Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Rollerblading Kunoichi ❯ Chapter 1"From Kyoto to Konoha." ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Last Name:KagenoFirst Name:Ayaka
Age:13DOB:7/25 Birthtime:Midnight Blood Type:AB Gender:F
Nationality:Asian-Latina Height:149.6 cm Weight:80.5 LBS
Hair Color:Black with red streaks;metalic blue at the bottom&black tips Hair Length:Waist Length Eye Color:
Konohagakure/Yorugakure Ninja Level:Chuunin Ninja Rank:Genin

Chapter 1:"From Kyoto to Konoha."

Kageno,Ayaka rollerbladed through the bustly and busy streets of Kyoto,Japan on her black roller blades to her new shrine home in the forest.As a wealthy orphan,she was able to buy a shrine home secluded like this,but she prefered to buy this home with the money she earned from her part time job in Tokyo.She listened to her DragonMaster Music Player with Internet compatability,she made it by herself and used a cherished gem of her long dead family to power it,so she paid no money for internet or to get new music.
On her back was a small navy blue bag that carried her DragonMaster Player,her sneakers,a few small family books,and a lot of instant ramen.Ayaka wore a big backpack backwards so it was over the two crossed straps over her chest from the two sidebags full of her baggy clothes inside the red sidebag on the left,and the green camou one on her right,had a pair of wooden sandals,a few japanese kimonos,some chinese kimonos,hair chopsticks,and a miko outfit.She had the miko outfit inside because as a job,she would be the shrine keeper and inform people that came by.
"Ah,I can't wait.",Ayaka said with a smile.
There was a red dragon clip in her hair,allowing the bottom of her hair to point upwards and tilt to her left slightly.Her red and black bangs went in her face,three strands of her red-streaked,black hair were on each side of her face. The part she had clipped up was mettalic blue with black tips on the end of the spike like hair.
Around her neck was a black choker with a cross hanging from it,a circle was in the cross intersection in the middle. She was wearing a white tank that had the miko-style cut sleeves that went to her wrists,flaring out like the sleeves on a kimono or miko top,and baggy,black shorts to her knees,with cuts and tears all over. A studded,black,leather belt around her waist held the shorts up.She had white bandages on her left leg up to her knee from her ankle.
Ayaka had on longish,black,boots,with three navy blue straps on the legs of the boots that connected with silver buckles on top of zippers.The same strap was on the middle of her foot,as the boots reached her mid-lower leg,covering some of the bandages on her left leg.
Her big,cute,sky blue eyes shined in joy,speeding up slightly. Ayaka's slender hands gripped onto the necklace in her pocket. She heard her favorite Green Day song came on,'American Idiot.'
The sun shone through the thickage of the green forest leaves,hitting her latin tanned skin.She was a chinese,japanese,korean,latin mix,but looked like a mexican.
"Huh?",Ayaka stopped as she noticed a dark cave nearby.She pulled down her black,headphones so that it was around her neck."Hm.What the?A cave.Cool!",Ayaka said.
"I love going in caves.",Ayaka pushed her mini fridge inside with her.She looked around,she gasped,"So beautiful.That symbol....",She said as she recognized her family's symbol.
It was a Tao symbol,a red dragon swirled around it,it's mighty head ontop of the tao circle,it's mouth open,reveiling the blood dripping from its large razor fangs.What Ayaka noticed was that there was two twin katanas stuck in the wall,the tips of the blades directly on the dots,and two twinblades next to them.On the floor was the sheath and strap for the katanas,next to them,was the sheaths for the twin blades and the waist strap.
"Sooo cool.",Ayaka said grinning.
"Maybe I can put them on.",She rollerbladed to the fallen kantana sheaths and strapped it on,"Perfect fit.",the sheaths had the red dragon on them,twirling around it."Now for that waist strap and those other sheaths.",she said as she rollerbladed over and fit it onto her slender waist.Ayaka grinned widely."hm,not to bad of a fit.Awsome!",her gaze switched over the the symbol on the cave wall.Her big,sky blue,eyes followed the dragon's body from its tail to its mighty head,down the curved,backward S on the tao,then locked themselves onto the twin blades and twin katanas.
Subconciously,she rollerbladed slowly,"Wha-what is this,I-I can't control my body anymore,It's moving on its own.",Ayaka's eyes widened as she reached out her hand unwillingly.Her heartbeat sped up and beat against her chest so hard she thought it would go through her.A slender hand gripped onto the hilt of the Yin Katana,then the other one grasped the handle of the Yang Blade.
"Why do I call them 'Yin Katana',and 'The Yang Katana',wait,I know the twinblades' names too!They're the 'Dragon Yin' and the 'Serpent Yang',How do I know this?",she asked herself as her hands moved on their own,pulling out the katanas,then sheathing them.
The small circles on the Yin side and the Yang side started glowing as the presence of the katanas that were on them left.After Ayaka's hands sheathed the 'Yin Katana' and the 'Yang Katana',they grabbed the handles of the twinblades known as the 'Dragon Yin' and the 'Serpent Yang',then roughly grabbed them and tucked them inside their designated sheaths on the waist band of black leather.
The cave glowed blue,Ayaka regained control of her body and tried to leave but only ended up falling in the air.
"What the hell?One second I was in a cave and now I'm in the air,looking at the sky?Wait,I'm in the air!I'm falling!",She turned herself around to see an unfamiliar forest.Once she realized that she was closing in on the forest,it was too late.Her stomach made rough contact to a branch,knocking the wind out of her lungs and causing her to couch up some blood that flew out of her mouth,then came into veiw infront of her azure eyes,then it disapeared,falling to the dirt ground.
She coughed a bit,then sat up o the branch.Ayaka dropped her large bag to the ground,along with the two sidebags,leaving the small pack on her back. With a sigh of releif,she streched her arms and legs upon the branch,then did a back bend and held it there.
"Ah,much better.All that weight removed.",she said as she reached into largest pocket in her bag.It was full of ice and some snacks,the ice to keep it cold.She even had some cocolate ice cream in it.Ayaka grabbed a soda and drank it in a matter of minutes.
"Mmmm.Ready.",she hoisted herself atop the branch upside-down by her hands,"Ichi.",she swung in a circle,"Ni.",she swung again,"San!",she swung herself in a half circle and let go of the branch.
She landed gracefully on her feet in a squat position,resting on the top pads on her feet,legs apart slightly,her right arm in between,left arm tilting upwards behind her.Standing up,she retreived her belongings,switching the big bag to the back and the small one infront on her chest to hide the katanas. The sidebags took care of conceiling the twinblades.
She had no real idea of where she was going,but continued on anyways.
"I hope that I find someone that can help me get home.",she thought aloud.
Ayaka came up to large wooden gates that had a swirl connected to a triangle on the side,painted on it in red paint. She thought for a minute.
"That looks kinda like a leaf now that I think of it.Well,I can hear people so I guess I can find some help there.",she walked over,only to confront two guards with headbands on.They're headbands had a metal plate with the same symbol as the door.
On there right mid-thighs was a navy blue pouch atop some wrapping,some vests,and a khaki pouch on their waists.'I wonder if they're ninjas.',Ayaka thought.
"State your business.",one said in a commanding tone.
"Um,I need some help,you see,I'm not from around here,and well,I thought I could get some help here.I was in some cave with this symbol",she indicated to her family necklace that carried a charm like the symbol on the cave wall,"Then I don't know what happened,I couldn't control my body,it seemed to move on its own then I took the twin blades and twin katanas,after I put the straps on,then I ended up falling down and landed on a branch.Trust me,falling through the air and making contact with a branch is sooo painful.",she said all in one breath.Ayaka breathed a little bit,still winded from her falling experience.
"Show us the weapons you found in that cave.",the second one said,his brown eyes staring at Ayaka.He had brownish blonde hair.
"um,sure.",Ayaka removed all her bags and reveiled the once hidden weapons."You see?Weird thing is,that I know the names of these weapons."
She was interupted by the first guard."What are the names?",he asked in a demanding tone that pissed off Ayaka,but she stayed calm and sighed.
"Sure,this is the Yin Katana and the Yang Katana,and these damn twinblades are the Dragon Yin and the Serpent Yang.",she said promptly as she pointed out the weapon and stated their names.
The guards' eyes widened.Then the brown haired one said,"We should take her to the Hokage."
The other one nodded. Ayaka looked up as she slid on her bags again."Follow us."The first guard said.
"Okay.",Ayaka looked around as she took in the sights of this place.It was a village she guessed.'Such a peaceful and care-free feeling I get from here.',Ayaka thought.The guard stopped,and so did Ayaka.Her blue eyes looked up to him as he turned to her."Go straight ahead until you see the ramen place,turn left until you see the bookstore,turn right,and just keep going straight.You got that?",Ayaka nodded,memorizing the directions.
"Good bye.",he left.
Ayaka walked forward,then saw the ramen place,"Ichiraku Ramen.",she read then bumped into a blonde boy,he fell foreward a bit,then turned to see Ayaka on the ground.His blue eyes looked at her,"Sorry,I wasn't looking where I was going.But can you tell exactly what this village or town is?",Ayaka asked,accepting an offered hand from the boy.
"This is the Village Hidden in the Leaves,Konohagakure. What's your name?",he asked smiling.He had whiskers on his cheeks and a headband like the ones on the guards at the gate.
I'm Kageno,Ayaka,Nice to meet you.What's your name?",Ayaka asked.
"I'm Uzumaki,Naruto!The future Hokage of this village!",Naruto boasted.
"Oh yea.I was on my way to see the Hokage.Can you take me to them?",she asked.Their blue eyes met for a moment,then he gave her a toothy grin.
"Sure!",Naruto said as he turned,and walked away,leading her to the hokage's office.
Ayaka smiled then followed Naruto to where she thought was the building to the Hokage's office.She looked at the boy infront of her,he was in an all orange track suit,with a large white collor around his neck,and had the same two pouchs on his mid-thigh and waist as the gurads.
"Are you a ninja or something?",she asked out of the blue.Naruto seemed to grin wider,if possible,then turned to her."Yea!I'm gunna be best of the best,I'm going to be the greatest Hokage!Beleive it!",Naruto answered energetically before turning on his heel,walking towards a large building.
Ayaka stood there for one moment,"The greatest Hokage?A ninja.",she ran up to catch up,only to stop at the doors.A man with brown hair and a pony tail that stuck straight up,with a scar across his nose,looked down at Naruto.
"Naruto,what are you doing here?",he asked.
"Uh,Iruka-sensi,I'm just taking my new friend Ayaka to the Hokage."
"Are you sure you're not just dragging her along on a little prank trip for the Hokage?",Iruka asked.
"No,Of course not.",Naruto said quickly.
"Hi,um I'm Kageno,Ayaka I need some help,so I was sent to the Hokage.",Ayaka spoke up.
"Really why?",Iruka asked.Ayaka explained her story to Iruka,the exact same thing she said to the guards.His eyes widened at the necklace and weapons.
"So yea.",Ayaka finished.
A blonde woman was standing behind him,she had a red ruby directly on her forehead."Hello,I'm Hokage Tsunade,how may I help you?",.Tsunade asked.
"Um,Well um...",she explained again.
"Okay,I guess I can get you some living arangements,but only if you qualify."
"Qualify?What the hell do you mean 'qualify'?",Ayaka asked officially pissed off.
"Can you fight?Like martial arts?Or ninjutsu?"
Ayaka's anger stood tall,glaring she answered,"Of course,I've been trained intsensely since I first learned to talk and walk.I know over fifteen martal arts,I specailize in Taichi,Ninjutsu,and Samurai techniques.",she said.Ayaka remembered what chakra and jutsus were,what the weapons were and what a hokage was,all in one rush to the head.
"Alright.Here's your equipment,directions and the keys to your apartment.Be on your way while I punish Naruto on his earlier prank.",Tsunade glared at Naruto as he cowarded slightly.
"Oh and I'll get.....",Tsunade looked around and spotted a boy with a jacket like shirt,large collar,brown shorts,blue ninja sandals,a brown headband,brown hair,and pale eyes.He was with a boy that was the minime to some guy in a green jumpsuit,vest,ninja shoes,a headband around his waist,a weird haircut,and bushy eyebrows.Then there was the girl,she had brown hair in two chinese buns,a chinese style shirt,green pants,ninja equipment,and brown eyes.
"Gai-sensei!Come over here with your team for a sec.",Tsunade said.
The guy in a vest did a dramatic pose with his minime,then came over with the minime,the pale eyed boy,and the brown haired girl."What can we do for you Tsunade-sama!",his teeth made a ping noise.
Ayaka stared."I want your team to walk this girl to her new home,she will be a ninja starting tomarrow.",Tsunade said as she handed Ayaka the khaki ouch and navy blue holster,a full bag of weapons,and keys,"and here's your headband Ms.Kageno.",she handed her the Konoha headband.
"Yo!I'm Kageno,Ayaka!'Sup!",Ayaka said putting up the peace sign.
"Hello!!It's nice to meet!!I'm Rock Lee!!!And this is my sensei!!!Master Gai!",the minime said.
"Hihi!",Ayaka said,tying her headband around her neck loosely.
"Hey.I'm Tenten.",the girl said.They both shook hands.
"Cool.I'm Ayaka.",Ayaka said.
Then the boy with pale eyes cam eup to her,hands in his pockets,"Hey,I'm Hyuuga,Neji.",he said non-chalantly.
"Yo!",Amaya said.Neji looked at her clothes,Tenten looked at him.
"Her clothes are torn badly,I wonder what happened.",she said to Neji.Amaya looked over,she smiled and waved to Tenten who returned the gesture.
"I can hear you guys.",Amaya said.
"Really?",Tenten asked amazed.
"Yup yup,I have a good sense of hearing and smell.My sight is also pretty good,it's above normal and I can see in the dark as if it were day.",Ayaka said grinning.
"I see.",was Neji's answer.
"Yea,and my clothes are torn like this because I like it this way.I love to wear baggy,wracked up,clothes,boots,and chokers.",Ayaka smiled.She rubbed her shoulder a bit.
"Hey?Do you want us to carry some of your bags?",Lee and Tenten asked.
Ayaka nodded and handed Lee and Tenten a side bag while Neji took the big bag on his own without waiting for Ayaka to give it to him.
She smiled,"Thanks.I've been carrying that around for a while now.I needed a little bit of a rest.",she said,her blue eyes redirected their gaze to her weapons.She sighed slightly.Ayaka wore her little bag backwards,it his the front of the straps that went across her chest.
The four teenagers walked in silence,Ayaka didn't really like the silence when first meeting someone,it made her feel like she did something wrong.
Ayaka felt something strong up ahead,or someone.She sped up on her rollerblades,kicking her legs hard and increasing speed rapidly. Her spiky part of her hairstyle atop her head blew in the wind,threatening to fall out,but Ayaka just went faster.
"Faster,Faster,Faster,Faster!!!!!",Ayaka said,increasing speed after each word,she jumped over a crowd of people,leaving Neji and his team,jumping on rooftops to catch up.Lee had no problem being able to run,they all didn't havve much of a problem catching,for soon they had reached her.
"Stop right now!",an unknown voice said.It seemed to be a man,it was deep,and slightly threatening.He grabbed Ayaka by her already torn collor.She closed her right eye.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want?",Ayaka asked flatly.
"My identity is of no importance,I want to kill you.",he said,he was wearing gray sweats,a black sweater with the hood covering his face.
Neji growled.Tenten and Lee glared.Ayaka,she just smiled.They were atop the Hokage monument,and since Ayaka didn't know how to use her chakra properly,or at all for that matter,she could fall and die.
Ayaka laughed lightly."What's so funny?',he asked.
"Nothing really.",Ayaka smirked,then jerked her body backwards,the part of her collar that the man was holding,mading a small tearing sound,then a loud rip cut through the air.
Tenten gasped,"What is she doing!She can't use her chakra,she'll die!!",she yelled.
Ayaka smiled,and laughed as she fell out of the man's grip. Her hair blew in the wind,the three strands of hair on each side of her face whipped around.Ayaka threw her body to the right,flipped around so she was facing the monument,and threw a mashette at it. Her hands wrapped around it in a death grip.
The man laughed,"I'll be seeing you later.",then he disappeared.
"Hold on!We're coming!",Tenten yelled,looking through her bag for a rope.
"Nah!I can take care of this.",she put her feet to the monument,then pulled the mashette out,flipping,and ramming into a tree.
She didn't make any sound of pain.Ayaka's form slid down slowly until her feet touched the ground,they gave in so that she was sitting,knee bent infront of her,her right arm on her knees,left hand resting on the ground next to her.
"Ow.",Ayaka looked up to see that Neji was there,"'Sup.",she said.
"You're one hell of a crazy girl you know that.",Neji said holding out a hand to her.
"Yea well,I'm proud of it.Being 'one hell of a crazy girl' has saved my life now hasn't it?",Ayaka pointed out.
"Whatever,someone like you could've killed yourself.",Neji looked at her from the corner of his eye,she was walking perfectly,as if she had never fallen like that.
"Well,I'm alive ain't I!That's all that matters to me right now.",Ayaka grinned.Tenten and Lee ran over.
"How did you do that!?!",Lee asked.
"Do what?",Ayaka asked.
"You honestly don't know!!!!!!",Tenten yelled,throwing her arms in the air.
Ayaka shook her head,"I have no idea what you're--Oh!You mean that fall down the head thing! I'm used to doing that!"
"So you have the ability to manipulate your body in the air like a rag doll with ease?",Neji asked.
"Kinda sorta.",Ayaka rubbed the back of her neck."I'm hungry.",she said.
Tenten and Lee fell over.Ayaka smiled and laughed,"What!Is it illegal to be hungry after a life threatening fall?",Ayaka joked,she sped up a little,Neji walked beside her.Tenten and Lee got up,then followed."Do any of you know a good ramen place?I love ramen.",Ayaka asked.
"There's Ichiraku right there.",Tenten said.
"AWSOME!!!!!!",Ayaka sped up,the wheels turned faster,only to stop when she held her side in pain,leaning against a wall."Damn it."
Tenten ran over,"Aya-chan!",she took an arm and Neji took another.They took her to the ramen place and helped her sit on a stool there. Naruto was there with Iruka-sensei.
He looked at her condition,"Aya-chan!",Naruto yelled in concern,"Are you okay!?!",Naruto asked,concern and worry evident in his determined eyes of blue.
"Oh yea,I'm perfectly fine.I'm not hurt at all after FALLING OFFA THE GODDAMN HOKAGE MONUEMENT THING IN ORDER TO ESCAPE SOME DUDE THAT WANTS TO KKIIIILLLL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",Ayaka yelled,with a slight twitch.
"Oh okay...sorry....I guess...",Naruto backed up a bit.
Ayaka regained her happy composure and smiled,"Sorry I snapped,but that just goddamn hurt.Oh well.I'll be fine tommarow.",she said.
They all ordered ramen then continued their walk after paying the bill.
They stopped at a large mansion."Okay,this is the right adress",Tenten said in amazement.
"Awsome! I'm living here!!!SOOOO COOOLL!!!!!!!!!",Ayaka yelled,skating there like crazy,she put her key to the lock and turned the handle.The inside was larger than the outside,as it seemed.They all took of their shoes,Ayaka carried her black roller blades,walking in,she grinned at the kitchen. She opened a cabinet to find it was filled with instant ramen."RAMEN!!!!YAY!!!",Ayaka yelled. She closed the cabinet,running up the stairs to the top floor,the building was four stories high,Ayaka laughed and smiled warmly.She found a master bedroom down the hall on the left of the stairs."Master bedroom....",Ayaka walked over.
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!SOOOOO COOOLL!!!!!!!!",she was looking at the bathroom.Tenten peeked over her shoulder.
"Holy shit!This is like a spa!!!!!Oh my god!This isn't a bathroom!!!Neji look at this!!!!!!!",Tenten yelled,pulling the brown haired boy's arm,forcing him to look at the large bathroom.
His pale eyes widened,"Wow,it is huge.",he said.Lee looked over too.
"Wow Aya-chan!You're real lucky!",he said.
"",she said smiling.Ayaka placed her small bag on the nightstand,Neji put the backpack on the ground next to it.Tenten and Lee placed the sidebags they were carrying,next to where Neji put the blue camou backpack.
Ayaka hung her roller blades on a bedpost at the head of her bed,(Yay that rymes!).She grabbed the sgreen camou side bag,opeing it to reveil her kimonos. Ayaka took out a black kimono,with a white obi sash,and a shooting star design imprinted on it in silverish white that shined brightly in the sun.After hanging up all her japanese kimonos,Ayaka got to work hanging up her chinese kimonos with the much apreciated help of Tenten and Lee.Neji went downstairs to make everyone some ramen.
Tenten held up a miko outfit.The top was white,of course,but the bottom part was black,"Hey?Aya-chan?",she asked.
"Yea?",Ayaka asked as she put away a navy blue chinese kimono,with the sides cut for her legs,and no sleeves.
"Can I try on this miko outfit?",Tenten asked.
Ayaka looked over,"Sure,I've got them all with different colored pants.Black,sky blue,white,red,navy blue,purple,and brown.I have two or three of each,so you can have one if you like.",Ayaka said pulling out another white,miko top,with a navy blue bottom,"I think I'll put this one on.",Ayaka said.
They both changed into the miko outfits.When the two girls walked out,they laughed.Neji walked in,"Hey?Neji what do you think?",Tenten asked,turning around in a circle as Ayaka did the same.
"I think you both are the same size.",he replied,placing the black tray of ramen on a glass coffe table in the room.Ayaka handed out some chopsticks.
"Itadakimasu!",they all said.Ayaka clicked her chopsticks together,than ate the ramen.
"Mmmmmm,I love ramen.",Ayaka said.
"Wanna get back to putting away your stuff?",Tenten asked.
"Sure Tay-chan.",the two girls laughed and got back to the clothes,staying in the miko outfits.Ayaka put away her many boots and the only pair of wooden sandals she had.Tenten handed her the Ninja sandals and Ayaka put them away.
"I wonder if I have my own bathhouse or shrine room.",Ayaka said.
"If you have a bathhouse can I go?",Tenten smiled.
"Of course.",they smiled at eachother.
Lee and Neji were folding her baggy clothing and putting them inside the dresser."It seems that Tenten-chan has become great friends with Aya-chan.",Lee said.
Neji merely nodded.Afterwards,Ayaka hooked up some speakers to her Dragon Master.Tenten looked at Ayaka with a questioning look.
"Hey?Aya-chan?What's that?",she asked.
"It's a Dragon Master player.It plays music,and no,it doesn't help me master dragons.That's just a cool name I made up since I made it.",Ayaka answered.
"Cool.",Tenten said.
"Let's see.....MACERANA!!!!!!!!",Ayaka turned on the Macerana song and walked out of the room to explore her new home with Tenten.
"INDOOR POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!JAKUZI!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ,Tenten and Ayaka yelled.They grabbed hands and jumped up and down in a circle,yelling at eachother about the pool and if there is a bath house in Ayaka's house.
The two girls ran into a large room with a sky light window on the ceiling.Then there was a large,steaming bath.They stuttered for a moment.
"Oh....",Tenten started.
"My....",Ayaka said.
"'s....",Tenten stuttered.
"It's...a....a...",Ayaka smiled.
Tenten smiled back,"IT'S A BATH HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",they yelled.
"So?",Neji said.They already ran in an were about to take their clothes off when they remembered Neji was there.
"Ahem?Do you mind?We're gunna go into the bath.",Tenten said.
"If you want to take a bath,Neji-kun,you can use the bath on the other side of that wall over there.",Ayaka said,pointing to a khaki wall.
"What?Who said I wanted a bath?",Neji asked.Tenten and Ayaka smiled.
"Ichi,Ni.....",Ayaka counted.
"SAN!!!!",Tenten yelled.They both ceized Neji's arms and legs.
"WHAT THE HELLL!!!!!!!",Neji said as he was carried to the other bath against his will.
"C'mon Neji-kun,you're way to tense.You should take a bath!",Ayaka said.
"FINE JUST LEMMME GO!!!!",Neji yelled.
"Whatever.",Tenten said.They dropped him on the ground.Lee walked in,"I'm gunna go train with Gai-sensei!!!!!",he looked at Neji,Tenten,and Ayaka."Okay.I see.Good Luck Neji!!!!!!",lee waved and ran off.
"Good luck?What the hell does he mean?",Neji said.
Tenten and Ayaka walked away and Neji removed his clothes and walked inside the bath.'Wow this feels great...',Neji thought to himself.
On the otherside.Tenten and Ayaka took off their clothes.They folded the garmets,and slipped into the warm bath.
"Ooooh,this feels so great.",Tenten said.
Ayaka sighed and nodded,"Yea,and I get to live with this."
Tenten closed her eyes,"That's it,I'm gunna come over here after every mission and after training.Can I?",Tenten asked.
Ayaka closed her blue eyes as well,"Go ahead,It's a free bath house,plus you're my friend.",Ayaka said smiling.
"Awsome.",Tenten said.
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I think that's pretty good.Don't you?I do.I'm gunna have soooo much fun with this fic.I hope you reveiw.I'll update if you do.
-------Kitsune 3275