Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect ❯ An Unexpected Battle ( Chapter 4 )
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I'm not really good on writing about battles, but I hope you enjoy this.
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“What's taking that old hag so long? She asked us to be here 30 minutes ago, but she's not here yet.” Naruto said to himself. The six of them, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Aki, Yuki and Takeshi, were waiting for Tsunade to arrive. None of them knows why she called them, but she said that it was urgent. “I don't get it, I thought this was supposed to be really important.” Sakura mumbled.
“Sorry to keep you waiting!” a voice said from behind them. “Old hag! You're finally here!” Tsunade glared at Naruto. “I am NOT an old hag.” She said. “Hokage-sama, why did you ask us to come here today?” Takeshi asked. “Well, that's because I want to measure your abilities.” Tsunade replied.
“Measure our abilities? What do you mean?” Sakura asked. “You guys are going to fight against each other. This is the best way to measure the visitors' abilities, and to see how much Kakashi's team has improved.” The blonde-haired woman explained. “So… how do we fight? As a group or what?” Naruto asked, looking at the three people standing beside him.
“I wanted you to fight as one on one, but I don't have much time. You're going to fight as a team. The team who can knock out the other team wins.” Tsunade said. This is going to be interesting. Sasuke thought. “I hope I don't mess up.” Yuki said to her teammates. “Hey, don't worry. We'll hold them off while you use your speed to knock them out, okay?” Aki said to her. Yuki nodded. “Alright, start now!”
As soon as Tsunade said that, Sasuke activated his Sharingan. “Kage bunshin no jutsu!” they heard Naruto say. Six replications of Naruto appeared. Aki smirked. “You think that'll work?” He took out a dagger and attacked all of them one by one until they all disappeared. “I can't believe he did that!” Naruto cried out. “Naruto, don't act recklessly.” Sasuke warned him. “I know that without you telling me!”
“But… he's really good with his dagger, don't you think? I mean, he looks like he's been practicing all his life, the way he attacked your replications.” Sakura told Naruto. She heard a quiet `hmph' in return. Sasuke did a couple of handseals and fired fireballs at Aki. Realizing this, Aki said something to Takeshi and he countered that with a water jutsu.
“Did anyone see the girl who was with them?” Sasuke asked the other two, looking around him. “What? She's gone?” Naruto asked cluelessly. “But she was just here a few minutes ago… ARGHH!!!” The two boys turned to look at Sakura. They saw Yuki standing beside her, holding a kunai in her hands. It didn't seem like she attacked Sakura though, so Sakura's scream must've been because she was surprised.
“When did you get here?! That was really fast!!!” Sakura said, a bit shocked. Naruto grabbed a shuriken from his bag and threw it at Yuki. Instead of avoiding it, Yuki caught the shuriken as if that was hers all along and threw it back at Naruto. “Whoa!” a surprised Naruto quickly jumped to the left to avoid the shuriken, falling on Sasuke in the process.
“Naruto, you idiot! Get off me!” Sasuke said. “I know, I know!” Naruto said as he tried to stand up. Sakura helped him regain his balance. “Thanks.” Naruto said, looking around him. Yuki was out of sight again, and Aki was heading towards them. Just as Aki was going to attack Naruto, Sakura pushed him out of harm's way while Sasuke tried to counter Aki's attack. It worked, so Aki was forced to retreat.
“Hey, Takeshi. Have you seen Yuki?” Aki asked when he went back. “No.” Takeshi replied. “What?” Yuki, who had just appeared, asked. “Stop surprising me like that! Anyway, I have a plan.” Aki explained. “What?” Yuki repeated her question. “Well, I just thought of it seconds ago, so I don't know if it'll work…” “WHAT?” Yuki asked again, getting annoyed.
“Well, you know that blonde-haired kid?” Aki asked. “Yeah. He's Naruto. What about him?” Yuki asked, looking at Naruto. “He's easy to wipe out, if we work together. I'll charge at him, and while he's evading, you hit him on his head.” Aki explained. Takeshi and Yuki looked at each other. “I'm not so sure about that.” Takeshi said. “Why not? You might as well give it a try.” Yuki hesitated. “Alright, I guess.”
They quickly went to work. Aki charged at Naruto and this time, Sasuke's attempts to stop him were in vain. He took out his dagger and attacked Naruto. Naruto evaded and jumped to the left. “Ouch!” he felt a sharp pain coming from his head and fell unconscious.