Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Rage and Love ❯ Enter: Naruto Uzumaki! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto or any of his happy little ninja friends, any song by Green Day, or the state of California… but soon I may own a little slice of China if I play my cards right…
A boy of about seventeen, wearing an old orange sweatshirt, hung upside down from a fire escape. “Hey, Shikamaru,” He called, startling the inhabitants of the alleyway.
“And just who're you, kid?” Asked one of them. He had extremely spiky light brown hair.
Kid? I'm the same age as you, fatass!”
Shikamaru groaned. “Now you've done it-” He was interrupted by the bellows of his best friend, Chouji, whom he was lying next to.
“I'm not fat! I'm just chubby-”
“I was enjoying a great nap-“
“And big-boned-“
“Well, okay, it was more of a Ritalin-induced stupor, but-”
“Shut up, all of you… I'm trying to smoke here…” Said a red-haired boy with the kanji for `love' tattooed on his forehead. “What's your name and business with us?”
“Naruto Uzumaki, dattebayo. You guys are… The Saints, right?”
“Two of `em,” Shikamaru replied lazily. “We're, ah, in the market for a third member currently…” He yawned and stretched.
“Cool, dattebayo. So, uh… Mind if I hang out?”
“Sure, I don't care.”
Chouji took out a bag of chips and began eating them noisily.
“Eeew, Ino, look at all that garbage someone just left in that alleyway! Someone should take it to the city dump where it belongs,” said a girl with short pink hair pretentiously. Groans erupted from the alleyway.
“Not them again… How troublesome…” Shikamaru glared at the two girls at the other end of the alley.
“Hey,” Chouji said menacingly, “You guys ain't wanted here. Especially you.” He spat, directing the last comment at Ino. They didn't budge. Sakura whispered something into Ino's ear and laughed. “That's it! St. Jimmy's comin' down across the alleyway!” He ran at them insanely, pulling out a switchblade. “Ahhhhhh!” He screamed.
“Uhh… That normal, datte bayo?” Naruto asked, sitting down next to Gaara, who nodded. “Okay, whatever.” He said, shrugging.
“Hrm… I think I know you…” Shikamaru looked Naruto up and down. “Did you used to go to school around here a few years ago?”
“Yeah, but I dropped out in freshman year… Hey… Why aren't you guys at school?” Naruto replied.
“You kidding?” Shikamaru said, laughing. “None of us've been in school for months.” He laughed some more as Chouji came back, putting away his switch.
“Heh heh… I love scaring those freaks.” He took out a package of dry ramen, crushed it, then ripped open the sodium packet and poured it in.
“Can I have some?” Naruto asked, making a grab for it. He missed as Chouji swiped it away.
“Hell no, kid. Get your own.” He started shoveling it into his mouth.
“I keep telling you, I'm your age!” Naruto tried to jump for the package, but failed miserably.
“Hello, boys!” Came a voice from behind them. Naruto swung around, ready for a fight. Nobody else paid any mind to the girl standing in the back of the alley.
“Temari,” Said Gaara, taking a drag.
“Hey, Tem,” Chouji said through a mouthful of ramen.
Shikamaru greeted her in a slightly different way, by grabbing her around the waist and kissing her. Chouji continued eating the ramen, awkwardly. Naruto rubbed the back of his head and laughed. Gaara took another drag. “He's been bothering me again,” he said, in a very disaffected voice. Temari broke away.
“Way to ruin the moment, little brother. Look, can't you just ignore him?” She said, exasperatedly.
“Fuckin' hate him… I will not go to school,” He dropped the cigarette on the ground, but did not bother to stamp it out. Shikamaru looked up at the sky, bored.
“Clouds,” He said, staring up.
“Yeah,” Said Temari and Chouji, also leaning back and watching the clouds. Gaara had a coughing fit. Nobody paid attention.
`That must be common,' Thought Naruto. He didn't pay any mind either. They lay there the whole day, passing around cigarettes and unlabeled alcohol that Temari had bought from a liquor store that often forgot to card. The Saints welcomed Naruto as a disciple, like Gaara and Temari.