Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Raccoon Love ❯ Welcome to The Closet ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sea-foam Lover.

A/N: My Sasuke/Gaara fic. I decided to write this because 1)I’ve been spending to much time on ‘Red Eyes’(Which is updated... in case you might care) so I need a break and I’ve been itching to write this anyway and , 2) because I like the pairing and don’t think there are enough fics of it.
Anyway, this is my first ever shonen ai.... so I want criticism. Not flamers. Critics. Thank you! And enjoy the... er....fiction!

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don’t own Gaara. * hears boos in background* And Sasuke. Sadly. Or any of the Naruto cast. Although if I did I doubt I would be wasting my time writing such things as this.

Gaara of the sand hummed quietly, making his was up a crowded street, aware that he was being unusually cheerful. In fact, the site of the most murderous of the sand siblings making his way up the road, arms swinging widely, an idiotic smile plastered on his normally cold face, had already attracted several puzzled stares. Stares which, had Gaara been in his usual state of mind, would have earned their owners various sharp objects hurtled their way.
He found that today however, he felt no need to slaughter the first thing in sight. What an odd feeling, he mused, stopping in front of a sickeningly romantic store to gaze at a window display of bright pink hearts, bears and signs with ‘Love’ written all over them. Indeed, even the more sensitive of the woman hurried past this store as though it would jump out and smother them with it’s sweetness. A few looked over there shoulders to goggle at the effect the red-haired shinobi was causing just by standing in front, his hair clashing horribly with the violently pink window dressings.
Again, however, he found it was easy to ignore these looks.
His startling green eyes reflected in the window, Gaara found himself contemplating whether he would appreciate the large bouquet of roses or the pop-up, heart-shaped card with poetic verses on the cover.
He then found himself scrambling as far from the store as he could, a look of sheer terror plastered on his face at the thought of what he had nearly done.
Gaara turned into an alley and leaned against the wall, thinking. He could do this. Gaara steadied himself preparing to leave before his nerves faltered any further. And besides, Gaara reasoned with a snicker, there was no guarantee he would want a teddy bear, or any sort of present from him this early. His heart dropped through his feet at the thought, and he sank against the wall. There was no guarantee that Sasuke would want anything from him, after-all.
It wasn’t that Sasuke wasn’t gay, no, that all of Konoha knew (much to a large amount of the teenage and elderly lady populations disappointment). It was obvious Sasuke was the Gay Uchiha as some of the more close-minded had dubbed him behind his back. It had always been obvious, from the mascara he wore, to the way his clothes were always impeccably clean. Still, he had never come forward until him and the Uzumaki kid started dating. Something had possessed Sasuke into believing his relationship with the Kyuubi would last forever, and he saw no reason not to declare his love openly and passionately for the rest of the Hidden Leaf, believing love was love and that it shouldn’t matter if he was getting it on with a guy.
Of course, Naruto had lost interest in him less then a week after and moved on to something more interesting. Soon after, he had gone traipsing off to ‘train’ with Jiraiya, which had raised cause for several disturbing speculations to arise.
So, reasoned Gaara, if he was turned down, it wasn’t because he was a boy. It was because Sasuke just didn’t like him. How reassuring, he thought dully.
You’re scared of coming out, aren’t you? Afraid of going from Gaara of the Sand to ‘Gaara of the Stick’, aren’t you? The annoying voice in the back of his head, the one that usually urged him to kill, was mocking him. No one had ever really mocked Gaara to his face. Especially not himself. Or, rather, his other half. How weird was that?
Okay, he straightened up, prepared to show the voice in his head that no one insulted him without being proved wrong or killed. Whichever came first.
Still worked up about being mocking by his other half, Gaara stalked boldly up the front walk of Sasuke’s apartment and knocked smartly on the door, vaguely wondering why he had opted for an apartment instead of staying in the Uchiha Manor. The notion that all the blood and death might have disturbed his crush didn’t cross his mind, and he was still absorbed in this concept when Sasuke answered that door, wearing nothing but a pair of white boxer printed with little hideously pink butterflies. Both ugly and out of character. Even for Sasuke, who, rumor had it, enjoyed cross-dressing on the odd occasion.
Startled out of his thoughts by the sight, Gaara looked Sasuke up and down thoroughly, before muttering “Nice boxers.”
Sasuke blushed openly, obviously having forgotten he was nearly naked. Hastily, he pulled a hair-roller out of his hair and threw it out of sight, acting like nothing had happened.
“Uh.....Wanna come in or something?” He said, his face contorted as though he was suppressing either a laugh, a smile, or both.
Reality hit Gaara as though he had been tied to a tetherball rope by his nuts and swung around repeatedly by some sadistic little kid. Whatever that had to do with anything. Now he had to do it. Unless he wanted to drop some really bad excuse and scramble out without saying much of anything again. Uh... my dog ate it. Honestly. That had nothing to do with anything, and it had no doubt left Sasuke wondering whether one of them was smoking something.
Wishing he had picked up something for Sasuke, Gaara nodded, trying to invent some way of getting his point across.
Sasuke walked into his living room, Gaara following a few steps behind, his hands sweating profusely.
At least you don’t have to hold his hand, you queer, the voice in his head snickered. I mean, how romantic could that be?
“Oh, shut up!” He threatened.
Sasuke turned around, on hand on the door frame and looked back at his guest, bewildered. “I didn’t say anything.” He said silkily, then looked down at his bare legs. “Uh.... but maybe you should wait here for a sec. You know. Clothing.” He muttered, blushing again.
“That’s okay. I don’t mind.” Dumb, dumb, dumb! Gaara thought. How come, he thought angrily, every time I open my mouth, I end up saying something about his boxers? If he wasn’t careful, he would end up giving Sasuke the impression that he enjoyed the view. Which he did. That just wasn’t the point he wanted to get across at the moment. Maybe later.
Sasuke stared, clearly trying to decipher why this particular Sand sibling always came to visit him when he was high.
Shrugging, he flung himself onto the soft looking couch, pointedly gesturing to Gaara to do the same.
Gaara however had stopped the second he entered the living room, having never been there before. He looked around, his eyes narrowing at the large drawing of what looked suspiciously like a short blonde kid that covered the far wall.
“What. The. Hell. Is that?” Gaara pointed, shaking slightly.
Sasuke flushed for the third time in five minutes. “It’ Naruto gave it to me. I.....thought it looked ho- I mean, nice in this room, and you know, it took me so long to draw that I thought it was a waste of look- I mean, talent, to take it down. You know. Since it took so long-”
“Right.” Gaara cut him off, hating the picture as much as the voice in his head that was now cackling evilly at his misfortune. No need to mention it was creepy that he had a half-naked drawing of his ex boyfriend covering one wall of the most public room in his apartment.
Just do it you sissy! Or maybe you can't because you're so sissy! Is that it? The voice taunted.
His anger shot up and he walked boldly over to Sasuke in three long strides, sat down on his lap and kissed him, silently thanking the voice in his head and swearing to get back at it soon.

Was that good? I'm obsessed with this story so I'll finish it REALLY soon. Like, as in, in three days. I promise!