Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 31

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"And, baby, when its love, if it’s not rough, it isn’t fun!" –Lady GaGa (Pokerface)

She was not ready for this.

A bead of sweat formed above her brow as she stared into the eyes of her tormentor. She pursed her lips and swallowed nervously. Her mouth had suddenly become a bit dry. Weeks of avoiding seemed to be all for not. She hid her trembling hands behind her back. She really hadn’t expected him to show up here. If anything, she didn’t expect him to know where she was. It was probably wrong to assume this since he could find her if he wanted to with those eyes of his. Her heart jumped around in her chest as she continued to gaze into his pale lavender eyes. Hyuga Neji stared back at her with great intensity. There was even a slight frown on his face. Yasmine averted her eyes. Yeah… She was definitely not ready for this. “Ano…” she began.

“You are avoiding me.” Yasmine gulped again. That was not a question. She began to protest, but Neji cut her off again. “And to think that–you even went as far as to move out of the Uchiha district so that I wouldn’t find you right away.”

“That’s not… true…” the foreigner muttered, looking back up. “Moving here is a coincidence that happened after… that.” The Hyuga male did not respond. Yasmine cleared her throat. “But anyway, would you like to come in? I could explain properly.” Slowly, the Hyuga nodded his head. Yasmine moved aside to let him in. Neji’s eyes scanned the apartment as he took off his shoes. It was relatively small–two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. The living room is where he headed. Neji recognized the couch from their previous home. He sat down waited for Yasmine to return from the kitchen.

There was no mistaking this. She had been avoiding him every since he had… rejected her. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her. Her feelings for him had seemed to come from nowhere. Had she really expected him to bend to her sudden emotions? Neji had tried to let her down easy in order to maintain the friendship that they had, but his efforts were obviously invalid. Yasmine was still hurt in the process and it was affecting their relationship. The Hyuga did not want their friendship to be completely severed because of this. He would have to try his best to repair the bond.

Yasmine inaudibly sighed as she set a glass of water in front of Neji. He had that contemplative look on his face again. No doubt he was trying to think of a way to make it so it was not awkward between them. She sat down on the couch beside him, yet the gap was wide. The foreign teen did not bother to glance at him after sitting. He was most likely looking at her, waiting for an explanation. “Neji,” Yasmine began, closing her eyes. “Mayu and I… left Sasuke’s hotel the morning after what happened. If I am correct, you were also sent on a solo mission, so of course you couldn’t have known. Mayu got sick–and is still sick at the moment, which is why I haven’t been out of our apartment, hence why you could not find me as quickly as you normally do.” She opened her eyes, and yet still had not turned to him. “Forgive me for making you think I was avoiding you.”

Neji narrowed his eyes. “How did you know I was on a mission? And how did she get sick?” he asked.

“Both Mayu and Sasuke got sick actually. They had eaten the boxed lunches I had made before I was kidnapped. Why they thought they could eat days-old fruit without getting sick is beyond me,” Yasmine answered. She chuckled a bit, remembering Mayu’s look of distraught when she found out how old the lunches were. “Ten-chan told me that you left. Since you’ve come, I assume that your mission is complete.” She put her thumb under her chin and her index finger under her lip. “But I seriously wonder why Sasuke recovered before her…”


“H m…?” Still she had not looked his way.

“Look at me.”

Yasmine was silent for a moment, letting the meaning of his words sink in. Looking at him was not the only reason for this order. He wanted to see her eyes. He wanted to tell if she was lying. He wanted to know where they stood. Both of them knew his ability to read one’s eyes. Yasmine slowly suck in a breath. “I’m afraid I cannot do that,” she said. “If I were to look you in the eye, I would most likely… cry.”

“… So it is too soon,” Neji murmured. The foreigner nodded her head although it was not a question. “About our-”

“Of course we’re still friends. You don’t have to doubt that,” Yasmine interrupted. “It’s just I need more time and research before I can face you again.”

“… Research?”


“Y ou said research. What do you mean by that?”

“I didn’t say that. You’re hearing things. Are you on a sugar high?”

Neji’s right eyebrow twitched. He was sure that he heard her clearly say research. That she was trying to change the subject only told him that she was up to something, which only made him curious about the type of research she was conducting. A shiver ran down his spine. That was hardly ever a good sign. Still, whatever she was planning probably helped her get over him quicker. Neji mentally shook his head, decided not to question the subject anymore. “If this is the case, I suppose that I will leave now.” The Hyuga stood, causing Yasmine to turn her head. “I wish for her health to return soon.” Yasmine slowly nodded, and then stood. “Walk me to the door?” She nodded again, and then proceeded to follow him. Few words were exchanged on the way.

“See you… I will come to you when I’ve dealt with this,” Yasmine finally said. Neji tilted his head, acknowledging the farewell. The foreign teen’s brown eyes watched him go until she could no longer see his departing back. She sighed as she leaned against the doorframe. “Why is it…?” Her hand was placed on her chest. “Why is it that my heart beats like this even when he’s gone?” The foreigner sighed again, turning to go back into the apartment. “Love hurts, love scars, love wounds and mares.”

“Why are you singing that?”

Surprised, Yasmine’s head snapped towards where the question had come from. Mayu was leaning against the wall for support. The sickness had caused for body to become incredibly weak, which is why the kunoichi hadn’t gone on any missions with her team. And of course, this made Mayu grumpy to the point where it was as if she had returned to her former self. “It’s a catchy song–got stuck in my head. It’s the only thing I have since I don’t have my iPod anymore,” Yasmine replied. She was lying, of course. She didn’t have the heart to tell her friend about the rejection she experienced. There was no telling how she would react to that. And besides, Mayu seemed to be having her own relationship problems.

“Well, stop it. That kinda song pisses me off.” For example, Mayu seemed more irritated with the smallest of things since moving out of the Uchiha district, leading Yasmine to believe that something had happened between her two housemates. She had been tip-toeing around the reason for abruptly leaving the way they did. Heck, Sasuke didn’t even help them move out. He had kept his distance, choosing to remain locked up in his home. Apparently, he had planned on moving out as well.

A part of her felt a bit responsible for that happening. The memory of saying all those nasty things to Sasuke during that party still burned in her mind. She had pretty much called him a coward. He had probably wanted to prove her wrong. Boys and their egos, she mused. But seriously, something had gone terribly wrong with those two. The time had come–no more ‘pussy-footing around,’ as Kisame would say. “Mayu,” Yasmine began. She noticed the teen’s eyes flickered over to the untouched glass on the table. “Ah, Neji was just here… visiting. He wasn’t aware that we moved.” The kunoichi snorted as she made her way over to the couch. She sighed heavily, trying to get comfortable. Well as comfortable as a sick person could get, anyway. Yasmine mentally shook her head. She was digressing. “Mayu, you’re not as sick as you were, so since you’re not feverish like before, I have a serious question.”


“Alright. Why exactly did we move out of the hotel?” Yasmine bluntly asked. Mayu frowned. Her blue eyes focused on the table in front of her. The foreigner pressed forward. “Do not lie to me or avoid the question. I know something must have happened. You just don’t go ‘Let’s move out’ and expect me not to ask this.” After a few tense moments, Mayu scoffed.

“You’re the one who already had an apartment ready for us to move in,” she muttered.

“Correction, this apartment was ready for me to move in. Your room was going to be my exercise room. You’re just excess baggage.”

“How very nice of you to say,” Mayu grumbled.

“Answer me, please. What happened between you and Sasuke?” Yasmine asked. The following silence made the foreigner narrow her eyes. Wow, it must be worst than a simple fight like she originally thought.

“Fine,” Mayu groaned. She then began to relay the bittersweet memory that happened weeks ago to her friend. Once she was finished, the kunoichi looked up at Yasmine, expecting a sympathetic look. What she got was a raised eyebrow and an opened mouth. She looked almost annoyed. “What’s with the look?”

“Let me get this straight,” Yasmine rubbed her temple. “You went on a date with Sasuke, kissed him, and then… broke his heart, stomped on it, and even threw it away?”

“Th-That’s not what I said!”

“Yeah, but that’s what it sounds like!” Yasmine retorted. “Poor onii-chan…” Mayu crossed her arms, huffing. She even had the nerve to tell her she wouldn’t understand. “Oh, I understand quite well, actually.”


“Don 217;t pretend, Mayu. I know–everyone knows that you’re in love with Sasuke.” The kunoichi pursed her lips and did not respond. “Your reasoning behind your–probably cruel–rejection is because you think it will be safer.” Mayu shifted her focus somewhere else. “Let me guess, Itachi-sama said he would hurt and/or kill those precious to you, right?” The kunoichi turned startled eyes to the seemingly psychic teen. “… Wow, I was right, huh? Oh, how terribly clichéd!”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Please! You know how many Naruhina fics I read in the past? Naruto usually hurts Hinata like that in order to protect her from his enemies,” Yasmine scowled. “You’re basically doing the same thing. I never thought that your relationship with Sasuke would fall prey to that overused idea. I am disappointed.”

“Don’t talk like you know exactly what’s going on… I was fully prepared for what I had to do to ensure everyone’s safety! He’s capable of so much more than anyone knows!” Mayu shouted. With tears in her eyes, she looked away from Yasmine’s stare. “I was scared… You can’t blame me for that.”

Yasmine shook her head, disappointed with the way Mayu was handling the situation. Despite the threats, she was making a mistake. The foreigner just knew that she was. “Okay, fine… But let me tell you one more thing,” she said. “No matter the action–good or bad intent–there is always a consequence.” The teen turned her back on her friend. “Rejection leaves such a bitter taste in one’s mouth,” Yasmine murmured, placing a hand over her throat. “I, myself, could only imagine what it feels like to be in love for so long, only to be handed the kind of rejection you gave.” Her arm dropped. “At least Neji was nice about it…” she thought. “Anyway, I will say no more. I’ll be going to pick up some things later. Not sure when I’ll be back. You should go back to bed and pray that your sickness leaves you.” The teen scoffed. “Honestly, who sits out in the rain for hours after eating bad food?”

Yasmine reached out to knock on the door, yet hesitated. She wasn’t exactly comfortable with this, but she did not have much of a choice in the matter. She really needed all the help she could get. Hesitation and uncertainty were not things she could have if she was going to pursue this type of task. Steeling herself, the foreign teen knocked on the door. After a few moments of anxious waiting, the door finally opened. She was greeted by the sight of her friend, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. The kunoichi liked to sleep in very late when training and missions were in the back of her mind. “Uh… Hey, Ten-chan…” The ninja’s eyes grew wide before blinking rapidly.

“Mine-chan…! What are you doing here?” Clearly, she hadn’t been expecting her. Yasmine nervously fiddled with her fingers.

“You said you would help me when I needed it. I kinda need it now–your advice,” her eyes darted to and fro, avoiding Tenten’s stare. “May I come in?” Tenten stepped aside. “Arigatou…”

The foreign teen slipped off her shoes before stepping onto the leveled floor. Yasmine really had not been to Tenten’s place before. Sure, she knew where it was for reference, but she had never entered. She quietly made her way over to the couch and sat down. Her eyes stared down at the floor.

Tenten raised an eyebrow, more than a little curious. It wasn’t often that Yasmine sought her out like this. The female ninja followed after her, but instead pressed her shoulder against the adjacent wall. She crossed her arms as she watched the foreigner. Her keen eyes picked up on the barely noticeable trembles Yasmine’s body was going through. Also, even though her head was bowed, Tenten could see her mouth moving as if she was talking to herself without sound. Yasmine must have been speaking in her native tongue because the kunoichi could not read her lips. Tenten cleared her throat, wanting to get her attention. The foreign teen did not respond. She did the action again. Still, there was no response. Finally, Tenten called out to her. “Huh…? Did you say something?”

The weapon’s mistress only stared at Yasmine. “Any cuter and I might not be able to control myself.” Yasmine tilted her head, looking confused. Tenten chuckled, and then shook her head. “No, it’s nothing. Would you like something to drink?”

Ah… no… I’m fine…” Her voice was small–hesitant. She turned her eyes back to the floor and began to fiddle with her index fingers. “What I came here for–I’d like to learn it as quickly as possible.”

“And that would be…?”


That was a first.

“I want you to… teach me how to kiss.”

&# 8220;YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!” A heavy blush appeared on Tenten’s face. Of all things, she had not expected that. She held her nose in fear of a nosebleed. She had to be dreaming. Yasmine stared up at her with a determined expression. “You’re… serious…?”

“Yes! I must learn how to kiss properly! Don’t worry about taking my first kiss. That’s already been taken care of,” Yasmine told her, which only irritated the kunoichi. After a few moments in a tense silence, Tenten finally sighed.

“Fine, I’ll help you… I guess.”

Within seconds, the kunoichi laid on top of the foreigner, pinning her down to the couch. Yasmine blinked once, almost not believing Tenten’s speed. “Freaking ninja…” she thought, turning her head to the side with an irritated look. Her eyebrow twitched a bit. “Ten-chan… I want to kiss like that, meaning I don’t want someone kissing me that way.” The female ninja slowly sat up, allowing Yasmine to do the same.

“I don’t follow,” she admitted.

“You said that Neji was like a rock. I’m going to need force to move him, right? So as a last resort, I want to know how to please him.”

Tenten’s mouth dropped open. Honestly, she had assumed that Yasmine had forgotten. It had been weeks since Tenten had told her that she needed to be rough with Neji in order win his affections. Of course, that had been a lie. The more aggressive one is with the Hyuga, the more irritated he became. The kunoichi smirked. It was time to put her plan into action. She would not be the one to blame. Her plan was fool-proof. Tenten placed on hands on Yasmine’s shoulders. “Alright… By the time you leave here today, you will know how to kiss that way,” she said. Yasmine smiled, and then nodded.

“Arigatou, Ten-chan.”

Her friend was so awesome. Tenten was willing to do this for her. She was willing to take time out of her free day to teach her something she was supposed to already know. It was a bit embarrassing, but since Tenten was her friend, it was okay. The kunoichi suddenly sat up, causing Yasmine to follow her movements. “Shadow Clone Jutsu.” A real clone appeared by Tenten’s side. This surprised Yasmine a bit. She had not known that Tenten knew that jutsu. “Don’t look so surprised,” Tenten grinned. “Most chuunin know how to do this. Unfortunately, I can only create three others right now.” The clone made a hand sign. In a large puff of smoke, it transformed into Hyuga Neji.

This instantly got a reaction from Yasmine. “Wh-Why did you change into him?!” she stammered, looking away from the clone.

“This is who you’re going to practice on, of course. You have to face the imitation of the real thing now, so that you won’t freeze up with the real thing later,” Tenten explained. “If I know what I’m up against, I usually mentally fight against them before the actual fight.”

“But this isn’t mental at all!”

“Which means it’s better for you. Now, hop to it.” Tenten grinned. This should be quite amusing. “I’m sure you’ve read descriptions in books. Perhaps, you might have seen a couple of shoujo manga stories?” Yasmine frowned. “Don’t worry, Mine-chan. I’ll coach you, so give it your best shot this first time around.”

Yasmine slowly stood up from the couch. Her advancements toward the Neji-looking clone were equally slow. Her eyes were focused on the chest, refusing to turn up. Her arms came and were roughly placed on Neji’s shoulders. Sweat began to form above her brow. “Ne-Neji… I still… li-li-like you… a lo… a lot,” she murmured. Tenten had to keep herself from snickering. This really must be her first time. “So… I want to-to-to-to… ki-kiss you.” Finally, the foreign teen peered up at the Hyuga clone. Pale eyes stared down at her, impassively. Quickly, a blush had formed. “Why does it have to be so realistic?” she thought… right before she passed out.

Tenten could no longer hold on to the laughter. It erupted as a mirthful, boisterous laugh. The kunoichi held her stomach as she continued to guffaw, not realizing that a change had been made. “Oi, bitch.” The hilarity immediately ended. Tenten looked up and realized that a glare was being thrown her way by the foreign teenager. “What is it that you’re planning?”

Ah… It’s you, Yasume,” Tenten smirked. “But I do not know what you’re talking about. I’m not planning anything.”

“You’ve already proven to me that you’re conniving, so I don’t trust you anymore. So why don’t you drop the act and tell me why you’re helping Yasmine with this?” Yasume slipped her arms from the silent clone’s shoulders. Her body turned to fully face the female ninja. Tenten only chuckled.

“I told you already that I do not know what you’re talking about. I am only trying to help Mine-chan capture Neji’s heart. This is the only way that can happen,” she said. Yasume narrowed her eyes. “If you don’t believe, you can walk out that door anytime. But then again, that would most likely cause Mine-chan to begin to despise you for doing it. She really likes Neji…” Tenten wasn’t aware of the frown on her face. “So I want to help her, but if her alter ego interferes, happiness–will be unattainable. Are you willingly to be responsible for that? I know you love Mine-chan more than you let on.”

It came as a surprise when Yasume chuckled, and then laughed out loud. The alternate personality covered her face with one hand, yet the smirk remained visible to Tenten’s eyes. “Talk about having déjà vu…” she chuckled. Yasume focused her sight on the apprehensive kunoichi. The foreigner’s actions came as a shock. “Very well, I’ll let you continue with whatever you’re trying to do. But keep in mind… it won’t work.” Tenten clenched her teeth. “Yasmine is the kind of person who is unpredictable at times. Even the most well thought out plans become worthless against her.” She crossed her arms. “So I will allow you to go through with whatever you have planned for her. In the end, I’ll get the last laugh.” Yasmine smirked. “I’ll look forward to it, but until then…” The hardness of the foreigner’s eyes disappeared. That expression was replaced by a much softer one. Yasmine had returned, looking dazed and confused.

A bead of sweat slid down the side of Tenten’s face. She had to admit that the other side of Yasmine caused her to become uneasy. “She’s the type of woman I don’t like…” she thought, frowning. To the kunoichi, Yasume was an unknown variable–an unexpected factor in an equation. Her plan would be absolutely flawless–she believed–without Yasume around. The alter ego only managed to put doubts into her head. Could this plot really backfire because of Yasmine’s actions? So far, the foreign teen had yet to become unpredictable.

Eh… Ten-chan… what happened?” Yasmine finally focused.

Uh… You fainted when you tried to kiss the clone.”

“I suck so much… Seriously, I fail at life,” Yasmine groaned. Tenten cleared her throat.

“Well, try again. This time, don’t pull a Hinata on me, kay?”


“Oh, nothing…”

Yasmine bowed politely. “Tenten, you are a truly awesome friend. Arigatou,” she lifted her head. Currently, she was standing outside of the entrance to the kunoichi’s apartment. The sun had begun to set. The foreign teen almost could not believe how long it had taken to complete the task.

“That’s what I’m here for,” Tenten responded. Her cheeks appeared to be stained red. She had been that way ever since her clone disappeared. It was a bit odd. Yasmine hoped that she would not get sick. Hopefully, she had not transferred Mayu’s sickness to her. “Anyway, it’s getting late. You should head straight home, okay, Mine-chan?”

“Actually, I have something else to do before going home, but hopefully it won’t take too much time,” Yasmine replied. “See you later, Ten-chan!” The foreigner gave a small wave goodbye, and then began to walk away. She was not aware of the drizzle of blood that ran down Tenten’s nose. Yasmine continued to walk, blissfully ignorant of what she had caused.

Some time later, the foreigner arrived in the center of town. She stood outside of a bookstore. Yasmine remembered it well. After all, she had wanted to work at this business establishment instead of Kitty Paradise. Unfortunately, Yasume had nearly given her a splitting headache, telling her that the job did not pay well enough. How weird it was that she found herself here again. This bookstore had books that the library did not have, which was good for her in this situation. Yasmine had found many helpful books at the library. Those books, combined with Tenten’s quick lessons, were her research. But for some unexplained reason, she felt that her data was incomplete. Yasmine clenched her fist in determination. “Here is where I’ll find the material to fill the gap in my investigation!” she thought, pushing the door open.

Yasume: This is so funny, I can’t even laugh…

Ignoring her alter ego, Yasmine began to stroll down the isles in search of a How To section. She found one. Unfortunately, none of the titles of the books in the section caught her attention. “This is bad!” Yasmine muttered. She sank into one of the two comfy chairs near the window. In between the two chairs was a table. This place was reserved for shoppers who would rather read the books here than buy it. It was unofficially known as the ‘Lazy Shoppers’ Spot.’ Even now, books that weren’t returned to their proper places were scattered on the table. “I’ve been here thirty minutes and I’ve still not found anything that will help me! Am I doomed not to see Neji ever again?!”

Yasume: You sure have turned into a Drama Queen.

“Be quiet, I’m trying to–huh…?”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something familiar lying on the table. Yasmine slowly move other books that were obscuring the view of what she had her eye on. She picked up the book. It was a bit thick and slightly heavy. The word that caught her attention was on the binding. In big, golden letters it read seme. Now that she looked at the cover, though, she realized that the entire title of the book was Becoming the Seme in 10 Days. Judging by the title, Yasmine immediately thought of a guidebook/how to book. Though, how the cover was designed was different from those other how to books. “How strange… But where have I heard ‘seme’ before? I’m sure that I’ve heard it recently…” Yasmine thought.

Placing the book in her lap, she began to think back. She was certain that she heard that word during or before her kidnapping. Her eyebrows furrowed together. Perhaps, it was something Kisame-sama told her, or perhaps it was Deidara-sama. “No, I don’t really any other the Akatsuki saying that,” she thought. “Then where…?”

Jano-chan and I are very close! I am his seme!

Yasmine’s mind went blank for a moment. “Ah! Okay, that’s where I heard it from. Kaasan’s partner said it!” she finally said. She opened the book with a grin. “Maybe this will help me be closer to Neji just in case this whole thing doesn’t work out.” As one could tell, the foreigner’s logic was a bit twisted. “Oh, there’s a foreword…”

Do you have shorter hair than your intended lover?
Do you find it hard to control yourself when your intended lover does something cute?
Have you considered showing affection even in public?
Do you want to declare your intended lover is yours to the world?
Are you looking to please your intended lover to the highest degree?
Are you physically stronger than your intended lover?

If you answered yes to every question, then you have found the right guide.
In only ten days, you will gain the true status of seme.

Hm… I’m not sure what hair has to do with anything, but Neji does have longer hair than me. And… well, I am determined about this. I guess I don’t mind if everyone knows. I did find the right book. Lucky…!” Yasmine turned the page.

Yasume: What about being physically stronger, genius?

“What about it?”

Yasume: You think Neji is physically weaker than you?

“Yes, I believe so.”

Yasume: Even though I’m afraid to ask… why?

“Because, silly, he uses the Gentle Fist–gentle meaning softer and softer meaning fragile. I, on the other hand use a different kind of fist–the opposite of gentle in fact. So that means I am physically stronger than he is.”

Yasume: … This will be… the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.

“I don’t know what you mean, but okay!” Yasmine murmured, and then scanned over the pages. It seemed to be some sort of test before the actually chapter starts. “That’s kinda weird… ‘This test is to get a feel of what type of seme you are. Please take the test before reading.’ Huh… I’ve never seen a test in a how to book before.” After taking the twenty-one question quiz, the foreign teen finally made it to the results. “I’m an opportunist seme…?”

“Wow, this book really knows its stuff.”

Yasume: You know what? You really do have some twisted-ass logic.

“Ignoring you now!” Yasmine replied in a sing-song voice. She also ignored the freaked out look she was getting from the shop’s owner. “Let’s begin… Chapter One, Day One.”

The two Hyuga males kept the impassive expressions on their faces. Their eyes, however, moved from side to side, watching as the visitor pace back and forth outside the Hyuga estate. In her hands, she carried what appeared to be a boxed lunch. She was muttering to herself. Her words were not understandable to them. Every so often, blood would spurt from her nose as if her nostrils were high pressured hoses. The visitor had been doing this for about twenty-five minutes now. They had thought about questioning her presence, but decided against it. People generally avoid those who are crazy.

DAH…!!” The two were a bit ashamed that the teen’s sudden cry startled them enough to make them flinch. “What am I doing?!” She pulled at her hair. “If I don’t do this today, I can’t advance to day two! And if I don’t do it today or tomorrow, then I’ll have to wait another two week or more for him to return! Pull yourself together!” Surprised showed in their eyes when she smacked her cheek hard. “YOSHA!” The two Hyuga members glanced at one another, feeling the sweat-drops.

Not again…

The teen finally marched over, wearing a resolved expression. The two instantly straightened up. “State your business with the Hyuga clan, foreigner.” Brown eyes turned to the one who had spoke. The teen answered in a meek voice.


“You will not enter!”


“What are you doing, Akito?”

“Gomen…” The man sweated, surprised by his own words. “She has a face that makes me want to tease her.”

The other Hyuga male shook his head, almost ashamed of his fellow member’s actions. Face one couldn’t help but tease, his butt. He focused on the foreign teen. “Excuse him, but who exactly are you visiting?” he asked. The girl’s eyes turned to him.

“I want to see–what are you doing?”

“S-Satou… let her go.”

Quickly, the Hyuga male released the foreigner and returned to his original spot. “Gomen… She has a face that makes me want to hug her… like Hanabi-chan–I mean, Hanabi-sama,” he murmured, looking away with a blush on his face.

“Friggin’ weirdo.”

You’re one to talk!”

“Excuse me…” the visitor interrupted. “I’m here to see Hyuga Neji. If you could just direct me to his room, I’d be more than grateful.”

“Neji-kun is training at the moment. He will not be back until around noon. Regardless of that fact, young lady, we do not allow just anyone access into the Hyuga estate,” Satou explained.

“But I’m Neji’s friend. Besides, the Hokage believes I’m not a threat,” Yasmine stated.

“You speak our language quite well, foreigner,” Akito commented. “But regardless of the Hokage believing you’re not a threat, we do not allow those who are not high-ranking officials or Hyuga family members.” Yasmine frowned as she tilted her head to the side. She placed her thumb under her chin and her index finger on her body lip. She looked very much deep in thought the way her eyebrows furrowed. Akito sweated, finding it a bit hard to control the urge to smack the girl on the head. Satou found himself trying to control similar urges–the difference being a cute pat. Honestly… Who was this girl who beckoned these shameful desires? She must be the enemy of all Hyuga–except for maybe Hinata-sama… and Shigeru, too. It was a surprise that unconventional man actually was born in the Hyuga clan.

The foreigner finally looked up at the two with a smile. “Oh, I know! I will be a part of this clan someday, so that should give me access,” she said. The two Hyuga men were quiet for a moment. They had not expected to hear such a bold statement. They glanced at one another before one of them attempted to reply. Before they could however, they noticed the girl’s eyes were no longer on them, but beyond the entrance.

“What is going on here?”


The men’s eyes grew wide as they backs stiffened. They instantly turned around to greet the leader of their clan. The man was most likely on his morning stroll. “Hiashi-sama!” They bowed in respect to their leader. Hiashi nodded his head in acknowledgement, allowing the two to stand. His pale eyes then moved to the first one who had addressed his presence. He walked forward. She bowed–only–her head politely.

“I do not believe we have had the pleasure of meeting. How it is that you know of my name and face?” he asked, curious. Of course, he had known of the foreigner’s existence. She was the talk of the village, along with Ishikari Mayu when they arrived here. Having a darker complexion had made her well known for a time. However, her short time of fame did not explain how she knew of him. Yes, he was the Hyuga clan head. Many knew of his name. Not many people could recognize him as such instantly, however.

“That’s because you look just like Hizashi-san and Hizashi-san told me he had a twin brother named Hiashi-sama, so that must be you!” Yasmine explained. Hiashi’s eyes expanded at her rationalization. She knew of his late brother? And what’s more, she sounded as if she personally knew him as well.

“Who are you?” Hiashi questioned, sternly. The teen did not seem to notice his tone. She replied cheerfully as if she were talking with a friend.

“My name is Yasmine Dalton–first name being Yasmine. It is a pleasure to finally meet the brother of a great man,” she said.

Well, her answer did not really answer anything for him. “Hm…” Hiashi continued to stare at the teen, debating on what to do. He was more than curious at the moment. Training with Hanabi did not start until later on… “Would you like to come in? There is something I would like to discuss with you.”


The leader of the Hyuga clan blatantly ignored his subordinate. His eyes remained focused solely on the girl. She seemed to be thinking it over. “Okay, I’ll do it,” she replied, nodding her head. She stepped past the two gatekeepers. To Akito, it appeared as if she was strutting. This made it extremely hard not to trip her. He, as well as Satou, watched their clan head and the foreigner walk away. Akito let out a sigh.

“At least she wasn’t like that Lee kid or Neji-kun’s former sensei,” he murmured. “I thought for sure she would behave that way after that shout of hers.”

“But what was she saying about being a part of the clan in the future…?” Satou asked more to himself than his cousin. The two looked at one another again. “She… wasn’t serious, was she?”

“Of course it was a joke, Satou,” Akito said. “These kids today think everything is a joke.”

Meanwhile, with Hiashi and Yasmine–the two had settled into an empty room. The foreigner sat down opposite of her host. Hiashi was a bit surprised that she knew how to sit properly for this environment. He narrowed his eyes, watching the teen survey the room. “Clever girl–she’s inspecting the room, learning even the smallest details that could help her in the future,” he thought. He had not seen something like this in quite a long time. To the untrained eye, it appeared as if the girl was merely curious about the new surroundings. However, to his eyes alone, she was definitely calculating. Even the Hyuga prodigy might have not been able to see past the multiple barriers in front of her eyes. Hiashi almost felt like smirking. She put on a façade with strangers, did she? “Would you like some tea?”

“If it’s not too much trouble,” she replied. Her eyes had stopped roaming and returned to him. She even knew not to look him in the eye. For a foreigner, she had conformed nicely to their way.

Hiashi spoke as he poured. “What brings you here, Yasmine-san?” he asked. The foreigner took her cup and took a few sips before answering.

“I wanted to see Neji,” she responded.


“Hai…&# 8221; Yasmine smiled as she held the cup away from her mouth. “It’s been a few days since we last spoke. I want to clear up any misunderstanding between me and him.”

“You two… are acquaintances?” Hiashi asked.

“No, we’re friends.”

“And when were you introduced to Neji?”

“The two of us were four at the time. Our second meeting was when I met your brother, Hizashi-san. That is what you wanted to know, isn’t it?”

The Hyuga clan head almost smirked. “Sharp eye,” he commented. “Yes, I admit that I was a bit curious as to how you knew of my late brother.” Hiashi was quiet for a moment. “Did he seem happy?”

“Oh yes, of course! Hizashi-san might have said he was annoyed, but the smile never left his face when Neji and I made him play with us. Those were good times…” Yasmine lost her smile. “Unfortunately, they were short and we all separated.” The foreigner placed her cup down. “I don’t suppose I was ever mentioned…?”

“No, my brother never spoke of you.”

“And what about Neji?”

“… I am not certain.”

“I see,” Yasmine murmured. “So then the only one he told was Hinata-chan.”

“You know of my daughter as well?”

“… Sure…”

Hiashi narrowed his eyes. This foreigner had ‘befriended’ two important members of the Hyuga clan without his knowledge. Neither one of them–daughter or nephew–had mentioned their relationship with her. “Did you have ninja status in your country?” Without waiting for an answer, Hiashi activated his advanced bloodline. “I see that chakra system is similar to an average ninja.”

“You know… Neji said the same thing, but no, I am not a ninja,” Yasmine answered. “But I was taught by ANBU, so I guess that’s why my charka network is-” She stopped, noticing the stunned look on Hiashi’s face. “It was only for like a couple of weeks! It’s not a big dea-” However, it was too late. The Hyuga leader swiftly thrust his hand forward, aiming for her chest. Quickly, Yasmine leaned back and brought her hands up to grasp Hiashi’s wrist. Fortunately, she had stopped his attack before he had reached. “Why do you people always attack to figure out how strong a person is? You could just ask!” Hiashi snatched his hand away. “Now, I see where Hinata-chan got it from,” she thought. The Hyuga heir had actually tried to spar with Yasmine because she had mentioned that she and Mayu fought with one another often.

Yasume: It seems to run in the Hyuga family.

Yasmine hastily stood. “I think I should just wait for Neji to return… outside,” she muttered, turning to leave.

“Wait one moment,” he said. Despite her better judgment, Yasmine did halt her movements. She kept her back to Hiashi, waiting for him to continue. “What is it that you intend to do?”

“I do not understand.”

“It is obvious to my eyes that you hold special feelings for Neji,” Hiashi stated. Yasmine’s eyes grew wide, and then she looked away. “It’s faint, but the blush and look is still there. I’ve seen that look too many times in my own daughter. Do not deny it. Neji, although he is a branch member, has many expectations placed over him. The Hyuga clan will not allow for any distractions.” The foreigner did not respond for a brief moment. “I ask again–what is it that you’re planning with Neji. What is your intention?” She finally turned her head. Hiashi’s eyes widened. He had not expected such an expression. That smirk seemed… uncharacteristic. Then again, she did have a nice little public image. Perhaps, this was her true nature–a deceptive little sneak.

“Honestly, I do not care of clans or status. Neji is important to me, so I will not give up on this–unless of course my feelings change, and I don’t see that happening,” Yasmine said. “You ask of my intentions…? Well, I’ll tell you straight up. Your nephew–no matter what–will be mine. And there’s nothing the Hyuga clan can do about it.” Hiashi’s mouth almost fell open.

You’re being foolish again, brother. You know that the Hyuga clan will arrange who you marry.

That’s what they think.

But it’s always been done this way, Hizashi!

I no longer care about traditions. I’ve found my wife–she will be mine.

You can’t be serious!

I am… And there’s nothing this clan can do about it.

Hiashi tried to comment, but the foreigner had already left. Why had her words made him remember such a thing? She and his brother had nothing in common–nothing, and yet… “How absurd… I’m certain that Neji will not fall prey to whatever she is planning,” Hiashi thought, folding his arms. Still… Why in the name of his ancestors did he feel a chill when she smirked like that?

That foreigner–she was definitely not normal.

“… The chicken is smoking and looking quite satisfied, while the egg is frowning and looking quite frustrated. The egg finally says: ‘Well, that answers that question!’ I didn’t get that joke for a long time.” The two guards both snorted, looking as if they were trying to hold back laughter. “Now, I know why it’s funny.”

“Yaya-chan…?” The foreigner turned to face him, looking excited. The two guards quickly straightened up their posture. Hyuga Neji had just returned from training with Lee. He had not expected Yasmine to be here, at his home. In fact, he had not expected to see her at all for a time. “What are you doing here?” he asked. It wasn’t as if he was not a bit glad to see her. Truthfully, he had been missing her presence. “Maybe you’re here to see Hinata-sama?”

“… No, I came to see you.” She held up her arms, showing a bento. “I even made you something. It’s not as good as Hinata-chan’s stuff, though. Since you’ve just finished training, then you must be hungry, ne?”

Neji was silent for a moment. Could that mean that her sudden feelings were gone? Could they go back to how they were before…? “Yaya-chan, this-” He noticed that the two guards–Akito and Satou–seemed a little too intrigued with their conversation. “Why don’t you come in?” he asked. He did not want anyone knowing their predicament–if there still was a predicament. Yasmine nodded her head with a smile. “Alright, follow me.” Ever since the incident of Hinata first activating her bloodline, the rooms were specially designed in order to give the clan members privacy. Poor Hinata had fainted at the sight of her grandfather in the nude.

The Hyuga prodigy led the foreigner to his room and slid the door open so that she could enter first. “Your room is very clean, Neji Meji,” Yasmine commented, looking around. Neji stopped his movements, hearing his nickname. It had seemed like a long time since he had heard it. The Hyuga continued to slide the door close, and then he turned to Yasmine. She had already made herself comfortable. “It’s like the only thing you do in here is sleep!”

“Don’t be absurd,” Neji replied. “I sleep and read.”

Pfft…!” The foreigner laughed out loud. “Oh God, I missed this!” Neji felt himself smiling. He had also missed it, after all. He sat down beside her. “Mayu’s been sick all this time, so I couldn’t really have any fun. Master Junko is also working me into an early grave. Giving massages were so much easier than what I’m doing now.” Neji chuckled, taking the bento from her hands.

“Sounds like you’ve been busy,” he said. “And yet you still made me lunch. Arigato.” Yasmine grinned as he unwrapped the boxed lunch. He noticed the twinkle in the teen’s eye. Neji arched an eyebrow, yet did not question it. “Would you like some as well?” Yasmine rapidly shook her head. Hm… That was a bit suspicious. There wasn’t a time or place that the foreigner turned down food. “Did you already eat?”

“Yes, I even had tea. This is all for you, so eat up!” she replied. Neji frowned as he took the first bite. He then took a second bite. Yasmine had released a sigh. He gave her a questioning look. “Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just glad that you like it.”

“I’ve eaten something from you previous to this. Were you worried I would not like it?”

Eh… Kinda…” Yasmine admitted. “Before, you were trying to become my good friend again, so I thought your compliments might have been false. Now it feels like I’m trying to be your good friend again.” She turned her eyes away from him. Neji noticed that her hands were trembling. He stopped eating and set the bento down.

“Yaya-chan, you will always be a good–no, great friend to me,” he said. “You don’t have to try.”

“Yeah, but after what happened-”

“Your impulsive feelings for me were-”

“Impulsive…?” Yasmine interrupted. She smiled coyly. Neji blinked at the sudden change. “You think my feelings are impulsive?” She chuckled lightly. “I assure you, they are not.”

“Are not…?” Neji repeated. He stared down at the half-eaten food. Damn–this had meant she still was not over him. He had gotten his hopes up for nothing. “Yaya-chan, as I said before, I cannot return your feelings.”

“I heard you the first time you said it. There’s no need to say it again, Neji,” Yasmine responded, causing the Hyuga to shift his gaze up. Still, the same coy smile was on her face. It made him a bit nervous for some unexplained reason. Neji did not say anything more. The room had become suffocating in an instant. This shift in the atmosphere only seemed to be affecting him, though. The Hyuga tore his eyes away from her brown ones. “Neji…” Her voice had changed somewhat. It was the same, yet somehow different. It wasn’t the voice he was accustomed to that much was certain. “Are you uncomfortable now? You’ve stopped eating.”

“It does not take much to fill me,” Neji answered. Odd… His mouth felt dry.

Ah, that’s right,” Yasmine nodded. “Perhaps I shouldn’t have made this much.” The two were silent for a few moments. The foreigner’s gaze never left his body. He could feel her stare, and it caused a shiver to run up his back. This situation was too nerve-racking.

“Yaya-chan, you said that you will come to me when you’ve gotten over me,” Neji said. “If you still have feelings for me, I fear you have come to me much too early.”

“Correction–I said I will come to you when I’ve dealt with this. I have dealt with my feelings and have accepted them,” Yasmine replied. She slowly moved forward on all fours. Neji did not attempt to move. “I can’t pretend. I want to be your friend and so much more.” She was only inches away by now. She placed her hands on his shoulders. Still, the Hyuga remained frozen.

“So you won’t try? You’re losing-”

“I have the right to lose control, Neji. I want this,” Yasmine said. She licked her lips. “I won’t give you up… not yet–not without trying. Call me a masochist if you want.” She leaned closer. Finally, Neji reacted by putting his on Yasmine’s shoulder, keeping her at bay.

“Stop…” his voice did not sound as strong as he would have liked. In fact, his whole body felt weak. “What’s…? What’s happening…? My body…”

Ah, the drug must be taking effect right now,” Yasmine answered, shrugging. Neji’s hand slid off, limply. The foreigner chuckled. “It was tasteless and odorless–you couldn’t detect it if you tried.” She pushed him onto his back. “But don’t worry. You won’t pass out and you will definitely remember. I want you to enjoy this as much as me.” He saw the smirk. Her smirk was the only thing his eyes focused on. “And in case you don’t realize it… that was a love confession.”

Neji felt himself flush. Love confession…? This was sexual harassment! Did she even realize what the consequences were if she continued this? But what could he do at the moment? His body was weak. He could not believe that he was actually drugged. He couldn’t believe that Yasmine was the one who had done it. She had… transformed again, but this time, she was completely different from Yasume. She released his shoulders and began to slowly slide her hands up and down his torso. “Nng–c-cut that out, Yaya-chan…!”

“Oh, your body is sensitive. I only touched you a little and you’re already panting and blushing,” her coy voice whispered in his ear. “Could it be you’re secretly getting pleasure from this?” Neji’s eyes widen.

“No, I-”

Her lips descended upon his, cutting off his words. He felt her tongue slither past. Squeezing his eyes shut, Neji tried to force her tongue back out. However, Yasmine seemed to have acquired the skill to evade banishment. Her tongue moved around his mouth in such a provocative manner. It was hard not to resist. Finally, she pulled back, leaving behind an out-of-breath Hyuga. Damn–he had never felt so weak in his life. No situation ever compared to this. Neji turned his head, embarrassed that he had wound up in this corner. He felt her nuzzle his cheek. Swiftly, she opened his shirt, exposing flesh. Ignoring the feeble protest that came from the Hyuga, Yasmine removed the material from Neji’s body. The foreigner licked his bottom lip as her fingers circled and teased his nipples. “You are sensitive! They’re so hard and I’ve barely touched them.” What she was doing–intentionally or not–was sending jolts straight to his groin. He had to fight back a moan. It had felt good, he admitted, but he couldn’t let her know. This was wrong. They were friends–not lovers. They shouldn’t be doing this.

He felt one hand leave his chest and slip down. Knowing her intention, Neji tried to push her away. However, his hands went no further than touching her shoulders. “Yaya-chan, don’t…! Not there–don’t touch…” His breath caught in his throat when he felt her fingers come into contact with his apparent arousal. He shuddered, feeling her stroke his length through his pants. It was getting much harder to keep the moan down. She suddenly released him. Yasmine moved her hands, placing them on either side of his head. She hovered over him, merely staring. Neji lay underneath her, face completely red, panting through clenched teeth.

“Are you annoyed…?” Neji turned his head, refusing to answer. “Well, I am. Moan out my name–I want to hear you.” Yasmine gently kissed the bulging vein on his neck. “And not Yaya-chan. Yaya-chan, Yaya-chan–that’s all I hear from you. Say–no, moan out Yasmine.” She pinched his nipple, earning a startled yelp from the Hyuga. “You ready to do what I ask?” Neji shook his head. “How cute…”

She lowered her lips, trailing light kisses down until she reached his left nipple. She traced circles around it with her tongue, causing Neji to groan. “NnAhaaah…” Yasmine’s fingers slipped past his boxers. She fondled his member, slowly at first, and then she gradually picked up speed. “NhhHnA-AhAH!” Neji covered his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut again. If only he hadn’t been drugged, he could have easily stopped her advances before it reached this point. “I ca-can’t endure…” Faster, harder–her rubbing increased. She bit his nipple, sending more jolts of pleasure throughout his body. Her other hand roamed across his body, groping all over. Her tongue, teeth and lips left behind many marks. It drove him to the brink of insanity. “HaaHaa… Ya…” Sweat covered his body. “Yas… Yas…” It was close–so close. The pressure was building–he could feel it. His entire body tensed. “Yasmi… Yasmine!” His back arched as he felt himself explode. “AhHaaHaaHaaaaaa…” Slowly his breathing returned to normal as his body relaxed again.

Yasmine slowly pulled her hand out. She caressed his torso, more specifically around his naval. “That’s all I wanted to hear, Neji. You could have avoided this,” she murmured. She then traced a line up his chest using her tongue. With her thumb, she lightly touched Neji’s bottom lip before kissing him again. The kiss was as passionate as the first one, yet a bit longer. She pushed herself away, panting and chuckling. The foreigner stood up and straightened her own clothes. Without a word, she walked toward the door. She blew him a kiss, and a wink, before exiting his room.

Neji’s body shivered violently as he stared up at the ceiling. Not only was he taken advantage of–he was also tricked, manipulated, and violated. Actually, those were pretty much the same things, weren’t they? Of all people, no one would ever suspect that Yasmine had such a conniving side to her. And to go as far as to drug him…? Her actions were very much unexpected. Neji closed his eyes, deep in thought. She had changed drastically since the last time he had seen her. She was more assertive, aggressive–dangerous. She had become too direct. He honestly did not know how to react to her sudden transformation.

Where could they go from here?

The door slid open again. Neji struggled to sit up. It was Yasmine. She was back. For what…? Hadn’t she done enough? Did she come back for more? The Hyuga clenched his teeth. He felt far more anticipation than he should have. Again, that coy smile appeared. “By the way, Neji… I never really drugged you,” she said. His eyes expanded in surprise. “Your eyes naturally pick up on small things and I used that to my advantage. You see, I dropped discreet hints that I put something extra in your meal, but really I didn’t. Your eyes saw this and immediately your mind probably started going through scenarios, which caused your body to unconsciously react the way if would have had you really been drugged.” Her smile turned into a grin. “I once heard that the conscious exist on many levels, Neji. Could it be that on some level, you wanted me to debase you? What a twisted man you have become.” She chuckled again. “Ja ne…!” The foreigner once again left the Hyuga to his own thoughts. However, this time, his thoughts were completely different from before.

“What the fuck… have I gotten myself into…?”

Yasmine panted heavily as she ran. If she remembered correctly, those eyes could see as far as eight hundred meters. That meant that she could stop to catch her breath soon. After she had gotten past the Hyuga’s entrance, she didn’t bother to stop and chat with the two guards. Who knows what would have happened if she stuck around longer than she had to. She didn’t want run into any unexpected person. That would have been the worst. Chances are, she wouldn’t have been able to look the person in the eye. Immediately, they would find out she did something questionable.

Finally, she came to a stop. She hunched over with her hands on her knees. Despite her labored breathing, there was a smile on her face. She had done it. She had done the unthinkable. “I successfully seduced Neji!” she thought. “He reacted the same way the book said he would! This is so great! I’ll continue to use it now. I can move on to chapter 2, day two since I was successful.” Yasmine fanned herself, yet this did not cool her down in the least. Her cheeks and forehead still felt warm. Neji’s reactions were completely opposite than the way he usually acts. He looked so small and frail–and dare she say it? Yes, he also looked quite cute. She had never seen a blush that rivaled Hinata’s before. Yasmine gulped, and then straightened up. Must run in the family, she thought as she continued on her way.

“Am I supposed to feel this way?” Her hand covered her chest. She could feel her heart beating rapidly. It was not from running. She was surprised that she hadn’t collapsed. Never before had she felt such exhilaration. It was nice. It felt good, and she was sure that she was not the only one to benefit from it. Originally, she had wanted to know as a last resort, but the book she bought totally blew that idea out of the water. This way seemed more effective. Yasmine released a heavy sigh, and then touched her lips. She was instantly reminded of Neji’s skin. As expected, he had a slender, yet toned body. It was tough, yet sensitive to the touch. Judging by the way he reacted, Yasmine concluded that he had never been touched in such a way. “That was a little odd considering Neji has been with Ten-chan and others… I think,” she thought.

The foreign teen shrugged, deciding that past lovers no longer mattered. As she walked, she focused more on predicting what the next chapter would instruct her to do. She assumed that it had to be more intense than what was in the first chapter. That thought along caused Yasmine to speed up her pace. The quicker she could read and understand, the quicker she could carry out the action, meaning the quicker she would see Neji again. “Haha… I feel so naughty–wanting to make Neji whimper again!” Yasmine couldn’t help the slightly guilty smile as she opened the door to her apartment. “I’m home!” she called. There was no response or noise, so she assumed that Mayu was once again trying to sleep off her sickness.

Yasmine frowned. Seriously, this sickness was becoming a big problem. The kunoichi shouldn’t have been sick for this long. She supposed that’s where rain and eating spoiled food gets you. She took her shoes off and decided to fix Mayu something to eat before reading. She moved toward Mayu’s room with haste. She hoped that her friend’s health returned soon–perhaps then she could reconcile with Sasuke. The foreigner opened the door. To her surprise, the futon was empty. Blinking, she walked further into the room. Mayu couldn’t have gone anywhere, not without putting her futon away, at least. That’s when her eyes spotted crumpled up paper. She bent over to pick it up. Quickly, she scanned over the short message.

She produced a flat look despite the message.

“Is it just me or do bad guys get more and more clichéd as the years go by?”

She grumbled to herself and decided to give the message to the right person. As she was, Yasmine could not do a thing, so it was up to another to do the task. Five minutes later, Yasmine stood outside of Uchiha Sasuke’s home. For all she knew, he might be home. She didn’t keep track of when he went on missions, so there was a chance he wasn’t even in Konoha. But it didn’t hurt to try. The teen was about to announce her presence, however, the door slide open before she could do anything. “Sasuke…!” she exclaimed.

“What do you want?” he asked.

Yasmine frowned. When they were housemates, Sasuke did show emotion to her. Now, he looked as blank as a log. The foreigner had to cough to cover up a laugh. She cleared her throat. “How’d you know I was here?” she asked. The Uchiha raised a brow, probably annoyed. “Oh right… ninja…”

“What do you want?” Sasuke repeated.

“It’s about Mayu.”

For a brief second, pain flickered across his eyes. “If you’ve come to tell me anything other than that she’s healed and ready to go on missions with the team, then don’t waste your time. We have nothing else to do with each other,” Sasuke replied. He began to close the door.

“She’s gone, Sasuke,” Yasmine’s words made him pause.

“… That’s not my problem. She’s probably pissed that she’s been sick so long, and so she went off to train. That sounds like her.” The foreigner huffed indignantly. Mayu must have hurt him badly–worse than Naruto would do to Hinata in fanfiction.

“You’re obviously not getting it. Mayu. Is. Not. Here!” Yasmine said. She pulled the crumbled paper from her pocket. “This was left behind in her room. I’m guessing you know what it means.” The Uchiha took the paper. His dark eyes scanned over the words. Yasmine watched his expression closely. It was faint, but the anger in his eyes was there. “And I’m also guessing you know what you have to do, too.”

“Have you told anyone else about this?” Sasuke asked.


“Good–don’t,&# 8221; he instructed. The paper suddenly burst into flames, and then burned to ashes. Sasuke let the remains fall from his hand. “I’m doing this on my own.”

“Kill him completely this time around,” Yasmine said. Sasuke did not respond to her order. He merely took off running. The foreigner watched him go until her untrained eyes could no longer see him. “I’m worried, but at the same time, I trust him… I trust him to bring her back.”

Wow, it’s been like two months since I last updated. I don’t want to make excuses, but this is what happened. School–I had bad grades that had to be brought up before momz found out. Swine flu craze–I got sick, too, and so did a few hundred kids at my school. That little ‘mature scene’–yeah, not going to lie about it. That small scene took about half a month to finish. I wrote it first, and then wrote the rest of the chapter, knowing it was take a lot of time. I, myself, had to do a little research, too. And let me just make this known…

I seriously don’t know how you yaoi fans do it, let alone read it.

Well, I think that’s about it. The next chapter will have a little bit of NejiYasmineTenten drama, but mostly it will be SasukeMayu drama. I’ve changed their drama quite a bit from what I’d originally planned for them, so look forward to that.


“You know what? You really do have some twisted-ass logic,” –Yasume

Beta’s QOU:
“She has a face that makes me want to tease her.” –Hyuga Akito

--Beta’d by UKELICIOUS--