Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect ❯ Love Rival!? ( Chapter 6 )
[ A - All Readers ]
That morning, Ino entered the flower shop and saw Sakura handing a woman a bouquet of flowers. “Thank you, Mrs. Ayi!” she said as the woman went out of the store. Sakura saw Ino at the door and frowned. “What do you want?” she asked, quite coldly. “Sakura! Is that how you treat your customer?” Ino asked, pretending to look horrified.
“Ino! Just grab some flowers, pay me and go! I'm not in the mood for your sarcasm.” Sakura said wearily. Ino shook her head. “I'm not here to buy some flowers, stupid. I just want to ask you, are you in charge of any team from other villages?” Ino asked. “Yeah, a team from Sand Village.”
Ino sighed loudly. “You're so lucky. My team isn't in charge of any teams. Anybody hot in that group?” Ino asked curiously. Sakura smiled a bit. “A boy named Satou Aki's quite cute, but…” Sakura added before Ino had a chance to say anything, “…not as cute as Sasuke-kun, of course.”
“Speaking of him… I heard some rumors that there's a new girl who's always hangs out with Sasuke-kun. Do you know who that is?” Sakura looked at her friend's light blue eyes. “You mean Yuki? She's from Sand Village.” Sakura explained. “You mean, we have a new love rival? This sucks!” Ino said.
“Well, I woudn't say that she's really interested in Sasuke. I mean, she hangs out with Naruto too.” Sakura told her. “That's even worst. She's dating two people.” Ino said sarcastically. I told you I'm not in the mood for your sarcasm. And Yuki's not like you, she wouldn't date two people, would she? Inner-Sakura asked herself.
While they were saying all this, Hinata was picking flowers that she wants to buy. She remained unnoticed, as usual, but she heard what Sakura and Ino were talking about. Naruto-kun's going out with another girl? She thought. She took the flowers that she was holding to Sakura.
“Hinata? I didn't see you!” Sakura exclaimed, a bit worried that Hinata might think that she was ignoring her. “I…I don't mind… um… about the thing you were talking about… Is…Is it true?” Hinata asked shyly. “What? You mean about that girl Yuki. Yeah, of course.” Ino replied. “No, it's not!” Sakura assured Hinata, glaring at Ino.
“I…I see.” Hinata said, a bit relieved. She paid for the flowers and went out of the shop. “Why did you say that?” Sakura asked Ino angrily. “What? It's true, isn't it?” Ino asked. “Ino!!! Those are just rumors. And if it's true…” Sakura stopped. Ino looked at her friend curiously. “If it's true?”
“Yuki's nice and pretty, so…” Ino shook her head. Sakura always had low self-confidence. “She doesn't have long hair, does she?” Sakura shook her head. “No, but it's not that short either.” Sakura said. “Well, we're safe then. Sasuke-kun likes girls with long hair, remember?”
Sakura sighed. “That's just a rumor that we heard when we were young. We don't know if it's true. And we don't have long hair either, Ino.” Sakura pointed out in a mocking tone. A loud crash from outside surprised them. They dashed outside to find out what happened.
“Naruto! What're you doing here? And what did you do to that vase!?” Sakura asked a boy looking at her apologetically. She looked at the vase which was broken. It must have fell after Naruto accidentally knocked it. This has happened many times before, so Sakura didn't mind much.
“Sorry, do I have to pay for that?” Naruto asked urgently. Sakura shook her head. “It's fine, Naruto. What do you want?” she asked, picking up pieces of the broken vase. “Kakashi-sensei wants to see us now. He asked me to call you.” Naruto explained. “Well, okay, I'll tell my mom first.” Sakura said. She went upstairs.
“Naruto… Is it true that you're dating Yuki?” Ino asked when Sakura was upstairs. “DATING her!? What do you mean dating her? We're just friends, that's all.” Naruto said. “Well, then, Sasuke-kun too?” Ino asked. Naruto understood what this was all about. “He's friends with her too.”
“What? Not fair! How come he never want to be friends with me?” Ino asked. Naruto shrugged. Probably because she's not crazy over that stupid Sasuke. He thought. “Okay, I'm done. Let's go, Naruto.” Sakura said when she went downstairs. Naruto nodded and went.