Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Passion ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Gaara! Naruto! Are you two ready yet?!” Maya yelled up the steps at her two children.

“Yeah yeah, we're coming!” Naruto yelled, running down the steps. Gaara was behind him, both of them were decked out in there hottest punk clothes.

“Good, you both look great, now hurry into the car before we're late for the concert.” she said pushing them both out the door into there black and green flamed car.

“Hey mom, is Gaara singing tonight?” Naruto asked with a snicker at the death glare that was sent to him.

“Of course.” she replied in sing song.

“What?! You both had this planned didn't you?! I'm not getting on stage!” he yelled, smacking Naruto in the head.

“Ow.” the blounde whined.

“Stop hitting your brother, and get over it. You so are.”


“I can't do this. I haven't rehearsed or anything.” Gaara complained from behind stage.

“I know, isn't it great!” Naruto yelled excitedly getting a look that could kill, from his older sibling.

“Then why aren't you going out there?”

“Oh come on, you know I have no singing talent.”

“Now your lying, since we both got that talent from our mother.” Gaara snapped, snatching the ear piece microphone from the blounde's hands and placing it over his ear.

“Oh my god! Don't tell me your nervous! Mr. I-could-give-a-fuck-less-what-people-think-about-me. Is actually nervous about this!” Naruto laughed and cheered, jumping up and down.

“Shut up, I am not nervous.”

“Oh really then, what was all that I heard about rehearsing.” Naruto mocked sticking his hands on his hips.

“Fine! You know what, I will go out there and sing, and I will look damned good doing it!” the red growled, walking up to the back stage director and asking all he needed to know about what he would be singing. Nodding in reply to everything that was being said, the red head waited for the song going on now to finish. When it was done though, he walked up to the back up singer his mom liked to call “Dude” and handed him a paper.

After reaching center stage, which was currently completely dark the music began playing and the lights hit him. Moments later he began to sing...

(Gaara)I've tried, to hideBut I can't sleep at nightEverything I think aboutMakes me feel like a version of myselfThey tell, their liesAnd we all synchronizeLook to, the skyBecause it's almost over

(Dude)We want, the truthGive us the absoluteWe need, your helpCause we've got nothing

(Gaara & Band)We want the truthGive us the absoluteWe need, your helpCause we've got nothing left to loseI know, we've triedThis thing a million timesBut put me out(Alone)Cause I'm on fire

Don't talk, if youAre going to tell me the truthDon't tell me you knowYou've got everything under control

We can't have it allBut we can break the fallThis time I'm letting goCause I can't take it anymore

(Dude)We want the truthGive us the absoluteWe need, you helpCause we've got nothing

(Gaara & Band)We want, the truthGive us the absoluteWe need, your helpCause we've got nothing left to lose

I know, we've triedThis thing a million timesBut put me out(Alone)Cause I'm on fire

Just then the music dies down, and so does the lights, everyone was cheering loudly in the audience. Gaara slowly walks off the stage looking at the floor. He was greeted behind the stage by his mother and brother's smiling faces, and glomps. “You were absolutely fantastic little love. Here, they're cheering for you. Oh, I'm so proud!” At this moment, she began to ramble on, holding the red head in a death grip, vice like hug.

“Yeah thanks.” he mumbled in reply, suddenly he felt a bit dizzy for some unknown reason.

Sensing the wrongness floating around the moment, Maya placed both her hands on Gaara's face lifting it so she was looking into his teal colored eyes. She could see the light sheen of sweat covering his forehead usually cause from long time exposure to the spot lights. Only, he wasn't out on stage long enough to experience too much heat.

“Are you feeling alright?” she asked softly, getting a sluggish shake no of his head, his eyes were slightly clouded in a drowsy sorta way.

“Gaara you don't look too goo--” Naruto started before the little red head collapsed suddenly, barely being caught by Maya.

“Damn it! Call the hospital now Naruto!” Immediately the blounde flipped open the cell phone and dialed “911”.


Hours later, Maya and Naruto were both sitting in the hospital in quiet anticipation of hearing from a doctor, or nurse. Just anybody really, that would tell them that Gaara would be ok, and that everything was alright. Naruto was leaning on her shoulder, snoring softly as he slept.

Hiashi and Fugaku decided to take this moment to make their entrance into the hospital waiting room. “Maya, is everything alright?” Fugaku asked moving forward kneeling in front of her. Maya smiled weakly, looking at them both.

“I don't know, no one has come out yet. How did you both know I was here?” she asked, looking away from Fugaku and up at Hiashi.

“Well when you didn't meet us like planned, we decided to ask.” the raven haired man began in answer.

“More like Fugaku pulled out his famous arguing and outwitting skills, in the end one of the back stage managers told us.” Hiashi finished in explanation, looking over at the sleeping Naruto. “How about I take him home with me for the night so you can wait here. I will bring him back after school or send someone to pick him up.” the long haired man asked, getting a nod in reply.

“Yeah that would be nice.” she replied, “And Fugi-kun can stay and argue with one of the nurses.” Maya giggled, as if they were all three teenagers again, standing around ready to pull their next prank. As the weight of her son was lifted off of her, the red haired woman stood from her spot on the waiting room chairs and placed a light kiss on Hiashi's cheek.

“Thank you, Shi-kun.” she whispered before the long haired man turned to leave the room, smiling secretively. Since well, Hyuga's did not find such things cute. Or... nice. No, not at all.


I would like to start out by saying, I am so sorry to all those who read this and find that the writing is a little “scattered”. It's just how I think, in indescribable patterns. Hehe... also. Please don't be mean I think I did semi-good on this chapter... I think. I mean there were no pairings in this chapter but... yeah. Whatever.