Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Returning ❯ Photograph ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 14- Photograph
As Aza stumbled home, half blinded by the pouring rain, which had started not long after leaving Sasuke's, she was touched by a moment of de ja vu. Stopping, she looked to the ground, watching as her feet sunk into an ever growing puddle of mud. When she pulled her foot out, it made a sucking noise, as though refuse to relinquish it's grip, just as the memories she re-lived daily refused to leave her.
Feet plodded through endless puddles as a young woman ran through the rain, arms spread over her head in an attempt to cover herself. In her mouth, rather miraculously, she carried a bag full to bursting with food.
Stumbling, she threw her arms out to catch herself, falling into the mud with a plump. The bag's contents spilled everywhere and she cursed, rather explicitly, and kicked the nearest item of food. As she stood, she could hear laughter from a few feet away.
Turning, her mood worsened by the mocking laughter, she snarled, “What's so funny.” As the laughter quieted, she heard a man's voice.
“Well, aren't we spirited?” Quickly turning a hundred shades of red, the woman bowed, “Hokage-sama, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you…” The man smiled, “It's alright Aza, I would've done the same thing.” Extending his arm, he brought the umbrella he carried over Aza's head. Aza sighed, “Thank you Hokage-sama…” He laughed lightly, “No problem. Besides, as Hokage, it's my duty to help the people of Konoha, is it not?” Aza looked down at her feet as they sunk into a puddle. “Yeah…”
Wiping a tear, or maybe it was a drop of rain, from her cheek, Aza sighed, walking forward, “That was when I fell in love…” A strangle sob swelled up inside of her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, “Why…why did you leave me…”
“Because he put the town people first.”
Aza spun on her heels, eyes widening, “Oh, Kakashi, it's just you…”
“Just me? Hm…I'd like to think I held more importance. Besides, the late hokage was important to us both. He was my teacher after all.”
Aza ran a hand through her hair, “I know, I just don't think of you as his student, it's been so many years…”
Kakashi slipped his hands into his pockets, “How many?”
“Twelve…Twelve long years…”
Kakashi stepped closer, “Isn't twelve years more than enough time to forgive your own child, for an act he had no part in, no less?” Sniffling, Aza looked ahead of her, where Naruto's apartment lay. “I suppose so…but…It's hard…”
“Than you must be weak of heart…” under his umbrella, he pulled out `Icha Icha Paradise' and muttered, “I would've thought some one the Yondaime loved would've been more…brave.”
The words rang in Aza's head for a moment, giving them time to sink in, before realization clicked, “Are you calling me unworthy!” she demanded, glaring angrily at Kakashi, who merely glanced at her through half lidded eyes before returning to his book.
Trembling with rage, Aza turned, casting one final shout over her shoulder, “I will prove you wrong! I will make Toku proud!”
Kakashi sighed, “That has yet to be seen…”
When Aza was a good deal away, she veered off into an alley, her bare feet plopping on the floor. “I'll make you proud Toku, I'll make peace with our son…”
Un-known to the gypsy, as she walked, a photo slipped from her shirt, falling into the mud. The smiling face of Toku was lost to the brown, soaked earth, as a gypsy walked on, shoulders slumped in resignation to the biting rain.
“Home…finally…” Reaching into her shirt pocket for the picture of Toku, Aza was alarmed to find it gone. “Oh no…H-he…I lost him! I c- I can't believe I actually misplaced his photo! Twelve years that photo has been with me... Why did I lose it now?”
Maybe you're supposed to forget… Aza shook her head, trying to rid herself of the voice that snuck up on her and told her unspoken truths when no one else would talk. “no…”
But you know I'm telling the truth. “no… this isn't supposed to happen…”
How long do you plan to carry the weight of that night? Aza shuddered. “As long as it takes, until things are right…”
That may be far too long…
Slidding down the wall, Aza cupped her face in her hands. “I know… But knowing an accepting are two different things…”
Kougasmate- It's kinda longer, right? It's late (5:14 am) I have church in the morning, I'm going to bed. Hope you all like it!
