Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Rainy Day ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi not my first fic, but I am still new in this area… I hop you like and enjoy!!!
Unfortunately not my fic… belongs to the Great Kishimoto… too bad, other wise the hot guys would be at it all the time!!! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Rainy Day
Naruto never liked the rain. It always brought back memories. Bad memories. Memories where the villagers would torment him, where he was left in the rain after a severe beating. Where he would curl under the sheets, crying himself to sleep. All the memories were painful, more than painful.
Naruto was currently sitting by the window sill, in his own little world. He didn't hear the quiet steps behind, him, nor did he feel the strong arms around his waist until he was lifted.
“Naruto, are you all right?”
“Oh, it's you; yeah, I'm fine… just thinking…”
“Thinking? About what?”
“Naruto. I can't help you if you won't let me… tell me, what have you been thinking about…?”
“… the past…”
Neji knew what Naruto had been through, and what he contained within him. He found it out accidentally while reading his love's diary (which contained a surprisingly beautiful handwriting), along with which he found out that Naruto as no idiot. Naïve, yes (nearly exaggeratingly so), but not stupid. It was bad enough that he was beaten for serving as Kyuubi-`bottle', no one needed to know that he was -would be if they let him- brilliant and give him the doubled burden for being a danger.
Neji tightened his arms around the other, shorter boy, offering what comfort he could, and led him to their bed. Once there, he moved Naruto to his stomach and massaged him slowly, between the shoulders, down his spine, up again, relieving any tenseness in the muscles…
Naruto loved it when he did that. Kyuubi (who isn't a bad guy; he was just drunk when he attempted to destroy Konoha, and it was a Dare) as well, it seemed, because he was purring. The Vessel, who couldn't stay quiet any longer, started to let free the moans he tried to suppress and showed how much he enjoyed this. These moans, however innocent they may be, weren't doing any good for the older boy. Neji was already shivering, willing his little problem to return some other time…
“Neji… ”
Aargh! This is NOT helping! Neji cursed inside… yes, they might have slept together before, on several occasions, but this is seriously not the moment to think about such things…NOT when he was all depressed earlier!!!
“nngh-Ne-Neji… ”
“*gulp* Y-yes?”
*turns around* “Would you…” *blush* “would you…”
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tbc... i hope...
well, R/R PLEASE!!! this is a random thing I got in my mind while reading the challenges (i was bored). Please update; I really need the inspiration… please??? QQ