thinks it will attract more customers," Yasmine answered, tapping her chin. "Even though the contest is already over. It ended earlier today, actually! Speaking of which, he was supposed to come in later today to get his free massage... I wonder if he'll show up."

"Who is he...? This most unexpected person?" Mayu asked.

"Oh, it's Neji-san! I don't think he'll come though," Yasmine answered. Mayu's mouth dropped opened in shock.

"H-Hyuga Neji...? That Neji?!" she stammered.

"Isn't that the only Neji around...?" Yasmine asked.

"Don't get smart with me!" Mayu yelled. "Why would he participate in a competition like that?!"

"I believe he won unwillingly. He wasn't trying to win. Yasume kept calling him names, and it was pretty funny to see the great Neji getting flustered and yell--no, scream like that," Yasmine replied, smiling lightly.

"Wait, wait, wait! Why was Neji here? He doesn't strike me as the guy who hangs around this place," Mayu said.

"Oh, Neji-san, Lee-kun, and Ten-chan came to thank Yasume for giving them advice on that last mission," Yasmine answered. "I was so happy when Lee-kun came to thank me! I cried tears of joy!" The girl had clasped her hands together, and had entered the fantasy mode. "His flames of youth made me so warm!" Sasuke and Mayu both had sweat drops going down the back of their heads.

"Anyway, they said thanks to the advice Yasume gave them, they were able to complete the mission relatively fast," Yasmine continued, looking towards Mayu. "I don't think Neji-san will come to get his free massage, though."

"You already said that..." Mayu muttered. "And I only came to see if there were real cats here..."

"... I wish it was Lee-kun; he'd definitely come," the other girl mumbled, looking disappointed; she had ignored Mayu's last comment. "If Neji-san did come though... he would be the first person I gave a massage to... The other girls would be jealous. Yasume says she doesn't know why. She says he's asexual..." Mayu and Sasuke snickered.

"That's not funny..." a new voice stated, causing all heads to turn.

"Ah! Neji-san...!" Yasmine exclaimed.

"You actually came?!" Mayu and Sasuke asked in unison because they couldn't believe their eyes.

"... Tenten forced me to come," Neji muttered, crossing his arms. "It was either this or no training... Let's just get this over with." Sasuke snickered again.

"Asexual..." he muttered, causing Mayu to laugh loudly.

"Yeah, that's pretty funny now that I think about it!" she giggled.

"..." Neji didn't respond.

"You shouldn't be so mean to Neji-san, not his fault after all," Yasmine said, trying to get Sasuke and Mayu to stop laughing. Her words only seemed to make them laugh harder. "Um... well, I'd best get to work, now... Come along, Neji-san!" Neji reluctantly followed after the 'foreign beauty' with a frown on his face.

"Wow, that's my big laugh for today!" Mayu said, wiping away a tear. "Hey, wait a minute! I wasn't finished talking to you!"

But Yasmine and Neji had already disappeared, leaving the receptionist looking at her like she was off her rocker. "I-If you don't h-have an appointment, then please leave," she said, nervously; she did not want to invoke the wrath of Ishikari Mayu again.

"Whatever..." Mayu muttered, standing and pulling Sasuke up with her. "Come on, Sasuke!"

"Right, right..." he replied.
Yasmine's POV

I led Neji to the farthest room, and then motioned for him to go in. "Please remove all of your clothes and cover yourself with the towel that's already in the room," I told him, remembering the things my 'sempai' at taught me. Yura Nagano, she was my trainer. She taught me every thing there was to know about this business. Too bad the boss fired her for being too old. She was only thirty-five, too. Her last job here was helping me. I feel sorry for her, but I'm sure she'll be okay. She was quite the beauty...

"I have to remove all clothing?" Neji asked; it sounded as if he was surprised.

"Well, that's what Yura-sempai told me," I muttered, rubbing my chin. "But I guess it's okay if you only strip down to your underwear. Please hurry; I'll be back with the essentials for your full body massage!" I left him without waiting for an answer. I guess I was a little too excited about doing this. In America, it's really hard to find a job, but here... it's practically the simplest thing to do. I suppose it has something to do with almost everyone being a ninja. "Heh... In America!" I thought with a small laugh.

Yasume: Man, I wish I could see the rest of those abridged series!

"Yeah, too bad we'll miss them," I said, picking up oil, lotion, and various other things.

"... she's talking to herself again..."

"... wonder why she's does..."

"... crazy..."

"... she's weird..."

I heard them... The other girls that work here. They don't understand, so I ignore their little whispers. I walked back towards the room where Neji was. "At least Yasume keeps her anger in check when she hears them," I thought. I opened the door to the room with a smile. "Neji-san, are you... rea-dy?" I asked.

"..." Neji looked at me with a surprised expression.

"..." I stared back at him, unblinking. Oh, he wasn't ready, so I shut the door.


"Blessed...?" I muttered, leaning against the door.

Yasume: Don't worry about it...

"Alright," I thought. Why should I worry about it? It has nothing to do with me. "Neji-san!" I called. "Are you finished?" A muffled 'yes' came through the door, so I opened it. "Sorry for walking in like that," I told him, setting down the items in my hand. Neji now had a towel wrapped around him. "Lay on the bed, face down, please."

"You're... not the least bit embarrassed about earlier?" Neji questioned; I turned around to see that he was already in a horizontal position, head turned so he could see me.

"Why would I be?" I asked. "It's just another human body... just with different parts." I noticed that Neji's eyes widen slightly at my statement.

"... You're a strange one," he finally said.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," I said. I turned back around to pick up a bottle of oil. "Oh, which one would you like? Warm or room temperature? It's recommended to try warm."

"Fine..." Neji replied. Not a man of many words, is he? I put the small bottle in the pocket of my uniform, and began to light the candles in the room. "What are you doing?" He's a very cautious man as well. From the corner of my eye, I saw him sit up.

"It's policy to make the client feel as comfortable as possible. The boss feels that scented candles will make that happen," I explained. "Do you not want candles lit?"

"It's fine," Neji answered, laying back down, his head resting on his arms.

After I was finished with that job, I walked over to wear Neji laid, and then poured a small amount of oil on my hands and rubbed them together. As soon as my hands touched Neji's skin, he instantly tensed up as if my hands were like ice. I used to be the same way. I didn't like anyone touching me either... back then.

Yasume: Remember what Mayu told you!

"Oh, right... Forget about the past," I whispered.

"What?" Neji seemed to finally relax.

"Nothing," I replied as my hands moved against his rough skin.

Not rough like a brick... I don't know really. Perhaps, it was all his muscles. I shrugged, and then continued my work. "You're different..." Neji commented. Yeah, well... a lot of people tell me that. "Last time we encountered one another, you were rude and obnoxious... now you seem kind and gentle."

Yasume: I'll show you obnoxious, bitch!

I smiled lightly. "You mean you haven't figured it out yet?" I asked, rubbing his shoulders; Neji became tense again. "I have another personality... Her name is Yasume. I'm almost finished with your back. When I'm finished, you're going to flip over so I can do your front."

"Hn..." His response almost made me roll my eyes. "... I did figure it out. I just wanted to make sure..." Neji muttered. "I began to realize this when I noticed that you had..."

"That I had what?" I asked, curious. Neji suddenly sat up, not saying a word. "Sorry, do you not like my services?"

"Are you sure that you've never used chakra before?" he asked, fully ignoring my question. His gaze was intense... almost as if he was preparing for a battle.

"Um... yes, I'm sure," I answered. Apparently, this was the wrong answer, because Neji got off the bed and frown, causing me to back up. "What is it?" I asked, backing up some more. Neji sure was scary... He took a step forward, causing me to take two steps back. Too bad my back hit the wall.

"Have you just forgotten...?" I heard him mutter.

"Forgotten what?" I questioned, my curiosity got the best of me.

"Yasume... That name... where did you come up with it?" Neji asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I told him. "Please let me finish your massage."

"Forget about that!" Neji suddenly yelled.

"O... kay," I mumbled, looking at the floor with raised eyebrows.

What's gotten into him?! I looked up to see that he had activated his Byakugan! "What the heck did I do?!" I thought. "What are you doing, Neji-san?" I asked out loud, my voice was calm. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Neji's eyes widen again.

"Her movements..." he, well, I guess he was saying to himself.

"Neji-san...?" I mumbled.

He sure was acting strange. And then he suddenly attacked! Why...? I don't know, he just did! My body reacted on its own, and I moved towards Neji. His hand was coming right for me.


I opened my eyes to see that our hands had connected. Both hands were struggling to keep the other away. That's when I saw Neji's other hand move, causing my other hand to move to do the same. Our hands smacked together again. I noticed that Neji was so focused on glaring at me that I could easily take him down if I wanted. Without diverting my eyes, I clipped the back of Neji's leg, and so he fell... with me on top of him. I could feel my heart beating rapidly, but I didn't show it on the outside.

It's not every day you get attacked by a Hyuga, and I've got to say... It's pret-ty darn scary! Neji had 'turned off' his eyes, and now was just staring up at me. "Doushite?" I whispered, trying to calm down. "Por que? Why?" I whispered in every language that I knew. I just wanted to make sure he understood my confusion. Yasume was being unnaturally silent during this.

"Your movements... that name... your fighting style... that language... 'why?' ... everything about you," Neji muttered, not tearing his eyes from me, causing me to become even more confused. "You're her... You're--"

"What the hell is going on here?!" a voice shouted, causing my hand to turn towards the door. There stood the boss... and she did not look happy. That was the face that she wore whenever one of her 'kittens' was being sexually harassed by a client. "Master Junko!" I exclaimed in surprised. Her red lips were pressed into a thin line. Her rosy red cheeks were puffed out. Her jet black hair was flared out like she was about to explode, not to mention her usually calm green eyes looked just a little bit fiercer.

Then she saw us, me on top of Neji. If possible, her face seemed to get even angrier. "Yasume! What have I've told you about attacking the customers?!" Junko yelled. "Especially those of royal blood!"

Yasume: Those perverted bastards deserved it!

"No, no, Master Junko! You misunderstand!" I said, standing. I quickly helped Neji up. "You know how clumsy I can be... and I uh... tripped!"

The boss lady didn't respond for quite some time. "Yasmine..." Junko said with a sigh. "You have got to stop being a klutz!" she finished, rubbing her temple. She was the only one here that knew of my split personality. "Try to be more careful!" And then she just left.

I heaved out an inaudible sigh of relief. That's not the first time I've gotten into trouble for my clumsiness... I turned back to Neji to see that he was picking up his clothes. "I think it's time that I go," he said.

"B-But I still haven't finished your massage!" I protested, even though I was still freaked out by his strange behavior.

"No, I must go... My actions are not being though out clearly," Neji said. Well, I wasn't going to argue after that. After all, Neji was acting weird, and I didn't want to be around that. Not to mention...

Yasume: What the fuck was he talking about?!

"Yeah, that..." I thought, frowning. I turned to leave the room, but Neji's voice stopped me from opening the door.

"You have forgotten, like I had..." he said. I felt my face twist in confusion before I opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind me.

"That... was too weird..." I muttered, resting the back of my hand on my forehead. "Just what was he going on about...?" I thought, staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey, Sasuke!" Mayu said, getting the boy's attention. Sasuke looked at her with an annoyed expression. The two had been walking through the streets of Konoha for awhile in complete silence, and she chose now to interrupt that silence. Sasuke was having such a good day dream, too...

"What?" he asked.

"You think Naruto is still out searching for members?" Mayu asked.

"I don't think... I know," Sasuke answered

Mayu gave a small laugh. "You're probably right," she said with a grin. She tapped her chin lightly, trying to think of how to word her next sentence. "Ah! Sasuke, you wouldn't mind going with me, would you?"

"Where to?" the Uchiha asked.

"The place... where I used to live," Mayu answered. Sasuke stopped, causing Mayu to stop and look him in the eyes. "Since I'm one of the last members of my clan, I have to know every thing about it. Not just the knowledge of a nine-year-old. As I am right now, it's not enough... But I don't want to go alone at this point in time. You'll come with me, right?"

Sasuke turned to her, blinked once, and then smirked. "Do you really have to ask?" he questioned. "I'm interested in knowing more about you, not to mention your clan's jutsu."

"There's always a catch, isn't there?" Mayu replied, rolling her eyes.

"Hey--" Sasuke stopped, eyes widening slightly; Mayu noticed it, too. She grabbed Sasuke's hands, and then jumped up. Luckily she did because the spot where the two were before now had multiple kunai and shuriken impaled in the ground.

"What the hell?!" Mayu shouted, pushing Sasuke away, so that the two didn't land on the weapons.

"Over there..." Sasuke said; Mayu turned to where Sasuke's eyes were directed. On top of a nearby building, there stood a lone figure. Long black hair, tied in a high ponytail, was caught in the gentle wind. Mayu's eyes scanned over this new arrival, as did Sasuke's.

"Well, there's no boobs, so..." Mayu thought, and then stared into the eyes of the newcomer. His eyes were greenish... black? "What a strange color..."

The guy jumped down with a grin on his face. His skin color showed that he wasn't kept in the dark at all. It was lighter than Mayu's own skin tone. "He's light on his feet..." Sasuke observed.

"Well, you managed to dodge that... so high, too!" the stranger said.

"Who... are you?!" Mayu asked, pointing a finger. From the headband wrapped around his arm, she could tell he was a Konoha shinobi, so why the heck was he attacking them?

"That's not important as of now. You're still genin, and yet you managed to dodge that attack," stranger said.

"Well, it was pretty basic," Mayu commented. Suddenly, the two disappeared from the stranger's view, causing his eyes to widen.

"You two are pretty fast..." he said, smirking. Mayu had appeared in front of him, kunai held at his neck; Sasuke had taken his sword out, ready to plunge it into the man's back.

"Oh, come off it! Why did you attack us?" Mayu asked, not amused by the smirk on this guy's face.

"Oh, nothing much, really... I just wanted to see how strong you were," the guy said, and then disappeared!

Mayu's eyes widen when she felt a cold blade rest on her neck. "This guy..." she thought in surprise, and then looked down. "This dagger...!"

"Ah! The famous Sharingan finally surfaces!" the guy's voice caused Mayu to looked towards her comrade. Sasuke looked pissed.

"Ano... you really don't want to do this..." Mayu muttered. "I really think you should let me go."

"Nonsense!" the stranger exclaimed. "I've got you both... right where I want you."

Mayu sighed loudly, and then discreetly put her left foot behind the stranger's left foot. "Let her go," Sasuke warned, stepping forward.

"No," the stranger said, stepping back, causing him to fall because he got tripped. Mayu quickly turned slightly, so that her elbow rested on the guy's stomach.

"Ah!" the guy screamed out when he felt Mayu's elbow go past his ribcage. Mayu removed the dagger from his hand, and then pinned both of his wrists to the ground.

"Thanks, Sasuke," she muttered.

"Don't mention it," he replied, putting his sword away as he walked towards her and her captured prey.

Mayu moved, so that now her knee rested on the stranger's neck, making him struggle to breathe. "H-Hey, I was just joking, Mayu-chan! Let me go!" the man said.

"What would you do if I didn't dodge that attack, huh?" Mayu asked, pressing her knee harder.

"Gack!" was what the guy managed to choke out; Mayu sighed, and then removed her knee. "Someone as talented as you wouldn't have got caught up l-like that, I'm sure!"

"Hm..." Mayu said, getting up, allowing the guy to stand.

"You know him?" Sasuke asked, glaring at the taller male; Mayu nodded her head.

"This is the guy who took care of me for a few hours because I didn't look like Hinata-chan anymore..." she said. "Of course... it was only for a few hours because Kakashi-san thought it was best if I lived with him."

"What?" Sasuke muttered.

"This is..." Mayu began.

"Sawatari Nakatsu, at your service!" the male said, giving a mock bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you again, Mayu... and you, Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed into a glare. Now he remembered him. This was the guy he fought a few years back. Nakatsu... that punk! When did he become a ninja?! "Teh... Doesn't matter. He's definitely not stronger than me," Sasuke thought. "He's not even stronger than Mayu."

"Baka!" Mayu shouted, crossing her arms. "You knew it was me all along?!"

"Yup! I would never forget your pretty face!" Nakatsu said, wrapping an arm around Mayu's shoulders. An action Sasuke did not like at all.

"I see you grew your hair out," Mayu commented, shrugging his arm off.

"Yeah, I don't know why I let it grow this long," Nakatsu murmured, grabbing a bit of his hair between his fingers.

"Why did you become a ninja, Nakatsu-kun?" Mayu asked.

"Because I wanted to be as strong as you! My hard work, determination and skills finally landed me in the chunin rank!" Nakatsu answered, grinning. He grabbed on to Mayu's shoulders, surprising the girl and making Sasuke just a wee bit angrier. "The last time we met, you inspired me to become strong, so here I am!"

"You're welcome... I guess," Mayu muttered, stepping away.

"Oh, don't be like that, Mayu-chan!" Nakatsu whined. "I thought we were friends!"

"Friends don't usually attack me, so sorry for my attitude!" Mayu stated, closing her eyes and turning her head.

"Sorry, you have my sincerest apologies!" Nakatsu stated, and then leaned forward and gave Mayu a peck on the cheek. Sasuke's anger flared! You could practically see his eyes going red, and it wasn't the Sharingan. "Well, I have to go now! I hope to see you again, Mayu-chan!" He took off running, and then he just suddenly disappeared.

"He's like the wind..." Mayu muttered, wiping her cheek.

"You just let him kiss you like that?!" Sasuke asked, glaring at a random building.

"He hasn't changed much at all," Mayu said, ignoring Sasuke. "Becoming a ninja, though... That's pretty out there for someone like him..."



"... forget it,"

"Whatever!" Mayu muttered, putting her hands down to her sides. "Are you coming or not?"

Sasuke grumbled something under his breath before following Mayu down the street. If Mayu didn't care, then why should he? It wasn't like they were going to see that guy soon, anyway. Besides, Mayu could never like a guy like him... right? Sasuke released a heavy sigh. "It's not like it matters... she's still engaged."

"NAKATSU-KUN...?!" Mayu exclaimed in surprise, pointing a finger. Sasuke bared his teeth at the male that was leaning against the wall. The Hokage told the two to go and meet their new team members. The two males looked up at Mayu's outburst. One looked familiar, the other was super pale! He actually looked like a ghost... a feminine ghost. Just look at the shirt he was wearing!

"Ahh! Mayu-chan!" one male responded, pushing himself from the wall. He walked over to the two, picked up Mayu by the waist, and then spun her around. Sasuke glowered at the situation.

"Don't tell me he's our team member!" he thought, glaring as Nakatsu set Mayu back down. Sasuke looked over to the pale-looking boy. This boy had a cheery, fake-looking smile on his face.

"Wait, wait, wait a minute!" Mayu said, shaking her head. "This doesn't make sense! The Hokage told us that our new team would be composed of one medic nin! Where's that person?"

"Oh, she didn't tell you? I am the medic!" Nakatsu said. "I don't know who that other guy is, though... I for one find him weird..." he whispered the last part in Mayu's ear. The girl looked at the other to see that both Sasuke and he were staring into each others eyes. "Wow... you never told me that your friend was gay, Mayu-chan!" Nakatsu said loudly. Sasuke's ear twitched, but didn't turn his gaze from the other boy. "I certainly hope he doesn't fall for me!" Mayu had to hold Sasuke back from strangling the older male.

"Sasuke! Calm down!" she told him as she struggled to keep him at bay. Nakatsu shrugged his shoulders, and then grinned.

"He's probably just sensitive about his sexuality! It's okay, man! I don't have a problem with that!" he said, giving a cheeky smile. "Just don't fall for my charms!"

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Sasuke yelled. Oh, how he wanted to kill him now! Too bad Mayu held a firm grip on him.

"At least Uchiha Sasuke probably has a penis," a soft voice spoke, causing all three heads to turn.

"What are you trying to imply, you creepy bastard?!" Nakatsu asked.

"Nothing, really... Just saying that you don't have anything between your legs," the boy said, fake smile ever present on his face.

"Oh no... we've got two homos in the group!" Nakatsu glared. Mayu grabbed on to Nakatsu, too, just in case.

"Hey! We're a team! We're not supposed to be fighting like this!" she shouted. "Nakatsu-kun, quit teasing Sasuke! Sasuke, you calm down! And you..." Mayu looked at the other one. "You're causing problems, too! What's your name?"

"Oh, my name's Sai... It's a pleasure to meet my team," the boy answered.

"The pleasure's all yours..." Sasuke and Nakatsu muttered.

"Sai...?" Mayu thought.

"Yeah, if you get him as a teammate, you have to tell me all about him!" Yasume said with a grin. "He's the gay-looking one! He talks about Naruto's dick, or lack thereof, and calls Sakura hag on numerous occasions! You've got to let me know what he calls Sasuke!"

"This must be who she was talking about..."
Mayu thought.

"So you're a peacemaker, huh?" Sai continued as Mayu released Nakatsu and Sasuke. Mayu blinked at his statement. "I like friendly old people like you." The girl only shrugged at his obvious insult.

"Hey, as long as he doesn't call me fat, then it's okay!" Mayu thought, nodding her head. "People do refer to me as acting younger or older than my real age," she said out loud. "I'm glad you're so observant, Sai! I like people who have good observation skills, it makes the mission go quicker! Speaking of which, let's all introduce ourselves the proper way! My name is Ishikari Mayu!"

"Sawatari Nakatsu," the male glared at Sai and Sasuke.

"Uchiha Sasuke..."

"Sai... like I said before..."

"That wasn't the point of the exercise, Sai!" Mayu stated. "Now, that that's out of the way! Which of you has the details for our mission?" she asked. "The one about the Tenchi Bridge...?"

"Nope!" Nakatsu answered; Mayu looked disappointed. "The other team got that mission. Our mission is to follow Team Kakashi, though. We are back up. Just in case something goes wrong and Akatsuki does try to ambush the others."

"So we are going to the bridge?!" Mayu asked.


"Asshole..." Mayu thought, glaring at the older male.

"Seeing as how we need to fool our own comrades, we will leave only half a day after them," Nakatsu stated. "So that means... you have the rest of today to gather anything you need. We will meet at the front gate at nightfall!"

"Hai!" the three younger ninja said.

"They're actually listening to me!" Nakatsu thought, mentally crying tears of joy as the other teens left. "Perhaps this mission will be a success after all. If they all listen... I can keep a much closer eye on Uchiha Sasuke."

"I don't like our new team," Sasuke mumbled, causing Mayu to look at him, and then smile.

"Why not?" she asked. The two were currently walking home together.

"Well, one's an idiot, and the other one has a dick fetish," Sasuke replied.

"... Please don't say that again..." Mayu responded, fighting back a blush. "And anyway, wasn't Naruto an idiot?"

"No," Sasuke answered, causing Mayu to look at him in surprise. "He still is..." that caused Mayu to laugh. "But... I don't like the new team members."

"Sasuke, you can't judge people from the first impressions!" Mayu said.

"Well, what do you think of them, Miss Goody, goody?" he asked, frowning. Mayu didn't like his comment, so she hit his arm.

"... I think... Sai--Sai reminds me of you when I first met you," she replied.

"What?!" Sasuke asked, incredulously. "I don't think I had a penis fetish back then! I don't have one now!" Mayu blushed, rubbed her nose, and then stared at the ground.

"That's not what I meant, idiot!" she said. "I mean the blank look on his face. You used to wear that expression every day. Such an emo, you were." Sasuke frowned lightly. "That's why I believe... that's another part of Sai... just like there was another part of you. Another part that you allowed only me to see."

"Let's get something straight... I didn't allow you to see anything," Sasuke muttered, reaching for the key to there home. "You forced that side to come out."

"Yeah... That's what he said," Mayu mumbled.


"Nothing...! Just open the door!" Mayu ordered. "Maybe I could read part of that book... Who knew he'd keep something like that?" she thought.

"... And they don't know of your current rank?" the Hokage asked.

"Iie, Hokage-sama, they have no idea," the male's voice responded.

"That's good. Keep it that way," Tsunade said, lacing her fingers together. "It's about time for your team to leave. You're dismissed!"

"Hai!" the male said, making a hand sign. He disappeared in a whirlwind.

"Alrighty then! Let's head out!" Nakatsu shouted, raising his fist to the air. Sasuke glowered at his actions. Why did he have to have another loud and obnoxious teammate. It was like someone up there liked laughing at his expense.

"Eh...? Nakatsu-kun, we left the village about two hours ago," Mayu stated. "Is it really necessary to say that now?" Nakatsu laughed nervously, and then put his hand down.

"Well, everyone's so quiet. No offense, but it's kinda boring..." he said. Mayu sighed loudly at her teammates words.

"It's a stealth mission, it's supposed to be quiet," she said with a nervous smile. "How the hell did he become a ninja?" she thought.

"Moron..." Sasuke muttered, causing Nakatsu to glare at him.

"Shut up, Mr. Sunshine!" he shouted.

"Now, now, children. Don't make me separate you two!" Mayu scolded. "Honestly! They're like little kids!" she thought, rolling her eyes.

"He started it!" Nakatsu stated, pointing an accusing finger at Sasuke, who merely looked away; Mayu only shook her head.

"Why can't you be more like Sai?" she muttered.

"Sai?! That creepy dude?!" Nakatsu asked, turning his finger to the boy in front.

"Hey, at least they creepy dude is quiet!" Mayu stated.

"Thank you, hag," Sai spoke up.

"Stop calling Mayu-chan that!" Nakatsu yelled.

"No problem, asshole!" Mayu answered with a smile.

She had tried to ignore those old woman comments that Sai had kept making. Mayu had finally snapped five minutes ago, and she had punched Sai in the face and stomach. Mayu realized that this wasn't the best way to get along, so she would just copy his attitude for awhile. And boy was it ever hard! Ever time he made a old comment, she wanted to punch him... in the nuts, but at the last second, Sasuke always stopped her. Sai nuts were safe... for the time being.

"How could she possible think I used to be like that?" Sasuke thought, now glaring at Sai's back. Mayu tugged on Sasuke's sleeve to get his attention.

"Stop glaring at your teammates," she told him. "That won't help us in the end!"

"Did you really think of me as him?" Sasuke asked. Sasuke didn't mean for his question to be heard by the others, but it was, so Sai and Nakatsu stopped walking.

"Like him...?" Nakatsu said, not turning around.

"Please do not think of me as Uchiha Sasuke," Sai requested.

"I admit that this guy is creepy and gay, but... Uchiha Sasuke is a coward," Nakatsu said, turning his head slightly. "A weak coward that betrayed his own village for power."

"Nakatsu-kun...!" Mayu shouted.

"No, he is..." Sai continued. "He could betray us at any waking minute just for more power. A truely pathetic ninja."

"Both of you... shut up!" Mayu said.

"But didn't you say the exact same things when--" Nakatsu began, but Mayu interrupted him by punching him in the face.

"I said: SHUT UP!" she clarified, ignoring the hurt look on Nakatsu's face. He was holding his cheek and tears started to well up in his eyes. "Don't talk about things you know nothing of!" Mayu walked on ahead, kicking Sai out of the way and continued on. "Let's get this over with!"

"Waah! I made Mayu-chan angry!" Nakatsu exclaimed, standing up and rushing to Mayu's side. The girl only kicked him away.

"Mayu..." Sasuke thought. "She's still hurt after all..."

"Mayu-chan, Mayu-chan!" Nakatsu exclaimed. "There's a hotel with hot springs coming up! We should make it there by morning. Let's rest there and released this tension!"

"AAAH!" Nakatsu exclaimed. "This feels so good!" Sasuke almost rolled his eyes at his teammates child-like behavior.

"Ninja my ass..." he thought, turning away from the other two males. The group of four had reached the inn in the morning just as Nakatsu said. The four had immediately went to the hot springs; Mayu was currently on the other side. "All alone on the other side..."

Sasuke longingly watched the wall that separated the women's bath from the men's. "Oi! Sasuke!" Nakatsu's voice penetrated Sasuke's thoughts.

"Mayu's not here to stop me from decapitating you, so... leave me alone if you know what's good for you," Sasuke said, closing his eyes. He rested his arms and head on the side of the hot spring.

"But you don't have your sword with you," Nakatsu said; Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. The little bugger was right. "Now that we got that outta the water! Let's talk!"

"No," Sasuke replied.

"Mayu-chan's right," Nakatsu went on, completely ignoring Sasuke's protest. "If we continue to act as if we don't like each other, this team will most definitely fall apart."

"Who's acting?" Sasuke thought, opening his eyes. But once again, he was right. If most of the team continued to behave this way towards one another, anyone of them could die... even Mayu. "Fine, don't insult me, and I won't kill you," Sasuke said out loud, thinking that was a good compromise. Everyone wanted to live, right?

"Uh... no!" Nakatsu said. Apparently, he didn't. "That's not grasping the concept of teamwork! Didn't your sensei teach you about that?"

"Oh, no... he did, and I have to say I learned that quickly," Sasuke said. "...Lie..." he thought. "It's just I don't... like... you."

"Well, you're gonna have to learn to like us, brat!" Nakatsu stood up, seemingly mad. "All of us could die because of your selfish actions!"

"... you first, old man..." Sasuke said, closing his eyes again.

"You stupid brat!"

"So you do have a penis after all," Sai spoke.


"QUIT SCREAMING AT EACH OTHER! I'M TRYING TO RELAX!" a shout came from the other side.

"S-Sorry, Mayu-chan..." Nakatsu brought his voice down.

Sasuke lifted his head and stared at the wall again. A blush appeared on his face as he continued to stare. Just one quick look never hurt anybody... right? Well, it hurt Jiraiya pretty bad that one time. He had actually managed to get caught. But he was Uchiha Sasuke! There's no way that he'd get caught!

Sasuke pushed himself out of the water, and then wrapped a towel around his waist. "What are you doing?" Nakatsu questioned, causing Sai to look on in curiosity.

"Shut up and don't bother me," Sasuke replied as he went up the wall.

"Pervert! You're going to take a peek at Mayu-chan, aren't you?!" Nakatsu asked, following Sasuke's actions. Sasuke only kicked him back down. "Hey!"

"You don't get to look!" Sasuke stated, turning his head back around. Nakatsu ignored Sasuke's statement, and scaled up the wall again.

"Why are you spying on her?" Sai asked; his head had appeared in between Sasuke's head and Nakatsu's head. The two males ignored their teammate, and searched for the only girl in the mist. Since the four had gotten to the inn so early, the springs weren't over crowded. "She isn't going like thi--"

"Shut up!" Nakatsu whispered. "I see her! On the water!" Sasuke quickly moved his eye sight.

Nakatsu wasn't lying. Mayu was using her chakra to stand on the water, too bad she had a towel wrapped around her body... Sasuke and Nakatsu both sighed in disappointment. Oh, but how the mind imagines... Nakatsu's nose started bleeding a little as he continued to stare at Mayu's body. Her hair was let down and it was plastered to her wet skin.

"Hard to believe she's only sixteen..." he thought, not bothering to wipe his nose.

"... She's saying something," Sai commented.

"She's probably thinking up some kind of plan for when the time comes," Nakatsu muttered. "I've heard Mayu-chan's a superb strategist..."

"You have no idea what's Mayu's like, do you?" Sasuke questioned, not tearing his eyes away from the girl. "She's most likely singing a weird random song..."

"... I'm gonna kick your ass... from here to right over there! Oh yeah, motherfucka..." Mayu's voice grew louder.

"What I say?" Sasuke muttered, narrowing his eyes, hoping for Mayu's towel to slip just a bit. "Not to say she doesn't have a good plan now and then."

"Hey, guys! You still there!" Mayu shouted, causing Nakatsu and Sasuke to flinch. Luckily, the girl had turned and walked off the water. "I'm going to take a nap! You guys should do the same!" Nakatsu and Sasuke didn't respond, let alone breathe. If Mayu caught them...! Sasuke shuddered at the thought. "Can you hear me, or am I talking to random strangers?"

"No, we can hear you just fine," Sai answered; he gave a wave as Mayu slowly turned her head to them. Sasuke and Nakatsu practically turned to stone. "We've been watching you for awhile now."

"What...?!" Mayu yelled through clenched teeth. She had saw Sasuke, Nakatsu, and Sai's heads.

"Hm... Why is she charging at us?" Sai asked. The two other males glared at Sai. "What?"

"I officially hate you, you creepy bastard!" Nakatsu exclaimed, pointing a finger at the pale boy, while nursing his black eye and bruised cheek. Sai just shrugged, not caring about the comically bump on his head. "And you...! You didn't even get hit!" Nakatsu pointed at Sasuke, causing the Uchiha to glare.

"You didn't get hit in the nuts, so shut up!" Sasuke replied with a pained expression. The three had changed into the robes of the inn, and were now sitting in their room.

"... I don't think he has any," Sai said.


"Fucking... bastards!" Mayu muttered, hugging herself as if she had been violated. A huge blush adorned her angry face. "They better hope I don't see them until we leave!"

Quote Of Update:

"Bow chicka bow, bow!" -Sasuke in his fantasy mode

Yeah, that was pretty funny! Every time I went back to that part, I laughed, so there!

Now! Down to business!

Since the episodes are not coming out fast enough... It's expected of me not to update quickly... so...

I have to read the manga so I can update quickly

Uh... oh yeah... I don't know that much about Sai, so if he comes off a bit OOC, then don't blame me for that in the REVIEW you're going to leave.

And I know what I've done has messed up the original plot quite a bit, I know! I'm the one that has to write this alteration! Not fun! ... Okay, actually it is... BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!

It's an AU for a reason!

... review...?