Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Raining Blood ❯ Hospitals and Realizations ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey sorry for the wait but this one is true art… ok so again PLEASE REVIEW I only write for my fans! Enjoy this because this is the turning point of a good story of maybe…the ending? Just kidding … or I will bb if you review 8P lol
Naruto watched as Hinata once again fell into a death like sleep. He slowly eased his grip from her as he let her fall back down. He looked at her face that seemed so relaxed with the only hint of despair being the drying tears on her cheeks.
“Naruto?” he heard a voice ask behind him. He turned around, his blue eyes locking with bright green eyes. He heard her gasp and saw as pain leaked onto her face.
“Naruto are you alright?” she asked him stepping forward. He looked at her
“What do you mean Sakura?” he asked as she lifted her hand to his cheek wiping away water. He looked and reached his own hand to his face not realizing that water still pooled from his eyes. He looked up into those green eyes not realizing what pain he was portraying.
“Oh Naruto” Sakura got out before she wrapped her arms around her closest friend. He felt strange, but he heard a voice that told him to move. And so he placed his arms around her and held her tight, trying as always to keep back his pain. She just held him close her eyes drifting to the slight body of one of her closest friends that had helped her become who she is `Oh Hinata please stay strong' she thought as she let herself go and her own tears fell.
Hinata heard the sound of people speaking in the background. Her body tensed the normalcy of being suspicious caused her to loosen up and activate her byakugan. She formed the seals under the cover that lay on top of her. As she looked through her special eyes she saw many of the rookie nine along the wall of the room she was in. It took her a few seconds to realize that she lay in a hospital bed.
“When will she wake up?” she heard Ino ask Tsunade, who sat in a chair next to the door. She prepared herself as she slowly pressed her hands against the bed as a level so that she could push herself up.
“Hinata!” everyone said as they swamped her bed asking so many questions that her head swam and her breathing became ragged, her stomach once again turning into knots.
“Quiet!” she heard Tsunade roar as the interrogation became almost too much. “Everyone out now” was the second command from the angry Hokage. Everyone began to argue however Tsunade finally had enough and threatened to throw them all out soon.
“Hinata” Tsunade said much like a mother would to a child. She sat next to her and prepared to have a long chat about many things including how Hinata should take better care of herself, before something terrible happened.
Naruto growled at the door that kept them all from their friend. As the heated game of who will blink first that Naruto had started with the door he felt a hand softly graze his arm. He looked over to see Sakura. She was staring at him with Ino behind her.
“Do you know what's going on?” they asked hope in their eyes. And with hearing their question he got the ears of all the people there. Naruto caste his head low to the ground.
“No I don't” he said sullenly. Everyone around him sighed, their hope crushed again. Naruto was worried that everyone would break down at least until the door opened and Tsunade walked through, Hinata on her heels.
“Hinata” everyone exclaimed as they pressed forward. As they got closer Tsunade warned “Careful she's famished and fatigued. Naruto pushed his way through them however when he got through he saw Shino standing at Hinata's elbow. He looked at him. Their eyes met through the dark sunglasses. Naruto nodded his head in understanding, as he backed down. However he felt his heart pulled as he yet again watched the back of a friend in need.
Hinata was so grateful to Shino. She felt relieved however she was not sure where he was taking her. Yet her heart slowed knowing that he was there and feeling her pain. Her looked at him `still the same Shino' she thought to her self. As they walked farther and farther she let her thought flow and mingle with the recent events. However as soon as she was almost gone she heard his voice “we're here” as she pulled herself back her eyes grew wide. In front of her stood the statue that was the memorial for all the KIA and MIA's. Her knees buckled and she let her hands fly up to cover her face. She felt Shino behind her as he hoisted her up and pulled her hands from her face.
“Look Hinata” he whispered into her ear. “no” she said softly tears spilling from her eyes. “Hinata look” he said demandingly. She felt her eyes open with all of herself hoping to not see it. `Please don't be there!' she felt her body begin to shake violently. Because before her eyes in the truthful stone read the name of her only person, Her love, “Kiba Inuzuka” she said as quiet as a butterfly. She felt her body go limp.
“Hinata stand, you have to keep living!” Shino whispered fiercely into her ear “Please…….” The rest of his voice was blurred by the thunder that cut open the sky and released the oncoming rain. She shook and fell onto the muddy ground as Shino released her. She screamed into the pouring rain. And despite the roaring of the storm her scream cut through it like a knife would do to butter.
Well another good chappie! Please review and I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any ideas of assumptions feel free to tell me!