Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 14

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"... Best kept secret in my generation, and I... I found you out," -Skillet

Tsunade snickered as her eyes scanned over the report she was given a few hours ago. Being Hokage, she couldn't read it as soon as it was given to her. But of course, she'd eventually have to read every report. Tsunade had happened to pick of this report first. Team Nakatsu was given yet another C-rank mission. And the only reason Tsunade hadn't decided to give the squad D-rank missions was because Kakashi had persuaded her that both Sasuke and Mayu were not inexperienced. So the team ended up getting only C-rank.

Anyway, the report currently in Tsunade's hand was on their last mission. The team had returned to Konoha only hours ago. The Hokage snickered again. Apparently, the mission had almost failed because Ishikari Mayu 'accidently' almost killed the client and Uchiha Sasuke. Something about them being 'in her personally space'? "I've had those times," Tsunade mused. "... especially when these things grew overnight."

The Fifth Hokage placed the report on her table. She reached for her stamp. "Tsunade-sama!" a voice exclaimed, causing the Hokage to look at the door. Shizune came into the room with another stack of documents. Tsunade almost sighed at the sight of the stack coming closer to her. Could she ever catch a break? Shizune placed the stack of papers on the desk just as the Hokage stamped the report. "Glad to see you're working."

"Yah, yah..." Tsunade grumbled, taking a paper from the stack.


"Yes?" she muttered, her eyes scanning over the paper.

"While I was away on that mission, did Naruto-"

"Yes, he returned," the Hokage interrupted. "I imagine he's off with Hinata-chan right at this moment."

"Ne, Hinata-chan..." a young blond began. The two teens were eating in a grassy field. Having just finished sparring with each other, the two were tired. They had to move from their original training spot because the land was now in ruins. Hinata's Rock Hard Gentle Fist had really become stronger. Not to mention Naruto's super cool Rasengan; it also did some damage.

Hinata had brought lunch with her and not just Ramen. It was all sorts of yummy delights to eat. The two were sitting on a blue blanket, eating and talking. Hinata sighed in bliss. Oh, how she loved doing these kinds of things with her Naruto-kun! "Yes, Naruto-kun?" she asked.

Hinata glanced up at Naruto to see him still eating his miso ramen. She blushed, remembering that Naruto had told her that it was best ramen he'd ever eaten. She didn't want to crush his joy by telling him she got it from the convenient store. "Yours looks tasty!" Naruto said, after swallowing the rest of his noodles. Hinata's blush deepened. It was amazing that she had grown so strong, and yet in the presence of Naruto, her face would still change colors.

"Yes, it's delicious, I agree," Hinata responded.

"You make that, too?" Naruto questioned, pointing a finger. He sat down his bowl. Hinata shook her head.

"Ano... I didn't," she answered. "In all honestly, I didn't make any of this..."


"Hai... If you want, I could cook next time" Hinata responded, bowing her head. "And add Ramen, of course..."

"That’s great, Hinata-chan!" Naruto exclaimed. "I love Ramen!"

"Yes, I know," Hinata murmured. "Please, Naruto-kun, eat up. I bought all this for you." Naruto nodded his head rapidly.

"Okay, but the time after that, I'm going to cook for you!" he said, picking up a bowl.

Hinata almost dropped her chopsticks in shock. Naruto knew how to cook?! Was there anything he couldn't do? The young Hyuga smiled. That means she didn't have to worry about displeasing her Naruto-kun with her cooking when they were married... "Hinata, get a hold of yourself!" she scolded herself in thought. Her blush seemed to get darker. "Already thinking of those types of things..." She couldn't help it, she giggled lightly.

"Eh? What's the matter, Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked, hearing her almost silent giggle.

"No-Nothing," she answered.

"Oh, okay," he responded, and then continued to eat. Hinata, inaudibly, sighed, and then continued to eat her meal. She didn't realize that a pair of blue eyes had begun to stare at her while she ate. "Hinata-chan's so pretty," Naruto thought, still chewing. His blue eyes scanned over Hinata's figure.

Naruto had almost never seen Hinata without her jacket. Even when they were children, he had never seen her without a jacket on. In fact, her entire team seemed to love wearing jackets. But today, Hinata wasn't wearing a jacket. And because of this Naruto's eyes seemed glued to her chest area. A grin, as well as a blush, appeared on Naruto's face as he continues to leer.

Hinata had felt eyes on her, so she looked from her bowl... only to see Naruto's eyes. The blush that had gradually disappeared had come back full force. "Is... Is Naruto-kun staring at my..." Hinata couldn't even finish the thought. Of course, it was logically. Hinata knew that she was... developed. She knew that if they continued to grow at this rate, she'd end up looking like Tsunade. The young Hyuga shifted. "Na-Naruto-kun...!" Hinata squeaked.

"Wow! Hinata-chan has huge ta-tas!" Naruto thought, not hearing Hinata's voice.

"Naruto-kun!" she tried again. This time, Naruto's head snapped up to meet the eyes of his girlfriend, who looked quite embarrassed. "Wha-What are you... staring at?" she asked in a soft voice.

"I-I-I-I-I was just... loo-looking at your... food!" Naruto lied. He rubbed the back of his head, trying to seem innocent. "Damn you, perverted hermit!" he thought, face turning more red. "I-I mean, it really looks good..."

"Oh..." Hinata made a sound, almost disappointed. "Do you... want to try it, Naruto-kun?" she asked. She grabbed a piece of her meat with her chopsticks. Naruto nodded his head rapidly, and then he opened his mouth and closed his eyes to receive the treat. Hinata giggled lightly as she placed the food in his mouth. Naruto was just so adorable to her! Naruto chewed on the food.

"So good!" was his response, and then swallowed. Hinata smiled lightly.

"Ano... What about yours, Naruto-kun?" she asked. "It also looks tasty."

"You want some of mine?" Naruto asked with a small grin.

"Hm...!" Hinata answered, nodding her head twice. "Naruto-kun's going to feed me!" she thought in glee.

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, awaiting the goodness that came from Naruto. Only... it wasn't come as quickly as she thought. "Hinata-chaaaaaan...!" Naruto drawled out. Hinata opened her eyes. She saw that Naruto's grin had grown. He still held the food out to her.

"What is it?" she asked.

Naruto quickly moved the chopsticks, and put the food he was going to give to Hinata in his mouth. The blond stuck his tongue out, so that Hinata saw the food. "Here! It's all yours! Take it, Hinata-chan!" Hinata's eyes widen in surprise as another blush adorned her face.

"...?!" she couldn't even say anything.

Naruto pointed to his mouth. He wasn't really expecting her to go for it. He was only teasing, of course. Yes, he knew that Hinata had gotten stronger and more confident, but she was still the cute shy girl that he loved to tease on occasion. He remembered when he pretended to kiss her on the first date, but only rubbed his nose against hers. She was blushing the entire night! Good times, good times...! "Well, do you want it, or not, Hinataaaa-chaaaan?" he asked, keeping his tongue out.

"... Be... BELIEVE IT!!" Hinata suddenly shouted, standing.

"Huh...!" Naruto managed to get out before he was tackled to the ground and Hinata's lips reigned down on him. Well, he was not expecting that reaction! And neither was the three spying on the two.

"Hinata-chan's so coooool!" the three girls exclaimed in unison. They had stars in their eyes and blushes on their face as she continued to watch Naruto and Hinata. These three girls just happened to be Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, and Ishikari Mayu. The three had been watching and following the two ever since they had stopped sparring.

"Hinata-chan and Naruto are so cute together!" Ino sighed dreamily.

"I can't believe that dunce actually managed to get her!" Sakura said, nodding her head.

"I always believed!" Mayu stated.


"And that's what you were doing for an hour?" Sasuke asked with a frown. "Somehow, I don't doubt it," he muttered to himself. Mayu glared at him.

"Shut up!" she retorted, sitting down on the couch next to the Uchiha. "What were you doing while I was gone?"

"Just training," Sasuke answered.

"Yeah, you are kinda sweaty!" Mayu stated, dragging her finger down his neck.

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. He had half a mind to throw Mayu on the floor and attack her with his kisses. But... that was normal whenever Mayu touched him. Too bad he couldn't do that. Mayu would probably kill him. Hell, she almost killed him on their last mission. Why? Oh, it was because he accidently tripped and grabbed her boob. Yeah, Mayu didn't like that. And it didn't help that she had already labeled him a pervert.

Sasuke almost sighed. This was torture. Although, Mayu had told him that she forgave him, it was as if the past didn't happen. Mayu acts as if their feelings for one another had never been voiced. So close, yet so far away... Sasuke frowned. "Shit..." he thought, bowing his head.

Mayu pulled her finger back, looking at Sasuke in slight annoyance. Why did he always get like that when she touched him? His behavior seemed to turn... moody. "Oi... Sasuke...!" she tried to get his attention.

"What?" he grumbled, turning to face her.

"Wanna kiss me?" she asked.

Sasuke's broody expression instantly lit up. "Do I ever!" he thought, and then lunged at Mayu. The girl quickly put her hand up. Sasuke's face collided with her palm.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" she shouted, holding him off.

"You asked!" Sasuke retorted. He was still trying to get pass her hand.

"I didn't mean right now, moron!" Mayu grumbled, and then pushed Sasuke off her. "I meant train me later on!" Sasuke looked up at Mayu from his spot on the floor. Train...? He blinked. Oh, crap! Again with the misunderstandings?! Will it ever end?!

Mayu panted lightly. It was like Sasuke turned into some sort of animal! "No, I won't train you," Sasuke said, standing up from the floor.

"Why not?!"

"Because... You're already strong enough," Sasuke answered as if it were obvious. "Orochimaru's dead now, so there's no need for you to get any stronger. Let me do the rest." Mayu frowned. He did have a point.

In the beginning, the only reason she wanted to be strong was only to defeat Orochimaru. Later, it was to kill Sasuke, himself. But she no longer wanted to do that to Sasuke, so... But as she was now, Mayu probably wouldn't become a jounin. Sasuke seemed to be convinced, though. What could she do to change his mind? "I'll let you touch my boobs," she said.

Sasuke didn't even bat an eyelash. "There's no way I'm getting excited because my ears don't work right when she's talking!" he thought, turning away.

"Damn, he didn't go for it! I suppose he's not as perverted as I first thought," Mayu frowned at Sasuke's back. "I don't wanna remain a genin forever!" she muttered out loud.

"You're already stronger enough," Sasuke repeated. "And besides, with your brain, no matter how ridiculous it is, they won't keep it as a genin. So stop worrying."

"That's a good point, too..." Mayu mused, nodding her head.

She stood up, causing Sasuke to look at her. "What now?" he muttered.

"I'm bored..." Mayu responded. Sasuke almost rolled his eyes. Sometimes, Mayu was unpredictable, but other times, she was as easy to read as a book. "Mayu I should wash the rest of this blue stuff out..." she thought.

"Well, do something productive," Sasuke suggested. "... Something that has nothing to do with spying on Naruto and Hinata, I mean." Mayu glared at him again, but before she could retort, Yasmine walked down the stairs, carrying multiple items.

"I'm leaving now," she announced.

"Where to…? I thought you said that you didn't have work on Saturdays," Mayu said. Yasmine shook her head.

"I'm going to watch Ten-chan and her team train," she answered. "I get to meet Lee-kun! And watch them fight! It's gonna be awesome!"

"Oh, lucky...!" Mayu responded, giving a small pout.

This time Sasuke did roll his eyes. What was with them and their fascination with Rock Lee? That bushy-browed ninja couldn't compare to the great Uchiha Sasuke, but girls seem to flock to him as if he were a god. Hell, even Sakura, his (used to be) number one fan, now spoke of Lee with the upmost respect. She didn't even tolerate Naruto calling him 'Fuzzy-brows' anymore.

"Yeah, I know, right?" Yasmine continued with a grin. "I can't wait! Well, sayanora!" The foreign girl walked towards the door, and quickly exited. Mayu sighed.

"She probably gonna end up singing while they’re sparring," she muttered.

"Singing...? So that is her who sings…" Sasuke stated. He knew that it couldn’t have been Mayu. The voice he heard in the mornings was extremely different from Mayu’s

"Well, sorta... She can't do anything original, though..." she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sasuke asked.

"None ya business!" Mayu replied.


The girl only stuck her tongue out.

Yasmine stopped and looked around. The training field, that she was currently at, stretched for, what seemed like, miles. But it wasn’t the field that had her looking around. Yasmine was actually looking for the four that she was supposed to meet. She looked up. The sun shined down on the field. “Well, I guess I’m early…” she thought.

Yasmine walked over to a tree and sat on her legs. She spread out her supplies in front of her. It was only a pad for her to write on, ink, and her iPod. Yasmine could hardly believe that the power hadn’t gone out yet. It was strange. She hadn’t charged in a month, and yet the green light was still there, meaning full power. Yasmine sighed. “Maybe it has something to do with going through dimensions and time, itself…” she mused in thought.

Yasume: Would you stop fucking thinking so much?! You’re giving me a headache!

“Look whose talking?!” Yasmine muttered, narrowing her eyes. “You’re the crazy moron stuck in my head!”

Yasume: … Bitch

“I love you, too,” Yasmine said, placing only one of the earphones in her ear. She knew that it was not a good idea to be none-observant, especially since it was Tenten who she was supposed to be seeing. Ah, Tenten… She was quite the character! Yasmine had no idea Tenten could be the way she was. “Ten-chan’s so fun! I wonder why Kishimoto-sama only made her a minor character,” the foreigner thought. “Oh! I love this one, and I didn’t even realize it was playin’!”

Do, do you gotta first-aid kit handy?
Do, do you know how to patch up a wound?
Tell me
Are you patient,

Cause I might need some time to fill the hole and I

You try to gain my trust
Talking is not enough
Actions speak louder than words
You gotta show me something

My heart is missin’ some pieces…
I need this puzzle put together again!

Yasmine couldn’t explain why she loved that song. She felt that the song somehow applied to her, but that was ridiculous. “My heart isn’t damaged at all,” she smiled, and then continued singing.

Yasume: …

“I wonder where they are,” Yasmine huffed out after a few minutes had passed. “Ten-chan did tell me 3:45, right? You would think at least Gai and Lee-kun would be here by now.” As if on cue, two green blurs practically flew past her, causing the wind to blow her brown hair all over the place. Yasmine yelped in surprise as she tried to keep her hair from her eyes. “I could’ve sworn I just heard ‘youth’… Am I hearing things now?” she thought.

The gust of wind finally subsided, allowing Yasmine to put down her arm. She stood up and looked around again. The area was as if that huge gust of wind didn’t happen. But the faint sounds of ‘bakas’ could be heard getting closer. The foreigner turned in the direction of where the gust of wind had come from; she could see two dots in the distance. They seemed to be moving closer to her. She squint her eyes to get a better look.

The two dots had seemed to transform into humanoid forms. Now that they were closer, Yasmine could tell that they were running. Her eyes widen, realizing who they were. “TEN-CHAN!” she called out. Her voice seemed to leave an echo. A faint ‘Mine-chan,’ caught her attention. “So it was Ten-chan!” Yasmine thought.

Eventually, two ninja appeared in front of Yasmine. Tenten and Neji had stopped right in front of her. “Did you wait long, Mine-chan?” Tenten asked. Yasmine shook her head. “That’s good!”

“I think I just saw Lee-kun and Gai-san. It was kinda hard to tell because they were moving so fast,” Yasmine stated.

“Those morons…” Neji muttered to himself.

“Just excuse them,” Tenten said. “When those two train, they’re ‘flames of youth’ reach new heights.” Yasmine grinned.

“Yup, that sure sounds like them,” she thought.

“As you already know, this is Neji,” Tenten stated, motioning towards the Hyuga. The pale-eyed jounin merely nodded his head; Yasmine bowed slightly.

“It isn’t as awkward as I thought,” she thought.

“Judging from the blank expression I received when she looked at me, Yasume must’ve made her forget about what happened that day,” Neji thought. A frown appeared on the genius’ face.

“Oh, I meant to tell you,” Tenten suddenly exclaimed. “Lee and Gai-sensei usually warm up for about an hour before we actually start training, so…”

“Its fine, I can wait,” Yasmine said. “After all, Lee-kun’s the reason I wanted to come!” she finished in thought.

She walked back over to the tree she had been leaning against. She sat down again, and then looked at Tenten and Neji expectantly. Tenten, of course, followed, but Neji had stayed where he stood. “So what were you doing while you waited for us?” Tenten asked, slightly curious.


“Singing̷ 0;?” Tenten repeated. Yasmine nodded her head, and then held up her iPod, so that the weapon mistress could see.

“This is a device that let’s me listen to music. Only I can hear it,” she explained. Tenten blinked. It almost sounded like a radio and a headset combined. It was very interesting, even to Neji who had overheard. “I have a lot of songs on here,” Yasmine continued.

“Can I hear you sing, please?” Tenten asked, more interested in knowing Yasmine’s abilities.


“Come on, Mine-chan, you’re not scared, are you?” Tenten was persistent. Maybe she just didn’t want to sing in front of Neji because it was too embarrassing. Not to mention that Tenten had kinda, sorta told Yasmine that Neji was a little judgmental… when it came to everything! Tenten smirked as she watched Yasmine shift. “All according to plan,” she thought.

Neji’s eyes narrowed. He had seen the smirk that had suddenly appeared on his teammates face. “What could Tenten be thinking?” he thought, crossing his arms. He knew from experience that the weapon’s mistress could be like a hawk.

Yasmine: Sing or I’ll give you the biggest headache you’ve ever had!

Yasmine quickly placed both headphones in her ears. There was no way that she was going to get another headache from Yasume.

The crazy alter ego was ruthless when it came to threats and torture. Yasmine remembered the last time Yasume had given her a ‘punishment headache.’ She couldn’t go to school for at least two weeks! “Okay, I’ll sing in this language so that you understand me,” Yasmine stated, pushing a button on her iPod several times. Tenten blinked in confusion. Did she really need that device to sing? “Here I go…” Yasmine muttered, waiting for the words.

Now that it’s all said and done
I can’t you were the one…
To build me up and tear me down…
Like an old abandoned house

And what you said when you
Just left me cold and outta breath
I fell too far, was in way too deep
Guess I let you get the best of me…

Well, I never saw it coming,
I should’ve started running
A long, long time ago…

And I never thought I’d doubt you
I’m better off without you
More than you, more than you know!

I’m slowly getting closure
I guess it’s really over
I’m finally getting better

And now I’m picking of the pieces
Spending all these years,
Putting my heart back together

Cuz the day I thought I’d never get through…
I got over you…

Neji was intrigued by the words. The sound, the melody of her voice was good, but it was the words that made him turn to her. His eyes narrowed slightly. Although, he was intrigued, he somehow felt… guilty? “That’s ridiculous…” Neji thought, watching Yasmine. “She’s the one who… left.” He scoffed, and then turned his head away from the girl.

“What a beautiful voice…!” Tenten thought, staring at Yasmine in fascination. “I’m even more jealous!” With that thought, she frowned. Tenten turned to look at Neji, who was looking disinterested. “It doesn’t seem to matter to him, anyway. Neji isn’t that much a music fan, anyway.”

You took a hammer to these walls
Dragged the memories down the hall,
Pack your bags and walked away…
There was nothing I could say

And when you slammed that front door shut
A lot of others opened up
So did my eyes, so I could see…
That you never were the best for me

Well, I never saw it coming,
I should’ve started running
A long, long time ago…

And I never thought I’d doubt you
I’m better off without you
More than you, more than you know!

I’m slowly getting closure
I guess it’s really over
I’m finally getting better

And now I’m picking of the pieces
Spending all these years,
Putting my heart back together

Cuz the day I thought I’d never get through…
I got over you…

“WHAT YOUTHFUL SINGING, I HEAR!” a shout interrupted, causing all heads to turn towards the noise. The voice belonged to Gai. Neji resisted the urge to roll his eyes; Tenten didn’t resist at all.

“Does he have to be so loud?” she thought.

“Lee-kun…!” Yasmine thought, staring at the ‘mini Gai’ with admiration; this went unnoticed by the taijutsu specialist.

Yasume: OMFG!!!!! LEE-KUN!

Without warning, the fan girl came out, and that fan girl tackled Lee to the ground. Lee was stunned. Only one girl had ever tackled him to the ground in a hug before. Well, there was Tenten, but she wasn’t trying to give him a hug… Lee wasn’t the only one in shock. Tenten’s whole face crack, Neji’s delicate eyebrow twitched, Gai just looked on in surprise. Yasmine squealed as she pressed her nose and lips to Lee’s neck, causing the sixteen-year-old to blush. He definitely didn’t receive this type of attention from anyone other than his girlfriend!

“What the hell…?!” Tenten thought, eye twitching.

“Excuse me…! I do not know you very well!” Lee said, trying to push Yasmine off of him, but to no avail. Getting a fan girl off was a very hard thing to do. “Please… release me!” After a couple minutes, Yasmine did as she was told; she bowed.

“Gomennasai!” she said. “You are my idol, Lee-kun! I adore you!”


“I… I KNEW IT!” Gai suddenly shouted. Everyone turned to him in surprise. Of course, he was always loud, but he seemed to figure something out. “Lee!” he pointed a finger at his star pupil. “You now have… fans!” Lee’s eyes bulged. “With one, there will come many! This is just one small step into gaining many, many more!” Neji couldn’t help it… His mouth dropped. Just when he thought he was getting use to his sensei’s stupidity…

“Lee-kun,” Yasmine said; she grabbed his hands. “I’ve looked up to your strength for a long time! It was you who saved me from darkness! Your achievements are my whispers in the dark, and you set me free! You are the one and only who fan the flames of my youth! I love you, Lee-kun!”

“Dark… ness…?” Tenten thought.

"She's even more broken than when we first met..."

“Could this be what he meant?”
Tenten watched as the flustered Lee tried to say something.

Neji frowned, watching all these weird and unusual things happen. Why did some other girl like Lee? Just what was the world coming to? “Yaya–Yasmine, Lee already has a girlfriend,” he said.

“Yeah, that’s right! Lee has a girlfriend!” Tenten agreed. “Sorry, he can’t love you.”

“Like I care about that…!” Yasmine responded, not looking away from Lee’s confused-looking eyes. “It’s not like I wanna date him! But just because I’m curious… Who is your girlfriend, Lee-kun?” she asked.

“Sakura-san… Haruno Sakura,” he answered.

All was quiet for a full minute. Yasmine blinked, Neji narrowed his eyes, as well as Tenten. Gai only grinned, fully believing that his protégé will have more fans in the future. “That’s the power of youth!” he thought. Yasmine was still quiet, still in shock.

Yasume: OH, HELL NAW!

“All my dreams…” Yasmine thought, falling back. “Are coming true!” She fainted, blood dripping down her nose as she fell. Yes, Yasmine was also a big supporter of the LeexSakura pairing. Just the very thought of those two together gave her a nose bleed.


Her alter ego, on the other hand, hated and despised that pairing with a passion. In her mind, Lee deserves someone better. Not that stupid, pink-haired rapid bitch! Hearing this news just pissed her off to no end.

“She… fainted…” Tenten muttered, staring at the swirly-eyed foreigner.

“She hasn’t changed at all…” Neji thought, narrowing his eyes. A small smirk did appear, though.

Sasuke walked–rather, stomped around his hotel. “Where the hell could it have gone?!” he thought, his eyes darting all over the place. The one time he wanted to actually read the stupid thing… Well, actually it wasn’t that stupid seeing as how it acted as tips, especially for someone as inexperienced as Sasuke. He had searched everyone for it! EVERYWHERE! Even in the bathroom! The only two places left, which Sasuke did not search for the book, were in Yasmine and Mayu’s rooms. “But why would any of them have that?” he murmured.

Nevertheless, Uchiha Sasuke needed that book. He walked towards Mayu’s room first. He cautiously knocked on the door. Silence greeted him. He tried again, but only got the same reply. Sasuke concluded that Mayu must’ve left, most likely to spy on Naruto and Hinata again. He really would never understand the mind of a woman. They were way too complicated.

He opened her door quickly, not expecting to see anyone. Too bad he wasn’t expecting Mayu to be sleeping on her bed. Sasuke blanched at the sight of her. No, he was not thinking about her abnormal sleeping position; her legs were off the bed and her arms were rested above her head. No, he was not thinking about the drizzle of drool that slide down her chin. What he was concerned about was her shirt, her loosely fitting shirt.

Sasuke’s eyebrows wiggle as he continued to stare. Judging from those clothes, which was shorts and a simple T-shirt, Sasuke knew that Mayu was not wearing… a bra. The Uchiha had to cover his mouth to stop the pervert laugh that threatened to erupt. Jiraiya had greatly affected Sasuke. The great toad sage had, unknowingly, created a monster. Sasuke rapidly shook his head, red face going back to its normal color. “No! I must find that book!” he thought.

He looked around the room. In the closet, behind the door, under Mayu’s bad, under her pillow, he searched almost everywhere. He was about to check the dresser, but a small groan from Mayu caused him to look at her. He stared at for a minute. “One peek wouldn’t hurt…” Sasuke thought, moving closer towards the bed. Obviously, the Uchiha had forgotten about the hot spring incident.

His fingers twitched as they moved closer to Mayu’s shirt. He was so close…! And then Mayu groaned, and turned on her stomach, causing Sasuke to visibly look disappointed. “Curses, foiled again…” he thought. Sasuke shook his head again. This was no time to get distracted! Mayu could wake at any moment and hurt him for being in her room. The book had to be found.

Sasuke quickly moved towards the desk. Mayu must’ve pushed it up against the wall because Sasuke was certain that it wasn’t there before. He looked through the first two drawers, but found nothing. “I don’t know why I’m even in here,” Sasuke thought, looking through another drawer. “Mayu would have been yelled at me for it.” He was about to close the drawer and walk away, but something familiar caught his eye.

Sasuke’s hand reached into the drawer, moved around random items-“Why does Mayu have chalk?”-and pulled out a small book. This book was not the one Sasuke was searching for. No, this book looked old, years old, in fact. The book cover was a simple black, leather design. “Why would Mayu keep something this old?” Sasuke thought. He could tell from the smell and the sight that it was old. “It looks almost older than me.”

Sasuke glanced back at Mayu, who was still sleeping. He bit his lower lip, and then opened the book to the very first page. Even the pages seemed as if they might crumble. Sasuke’s eyes started at the top of the page.

June 9th
Dear Diary–Journal,

This is the most idiotic birthday gift I have ever received…

“A diary…? Mayu’s…?” Sasuke thought, stopping. “Birthday gift…” He looked at the date again. “Mayu’s birthday isn’t June 9th… The only one with that birth date is…” Sasuke went back to reading the diary–journal.

My name is Uchiha Itachi and I’m not happy with my birthday present.

Sasuke nearly dropped the journal from his hands. His older brother had a diary?! And what’s more, Mayu now had it in her possession?! “How did you get this? How did you even know?” Sasuke thought, looking at the still sleeping Ishikari.

“When I was seven years of age, Itachi and I met. Eventually, he and I became friends. When he wasn't on missions, he would come visit me at my home..."

“That’s right,”
the young Uchiha thought. “I keep forgetting about their past relationship…” His eyes turned back to the journal. “I have half a mind to burn this thing!” But the other half was curious. To him, Mayu and Itachi’s relationship was shrouded in mystery. Not only that, but… “This might contain the reason Itachi did what he did…”

"So, you want me to forget about my revenge?"

"No, I don't. But I do want you to fully understand why Itachi really did what he did... before the revenge,”

Sasuke looked over to Mayu. He moved towards the bed. He rested a hand on Mayu’s forehead. “I’ll know you, just as he did,” Sasuke whispered, and then pulled away. It definitely wasn’t the book he wanted, but it was damn close importance-wise. Sasuke quickly walked out of Mayu’s room, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could. “Brother…” he thought.

Yasmine growled lightly as she sat up. “Ahh, my head…” she muttered, rubbing the sore spot on the back of her head.

“Mine-chan, you’re finally up!” a voice caused her to look up. Tenten was hovering over her with a relieved look.

“Ten-chan…?” Yasmine mumbled, staring up in a daze. “What happened?”

Tenten grinned nervously at her question. “You passed out,” an annoyed voice answered. Yasmine turned her head to see Neji sitting a few inches away, his back was to her. He looked as if he was meditating. “You were out for several hours after hearing that Lee was dating Haruno Sakura. Pathetic,” he scoffed.

“Several hours…?” Yasmine repeated, ignoring the insult in Neji’s words. “Does that mean training’s over?”

“Yes… Well, Neji’s training, as well as mine, is complete for today. Lee and Gai-sensei are still continuing though,” Tenten said. “But those two have already moved on to a different training area.”

“I missed him!” Yasmine thought, mentally shedding tears. “I can’t believe my inner fan girl took over…! Well, at least it wasn’t Yasume. She most likely would’ve raped Lee-kun.”

Yasume: I can hear you, bitch!

Yasmine stood up, ignoring her alter ego, and bowed. “Gomennasai, Ten-chan,” she said. “I acted like-”

“-A fool…?” Neji interrupted.

Yasmine’s eyebrow twitched lightly. “Neji-san… Please do not put words in my mouth. I don’t like it,” she said.

“And what makes you think I care what you like?” came the retort of the Hyuga.

“Neji…!” Tenten hissed. “What are you doing?! She’s a guest!”

“Don’t try to shield her, Tenten. It won’t do you any good,” Neji continued. He was still in a meditating position. In fact, his eyes were closed. “Don’t let her shy tactics fool you.”

“What are you talking about?” Tenten asked. “You’re not making sense, Neji.”

“Oh, she knows. Yasmine knows exactly what I’m talking about,” the Hyuga stated. Yasmine stared at him in confusion. Why was Neji acting as if he knew her?

“I never said I was… shy, Neji-san,” she said.

“Yes, but you sure do put up a nice façade,” Neji said. It was then that he finally stood. He turned towards the two girls with a calm expression on his face. Almost as if he reached some sort of enlightenment.

Yasume: What the fuck is he trying to do?

“Neji…!” Tenten began, but Neji decided to cut her off.

“You can’t see it, but I can… Tell me something, Yasmine… Do you trust Tenten?” he asked.

“What?!” Tenten spoke before Yasmine could get in a word. “Of course she trusts me! We are friends!”

“You haven’t shown her yourself yet, have you?” Neji asked, not even glancing at his teammate. “You’re still making her ‘think you’re weak when you’re strong,’ right? Isn’t that what your okaasan always told you, Yaya-chan?” Yasmine’s eyes widen.

“Yaya… chan…?” Tenten thought. She suddenly felt like the third wheel. She knew that Neji used to be friends with Yasmine, but that didn’t stop her from biting her lip in slight jealousy. “A nickname…?! He has never given anyone a nickname!” Tenten visibly frowned as Neji moved closer to the both of them.

Yasmine stepped back each time Neji took a step forward. “Yaya-chan…! Remember!” he said.

“I’m no-”

“You are!” Neji interrupted. “I know it’s you! Almost everything about you… is the same as I remember.” Yasmine suddenly stopped backing up; she bowed her head and stopped moving completely. Tenten gazed at her in concern, and then her eyes met Neji’s.

“Neji, stop it!” she exclaimed. “You’re scaring her! If she’s got amnesia, then only time will heal her! You can’t force her to remember your old friendship!”

“Be quiet, Tenten!” Neji responded, glaring. The weapon’s mistress was taken aback. Not once had the Hyuga ever yelled out her. Sure, he had, on numerous occasions, told her to leave him alone, but he had never raised his voice to her. “This doesn’t concern you!”

Heading towards Neji, Yasmine walked slowly around Tenten. “Mine-chan…?” she murmured as she walked closer and closer to Neji. She stopped only a few inches in front of him. The young Hyuga stared at Yasmine in slight confusion.

Yasume: Yasmine! No, run away!


“Yaya--” Neji had to stop, but only because Yasmine had made a move to smack him. But she didn’t. Her hand stopped right before hitting his cheek.

“Mine-chan…? What are you doing?” Tenten asked loudly. The foreigner didn’t seem to hear her. Her head finally lifted. Brown eyes stared into pale eyes.

“… Neji… Meji…” Neji’s eyes widen. That old nickname… she remembered now… She remembered!

“Yaya-chan, you remember,” Neji stated. Yasmine smiled up at him, causing the Hyuga to gain a small, tiny smile on his face.

Everything seemed fine and dandy… that is until Yasmine drew back her hand, and then struck Neji across the face. Tenten gasped loudly. The young Hyuga prodigy was so stunned by this action that he didn’t turn his face back even as Yasmine lowered her hand. “Neji…” the girl whispered. He slowly turned his head back to her. What? No nickname, no ‘-san,’ just plan ‘Neji’? “I… hate… you,” Yasmine continued in a calm and collected.

The smile had vanished. What had replaced it was a thin line. No smile, no frown, nothing. Yasmine closed her eyes, and then turned away from Neji. She walked from him, past Tenten, away from them both. After a few minutes, Tenten shifted. “N-Neji, are you all right?” she asked, stepping a little closer.

She noticed that Neji looked as stiff as a stone statue. Tenten could not help the small smirk that crept onto her face. So Yasmine hated him, huh? Things were definitely turning in Tenten’s favor, and she didn’t even plan for this so soon! The smirk disappeared as she moved closer to her teammate. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Neji-kun, your face is going red from that hit,” Tenten remarked. “Let me help you with that… Okay?”

Neji seemed to have snapped out of it after realizing that Tenten had touched him. He looked at her smiling face, and then nodded slowly. The two walked side by side. “Yaya-chan… hates me,” the Hyuga thought, closing his eyes. “That’s a reaction I didn’t count on.” Neji looked up to the sky. By now, the sun was beginning to set. “Otoosan… Where did I go wrong?” he whispered to himself.

“Um… hello!” Tenten thought, almost rolling her eyes. “Neji acts as if he can do no wrong sometimes! It’s annoying…!” She looked up at Neji, who seemed to be deep in thought at this point. Tenten blushed. “But if I can get what I want, then it’s all worth it…” she thought, looking at the ground. Neji was none the wiser.

Wow, this chapter was waaaay shorter than the last! I’m shock! Lol Anyway, at least this update was a little quicker, right? I think it was quicker…

okay, here's the quote

“When those two train, they’re ‘flames of youth’ reach new heights.” -Tenten(apparently, she doesn't have a surname... awkward...)

Well, the next chapter is going to be a lil different. Because most of it is going to be refering to the past. I'm sorry that Sai couldn't be in this chapter. He's most likely not going to be in the next one either. I'll probably squeeze him in there, but don't count on it. I'm also sorry that I didn't have Hinata and Mayu talking to each other. I'm sure you all are wondering how the Kyuubi and Hinata met. That will be explained later on, but not in the next chapter. The next chapter will focus on the past. In the beginning, no, but after that, strictly past information on Itachi and Mayu, Neji and Yasmine... I hope.

Well... please review!