Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Passion ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Gaara stared at the same white wall for what seemed like forever, his legs were pulled close to his chest, his chin resting on his knees. His room contained nothing in it except a mattress, and he was donned in simple blue cotton clothing. His mind was running circles, and all he could really think about was how much he wanted to write in his notebooks, and worried violet eyes staring over his almost lifeless form. As he was lain up in that comatose state, a knock on the door brought Gaara out of his musings as he had seen an orderly step into sight.

She gave him a shaky and unneeded smile as she entered the room, which meant she had just spent the last ten minutes outside of his door reading his personnel file. Gaara quickly turned his attention back to the blank wall in front of him. “U-uh, Mr. Uzumaki I was told to inform you that it was time for you to come join the others in eating their dinner.

“No.” Gaara said simply, before the woman quickly apologized; again for no reason; and then left the room.


Neji was hasty in his decent into the Konoha Insane Asylum, but once inside he was quickly and efficiently rejected his visitation to Gaara’s room. Luckily enough for him as he had turned to leave the hospital, he saw Maya standing at the front desk arguing with the nurse standing behind it; who currently looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown. Walking over to her, he placed a hand gently on Maya’s shoulder.

“Neji! What are you doing here?” She asked smiling for a moment, stress leaving her momentarily.

“Well I was going to visit Gaara but I was informed that only immediate family could.” Neji explained seeing the woman behind the desk pale considerably at his words.

“I see, well this place is no good all the way around then huh? First, no one in this hospital can tell me why my son isn’t, and won’t eat! Then you inform me that my sons boyfriend can’t enter, when he could be the one who makes him happy enough to eat!” she began yelling at this point as the woman behind the desk began slowly sinking in her seat. Neji felt bad for her, while at the same time couldn’t help the blush that rose to the surface at Maya’s words.

“Um, Ms. Uzumaki please calm down, we will take you to see your son right now. His friend can come too of course.” The nurse said meekly before rushing off into the direction of Gaara’s room, Neji and Maya followed quickly behind.. Slowly she opened the door before ducking out of the way. Immediately Neji caught sight of his red haired angel and his heart, the boy’s eyes were dull as he stared blankly at the wall. Absolutely nothing was allowed in the boy’s room which slightly distressed Neji on how severe Gaara’s condition could be.

Without thinking the long haired boy whispered the others name out loud, immediately grabbing his attention. For a moment he looked a little happier, but as quick as the emotion came it was replaced by a look of anger. “What is he doing here?!” he hissed, glaring at his mother; who seemed unaffected by the look.

“Well he was the one who found you after your little ‘mental meltdown’ I figured he had a right to know what was wrong with you. He is your friend after all!” Maya argued as she continued to stand her ground.

“No! No one was supposed to know, no one at all! And he is not my friend!” Gaara yelled standing quickly from his bed, not noticing the upset look that crossed his face. Maya growled and threw his hands up in the air.

“You are impossible, why am I even arguing with you?” Maya yelled before leaving the room.

Neji stood there for a long while, in complete silence, his head was bowed as he watched Gaara sit back on his bed. “I think I should leave.” The long haired boy said after almost a lifetime.

“No, please don’t.” the red head replied sadly, looking over at the other boy. Feeling a sudden wave of hope Neji smiled as he sat next to the smaller boy on his bed. Without anymore words, Gaara fell back on the bed and rolled onto his side with a rejected sigh. “I don’t want to be here anymore.”

“Then you have to start eating first of all before they think your anorexic too and send you to a completely different clinic.” The long haired boy replied smiling softly. “And do what the doctors tell you, even if you don’t like it.” Neji continued, laying down next to the red head and wrapping his arms around him tensely. He was surprised though when he got no objection from the other boy, and finally he decided to relax.


Three Hours Later

“Ms. Uzumaki, I don’t know what I should do in this situation, but it seems that your son has fallen asleep with that boy in his room.”

Maya looked up slowly from her cell phone, “Leave them alone, this will probably be the only sleep he gets for the next few weeks.” The nurse looked at her oddly at her words, before Maya stood and entered Gaara room, seeing that he was smiling ever so slightly in Neji’s arms.



Ok people another chapter for you to be mad at my cliffees. Make sure you review for me please. I mean it does fuel my madness after all! Well ciao!