Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 37

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“I never meant to start a war… You know I never wanna hurt you! Don’t even know what we’re fighting for! Why does love always feel like a battlefield?” –Jordin Sparks (Battlefield)

“Then you are of no use to me,” Leader stated. He brought down his blade, intending to kill. Yasmine clenched her teeth, and then forced her legs up and over. Her feet knocked against Pain’s body, pushing him back, but only slightly. She still had to roll of the way of the deadly blade. Quickly, she moved to her feet and ran for her life. What the hell did she do in a past life to deserve this?! Why was the leader of Akatsuki chasing her, anyway? It didn’t make much sense. Yasmine had to skid to a halt upon realizing that he appeared in front of her path.

“Friggin ninja…” she muttered, frowning. A hand suddenly gripped her throat. She rasped out jumbled nonsense. As if her throat wasn’t already hurting. She felt herself being lifted off the ground, feet swaying back and forth. In a situation like this, it was best to play dead. Yasmine knew this, it being drilled into her head by Theresa. However, given the circumstances, her body refused to act limp. Even her mind was panicked at the thought of dying.

He watched, impassively, as her eyes rolled back in her head. The girl’s body finally stopped thrashing about. Pain blinked, and then left the foreigner’s body fall to the ground. She did not move. Slowly he turned away. Konan wouldn’t be too happen that she died, but… He had a bad feeling about the girl. Knocking away one of the summons with just her voice alone, paralyzing an opponent by merely touching them–she could have proven to be an unstoppable voice if she had been trained properly by ninja. Pain walked away, done with the foreign teen.


Yasmine rolled over. Coughing and sputtering, she felt as though a lung would come out if she continued. Once she stopped hacking, she gently placed a hand on her throat. Her windpipe had been crushed. The foreigner sat on her legs. “What a scary experience,” she thought. Well, that is what she believed. However, her voice echoed all around her. Her brown eyes darted all over, trying to figure out where she was. She then realized it was as if she was floating. She was still kneeling, though there was no floor. In addition to that, she was fully nude as well. She tilted her head to the side, recalling being here before. However, this time, the world around her was black. She only realized she was naked because her body seemed to give off a white glow.

“I never thought we would see each other face to face again,” a voice made her turn. An equally naked copy of her levitated over to her. It was Yasume, looking as confident as the last time she had seen her. “Stupid… You should have run when I told you to.” The copy furrowed her eyebrows and gave a sad smile. “It’s time…”

“Time…? Time for what?” Yasmine questioned.

“It is time for me to complete my job as your defense mechanism.”

Before Yasmine would inquire further, the glow around Yasume expanded and grew much brighter. She had to cover her eyes in order not to be blinded. Once the light faded, Yasmine dropped her arms. Her eyes widen at the sight in front of her. Instead of the black void, she now seemed to be in a room. The floor was wooden. Yasmine stood up and looked left and right. There were five doors in front of her. She narrowed her eyes at the door, clearly suspicious. She turned, only to see Yasume sitting in a leather armchair. There was an identical chair next to her. That is when she realized that both of them were fully clothed. “What’s going on?”

“Behind those five doors are memories that I’ve kept from you. Of course, it would have been six if you hadn’t found out about Neji,” Yasume stated, crossing one leg over the other. “They were in chronological order.” Yasmine briefly glanced back the five doors, and the focused on her other half.

“Yeah, but why are you telling me? Where are we?”

“… I’m going to open the first door now,” Yasume didn’t answer her question. “Please sit down.” Yasmine frowned, yet did as she was told. “Three of these memories are before you encountered Mayu and her grandmother. These will be the first you will see. Door one: open.”

The first door began to move on Yasume’s command. Yasmine’s shoulders tensed in anticipation. Out stepped a girl. She slowly moved with a blank expression. Yasmine swallowed nervously as the chibi-fied girl walked toward her. Her green eyes were blank as well. Her arms were outstretched as well. Her body seemed to be wet for some reason. Water dripped from her blond hair as she moved. Yasmine opened her mouth to ask who she was, but before she could, the girl had touched her face with her hands. Suddenly, the girl’s body began to transform into a mass of energy. Yasmine could only gap in stunned silence. The dark matter swirled around her head a few times before shooting in.

Instantly, her vision was blinded by visions of the girl. Victoria was her name, and she… was an orphan just like she was. They had become friends… Yasmine screamed out and fell out of the chair as another remembrance hit her mind. They had been separated. Victoria had been adopted. They had told each other they would always write. Yasmine shook her head, grabbing it. Something happen… Victoria had stopped communicating. She tried to tell someone, but they brushed her aside. Weeks had gone by and the police came. Yasmine screamed out again, tears streaming down her face. Victoria had died. Her guardian had raped and drowned her in the tub. She had only been seven. A horrified look crossed Yasmine’s face as she began to tremble on the floor. She squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering.

Yasume watched this all happen with a straight face. When Yasmine finally stopped convulsing, she spoke. “I made you forget because you would have been frightened and paranoid when the time came for your adoption… and you would lose yourself,” she explained. Her other self simply stared at the floor, looking dazed. Without a word, she stood, and then slowly sat back down on the chair. She kept her head bowed, causing Yasume to frown. She didn’t have much time. She could not wait for her to compose herself. “Door two: open!”

The next door creaked open, revealing a tall man. His hair was brown and his eyes were grey. He was lean with a slight muscular build. Glasses covered his eyes. In contrast to the last memory, he wore a smile on his face. He moved forward and slowly placed a hand on Yasmine’s head. He was the girl’s first adoptive parent. Yasume watched the man turned into dark energy before settling in Yasmine’s mind. As expected, the girl fidgeted and jumped as the memories hit her core. The man’s name was Brian Anderson. He and Yasmine had a close relationship. However… Yasmine screamed out again, causing Yasume to close her eyes. However, his private life forced them apart. The system did not feel it was right for Yasmine to be under the care of a homosexual. They had told her he was a bad man because of his personal preference.

“I made you forget him because of those people torn your mind and heart apart by their harsh words. You were torn between loving your father figure and going with what society wanted of you. In the end, they took you away from him. You could not handle that,” Yasume explained. She could practically hear Yasmine’s teeth chattering. Well, at least she wasn’t crying this time. “Door three: open!” An impassive, burly man stepped out from behind the door. He was bald and dressed in a black suit with matching sunglasses. Like the others, he walked over to Yasmine and touched her. His name was Vincent. He was Yasmine’s second adoptive parent–a bodyguard of all things. He had taken her under his wing and taught her everything he knew. He had turned her into his little soldier. The man thirty-five year old male transformed and inhabited Yasmine’s mind. Luckily, she didn’t convulse as much as she had with the others. “I made you forget about him because you were too young. As Mayu said, you are like a sponge. You have a knack for information, and Vincent knew that. Your personality warped, and you became a different person. I deleted him and what he taught you from your mind because you were not ready to be a fighter.”

“… Why… are you… showing me this… now?”

Yasume almost told her, but hesitated. “We’re not done. There are still two more doors. These are from after you met Mayu. After you turned fourteen, Vincent began to realize the same thing I did, so he let you go. He pulled a few strings and put you on Theresa’s doorstep,” the alternative ego sighed heavily before continuing. “Door four: open!” The fourth door swung ajar, and out stepped a smug looking teen. He had hazel colored eyes, tanned skin, and shoulder-length black hair. Yasmine almost scoffed. He believed it was a chick magnet to dye his hair like that. His name was Eric Barrett. He wrapped an arm around Yasmine before changing. Yasume closed her eyes. He had been Yasmine’s first love. After their relationship ended, Yasmine, herself, begged to forget. “I made you forget because it was something you wanted. But that is not the only reason I did it. If you have remembered Eric, then you wouldn’t have fallen in love again. I couldn’t let that bastard keep you from a real romance… I also made the mistake of falling for him. He is the reason that I trust no man–not even Neji. I knew you’d be the same, so I got rid of the memory for you.”

“I… I gave myself to him?”

“You really loved him, after all.” Yasmine shuddered violently for a moment. “Not even Mayu realized you weren’t a virgin anymore,” Yasume scoffed. “The last one isn’t really tragic… Mayu just thought it was best for you not to remember it.” Finally, Yasmine looked her way. She looked exhausted. “Last door: open!”

Yasmine blinked twice. She opened her mouth, yet no words escaped. The figured moved closer to her chair. The expression was cheerful. “Meow!” Yasmine’s hand sharply turned to her inner self, clearly irritated. Her eye twitched a bit. She pointed at the small creature, eyes still on Yasume.

“A cat–really?!” she exclaimed. “Here I was expected an assassin who tried and failed to kill me, but no! A hackin’ cat! This is a joke, right?!”

“For the record, it’s a kitten,” Yasume corrected. Yasmine nearly growled. “And this is not a joke. Theresa didn’t force you to try just that paralyzing thing, or the Lion’s Roar. She tried to get Mayu to learn this, too, but in the end, you were the only one able to. It is because you were still impressionable.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You don’t know this, but you have a phobia,” Yasume avoided answering. Not amused, Yasmine frowned at her other half. “A cat phobia–I forgot what the hell they called it, but you definitely have it.”

“Yeah right,” Yasmine scoffed. “I’m not afraid of cats!”

“I made you forget, idiot! Once that kitten touches you, you’ll remember everything,” Yasume replied. The black and white kitten mewed again before hopping on Yasmine’s lap. Seconds later, it, too, transformed. Within moments, Yasmine was staring off into space, wide-eyed and mouth open.

“That… That… That…” she couldn’t really get a sentence out. Yasume waited patiently. “That woman made me an ailurophobe! Why the heck would she–how the heck did she even get that many cats in one place?!”

“You lived in New York,” Yasume shrugged. “What do you expect?”

“The devil…” Yasmine rubbed her temples and breathed deeply. “She’s not Gai’s incarnation! She’s the devil!” Yasume chuckled a bit. “But anyway… Why are you showing me these things?” She turned her attention back. “What’s the point of unleashing these memories upon me?”

The frowned returned. “Because my job is done… I’m no longer needed,” Yasume answered. Yasmine opened her mouth, most likely to protest. “You’ve gotten so strong. You have friends. You have a lover. I was already beginning to fade because you don’t need me.” Yasmine shook her head.

“That’s not true! You’ve always been there for me! I don’t want you to leave!” she said. The world around then suddenly vanished. Once again, the two were nude and floating in a white void. Yasume floated around her other half with a wry grin. Yasmine watched her, growing increasingly anxious. “Yasume…?”

“It is true… and you know that,” she stated. Yasmine bowed her head. “I’m sacrificing myself for you, ya know. You could look a little bit happier!” Her other self lifted her head. Tears ran down her face. Yasume scoffed. “Don’t be like that. This day was going to come sooner or later. You have a knack for saying things that make people want to kill you. Without me, you and Mayu have a greater purpose.”

“I do not! That would make me sufficient to whatever plot Kishimoto-sama has in store, which in turns, makes me Mary-sue! I don’t wanna be her!” Yasmine cried out. Yasume only shook her head, holding back a chuckle.

A dark hole opened up in the sky. Well, at least she thought it was the sky. It could have been the ground for all she knew. “You have to leave here now… without me…” Yasume looked up at the hole. “When you were younger, you probably wouldn’t have made it. But now, I know you can leave on your own. You can find the light on your own” Her sharp brown eyes focused on Yasmine again. “It’s been fun, Yasmine. Bye-bye!” She waved, and before Yasmine could speak another word, she felt herself being sucked in. She cried out, yet no sound surfaced as she was pulled upward. Yasume was still waving to her with a big grin on her face. Yasmine could still the tears trying to squeeze their way out of her Yasume’s eyes. She extended a hand, but it was futile. The hole had swallowed her whole and closed up, enveloping her in darkness.


“Hinata!” Hyuga Neji knelt down near his gravely injured cousin. Tenten also dropped down next to her body. She narrowed her eyes, focusing on figuring out how many injuries the Hyuga heir. Sweat slide down Neji’s face. Just what had happened while his team was gone? Tenten finally gave a vague diagnosis. Hinata’s injuries weren’t fatal, yet they would be if nothing happened. Neji quickly stood and looked around, searching for a healer. Spotting Haruno Sakura, a kunoichi who had trained under the Fifth’s apprentice, Neji took off to bring her back. She was the closest one he could find.

“Neji…! You’re back!”

“No time to talk! Hinata needs you!” he quickly grabbed her, pulling her into a standing position. Ignoring her shouts of protests, Neji ran all the way back. He hadn’t meant to throw her on the ground next to Hinata’s body, but at the moment, his mind was panicked. Sakura gave him a withering glare before turning her attention to Hinata. She placed her hands over Hinata’s chest. Green chakra emitted from her palms. Slowly the worry and alarm began to fade. Mentally, he breathed a sigh of relief. “Why did she do it…?” he murmured out loud. Really, it was a rhetorical question. It was only meant to calm his nerves. He knew why his cousin would die for Uzumaki Naruto.


Hinata loved Naruto more than anyone and anything. Her devotion to the blond was extraordinary. She would risk it all for him. That was certain. According to Sakura, when it appeared as if Hinata had died in front of his eyes, Naruto unleashed the power of the Kyuubi. Knowing how dangerous using the Kyuubi’s power was, he still- Neji narrowed his eyes. He had become so angry for Hinata’s sake. He, too, would die for her. The Hyuga lowered his gaze to the ground. Hinata’s feelings for Naruto reminded him somewhat of Yasmine’s feelings for him. Perhaps he would have had a stalker as well. He had to chuckle at the thought.

Neji suddenly froze, his mind going blank. His eyes widen as an image of the foreigner appeared in his head. He stopped breathing for a moment. “Ya… Yasmine…” he thought. His mind had begun to function again. Without a word to his teammates, he quickly dashed away. As he ran, his hand reached up and grabbed the fabric covering his heart. Its pace was rapid. For some reason, his throat was constricting as well. “It’s fine,” he told himself. The entire village may have been destroyed, but the Fifth’s summoned creature was aiding the injured. He had only left his team and a recovering Hinata to make sure she was healing fine as well.

He swallowed hard, coming to a stop among a group of people. They were mostly ninja with only a few civilians. Yasmine was not here. “Tell me, where have the other civilians gone?” Neji commanded. Lee and Tenten stopped beside him as one of the ninja gave an answer. The hospital, of course… It may have been rude of him, but he took off again without showing his gratitude. His teammates called out to him, but he didn’t stop. His heart was racing. The only way he would calm down is if he saw her smiling face.

Within seconds, he had reached the hospital. However, most of the building was destroyed. Many of it’s inhabits lay out in the open. Copies of Katsuyu, the slug summon, covered their limbs. His eyes darted to and fro, yet no sign of Yasmine. Neji gritted his teeth and walked toward the closest injured person. He rested a hand on the slug. Its head tilted upward. “Neji-san…?” she spoke. “What is it?”

“I am looking for someone. Perhaps, you are healing her somewhere,” he said.

“Who is this person?” Katsuyu asked.

“She’s the foreigner of this village–darker skin,” he answered.

“Just one moment…” her head tilted down for a few moments. “I am sorry, but I am not attached to the foreigner. And I have not tried to heal her either. I have not seen her.” With each word the slug spoke, Neji’s hand clenched a bit tighter.

“Then where…?!” he stopped himself. She wouldn’t know. She hadn’t seen Yasmine. He would have to search the entire village himself. Neji stood, preparing to do so.

“Wait…!” the woman Katsuyu had been healing coughed out. “You’re looking for the foreigner, right? I’ve seen her…” She opened her eyes a bit. “When… When everyone was running away from the giant centipede like summon… she held her ground. She must have known we wouldn’t be able to get away. She… did something with her voice and blew it away before it could reach us.”

“Where is she? Where is she now?” Neji questioned hurriedly.

“She’s still there down the street from Ichiraku…” she continued. “She tried to run, but he still-”

Neji was off again before the woman finished. He mentally shook his head as he ran. He…? No, Yasmine was just fine. His teammates were now on either side of him, yet he kept his eyes forward. “Neji, you have to calm down!” Tenten shouted.

“I am calm,” he nearly growled. The kunoichi gave him a look that said she did not believe him. Well, it wasn’t true, so she was right. Neji slow his run until he was at a complete stop. He was losing control, and fast. The thought of something happening to Yasmine–it frightened him. He swallowed a lump in his throat. “Gomen…” he told his teammates. They had stopped as well. “It’s just… I said cruel things to her, lied to her… I don’t want that to be the last thing she hears from me.”

“Don’t worry, Neji. Those won’t be your last words to her!” Tenten gave a reassuring pat on the back. “You know how she is… She probably… ran away to safety.” His teammate was forcing a grin. He could tell right away her expression was quite false. Tenten might have been as worried as he was.

“Hey, I found something!” Lee’s voice caused the two to look over. He was crouched over something. The two quickly moved to his side. Lee stood up, holding a metal container. “It has strange writing on it. Perhaps, it belongs to Yasmine-san?” Neji stayed silent. He did not understand the characters either. However, any type of lead would help. “I will use this then.” The taijutsu specialist set the container down again. He turned, eyes focusing on the destroyed buildings. Taijutsu was not the only thing Lee was good at. He was quite the tracker as well. Lee turned his head the opposite way. “If this was indeed Yasmine-san, she carried this until this point.” He pointed to the container. “She dropped it and gained speed.” Lee moved, causing his teammates to follow. “She caught up with others, but then they stopped.” The green-clad ninja halted and looked around. His gaze settled on the ground again. “They ran, she didn’t.” He squatted down and moved debris out of the way. “Something erupted from her, causing her to slide back.” Lee narrowed his eyes, shifting them. “She fell on her back. Someone approached her…” He stood back up, and then took her running. “She ran, but she was followed!” Lee jumped up onto the wreckage and dashed away, forcing his teammates to give chase. “Neji, I the trail ends because of the damage. It must have happened afterwards. You will have to use your Byakugan!”

Neji nodded his head. He triggered his bloodline, having turned it off when Lee began. He focused on the ground. The Hyuga teen gasped out, startling Tenten and Lee. He suddenly stopped. “What?! Did you find something?” the panic was rising in the kunoichi’s voice. Neji did not want to answer until he was certain. He called for his strongest teammate. Lee nodded his head, and then jumped up. He landed, fist first, at the spot Neji had indicated. The remains were quickly reduced to nothing more than particles. The Hyuga swallowed hard again as he jumped into the hole that had been created. He turned to the ‘wall’ and bit the inside of his mouth. An arm… was sticking out. Above, he heard Tenten inhale harshly. “Pl-Please tell me that not…” she trailed off. She knew the answer as well as he did.

Hesitantly, he reached to push and pull the fragments of buildings away. After a few moments of this, the foreigner fell into his arms. Neji released a strained breath. She had been buried under destroyed homes for who knows how long… Her body wasn’t even warm anymore. He held her tightly as he turned. She was cold, yet her body had not yet begun to stiffen. Slowly, he placed her on solid ground. The sounds around him had become muffled. He could barely hear his teammates. Their approach caused Neji to snap his head up. They appeared to be startled. “Get away!” he shouted. Something dripped on his hand.

“Neji, she-”


He tilted his head again, squeezing his eyes shut. Wetness touched his hand again. Rain…? Neji opened his eyes, vision blurred. No–they were tears. And why wouldn’t they be? He had completely lost control by this point. The Hyuga teen embraced the dead girl, hugging her cold body firmly. She was dirty, covered in cuts and blood. Her esophagus had been crushed. Whoever he was–the man that followed her–had killed her without remorse. No one had come to save her. Why…? Why had he been so selfish the last time he saw her?

So this morning… it meant nothing to you?

Neji allowed his tears to flow and drip on Yasmine’s face. This was not how it was supposed to be. He had wanted to protect her. That had been his goal all along. Instead, here she was, dead. He had failed her. He had failed again. He had failed to keep the one he cared most for safe, just like all those years ago. “Gomenasai…” a shaking breath erupted from his lips. He squeezed her lifeless body again. “Gomenasai…! Yaya-chan…”

Why, Neji Meji, it’s a scientific fact! I’m surprise a genius of your caliber did not know that!

Aw, Neji Meji…! You want me to protect you?

I’ll get over this–I’m strong, right?

Maybe someday you’ll trust me enough to show me the mark your uncle left behind…

The anger, misery, and sadness burned inside his body. He was angry with himself mostly–not her killer, but himself. Neji felt his teammates pull him away from the dead body. He shouted in protest, but they continued to move him away. He was a wreck. Never had he felt this way. Losing someone important like this–it had caused him to lose control. He would never see her smiling face again. Her laughter would no longer bring comfort and joy. The Hyuga tried to break away from his teammates, yet they held a firm grip.

Lee was silent as they walked. Neji could hear Tenten sobbing over the lost of her good friend. Finally, the Hyuga stopped struggling. His behavior was pointless. Yasmine was no longer… Feeling his throat constrict again, Neji bit his lip. She was no longer living. She was gone. Gone, gone, gone… The Hyuga planted his feet, causing his teammates to look his way. “We… We have to, at least, keep her body safe until… the mass funeral,” he mumbled. Of course, she hadn’t been the only one to die. Hundreds of others had not survived whatever attack that had destroyed the entire village. Tenten and Lee slowly nodded before releasing him. Neji turned and walked back over to the pit. He was about to jump down to her, but he paused.

His jaw dropped.

Were his eyes playing tricks? Quickly, the Hyuga roughly wiped at his face and vision. Slowly, he removed his hand, blinking. No, the image was still there. Yasmine was sitting up, holding her stomach, and staring up at the sky. Her expression was solemn, yet a small smile was visible. Neji’s heartbeat quickened and his eyes expanded ever so slightly. His body reacted on its own. “It can’t be,” his mind told him. However, that did not stop his body from moving towards her. It was as if it had happened so slowly. He had run, calling out her name. She had turned her head, the same whimsical smile on her face. He dropped down to his knees beside her and embraced her yet again. This time, though, he could feel the warmth radiating from her. “You’re alive…!” Neji breathed.

“Mine-chan…?!” Tenten dropped down, but he paid no mind to his teammate. “How-” she choked out. “This shouldn’t be possible!”

“I found the light,” Yasmine whispered. Her words must have come as a shock to Tenten because she did not speak again. “Hey, you’re crying… Why?” Neji reared his head back. Her head was tilted to the side. The Hyuga chuckled once, and then sighed.

“You’re back… You came back. I don’t care how,” he said. “But you’re back…” Neji was suddenly pushed aside by his teammate.

“Mine-chan…!” she cried out, hugging the foreigner. “I was so scared! Thank goodness you’re alright!”

Yasmine rubbed the kunoichi’s back once, and then pushed her away. The foreigner stood up without a word. Her brown eyes stared up the sky in awe. It was as though she achieved some sort of enlightenment. Neji slowly stood as he watched Yasmine extend a hand to the sky. “Watch me, Yasume,” she said. The Hyuga prodigy blinked in wonder. Yasmine put her hand down and breathed deeply. She smiled at the ninja in front of her. “So we should probably go see Naruto and thank him.”

“For what…?” Tenten questioned. Yasmine answered as if it were the most obvious.

“For saving the village, what else? He’s the only one who possibly could!” she shrugged. “He is the main character, after all!”

For some reason, her statement pissed Neji off.


She was ignoring him. There was no doubt about it. Hm… Perhaps ignoring isn’t the right word to use. After all, she exchanged small pleasantries with him. However, that was it. Her actions… confused him. She regarded him as a friendly stranger. Well, at least, that is what he felt. Tenten was treated in the same way she had before, yet with him, it was as if she were on guard. That thought alone made him frown. Naruto, the hero, had somehow convinced Pain to return the lives that he had stolen. If it hadn’t been for him, she would still be gone. He shook his head and swallowed. “All that matters is that she is safe now, but…” his thoughts trailed off as he continued to watch her. She have just waved goodbye to her temporary co-workers. They were all helping to rebuild the village. However, the sun was beginning to set, calling for the end of work. “But I can’t go on feeling as though I am a stranger to you.” That would be worse than being hated.

Hyuga Neji was about to drop down–he could barely believe it; reduced to lurking in the shadows–but he stopped short. Before Yasmine could make it into her temporary residence, which was a tent, a figure ran up to her. She turned, greeting him with a smile–a genuine smile. Not the friendly ones that were directed at him, but a real smile. This slightly unnerved the stalking Hyuga. The male shared a similarity to a ninja he had worked with before. “Nakatsu-kun…! You’re back!” Yasmine exclaimed.

… -kun?

Just who was this man, and when did he become so familiar with the foreigner? Neji’s eyebrow twitched lightly. Nakatsu returned her smiled, but then frowned. “I just heard something bad about Mayu-chan and Sasuke.” The smile dropped from the foreigner’s face. “A new Hokage has been announced due to Tsunade-sama’s incapacitated state. The Sixth Hokage first implication was to label the two of them as missing-nin.”

“Nani…?! That doesn’t make any sense! Why would he do that?!” Yasmine questioned. Nakatsu closed his eyes, sighing before answering.

“Sasuke was spotted, wearing the uniform of Akatsuki. He, and whatever team he formed, attacked a ninja of Kumo. It didn’t help that ninja happened to be the brother of their Kage,” he explained. “Although, Mayu-chan was not there with him, Danzo made it clear that she was a missing-nin as well. He believes that they are working together since she hasn’t returned to the village.”

“Akatsuki…? What about Uchiha Itachi? Did he kill him?” Yasmine asked. She clicked her tongue, and then sighed. “He must have found out something major, which forced him to stay.”

“That’s what everyone else is thinking,” Nakatsu stated. “A group of us are planning to head out and search for the two of them and get some answer.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning,” he looked a bit uneasy as he answered. “It’s kinda supposed to be a secret…”

“Who would I tell?” Yasmine asked, grinning. Nakatsu smirked, and then leaned forward. His lips lightly touched the foreigner’s forehead. Neji unknowingly clenched his teeth and fists. “Aw, were you worried about me?”

“Of course I was. Although our relationship is like that, it’s a bit hard not to care for you,” Nakatsu stated. “You make people dislike you, but at the same time, they worry.”

“Was that a compliment…?” Yasmine muttered, narrowing her eyes.

“Like that…?” Neji repeated in his head. “Like what?”

“Anyway, don’t worry about Mayu-chan. We’ll bring her back. I’m sure my teammates had some sort of explanation as to why they joined Akatsuki,” the shinobi patted Yasmine’s head. “Ja ne.” He then leapt away, leaving the foreigner alone.

Yasmine sighed again, staring down at the ground. Slowly, her eyes moved towards where Nakatsu had disappeared. Neji shifted his foot a bit, wondering what her next move was going to be. “Even I don’t understand your intentions anymore,” Yasmine murmured. She then turned and entered her tent. For a moment, the Hyuga stayed in his position. He briefly wondered why he was watching her in the first place. Neji closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. Yasmine must be apprehensive now. Her best friend had not returned to the village by now even after the death of Uchiha Itachi. Perhaps Yasmine blamed herself for this.

Neji waited another moment before silently dropping down to the ground. Just as silent, he walked over to Yasmine’s tent. Inside, she had lit a candle, indicating that she would not be going to sleep soon. That was good. It came him ample time to speak with her. The Hyuga looked left to right. For some odd reason, no other tents were around hers. Well, she was the only person in the village to set up over here, near the trees. Neji narrowed his eyes, yet brushed the subject aside. At the moment, he was more concerned with Yasmine’s behavior toward him. Was it that she no longer trusted him? The Hyuga averted his gaze to the ground for a time. He had hoped not.

“Yaya-chan…?” he called out to her.

Shuffling could be heard. “Neji, so you’ve come to visit me?” Yasmine replied. “You can come in.” The Hyuga genius nodded, and entered the foreigner’s temporary home. “I was just setting up for bed.” She finished spreading a large cover over the grass. That was all anyone in the village had the moment. Everything was lost in the destruction. Candles and thin covers–close villages had generously given Konoha these simple necessities. “Is there something you wanted?” Yasmine asked, standing.

“Do you hate me now?” Neji asked. Yasmine blinked several times at his blunt question. Well, there was no point in beating around the bush. Before, the foreigner had decided not to give up just because of a rejection. A part of him believed that she would do the same thing again. However, not once since her revival had she approached him. It had always been him. This made him anxious… and a bit irrationally paranoid. Tenten had caught on to his agitation and used it for laughs. Randomly, she would call out her name and waved, causing him to involuntarily turn rigid. His teammates got a kick out of his reaction. He could no longer control his body when the foreigner entered his thoughts. He needed to know where they stood.

“Hate you?” Yasmine almost snorted. “Why would I ever hate you?”

“Then surely you’re angry with me?” Neji persisted. “I… betrayed you.” He had almost said lied instead of betrayed. “And it was right after-” Yasmine held up a hand, telling him that he needn’t go any further. She released a heavy breath. “I knew it, you are angry.”

“I’m not,” Yasmine said. “I’m not a little kid anymore. There are more important matters than how I felt about you.”

“Felt…?” Her words stung a bit. Neji took a step toward her, yet she only moved away, turning her back to him. “Yaya-chan,” he began. Honestly, what could he say? “You were hurt by me. If you’re angry, then show it! But I must ask you not to pretend with me.”

“That’s petty, Neji. It’s not like I’ve never been hurt before,” she said. The foreigner crossed her arms. “I did love before, and I was hurt before. I’m not going to hold it against you just because you can’t return the same feelings.”

“Demo… You showed me your scar! That moment must have meant everything to you, and yet I…” Neji stopped. Yasmine had turned sharply to face him, left eyebrow raised.

“You think you’re the first?” her voice came out in a hiss. Her arms fell to her sides. “Well, you’re not, Neji. That wasn’t the first time I’ve given myself completely to someone.” She released a small humorless chuckle. “I really should quit that with results like these. It happened once, I got over it. It happened a second time, and I. Got. Over. It.” Each word she spoke struck a chord in the Hyuga, rendering him speechless. “Like I said, there are much more important things than feelings.” This… This wasn’t like her at all. “Don’t give me that look. Death has the tendency to change a person’s perception of life. Before that, I had no idea how used I was… I’m glad I found out, so I won’t ever make those same mistakes again. I don’t want to give anymore. I don’t want to be the one who pleases everyone. Being completely selfless is stupid. I am so sick of being a thing, a little soldier, a sponge, a seductress… I’m tired of it all. So don’t come to me, thinking you have even a miniscule amount of influence on my feelings, Neji. You. Don’t. Matter. Anymore.” She turned her back to him again. “Now please leave. Do not show your face to me again until you have grasped this information and accepted it. Perhaps then, we may become friends again, but I assure you it will not be the same.”

Neji clenched his fists. His hands shook as her words sunk deep into his mind. Her words hurt more than they should have. She didn’t just hate him. She no longer cared for him. There was no place in her heart or her mind… for him. He had made a terrible mistake. It felt as if Yasmine was no longer herself. It was as though she and Yasume had fused together. The foreigner asked him to leave her tent again, yet Neji did not move. He only stood there, prompting Yasmine to turn again. “I… I can’t…” he answered.

“You can’t?” she stared pointedly. “Or you won’t?”

“Both,” Neji stated. Her eyelids lowered. She even frowned, showing her annoyance. “I can’t… and I won’t.”

“Why? Why won’t you leave?”

“Because I love you.”

Her eyes widen. Her eyebrows furrowed together as her lips parted. It appeared as though she could not breathe for a moment. Why had he told her that? He had said it before he could stop himself. He had said, no–blurted it out without his mind telling him to. Love…? Was that the reason he had lost control after holding her dead body? Had he been in love with the foreigner this whole time? Distant and recent memories of their times together flashed through his mind. Sweat trickled down his cheek. His fingers uncurled and relaxed. All this time of denying it… Everyone else could see it, but not him… Neji let out a small strained gasp. This seemed to snap Yasmine out of her trance. She blinked slowly, and the chuckled. Her chuckled turned into full blown out laughter. It was not gleeful laughter. She was laughing out of spite. Neji’s lip twitched. Yasmine must have noticed because she settled down. “I apologize, Neji. I’m just laughing at the irony of this situation,” she explained. “It would have been so convenient if you’d said that a long time ago.”


“Save it, Neji!” she interrupted. “I’m through with your games.”

“This isn’t a game!” he exclaimed, stepping forward. This time, however, Yasmine did not falter. She merely stared at him. The foreigner crossed her arms again, closing herself off. “I really… I really love you. Maybe these feelings range all the way back to when we were kids…” Yasmine scoffed lightly.

“Look–you don’t love me, you pity me even though I’m telling you there’s nothing between us anymore,” she said. “You feel guilty that you had hurt your so called best friend more than once, and now you want to make up for it. We don’t have to love each other. In the end, that relationship would only cause pain.” Neji sucked in a breath, and then narrowed his eyes. Tenten had said the same thing.

Your relationship with her would only cause her pain in the future…

The shinobi swallowed slowly. Yasmine was behaving in the same way she had after she had remembered the past. She had become cold with a sharp tongue. It was a bit surprising that he hadn’t been smacked yet. “I have no obligation to love you; it just happened… but not in the way that I thought your feelings had. They were dormant. It just took a bit longer to-”
“Get out!” Yasmine told him. Neji reared back a little, stunned by her bluntness. She turned her back on him again. “I’m exhausted, so leave me alone.”
Neji swiftly moved over to her, grabbing her shoulders. His fingers squeezed her flesh, yet she did not react. He bit his bottom lip, dipping his head. Yasmine had stated she was through with being the one to please others, so… with a direct approach, maybe he still had a chance to make her understand. He did care for her. He did love her. He would do anything to make her understand. Neji closed his eyes and left a trail of soft kisses down her neck. She gasped as he hands slid down to her hips. “Let me be the one,” he whispered. “Let me be the one to please you.” The shinobi unbuttoned her shorts, and then slowly unzipped them. It was then that Yasmine tensed at his touched. She grabbed his wrist and twisted, causing discomfort. He fell to the ground with a yelp. Her other arm pushed against his throat. She applied enough pressure to make him gag, but not enough that it was life threatening. The foreigner hovered over him with a very irritated expression. “Well… at least it wasn’t a slap,” Neji rationalized.
“You really think you can just do whatever you want to me?” Yasmine asked. “Play with me, lie to me, fuck me–you think you can get away with it?” Neji was sure it was still Yasmine speaking, but it seemed like Yasume was there for a brief moment. “Did you think I would accept it with open arms? How foolish of you.” With her being so close, it was clear. He could see it in her eyes. She was livid. And she would stay that way unless he could come up with something to calm her down.
“What can I do to make it up to you?” he asked. For a moment, the foreigner merely stared down at him. She then scoffed and stood up.
“How about you not waste my time, huh?”
Neji lifted his back off the ground, using his elbows to stay in position. He bowed his head slightly. “Please… You’re driving me crazy,” he exclaimed, lifting his gaze to her. Yasmine gave him a look of incredulity. “I’m willing to throw my pride away, and do whatever it is you desire of me. Anything–I will do anything you ask.” She opened her mouth. “Anything except leaving.” Yasmine frowned, and then a smirk made its way onto her face. She dropped down; her body hovering over his. She licked her lips as she moved closer. Neji mimicked her actions. However, she stopped only a centimeter away. Neji bit the inside of mouth, disappointed. “Yasmine-” His lips were sudden crushed under her fingertips.
“Undress,” she said. The Hyuga furrowed his eyebrows about to question her order, but she did not give him time. “Get undress.” She slowly backed away from him, and then sat with her legs and arms crossed. Yasmine raised a brow, waiting for him to do as told. Under her scrutinizing gaze, Neji hesitantly removed his clothing. After throwing it aside, he focused his stare back to the foreigner. Her eyes were narrowed in obvious displeasure. “I meant everything, Neji.” Everything…? But he was completely nude at the moment! His pale eyes widen, coming to a realization. His headband–she wanted it removed. “Well…? I thought you said you were willing to throw away your pride,” she smirked, knowing she had forced him into a corner. “If you can’t do it, then leave.”
Neji frowned lightly as he reached behind himself to untie his forehead protector. His headband slipped from his head and fell to the ground with a dull thud. The silence that followed sent shivers, coursing through his body. For some reason, he had felt completely exposed–more embarrassed than any other time before. His eyes broke contact with Yasmine, settling for the ground. He heard her chuckle and winced because of it. She was… making him feel the same way that she had–utterly vulnerable. Neji pursed his lips and turned his head slightly. “Doesn’t feel good, does it?” Yasmine asked. The Hyuga gulped. “The very thought of having a person see you, see through you, see everything about you is enough to make you cringe. You detest it just like I had.”
“You’re wrong…” Neji murmured. She narrowed her eyes again. “There is nothing wrong or detestable about showing yourself to the one you love. The feeling that comes with it is strange and unfamiliar, but it is not loathing.”
“Well, aren’t you just a know-it-all?”
He suddenly found himself on his back with Yasmine straddling his midsection. Neji parted his lips to speak, yet the foreigner gave him no time. Her lips pressed against his before any words could escape. His body quaked with anticipation from her touch. Fingers lightly traced his jaw as their tongues twirled. “Ah, Yasmine…” She pulled away, lightly brushing her lips against his throat. He moaned again, feeling her hands slide down his body. He couldn’t help it. His body ached for her touch, craved it–loved it. He couldn’t get enough. He wanted more… More… She had been right all along. With each encounter, he had enjoyed it more and more. She had become his drug, something he wanted and needed. His arms encircled her body, pushing her against his. She tensed and pulled away. Neji’s eyes widen, no longer feeling her warmth or lips against his skin. He sat up to see her glaring down at him. “Why-”
“Don’t touch me!” Yasmine hissed. “You can’t ever touch me again!”
“Yasmine… don’t say that,” Neji panted. “I need you. If I can’t touch you, then that would be torture.”
She placed a hand on her hip, while the other hand remained at her side, fingers curled tight. “I hate you,” Yasmine announced without remorse. Neji inhaled sharply. “Making you suffer would cause me joy.”
“You know that isn’t true,” he calmly replied. The foreigner turned her head, frowning. She did not speak another word. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Neji found himself smiling a bit. “Even if it is hate, I’m glad to know I am something to you again.” Yasmine scowled down at him.
“You’re terrible! Where do you come up with the nerve to-”
“I lied,” Neji stated. “I lied to you, and that caused you pain.” He bowed in a kneeling position. “Both times, I spoke lies to you. I regret those words, Yaya-chan.”
“Be quiet!” Yasmine shouted. The Hyuga lifted his head in surprise. She had lost her composure. He could actually see tears about to spill over. Was he getting through to her? “You’re a liar and I hate you! How could I ever trust anyone ever again after what you did to me–twice?! You’re heartless!” Even with the insult, her voice trembled. She sharply turned away from him, hugging herself for comfort. She was breaking. Not being able to put up the cold, impassive attitude for long, she crumbled. Her shoulders shook with quiet sobs. “I trusted you, and you let me down… again.” Neji grimaced, knowing she was right. He stood up and moved over to her. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her against him. “I said you can’t touch me…” Her tenacity was weakening. He soothingly rubbed her upper arms, trying to calm her.
“I know… I’m sorry,” Neji whispered.
Her eyes stung, so she squeezed them shut. However, it only caused tears to fall. Yasmine dipped her chin, feeling the shinobi squeeze her in a consoling manner. She didn’t want it to be this way. She had wanted him to hurt just as much as she did. But why… why was it so hard to despise him? He was similar to Eric, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to hate him. “I hate you so much right now,” Yasmine bit out. It was a lie, and Neji seemed to know that.
“I know,” he repeated. He turned her in his arms. Yasmine instinctively glanced up at his lavender eyes. “Forgive me.” Neji aimed for a kiss, but the foreigner turned her head, rejecting it. “Please…?” Yasmine gasped and shuddered, feeling his warm tongue glide against her ear. She nearly shrieked when his hands swiftly removed her shorts. What was going on? This isn’t how Neji usually was… He guided her onto the ground, never breaking eye contact. He smirked, and then pushed up her shirt, slipping his hands underneath. He gripped her breasts, stroking her tense nipples with his thumb. Yasmine bit her lip, keeping her moan contained. “Please, Yaya-chan…?” His voice was teasing. She only squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to answer. The shinobi pulled away for a moment to take her shirt off. He threw it on the other side of the tent before focusing on her again. His eyes became suddenly fierce as he stared down at her chest. Quickly, she covered the markings left behind by another, but it was too late. He had seen all of them. Neji reached up to caress Yasmine’s cheek. She flinched at his unexpected gentle touch. If it would have been the other way around, she would have surely punished him.
Before she realized it, his tongue was in her mouth, intertwining with hers. He pinched her nipple repeated, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. Ten seconds passed, and then twenty. Finally, she could no longer hold out. Yasmine pushed him away, panting heavily. “Wh... Why?” Neji stared down at her, halting his movements. He gave her a dark smile, causing brown eyes to expand in surprise. Her heart raced and she gulped nervously. She had never seen such a look cross the Hyuga’s face. His hand skimmed up her face and ran his fingers through her hair, entangling them. He yanked her head to the side. A gasp erupted from her lips before she could stop it. Neji lowered his lips to her ear.
“You’re not the only one capable of changing,” he told her. The shinobi slowly slid his tongue down her jaw line. Yasmine shuddered, breathing through her nose. His other hand left her breast and slowly moved down. The foreigner squeezed her eyes shut again as he slipped off her panties. Her hand found his, causing him to stop. “You’re still not going to forgive me?” he questioned. Yasmine quickly shook her head. Neji blushed red at her answer. “Then I have no choice but to make you.” Without warning, he entirely shoved into her. He grunted as he rocked back and forth.
Yasmine couldn’t help the moans of pure bliss that escape her mouth as Neji continuously plunged inside her. She missed it. She missed him. His muscles, his fragrance, his sweat–she had missed it all. No other man could compare to Hyuga Neji in her mind. Her legs and arms wrapped about his swaying body. Their sweat and breaths mingled together, as did they sensual noises. His teeth sank into neck, intending on leaving a passion mark behind. She had done the same thing to him numerous times. It meant one thing–possession. He pulled away, and then pressed his lips against hers. His tongue slithered its way in. Yasmine could instantly taste blood. He had bitten her so hard that she bled. She gripped his brown locks and pulled, forcing his lips away. The foreigner turned her head to the side, coughing out. Neji knocked her hand away, and then pinned both wrists above her head. Yasmine swallowed hard, looking up at him. “You’re mine,” Neji nearly growled. “Don’t let anyone else touch you.” With each word he spoke, he rammed harder and harder.
“Y-Yes,” she managed to get out. She could barely speak. Anything else she had to say only caught in her throat. A silent cry shook her body. She could hardly breathe. He roughly placed her palm against his chest. Yasmine’s eyes widen. “Neji’s… heart…” she thought, surprised by the ferocious pounding against her hand. His intense, passionate gaze caused numbness. She shivered lightly, feeling her eyes sting again. Her throat constricted on its own making it harder and harder to breathe. He truly–truly felt for her. His heart was the same as hers. He loved her, but then… why?
Neji slowed his pace until he came to a stop. He stared down at the foreigner underneath him. Her face was flushed and sweaty. Her hair had become a wild tangled mess. Her head was turned to the side, yet he could still his tears falling. The Hyuga bit his bottom lip. Had he been harsher than intended? He released her wrists, and then cupped her cheeks, turning her head to face him. Her eyes, however, remained averted. “Yasmine,” he said. Finally, her brown eyes turned to him. “I love you.” She sucked in a breath.
“Then tell me…” Yasmine shuddered. “Help me understand why you hurt me so bad? How could… you break my heart like that?” Neji sighed softly before pulling out of her, leaving the both of them unsatisfied. She twitched, and then rolled over, showing her back. The Hyuga bowed his head. “It was worse than anything I’ve ever felt before–even worse than with Eric.” She sat up, still not facing him.
His hands clenched at the name, but he lifted his head. “I had believed that… a relationship with me would only hurt you. I only wanted to protect you from that,” Neji answered. “But I only succeeded in hurting you more than I ever imagined.” This guilt caused him to lower his head again.
“… My mother,” Neji replied. He heard the foreigner shift, but he did not dare to look up. “My mother and father were very much in love. When he died, my mother fell into depression. I, myself, couldn’t go near her because I looked too much like my father. It only hurt her more, so I stayed away. Eventually, she allowed me close. She told me how much she loved me and how sorry she was for behaving in such a way.” He sighed heavily. “That is the last day she held me in her arms. I found out later that she had asked the Third Hokage for a mission. Everyone knew that she was still unstable, and yet she convinced them that she was fine. He gave her the mission, and that mission was successfully carried out… However, my mother did not return to the village. I had lost her… just like father.”
She moved again, but this time she was right in front of him. Neji slowly lifted his head to meet her gaze. Curious eyes looked back at him. “So you compared me to her–your mother?” Yasmine asked. The Hyuga nodded. “I see… You wanted to protect me from a future that may or may not exist. You were thinking that you did not want to see me in the same predicament or our child to experience the same thing you did.” Neji nodded again. “Neji, you-” She chuckled, causing a look of perplexity to cross the Hyuga’s face. Yasmine bit her lip to stifle her giggles. “I forgot that you’re the God of Fate.” Neji blushed and looked away. He had hoped she had forgotten about that. “You think of things that will come, so I should have realized it had something to do with your bizarre thought process.”
You’re one to talk,” Neji murmured.
Yasmine grabbed his chin, turning his head. She smiled lightly. Her lips lightly touched his, causing his eyes to expand. Her sudden change in demeanor shocked him a bit. “Even though we’re both teenagers, we think like older adults, but I guess it this world we’d have to be that way,” she chuckled again. “But seriously, I’m flattered that you saw me in your future, Neji, but it doesn’t have to end so tragically,” she said. “After all, I didn’t plan on having your kids, anyway.”
“What? Why?” his voice became a bit worried.
“You’re a member of the branch family.” The foreigner watched as the Hyuga nearly choked on nothing. He seemed to be at a loss for words. He was probably in total shock. “Before you even ask, I’m not insulting where you come from. I don’t think about things like inferiority or superiority. Things like that don’t cross my mind–you know that.” Neji nodded his head in agreement. “Because of your clan’s rules, I, myself, thought of a future. It’s silly, but somewhat true, so I decided not to have your children.”
“I don’t understand,” the shinobi admitted.
“I thought of a future where they branded our child with the curse seal, and I lashed out because in my mind, our child would live in a constant state of fear and resentment as you did. For doing that to my child, I killed them all–the whole clan, except for a select few,” Yasmine blushed in embarrassment. “I thought it would be in everyone’s best interest if I didn’t do that, so that’s why… Until the ridiculousness of the branch family becomes obsolete, I cannot have children.”
Neji could only stare at the foreigner, mouth agape. His entire body had grown tense as she explained to him. With her words, he came to realize that Yasmine not only saw him, but she also saw any descendants. Despite not caring for his family’s rules and regulations, she had still thought of the clan’s wellbeing–indirectly and involuntarily, but still… Yasmine truly cared for not just him, but for what he believed. Although, they had their differences, the similarities were still there. And it was because of those similarities that a connection was forged. A connection that had broken yet had reformed stronger than ever. “Yasmine,” Neji smiled. Her brown eyes slowly slid to meet his gaze. “I love you.” Her eyes softened and lowered. A pink blush stained her face.
Hearing those words this time was different. He did not say it to stun her. He did not say it to lay claim on her. This time, he had said it as if it were a scientific fact. Yasmine smile lightly. His words had comforted her and erased the doubts that plagued her mind. Neji was not like Eric in that sense. In their relationship, she had been the one to give and never receive. However, with Neji, he allowed her to give and take. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around her. Yasmine’s arms surrounded his neck, pulling him close. The Hyuga genius unhooked her bra and let it slip from her body. He rubbed her back reassuringly, tracing her ugly scar.
The foreigner kissed his seal. The curse mark that he had dreaded showing to anyone had been wholly accepted by her. She understood him through their shared marks. Yasmine pulled back a bit, only to kiss his lips instead. They sighed, noses sitting side by side. Bliss, pure unadulterated bliss was the feeling of rekindling their connection. Neji gripped her shoulders, raising her up only to lower her back down on his harden member. He bit his lip, grunting. He wanted this. He wanted her. And for the squeal she made, he could tell that Yasmine felt the same. Their pants and moans of desire filled his ears. Finally, they were on equal ground. “AhAh…! Neji, do-don’t stop!” she begged. The Hyuga smirked, pressing his lips to her collarbone. His pace had become much faster.
It wasn’t long before their hips and thighs became tired under the incessant hard tempo of movement between them. However, the drive didn’t decrease. The two didn’t want it to end. They wanted to forever be such a euphoric state. Both grimaced, feeling it coming, and coming fast. His thrusts became harder. Their yells and gasps for air escaped their lips. She sprung her head back and cried out his name, feeling herself explode. Right behind her, he shot himself deep inside her. They released fast, shuddering breaths, trying to come back down from their high. The two lovers fell on their sides, limbs still entangled. He pulled out of her, leaving behind a trail of stickiness. “Yasmine,” he whispered. He said this and nothing more. The two only stared into each other’s eyes. Brown reflected lavender and vice versa. She moved her head, pressing her ear against his chest. She closed her eyes, listening to his slowing heartbeat. Neji reached and covered their bodies with the extra thin sheet.
“… I love you, Neji,” Yasmine whispered. “Don’t… Please don’t ruin that again.”
“Never again,” Neji stated. The foreigner bit her lip, and then snuggled closer to his body. “I promise,” he vowed in thought.
Hyuga Neji opened his eyes slowly before sitting up. He no longer felt the warmth of another body beside him. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around. It was completely dark, and Yasmine was nowhere to be seen. He called out to her, but he received no response. Quickly, Neji removed the cover from his body. He found his clothing, and hurriedly put them on. He stepped out of the tent, shoving his foot into his sandal. Outside, he found the foreigner. It appeared as if she had just finished tying wrappings around her chest. She had substituted her bra for the bandages. Neji narrowed his eyes as she slipped on her shirt. “Neji,” she said, causing him to tense.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m leaving,” she answered.
“Leaving…?” Neji repeated.
“Yes,” Yasmine stood and faced the ninja. “I have to reach Mayu now. Our fates here are much greater than she imagined.” Neji raised an eyebrow.
“Are you saying that to convince me to let you go?” he asked. She grinned.
“Partially,” she said. Neji sighed as Yasmine reached down to grabbed an already packed bad. There would be no stopping her regardless. They both knew that. She had been determined to seek Mayu out from the beginning, hence why her tent was further away from anyone else’s. Yasmine bowed her head. “I know it’s dangerous, but this is something I have to do, Neji.”
“I’m coming with you,” he stated. Her head snapped back up. “Don’t look like that. You didn’t really think I was going to let you go alone, did you?”
“Well, the village-”
“-Will do just fine without me,” Neji interrupted. “Now, which way are we going?” Yasmine smirked, and then pointed west.
Yasmine rubbed the kunoichi’s back once, and then pushed her away. The foreigner stood up without a word. Her brown eyes stared up the sky in awe. It was as though she achieved some sort of enlightenment. Neji slowly stood as he watched Yasmine extend a hand to the sky. “Watch me, Yasume,” she said. “WATCH ME BECOME MARY-SUE BEFORE YOUR EYES! BUT IT WON’T LAST FOREVER! I REFUSE TO STAY THIS WAY! YA HERE ME! DAMN YOU AND MY ANGSTY MEMORIES!”
The ninja surrounding the girl could only look on with sweat drops.
I really can’t believe I finished this chapter with no problems. I must admit that this was my favorite one to right thus far. I’m very proud of it!
Thank you for reviewing, and I hope to continue to get good reviews in the future.
“It is time for me to complete my job as your defense mechanism.” –Yasume