Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 33

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“I make them good girls go bad!” –Cobra Starship (Good Girls Go Bad)


“Where are we?” Mayu asked, looking around. Her blue eyes scanned the strange room. All around were tanks, cords, and wires. The place seemed a bit murky to her. And to top it all off, it was cold as well. Sasuke suddenly stopped. As far as she knew, they were at the back of the room. The Uchiha stood in front of a large tank. There seemed to be nothing inside of the container, except some type of liquid.

“Suigetsu, I’ve come to release you,” Sasuke spoke out loud. To Mayu’s surprise, a voice actually answered back, asking if the visitation was because Orochimaru really was dead. The voice, however, was an echo. The kunoichi could not pinpoint the exact location of where it was coming from. “Yes…” Sasuke nodded and place a hand on the hilt of his sword. “But enough about the past… Let’s get you out of there.” Quick as lightning, Sasuke cut through the tank, and then sheathed his sword again. Seconds later, liquid came pouring out of the tube. Mayu watched in fascination as a man rose from the shallow water.

“Free at last. Thanks, Sasuke.” It was the same voice as before.

“Suigetsu, you are the first. Come with me,” Sasuke ordered.

“Me first…? Doesn’t look like it,” the man pulled himself completely from the water. To Mayu’s shock and perhaps horror, the man known as Suigetsu was completely nude. The kunoichi had to force herself not to look down.

“This one is an unexpected addition. Besides you, there are two others. I’m taking Juugo from the north hideout and Karin from the south hideout,” Sasuke asked.

“Are you sure?” Suigetsu asked. By this time, his body was fully exposed. The Uchiha asked if there was a problem. “Nothing really… I just don’t like them.” His purple eyes shifted back and forth between Sasuke and Mayu. He smirked. “I don’t get along with them. At least, that’s what I think. Sure, you’ve picked me, but I wonder about choosing those two. And also, this… girl…” The naked man moved closer. “Why would you pick up a weak girl like this?”

“I didn’t pick her up. She followed me… like a lost kitten,” Sasuke stated. Mayu bristled at the comment. “Now, enough of your rambling and false observations. Put some clothes on, we’re leaving.” Without another word, the Uchiha turned and began to walk away.

“Look at you giving orders like some big shot!” Suigetsu laughed loudly, showing off his sharp, pointy teeth. They were similar to Kisame’s teeth. That was a bit odd. Sasuke merely ignored him. The white-haired male disappeared from Mayu’s sight. She looked toward her teammate and found that Suigetsu was now behind him. She narrowed her eyes and looked down. He must have used the water as some type of transportation, she guessed. That’s a handy way of getting around. “Let me clarify the relationship between us, Sasuke. You chose to save me. I don’t have to follow you. Just because you beat Orochimaru, doesn’t mean you’re better than me. Everyone was after him. You were his pet. You had more chances to kill him than anybody.” For a moment, the two males merely stared at one another. Finally, Suigetsu pulled away. “Just kidding,” he said. “But I let you go just now. That makes us even. I’m free now, so I’ll just do as I please.” The purple-eyed teen turned, grinned, and then walked over to Mayu. “And the first thing I’ll do is-”

“Don’t even think about,” Mayu said. “You’re far from what I consider my type. Now put some clothes on and let’s go, alright?” She gave a grin of her own. This somewhat startled Suigetsu. The kunoichi walked pass him, but then stopped. She chuckled lightly. “A weak girl, you called me. Sorry to disappoint you, but I cannot die until I achieve several goals of mine.” She began to walk away, moving pass Sasuke as well. “Let’s try to get along during our time together, ne, Suigetsu-kun?” Mayu left, leaving the two teens staring.

“She’s strange,” Suigetsu finally broke the silence. “I think my heart sped up a bit.” He smirked. “She might be more dangerous than you, Sasuke.” The Uchiha’s dark eyes shifted over to the white-haired male.

“How unfortunate,” he muttered.

“Now… about that red handprint on your face. She’s responsible, right, Sasuke?”

“Put some clothes on, damn it.”


“It’s a surprise to see you again, Sasuke.” The older male stared at the three on his doorstep. His eyes then focused solely on the kunoichi of the group. “Mayu-san,” he acknowledged with a nod. “I’m not sure who this is, though.” His eyes settled on the unknown member.

“I’ve come for Zabuza. I heard that he’s back here. That true, Haku?” Sasuke asked. He slowly nodded his head to answer. “Can we come in?”

“Yes, of course, but I must warn you,” Haku said, stepping aside to allow his guest in. “Zabuza-san is not feeling too well. Try not to agitate him.” He watched the three younger teens move pass him. “I’ll be up with refreshments later.” Sasuke nodded his head as he took off his shoes. Suigetsu and Mayu followed suit. The sharp-tooth male had believed that Zabuza had died years ago. He must have been locked up far longer than he had originally thought. He followed Sasuke and Mayu upstairs. Still, it would not make a difference if the man was alive or dead. He still planned on taking his sword.

Sasuke was one to open the door. “Zabuza, we’re coming in,” he called in, not bothering to wait for a response. The room was dark. Only a single candle near the bed illuminated the room. In the bed lay the one who they had come for–Momochi Zabuza. His eyes were closed. He did not appear to be aware of their presence. The three young ninja moved to one side of the bed.

“Is he sick? Man, talk about a fall from grace. Remember when he used to be scary, Sasuke?” Mayu asked, turning her eyes to her teammate. The Uchiha did not reply. She did not notice the twitching of the man’s finger. “Now he’s just a sickly odd person–ojii-san!” Again, a finger twitched. There was also a bulging vein on the man’s forehead.

“Zabuza-sempai was once great. Now he’s just some bedridden old guy,” Suigetsu stated his observation out loud. More twitching, followed by a clench fist.

The Uchiha sighed heavily, and then ducked, pulling the two down with him. Half a second later, Zabuza sliced through the spot where the three had been. “You damn brats!” He sat up. His giant sword rested across his legs. “I was only sleeping!” That’s when he realized who exactly was insulting him. “Sasuke, what are you doing here, and who the hell are they?!”

“This is Mayu,” he answered. Zabuza focused on the kunoichi. His eyes held surprise. Then he laughed.

“Doesn’t look like much,” he chortled. Sasuke smirked.

“That’s what most people say… until her kunai is pressing against their necks,” he said. Zabuza moved his eyes to Suigetsu. “That one is Suigetsu. He wants your sword.”

Laughter echoed throughout the room, causing Suigetsu to frown. He did not appreciate Zabuza’s mockery. “Wants my sword?!” he roared. He then quieted down. “Why the hell would I give my sword away.”

“Actually, I was planning on taking it with or without your consent, Zabuza-sempai,” the white-haired teen stated, narrowing his eyes. He grinned, taking a step forward. The man growled quite loudly, causing the teen to step back. Mayu grinned nervously.

“Ne, Suigetsu-kun, I don’t think you thought this through too well,” her remark earned her a glare from her temporary comrade. “What he means, I think, is he wants to challenge you for it.” All eyes turned to the kunoichi. “It’s not like you need it anymore.” Zabuza’s eye twitched. “And I’m not saying you’ve gotten weaker in your old age!” Mayu had to dodge a sword strike. “What I mean is… It’s time for the next generation! Just let him try, at least!”

“Why do you care?” he questioned.

“It’ll help Sasuke’s cause… apparently,” Mayu murmured.


“Yes, apparently…” she continued. “And besides, you owe us.”

“I owe nothing to a brat like you!”

“If memory serves me well, you and Haku were supposed to die on that mission where you first met Sasuke and his team,” Mayu stated, lowering her eyelids. “The way I see it, your lives were spared. If that kunoichi died, then chances are you and Haku would not be alive right now. Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi-san would not have hesitated anymore. They would have killed you without a shred of remorse. You know this, don’t you?” Zabuza was silent. “And ever since they let you go, you’ve been unconsciously indebted to them. On some level, you are an honorable man, aren’t you?” The kunoichi folded her arms and smirked. Her question went unanswered. It did not need to be. “That’s why you spar with Sasuke. But you know that it isn’t enough to repay them.” Mayu scoffed, not caring for the man’s glare. “Let Suigetsu challenge you for the sword in order for Sasuke to reach his greatest goal. Then your conscious can rest easy. So how about?”

Zabuza did not dare to reply with haste. The little brat was right. Annoying as hell, but she was correct. The man glowered. He was a fool to think he could trust Haku and Sasuke to keep their mouths shut. Of course, they didn’t. When those two got together, they became a couple of giggling, gossiping girls. The man clenched the hilt of his sword. Honestly, it hadn’t been useful these last few years. The whole world seemed to have changed overnight. He turned his back for a moment and nearly every country is having talks of peace. Zabuza scowled mentally. Pretty soon, there would be no use for people like him. Well, that depended on the number of insane people left in the world. “Fine,” he growled out. Slowly, he stood. He pointed his great sword at Suigetsu. “If you really want to die, then I’ll accept your challenge.” Suigetsu grinned eagerly.

“Looking forward to it!”

Sasuke waited until Zabuza and Suigetsu left the room before turning his attention to Mayu. The kunoichi breathed out a sigh of relief. “Hidden talent of yours?” he asked, smirking. Mayu turned her eyes to him, and then smiled.

“I wouldn’t call it a hidden talent. Let’s refer to it as leverage!”

“I think it’s really called blackmail…”

Mayu gave him a flat look.


Yasmine sighed wearily, and then stared up at the ceiling. The reason for her sigh–well, actually she was quite bored at the moment. Oh, and she was being held hostage. Perhaps the term ‘hostage’ wasn’t a good word. Actually, that was an exaggeration. She was currently being held for questioning. Her co-workers commented on how embarrassing it was to be picked up by ANBU in that manner. Their definition and her definition of embarrassment differed greatly. But then again, she was used to being dragged away by the authorities because of something Yasume did. The foreigner began to drum her fingers on the wooden desk. They had not taken her to an interrogation room in ANBU headquarters like she had first thought they would do. Instead, they had taken her to a room in the Hokage building.

She had been in this small room for a long time. It was beginning to irritate her. However, this could be some sort of a fear tactic, so she would talk. Yasmine assumed they had searched her apartment and discovered it empty–no Ishikari Mayu in sight. Of course she would be interrogated. They must assume they she knew something about Sasuke and Mayu’s disappearances. “Well, it has been days since I last seen Sasuke. I thought he would be back by now,” Yasmine thought, holding her head up with her other hand. “I guess it’s time to fess up then. My apologizes, onii-chan.”

The door suddenly busted open. Unimpressed, Yasmine slowly turned her head. She watched as two people entered the room, closing the door behind them. To her chagrin, Ibiki was one of the two–a torture specialist. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Her body tensed as the two moved closer to the table. Did they really need to bring out the big dogs when dealing with such a small fry? “This is cruel and unusual punishment.” Yasmine frowned as she stared up at the two. The other, presumably male, was ANBU. She did not recognize the mask.

“Do you know why you’re here?”

Instead of answering, Yasmine decided to question them. “Why are you here? I mean, it’s not like I’m some enemy ninja that has committed some type of treason. I’ll tell you anything you want to know–a torture specialist is not necessary.” Ibiki narrowed his eyes. Yasmine guessed that he did not like her bold nature.
“That’s what they all say when they see me. I guess my reputation precedes me after all,” he said. “Then they begin to tell lies, leading me down the wrong path. When I’m lead down the wrong path, I get angry. And when I get angry, people tend to die!”

“Well, you don’t have to be a drama queen about it…” Yasmine muttered, seemingly nonchalant. “I said I’d be honest.”

“And what stopped you from being honest the first time you were questioned?” The mask ninja finally spoke. The foreigner frowned as her eyes slide toward the unknown ninja. That voice–his voice–was slightly familiar to her. Briefly, she wondered where she had heard it before.

“Sasuke told me not to,” Yasmine shrugged. “My guess is that he wanted to take care of the problem on his own, away from Konoha’s prying eyes.”

“What type of problem?” Ibiki asked.

For a moment, the foreigner did not response. “Mayu was kidnapped by Orochimaru,” she answered. Ibiki’s eyes widen, but he quickly covered up his shocked expression. This girl had been holding that information all this time? Uchiha Sasuke had been missing for several days now, and apparently so was Ishikari Mayu. Ibiki narrowed his eyes. So it had again been Orochimaru’s doing. That man was still after a body. Had the Uchiha already encountered the Sanin? If so, what was the outcome?

“Do you know the kind of punishment you can receive for keeping that to yourself?” Ibiki questioned.

Yasmine shrugged. “I would have said something sooner, but I didn’t think Sasuke would be gone this long,” she said.

“Because of you, that girl and boy might be dead!” Ibiki exclaimed.

“Not possible,” Yasmine’s prompt reply startled the man.


“I said not possible. Sasuke has killed Orochimaru, no doubt. The only reason he hadn’t returned is because he’s in his avenger mode. Mayu was probably told to return to Konoha, but knowing her, she cussed him out and told him that she would stay with him,” Yasmine explained. “Those two were my roommates. I know their intentions quite well.”

The bulky, bear-like man stared at the foreigner for a moment before turning his head. “Watch her… I will inform the Hokage of this,” Ibiki stated. He took his leave before Yasmine could say anything else. She pouted, and then focused on the masked man. She stared.



… And stared…

“I’ve been here for hours! I told you everything I know!” she said. “Can’t I leave now?!”

“It’s only been twenty minutes, and no,” the masked ninja responded. “The Hokage is the only one that can confirm you can leave.” His voice was neutral, which slightly aggravated Yasmine. She sighed heavily, looking away from him.

She hoped that Junko did not dock her pay any further than she already had. Sure, it was slightly her fault that she wound up in this predicament, but her boss didn’t need to know that. Her brown eyes turned back to the ANBU member. She could not tell if he was looking at her, but his mask was facing her general direction. This was more than a little awkward. “So… You come here often?” Yasmine asked. Silence was her answer. And because of that, the foreigner sighed. She should have known that wasn’t a good conversation starter. The teen furrowed her eyebrows after a few moments. If that hadn’t worked, then surely something was bound to. “… How about that…?” she thought. Once more, she focused on the ANBU male. “How you doin’?” Yasmine asked in her best Joey Tribbiani voice.

This did not get the reaction she expected.

The ninja slammed his palms against the table. Even though there was a mask, Yasmine could not help but feel a glare being directed at her. “This isn’t a game, girl! If my–If Ishikari Mayu and Uchiha are dead, it will be because of you!” The man was nearly growling at her. “If you had told us immediately, we could have helped! And what’s with your attitude?! Isn’t Mayu-chan your friend?! How can you act like this matter isn’t a big deal?!” Slowly, Yasmine stood up, pushing the chair backwards. She narrowed her eyes.

“Excuse me for having faith that my best friend will return unharmed,” she said. “Judging from the way you’re acting, I’m assuming that you’re someone close to Mayu and Sasuke–a teammate, maybe?” Yasmine noticed the minor flinch from the shinobi. Unfortunately, she could only remember Sai as the other teammate. She could not remember a name for that other face. But she wasn’t about to let him know that. “I get it–you’re worried. We all are… but we can’t help that they’re gone now. This day was going to come and you probably knew it. Sasuke will try with all his might to find and kill Uchiha Itachi. He–they won’t come back until that is done. But Sasuke and Mayu will come back–I’m sure of it! That is why I seem not to be worried!”

The two stared at one another for a few moments before the male slowly pulled back. He turned his back to her. Mentally, Yasmine sighed in relief. She sank back down in her seat. Again the room was put in silence. Brown eyes stared at the back of the ANBU operative. She really could not remember the name, but the face–it was slowly starting to surface in her mind. His eyes… they were the same as Jano-san. Before she could make this face known, the door opened.

Both occupants turned their eyes to the door. Ibiki came strolling in, looking impassive. Behind the mask, the male narrowed his eyes and frowned. The burly made glanced in his direction before giving his full attention to the foreigner. “You may leave now,” he said. What he said almost caused the ANBU member to react, but he had to keep his cool. He had already unleashed his emotions on the foreigner–something that was not supposed to happen. The foreigner nodded her head as she returned to her standing position. She slowly walked toward the door. Ibiki moved aside to let her pass. Before exiting, however, she turned and looked at him. Her expression was unreadable to him. He couldn’t quite understand her. Before he could try to comprehend it, the foreign teen left and closed the door behind her.

“The Hokage just allowed her to go?” he asked, once he was sure the foreigner was gone. “She could still not be saying anything!” Ibiki shook his head.

“A mere citizen cannot be held any longer than we kept her. In this case, the girl actually told the truth,” he stated. “I looked in her eyes and she actually believed that those two will come back to Konoha… on their own.” The man closed his eyes for a brief moment. “The Hokage trusts my judgment and so she can go.”

“Still… I don’t like it,” he murmured. Ibiki turned to him, locking his hands behind his back. “What’s with the look?”

“You are going to be watching the girl–that will be your job for the time being,” he answered. Behind the mask, the male glowered. “Hokage-sama says that it is a precaution–just in case that girl reveals something else unknowingly or not. If Uchiha Sasuke was the one who told her not to tell, there’s a chance he might try to contact her.”

“I understand.”


Yasmine sighed wearily as she felt her face hit the couch. Today had been yet another day of following orders. It was like she had become her boss’s personal slave. As it turns out, Junko was not in the least bit sympathetic towards her. The woman had blamed her for missing work because of the ANBU members that picked her up three days ago. She had only been ‘missing’ for about thirty-five minutes! The foreigner sighed again. “My job is getting more and more stressful.” Her words were muffled by the couch. “Even my patience will run out with a boss like this… Pretty soon, I’ll have to start looking around for another job,” she thought.

The teen turned her head to the side in order to breathe properly. To die by suffocation was not very appealing to her. Through half-closed eyes, Yasmine stared at the hallway. She needed to get up–at least for an hour. Unfortunately, her body would not move from the comfort of the couch. An irritated expression appeared on Yasmine’s face. “I guess this is how Deidara-sama felt when I paralyzed his body,” she muttered. “I feel like a bag of stones.”

A sudden knock at the door caused the girl to frown. “No thanks–I’m sleeping!” Yasmine called. She was not in the mood for a daily visit from the ANBU member that she knew was watching her. She had only not said anything to anyone. It wasn’t like she lied about it. It was Sasuke’s fault for making her keep her mouth shut. She shouldn’t be punished because of the Uchiha’s half-thought out plans. She closed her eyes and yawned. The knocking, however, came again. “Not right now–need sleepy!” The visitor seemed to be quite the persistent one, though. The knocking came again. “Please go away, let me sleep FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!” Her loud voice probably annoyed her neighbors to no end. Once more the knocking came. However, this time there was a voice along with it.

“Yaya-chan… Please order the door!”

Yasmine’s eyes shot open. In less than a second, she was staring into the eyes of a very surprised Hyuga. The foreigner coughed lightly, and then smiled. “Neji,” she greeted. She smoothed down her hair unconsciously. “I had no idea you were back.” It was certainly odd how quickly she moved when she heard his voice. The jounin seemed shocked as well, but Yasmine supposed that’s what his presence did to her. Oh, how she wanted to melt just by the sight of those pink lips and that cute, stunned expression on his face. “What brings you here, ne?”

Neji’s face turned serious. “May I come in?” he asked. Startled, Yasmine slowly nodded her head and moved aside. She watched the ninja take off his shoes as she closed the door. “Pardon the intrusion…” Neji moved toward the living room and sat on the couch. Yasmine tilted her head to the side. She was definitely confused at the moment. The foreigner walked his way, offering him something to drink. “No, that is not necessary.” His lavender eyes watched her as she sat beside him. “Why is ANBU watching this place?” he asked. For a moment, Yasmine did not answer. “Yaya-chan… They’re watching you, aren’t they?”

“… I believe they are.”


“Since you’ve just returned, I wouldn’t expect you to know about the disappearances.”

“What disappearances?”

“Sasuke and Mayu left the village–well, Sasuke left the village. Mayu ended up being kidnapped.”


“I know right–how clichéd!”

“That’s not what I mean!” Neji replied, shaking his head. Yasmine gave a sheepish grin.

“Gomen… Anyway, ANBU is watching because they know that I know something about it,” she continued. “Although, I’ve already told them everything I do know, they still keep their eyes on me–as a precaution, I think. I predict that this won’t stop until both Mayu and Sasuke return to the village. And that means they won’t come back until Uchiha Itachi is dead.” Honestly, the foreigner knew this would come. She knew everything up to the point of the death match. However, she had no clue who would win–Sasuke or Itachi. How she wished she would have stayed in her world for a little while longer to see the victor of that battle. Once that was done, Kishimoto-sama would surely wrap up the whole story and not drag it out with pointless chapters that have absolutely nothing to do with the main plot.

“That’s odd… I suddenly have a bad taste in my mouth…” Yasmine thought.

“I see… Uchiha Sasuke has left for revenge. He was always a fool,” Neji snapped the teen out of her thoughts. She stared at Neji, yet his eyes were on the floor. “To go so far on a heinous ambition is truly foolish. Once again, he risks everything for his revenge. One would think he would learn from last time. Uchiha Sasuke is-” A hand on his knee interrupted him. Neji flinched and then slowly turned his eyes to the foreigner.

“Don’t judge Sasuke’s actions. You can’t do that unless you walk a mile in their shoes,” Yasmine told him. Her brown eyes narrowed. “Sasuke is most likely going through a lot right now. He’s gone through a lot since his childhood. He needs to do this–to sort everything out. I think this is the only way he can advance. Onii-san… More than anything, he needs to destroy his past so that he can move on to his future. His motivations–hate and loathing–is annoying, but his intentions are admirable to me.”

“… Yaya-chan…”

“Neji, let’s not talk about Sasuke right now.” Yasmine gave a pleasant smile. “Thank you for visiting me.” Her hand reached up and touched his cheek with her index finger. The Hyuga flinched again. “I appreciate your enthusiasm to see me.” Her finger slid down, taking the moisture with it. “You must have come here as soon as you heard.” Neji’s face went slightly pink.

“It’s not like that!” he exclaimed, turning his head.

“I’m glad,” Yasmine said as if she did not hear him. She leaned forward. However, before she could crawl into his lap like she had planned on doing, Neji clamped a hand over her mouth. He pushed her down on the couch. Brown eyes stared up at him, wide and confused. She was more than a little surprised at his sudden assertiveness. His right hand wrapped around her left wrist, pinning it to the sofa. She could easily paralyze a part of his body, but she didn’t. Curious, she wanted to see what his next move was. Usually, she was one on top. However, the book did say that the ‘uke’ would attempt to be the ‘seme’ on occasion to try to maintain the pride of ‘real man.’ That paragraph in Chapter Three, Day Three had been slightly confusing–almost as if it had been written as an afterthought.

Through narrowed eyes, Neji gazed impassively down at the foreigner underneath him. She was a friend, a comrade, an analyst, an enigma. Yasmine was a lot of things. However, she was not a lover. At least, she wasn’t to him. He could not see himself with her. She was too–he feared that she would soon discover his feelings if they were to be together. Yasmine deserve someone else–someone better than him. He would hurt her. She was bound to find out. And he would hurt her because of that. After the things she had been through to come to this point, being hurt in that way would completely change her. And for that reason, Yasmine must come to- “Hate me,” Neji whispered. For her sake–the Hyuga closed his eyes and removed his hand from her mouth, leaning forward–this plan had to occur.

Eh…!” Startled, Yasmine could only gasp as his lips touched hers. The book was right. Even up until now–the book had been right about everything. So if the guide was indeed right, then she would have to follow through with its instructions. Her free hand pushed against his chest, forcing Neji to part from her. She gave him a mocking smile. “Do you want to try? How long can you last?” The Hyuga seemed to become irritated by her questions; there was a slight blush on his face. Yasmine mentally cheered. It was the exact reaction she had been hoping for.

“Don’t take me lightly because of what happened last time,” he said.

“And the time before that…” Yasmine taunted.

Neji glared, pursing his lips. Swiftly he picked the foreigner up bridal style. He held her tight as he moved across the apartment, towards her room. During this short journey, the two never took their eyes off one another. Yasmine suddenly found her back pressed against her bed with Neji hovering over her. Before she knew it, his shirt was off and she had been flipped onto her stomach before she could hope to touch his bare skin. This slightly aggravated the foreigner, but that emotion was to be expected. Neji left small kisses along her jaw line and neck. His hands teased her through her shirt.

Ah…” She breathed out, feeling his teeth against the top her ear. She felt his warm, wet tongue against her skin as well. Her fingers clutched the covers underneath her, feeling his hands slide down. Apparently, this wasn’t as easy as he would have liked, so he moved her body on her side. Stilling kissing and licking, his hand gripped the hem of her long skirt before pulling it up. Yasmine shuddered, feeling the air against her legs. Chills ran through body before warming from the gentle touch she received from the Hyuga. His hands, rough yet tender, glided over her upper thigh, spreading goose bumps. Yasmine released a quivering breath as she felt his hand slide further up. “N-Neji…” He traced her panty line. “Ha…!” He stretched, and then released.

“I’m going to take you,” he whispered. His breath tickled her ear. Yasmine turned her head. For a moment, the two teens stared into one another’s eyes.

“Go for it…” She narrowed her eyelids and smirked. “If you can…”

The Hyuga nearly growled in her ear, and then moved her onto her back. He grabbed her two hands. Easily, they both fit into his larger ones. He forced them over her head, trapping her underneath him. She could not escape in her current position. However, it was not a fight… yet. Yasmine grinned, knowing that such an action would annoy him. The taunting was necessary, though, according to the book. Once again, his lips found hers. This time, however, he forced her lips to part. Her tongue was being teased by the tongue of her best friend. It was all very… enticing. No wonder the author sounded very much enjoyed and amused when his respective uke did the same. As the wild kiss continued, she felt his hands explore nearly every inch of her body. Neji then roughly released her lips. Yasmine fell back, panting heavily. His kiss extended to her body, lightly tracing her curves as he moved down.

His tongue darted out and slid against her abdomen. Slowly, he pulled up her shirt, leaving tiny kisses on her torso as he worked up again. He pushed the shirt completely up, covering her eyes–not her mouth. “Neji…!” She could only hear him chuckled. She narrowed her eyes. She supposed it was not a big thing. When the time came, she was still- “AH!” The Hyuga male had suddenly nipped at the top of her breast. Both of his hands groped each of them, and then ripped off her bra. “Itai…” she winced. Feeling the butterfly kisses against her skin, she released a sigh of pleasure. For a brief moment, his body left hers. But then she felt his hand trailing up her leg. Again, he reached her panties. With one finger, he pushed her center. Yasmine gasped in surprise. She tried to sit up. Her ‘uke’ wasn’t supposed to be so bold!

Neji, however, pushed her back down with his other hand. “Moist…” he told her. He then rubbed his nose against her left breast before taking it completely into his mouth. Yasmine sucked in a breath, feeling his tongue circle her nipple. Her nails dug into her palms, feeling the increasing friction of his two fingers down below. She moaned out as she squirmed. He had stopped to pull the thin fabric off and pass her legs. Not even caring around the skirt, he plunge his digits in, causing a loud moan to escape her lips. Her legs twitched as he went further in, making sure to touch every part inside. Suddenly, he stopped and pulled away. Panting, Yasmine almost whined. She had enjoyed that far more than she should. “You’re not a virgin…?” His question caused Yasmine to sit up, although she still could not see. Slightly annoyed, she yanked the top off, tossing it on the floor. The Hyuga was also sitting up by now.

“No, not anymore… I lost it, but I don’t remember it. Yasume told me that I loved the guy, but… it didn’t work out.”

“Another unknown,” Neji narrowed his eyes.

“Yes…” Yasmine slowly nodded her head.

“I see…” he murmured, turning his head away. The foreigner tilted her head, wondering about his sudden change in demeanor. A devious smirk appeared on her face. Her hands gripped his shoulders, causing Neji to look back at her. Little space was between his face and hers.

“Ne, Neji, that doesn’t change anything, does it?” Yasmine asked, sweetly. He frowned and inclined his head. “Hm… That won’t do.” The foreign teen pushed him down, causing a look of surprise to appear on his face. The moment he showed hesitance is the moment she became ‘seme’ again. She crushed her body against his–flesh to flesh. His hands pushed her stomach, keeping her at bay for a moment. “Don’t fight it. Let it happen, alright? You’ve already lost control. We both did. Let’s just let our emotions take us on this ride.” She swatted his hands away, and then kissed his bare chest. Pulling up, she let her hair fall on his face. Smiling, she lowered her eyelids. “I love you, Neji.” The Hyuga parted his lips, about to say something. However, he was interrupted by Yasmine pressing her lips against his.

Surprisingly, the kiss was light unlike her other forceful kisses. Her hands worked up and ran through his hair. Without realizing, his body completely reacted to her touch. Before he knew it, his body lied at full length on her bed. She, on top of him, began to slowly rub her naked sex against his clothed member. His face became flushed. Knowing she took pleasure in his reaction, he turned his face away. He bit his lip to get whatever sound he would make in. The sounds of her chuckles filled his ears. “I admire your determination. I’ll reward you now.” She lifted her bottom for a moment, halting the torturous pleasure that raked his body. Quickly she placed her hand behind her back and proceeded to pull down his pants. She paid no mind to him grabbing her unoccupied hand. Once she was finished, she raised herself above him. The foreigner turned to him as if to ask if he was ready. His hand was placed on her hip. She bit her lip before impaling herself on extended member.

Both teens released piercing cries.


The blood rushed back into his face full force. Fortunately, his ANBU mask covered his face, hiding the deep blush that was most likely there. He quickly stopped listening in on the apartment room by halting his own chakra flow in his ear. He should have turned it off quickly, but… He was a bit ashamed to admit he was curious to see how far they would go. “I had no idea Neji-san and Mayu-chan’s friend was like that!” He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. It wasn’t like he hadn’t had his share of sexual encounters with various women, but overhearing it happen was a bit much for him. “I don’t need to be on watch for this. I’ll come back in ten minutes,” he thought. A moan entered his ears. “I’ll… I’ll wait an hour–yeah… an hour.”

The ANBU member jumped away, his ponytail swaying in the wind.


Mayu eyed the giant sword, which was currently strapped to Suigetsu’s back. No matter how many times she had looked at it, it was still quite the shock that Zabuza handed it over. Well, he didn’t exactly hand it over, per say. That fight had been something, but there had to be some other reason Zabuza let Suigetsu walk out of the village with it. It seemed almost strange to her. Her blue eyes shifted to Sasuke’s back. He was speaking with the white-haired companion at the moment. “In any case, he got what he wanted, so we could continue with whatever it is Sasuke wants,” she thought. She stared as the Uchiha as his lips moved–opened and closed to answer Suigetsu questions. Mayu bit her own lip. Hopefully, there was time in between Sasuke’s little mission.

The two shinobi in front of her suddenly stopped, causing her to snap out of her thoughts. She looked beyond them to see an iron gate. Apparently, they had finally reached their destination. She hadn’t even realized they had reached the small island. Now she felt a bit silly for continuing to use her chakra on water that was not there. Frowning, Mayu narrowed her eyes at Sasuke. He could have told her. Speaking of the Uchiha, he looked towards Suigetsu–more specifically, his sword. Suigetsu frowned and pointed at Sasuke’s own sword. “You have one, too,” he stated.

“So do you,” Sasuke replied. A stress mark appeared on Mayu’s forehead for a second.

“So use your sword, dumbass!” she exclaimed. “I don’t have all the time in the world!” Not liking her comment, Suigetsu whirled around, glaring.

“I don’t see you trying to do anything!”

The kunoichi stepped forward, brushing pass the white-haired shinobi. He stuck his tongue out at her back. “Teh…! If you want to be a brat about it, then I will!” she said. Sasuke stared at Mayu, raising a brow. “Honestly, I bet you can’t even wield that heavy thing properly.”


“Mayu, can you really…?” Sasuke asked.

She turned to him with a smirked. “Of course I can,” she answered. Sasuke noticed the way her eyes flashed green before she focused back on the door. “While I was with my uncle, I learned quite a few tricks. I’ve been practicing them ever since.” Mayu cracked her knuckles before rearing her left arm back. Her right hand touched the door lightly. Suigetsu raised a dubious brow. She didn’t honestly think she could bust through metal with brute strength, did she. He’d definitely be there to taunt her and her bloody hand when she failed.

“Stupid bitch…” he thought. He watched her released her fist. Her knuckles slammed into the door. After nothing happened, Suigetsu opened his mouth to mock her. Unexpectedly, however, Mayu turned on her heel, bringing her leg up. Her foot collided with the door, reducing it to a pile of rubble. “Holy shit…!” His eyes widen in shock.

Hm… Seems I can’t remember quite clearly,” Mayu murmured, putting her foot down.

Sasuke moved ahead of her and stepped inside. The kunoichi followed after him. Suigetsu closed his mouth and hurried after the two. “I thought that thing you did was a onetime per possession only type of deal,” Sasuke commented. Mayu shook her head.

“Once Ishikari members become masters, then the abilities acquired can be used multiple times after its ‘turned off.’ I’m not a master, but my uncle is. He taught me how I can do that if I remember being in that person,” Mayu explained. “However, since I’m not a master, I can’t use it effectively.”

“Seemed pretty effective to me,” Sasuke remarked.

“You flatter me, Sasuke,” Mayu smirked. “But it wasn’t. I should have knocked it down with that one punch. However, I could only distribute my chakra into it, and then kick it down. Like I said… It wasn’t effective.” Suigetsu could only guess what the two Konoha ninja were talking about.

The three walked on, passing cells along the way. Mayu only peered into them out of curiosity. Inside, were men–prisoners. Sasuke did not seem to care for them, so she supposed she should not either. Suddenly, a female stepped in front of the group, causing them to stop. The newcomer placed a hand on her hip, focusing solely on Sasuke. Her hairstyle was unusual to say the least. It was short and disheveled on one side, and long and straight on the other. She wore a long-sleeved shirt, shorts, long dark thigh high stockings, and shoes. She wore glasses as well. “So you’ve really come… Uchiha Sasuke,” she greeted. “Since you’ve come by yourself, it seems that the rumors are true.” Both Suigetsu and Mayu bristled at her off-handed comment.

“How mean, giving me the cold shoulder…” Suigetsu said.

“So, what have you come here for?” the girl only ignored him.

“Sasuke wanted to talk with you,” the white-haired male only stepped forward and stood in front of Sasuke, blocking the view of him. “Talking and standing is a drag, though, so why don’ t take us to another room. It’s been awhile since I’ve rested.” The girl tilted her body slightly so she could continue looking at Sasuke.

“What is this talk about?” she asked. Her question was directed at Sasuke alone, which pissed Suigetsu off.

Mayu rolled her eyes as she watched the two of them bicker until Sasuke interrupted. From that conflict, she learned that her name was Karin. Apparently, she was going to take them to a room to talk. Mayu narrowed her eyes. “Is this the person Sasuke’s looking for?” she thought, following the three in front of her. It wasn’t long before the four teens were in a room with the door closed. Sasuke, Suigetsu, and herself sat down on the settee. By now, she would have been asking questions. However, she assumed that she would only be ignored just as Suigetsu was. Being ignored would mostly cause her to explode in anger, and she was sure Sasuke would not like the fact that a new member was strangled. So Mayu opted to just sit and listen.

“Karin, come with me. I need you,” Sasuke quickly dispelled the silence.

The two females in the room released surprised, choked out noises–each for a different reason.

As Karin began to protest, Mayu glared at the Uchiha. He seemed to completely disregard her fierce stare. “I understand if he wants to add another member,” she thought as the two conversed. “But did he have to say it like that?!” Mayu looked down at her lap, barely listening to the current conversation. Jealously… Although, she felt it, she didn’t have a right to say anything. “I might as well get used to feeling this way.” She squeezed her eyes closed. “I deserve it.” Her knuckles shook. “Just how long can I endure this?”

“Mayu, Suigetsu…!” The sound of her teammate calling her name made the kunoichi start paying attention again. “I want you two to release the prisoners.” Karin did not sound as if she liked that idea.

“Ordering me around again, huh?” Suigetsu stood up.

“You can’t just do what you want!” Karin shouted. “Do you know how difficult it was to confine them?!”

“If the prisoners are gone, there is no use for a warden,” Sasuke stated. “I’ll tell you one more… Come with me, Karin. What will you do?”

The tense silence that followed almost made Mayu roll her eyes. “I’m going to get some air,” she grumbled, standing. Suigetsu picked up his sword and followed Mayu to the door, saying that he would release the prisoners. She heard Karin pretty much refusing Sasuke’s offer. However, she did not care. If the female didn’t want to come, then Sasuke would just have to find someone else. The shrieks of seagulls filled her ears and the salty air made her nose twitch. She sighed heavily, collapsing on a smooth boulder. “Why does she sound so familiar?” she thought. Mayu was sure she had heard about this girl prior to this meeting. No, it couldn’t be that chibi vampire. The name was heard here, in this world. Her eyebrows knitted together, trying to remember where and who she had heard it from. Frowning, the kunoichi huffed out. Okay, so maybe she hadn’t heard the name while here, but… something was telling her she should be wary of that name–or rather, person.

“I wonder how everyone else is… Sai-chan, Nakatsu-kun, Yasmine…” Mayu closed her eyes. By following Sasuke, she had left them behind. Her actions… would they forgive them. Would they understand? Hell, would the village understand? “Not likely… Tsunade-sama might, but everyone else…” In their eyes, it might seem that she joined Sasuke in becoming a missing-nin. That wouldn’t be good for anyone. “I hope this doesn’t take too much time.”

“Mayu, we’re leaving!”

Again, his voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She opened her eyes and looked down. Down below, Sasuke, Suigetsu, and Karin stared up at her. Mayu, narrowing her eyes, stood before jumping down toward them. The kunoichi eyed Karin, slightly bewildered. In the light of the day, her hair was red–so were her eyes. Her skin was fair–a strange beauty this girl was. “So you’ve decided to come along, huh?” Mayu asked. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

“I’m only going because I happen to be going in the same direction!”

“Yeah… right…”

One could actually see the sparks that were exchanged between the two females.


“Kyaa…!” Yasmine squealed in glee as she clasped her hands together. The occupants of the room stare at her in surprise. The foreigner had only been in the room for about five seconds prior to her scream. Her body trembled as if she was trying desperately to contain herself. Sakura flinched, recognizing the way the foreigner behaved. She did not know the girl personally, but Lee did tell her about his first encounter with her. Not only that but, Sakura, herself, embarrassing as it was, used to behave in a similar manner towards a certain Uchiha.

“A fangirl…?” Sakura’s green eyes scanned the room. The only men in the room were Naruto, Sai, Nakatsu and Jiraiya. Due to both of their teammates being missing, Sakura and Naruto had gotten to know Nakatsu and Sai because their teams temporarily combined. “Which one is it? It’s probably Nakatsu-san since he’s the most attractive…”

“Jiraiya-sama…!” Yasmine cried, rushing pass the teen ninja.

“No way…!” Sakura exclaimed, turning back around. Her teammates–Jiraiya and Tsunade–seemed shocked as well.

“I can’t believe it’s really you, Jiraiya-sama!” the foreigner continued, ignoring everyone else in the room.

“Ero-senin has female fans…?” Naruto muttered.

“I’m the luckiest person ever!” Yasmine exclaimed, stars in her eyes. “Can I have your autograph, Jiraiya-sama?!”

“Why of course! The great Jiraiya-sama always gives out his signature to beautiful women!” the old ninja answered, nodding his head. His nostrils flared in arrogance. However, he did he hear the angry shout from his ex-teammate over the girl’s squeals, so he quickly tried to quell the situation. “Perhaps later…” His voice turned serious, causing Yasmine to stop bouncing in place. “Right now, we have something to discuss.”

“Eh…?” Yasmine took this time to look at the other people in the room. All of them were ninja. Why was she, a mere citizen, here? She backed away from the toad Sanin, standing beside the younger ninja. “Something that I need to be here for?” she asked. “What is it?”

“Right…” the busty woman paused, stern look in place. “Information has been coming from other countries. That’s what I want to talk about with you–all of you since you’re involved in some way.”

“What is it?” Naruto asked.

“Orochimaru is dead–really dead this time,” Tsunade stated. Several pairs of eyes widen at the new information. “And it appears that Uchiha Sasuke was the one to do it.”

For a moment, no one spoke. “Really…?” Naruto’s voice was filled with hope. “Orochimaru is really dead?” Tsunade nodded her head, while Jiraiya said it was confirmed by his most valuable source. “Hahahaha! I knew he would. That guy shouldn’t have tried to kidnap Mayu!” The blond locked his hands behind his head and grinned. “So that means Sasuke and Mayu are on their way back to the village now, right?” He was met with silence. “… Right–they’re coming back, right?” He lost his grin. Again, the two Sanin did not answer Naruto. “What the hell?! Shouldn’t they come back now that Orochimaru’s dead?!”

“No, of course not,” Yasmine drew in everyone’s attention again. “This is the biggest opportunity to find and kill Uchiha Itachi. There’s no way he’s gonna pass this up.”

“Itachi again…?!” Naruto was not happy to hear the explanation.

“But it makes sense,” Sakura stated. “Sasuke-kun has always wanted to kill that man. Even so, just Mayu-san and Sasuke-kun are not enough. They need help.”

“I agree,” Sai said. “There’s still a mission to hunt down Akatsuki members, correct?” Tsunade nodded. “In order to help Sasuke, we need to find the Akatsuki member that he’s hunting.”

“Uchiha Itachi, huh…?” the Hokage murmured.

“If we can capture just one of the members, we can hand them over to Ibiki-san to extract information,” Sakura mentioned.

“I did order that any group who happens to run into Akatsuki make an effort to bring them in alive,” Tsunade said.

“Unfortunately, though,” a new voice caused heads to turn. It was Hatake Kakashi. He had just walked into the room, via door. “Getting information from them isn’t very likely. They’re not a very talkative group. And as we’ve learned from past encounters, capturing them was too dangerous or not an option.”

“Then what are we supposed to do?!” Naruto yelled.

“Isn’t it obvious…?” Yasmine’s question sounded innocent, but her expression was annoyed. “If you want to get to Sasuke and Mayu, you have to first locate Itachi-sama. Though, I highly doubt any of you will be able to detain Itachi-sama!”

“… Sama…?” Nakatsu frowned. Yasmine chuckled nervously.

“Force of habit... They made me address them in that manner,” she lied.

“Despite her doubt, we do need to capture Itachi,” Sakura stated. “And to do that, I’m thinking we’re going to need several platoons deployed at the same time.”

Yasmine sighed heavily, more annoyed than she was. Although, she was a Narutard, the talking did get a little irritating–especially since she couldn’t fast-forward like she did back home. “Since I’m no longer needed, can I go? I was just about to visit Ten-chan,” she muttered her last sentence.

“One would think Mayu’s best friend would be more willing to be involved!” Naruto shouted, pointing a finger. “What kinda best friend are you?!” The foreigner narrowed her eyes. She then smacked Naruto’s hand away.

“I’m the kind that knows when to not butt in,” she answered. The blond gritted his teeth. Brown eyes turned back to the Hokage. “So can I go or not?”

“Not yet,” Tsunade shook her head. “I want to know if you know something else about Sasuke’s plans.” Yasmine gave the blond woman a questioning look. “You’ve been right about their actions so far.”

“If it’s predicting actions you want, then… You better make your move or Sasuke and Mayu will reach Itachi first,” she answered. Yasmine smiled, but it was sarcastic. “Ja ne…!” She waved and exited the room.

“Cheeky little brat…!” Tsunade thought. The only reason the Sanin hadn’t throttled the girl for disrespect was because perhaps she still did not know the ways of this country. She was a foreigner after all. Kakashi cleared his throat, drawing attention.

“As I was saying… I’ve already handpicked the proper teams for this mission…”


“This stinks,” Mayu muttered for the hundredth time. She sighed heavily, feeling the sun bearing down on her back. The hot wind wasn’t helping with the heat either. The kunoichi glared wearily down at the ground. “Stay here, he says… It’ll just be a minute, he says… What a bunch of bullshit!” Her irritated shout echoed throughout the rocky area. Mayu had felt as if she was pacing for hours. Just how long did it take grab someone and go? She was slightly happy that Sasuke was worried about her wellbeing, but now it was just bothersome! “I want you to be safe, ass! I can take care of myself!” The kunoichi crossed her arms.

“I see someone got annoyed quickly,” a voice made Mayu jumped. She turned–uncrossing her arms–to see Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin, and an unknown person. He was pretty big–not in fat, but in muscle. His height was pretty impressive, too. He had orange, spiky hair with eyes to match.

“Even though his face is gentle, he’s got one heck of an intimidating presence,” Mayu thought. “It’s about time,” she directed her focus on Sasuke, who only smirked.

“It’s been ten minutes,” he told her as he stood by her side. The Uchiha turned and face the three members he had gathered up. “With this, all the members are here. Now… I will tell you my goal.” The three waited in silence. Mayu rolled her eyes. Like its not common knowledge already, she thought. “My goal is to kill Uchiha Itachi of Akatsuki. In order to achieve this goal, I want you to lend me your power. Of course, I won’t force you.” His dark eyes turned to Karin. “You said that you have other business to attend to, so what will you do now?”

Immediately, the red-haired kunoichi flushed and became flustered under Sasuke’s gaze. Mayu, not liking what she saw, narrowed her eyes in suspicion. That feeling she felt earlier about the girl’s name was creeping back up. “R-Right… Well, I’ve thought about it, and there’s no rush, so…” Karin trailed off, shifting her weight from leg to leg.

“When did you get so obedient, Karin?” Suigetsu asked with a grin. “All you really want to do is be close my Sasuke, right?” Mayu could not stop her finger from twitching. Quickly, Karin protested the white-haired male’s words. Suigetsu chuckled. “It was really only a lucky guess. Now I know why you’re so thick-tongued. I know the truth–I’ve known for a long time. You’re in l-” A harsh slap to the face, that literally deformed the teen, was delivered from Karin. She had done so before the rest of his sentence slipped from his tongue.

“Suigetsu, stop pissing Karin off,” Sasuke ordered. The sharp-tooth shinobi reformed his face. “I thought I told you to cooperate.”

“I got it,” he said, still grinning. “Not my fault she’s a bitch, though.”

“… It’s like… they’re another version of the way Sakura and Naruto used to act…” Mayu thought with a flat look. She listened to Suigetsu’s explanation as to why he would stay with Sasuke. Of course, it had to deal with Kisame, another sharp-tooth shinobi. The shark-dude had a sword that he wanted. That made sense, seeing as how that man was Itachi’s partner in crime. She also learned that Juugo’s reason for following Sasuke is because he thinks the Uchiha is as strong as Kimimaro. He believed that Sasuke could keep his monster at bay… Whatever the hell that meant.

“Then it’s settled,” Sasuke said. “We will travel as a group of four, and our team will go by ‘Hebi.’” He totally ignored the growl coming from his right. “Hebi has one goal… Uchiha Itachi.”

“Wait a minute, four?” Suigetsu pointed a finger at Mayu. “Then what’s she doing here again?” The kunoichi in question stepped forward. Suigetsu put his arm down. “Sasuke said you were an unexpected addition, and yet he’s not including you now… What gives?”

“Glad you asked,” Mayu remarked. She crossed her arms again. “Due to the circumstances of her meetings, I haven’t been properly introduced. I’ll do that now.” Sasuke turned his back, giving her complete voice. “I am Mayu of the Ishikari clan. I wouldn’t expect any of you to know this clan, but don’t bother asking questions–I won’t tell you.” This statement received two frowns. “I know your names–Suigetsu, Karin, and Juugo, so there’s no need to tell me. As Suigetsu pointed out, Sasuke did not include me in his… snake party.” She barely kept the hiss from her tone. “My goal is completely different from his, but in order to achieve my goals, I need to stick close to Sasuke.” The kunoichi smirked and placed one hand on her hip. “Don’t bother asking me what my goals are either. Not even Sasuke knows.”

“So basically only told us your name!” Karin angrily slid her glasses back into place. “Just what sorta relationship do you have with Sasuke?” Both ninja from Konoha flinched at that. Honestly, Suigetsu and Juugo wanted to know as well. The Uchiha was about to turn and explain, but Mayu’s answer completely threw him off.

“I am… I am Uchiha Sasuke’s woman!”

Not just Sasuke, but everyone present had shocked looks on their faces. “N-N-N-No w-wa-way!” Karin stammered, sweating. “Holy shit…! His woman–this girl is his woman?! No fucking way!” she thought, enraged. Suigetsu blurted out a hearty laugh. He–the ass–even pointed a finger at her. “Son of a bitch!” Karin was pissed because she knew that the bastard knew something about her feelings. She turned her eyes back to the kunoichi in front of her. She still couldn’t believe it. How could someone as cool as Sasuke choose this thing? She glanced in Sasuke’s direction. The Uchiha still had his back turn. She could not see his face. “Is that true… Sasuke?” she asked with a hopeful tone.

The Uchiha, however, was still in a state of shock. Over and over, Mayu’s words ran through his head. His woman… It had a nice ring to it. Not only that but… Mayu had said ‘His woman,’ not ‘He belongs to me!’ or ‘Sasuke is mine!’ In saying that, she had become the submissive one. She had given him control. The prideful Ishikari member had actually admitted her position in such a way that he never thought she would. She… was giving him herself, her body, her mind–all to him. Sasuke’s eyes widen, hearing someone calling his name. He didn’t care who. They had asked if what Mayu said was true. “Do I... Do I really need to confirm what my woman-” He seriously had to keep the glee from his tone. “-says in front of me? What she says is the true.”

“Ha…! Sucks to be you, eh, Karin?” Suigetsu asked, still chuckling.

“Shut up, you disgusting bastard!”

Ignoring her, Suigetsu went over to Sasuke and wrapped an arm around neck. He pulled him close and began whispering. “So Mayu’s your woman, ne?” Sasuke couldn’t hope to hide the slight pink that settled on his cheeks. “Sasuke’s actually cute…” he thought. “So… have you actually made her a woman yet?” The pink grew darker. Suigetsu grinned and laughed. “This is just too rich! You’re both virgins, aren’t you?” he hooted. Sasuke finally shoved him away. “I’ve found a game to play. This thing won’t be as boring as I thought.”

Mayu slightly turned her head, unaware that her cheeks had a red tint to them. She, as well as the other members of Hebi, missed the exchanged between Sasuke and Suigetsu on account that their backs were still facing them. Honestly, she had not expected him to agree. Did he just do it so she wouldn’t look like a fool? She had impulsively said something that hadn’t been true. She couldn’t help it, though. It just came out. Unconsciously, Mayu’s hand tightened into a fist. She would definitely make it true. “I will… I will become your woman!”

Isn’t it annoying how dense people can be?



“Please go away, let me sleep FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!” –Yasmine Dalton

Seriously, I say this every single morning.

Please review.