Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrificial Beauty ❯ Control ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto or any of its characters, that right is reserved for Masashi Kishimoto.

Thank you soooo much for your patience with me and your continued support of my story, I can never tell you all how much it means to me.

Also, a big thank you to my (no longer MIA) beta Slinkymilinky. This story would be half of what it is without your help.


Chapter 8: Control

“This isn’t a discussion, the answer is no.”

“Why won’t you even listen to me? I’m an adult and I can make my own decisions, just because civilians aren’t considered adults until their 18 doesn’t mean you have any right to hold me to the same standards. Kami-sama, by the time I was fourteen I had both killed a man and participated in a life saving medical procedure- you think it’s reasonable to hold me to the same standard as a civilian who probably couldn’t even
imagine some of the things I’ve seen?”

“You listen to me young lady, committing those acts alone does not make you an adult. You’re not ready to make such a life-changing decision!”

“What?! Life-changing decision? I’m moving less than a mile away to be closer to the hospital, the place where I save people’s
lives, and you think I’m incapable of making such a life-changing decision? I make harder decisions every day. Every time a gennin comes in screaming in pain from a training accident I have to decide whether to ease their pain or conserve my chakra in case a real emergency comes in. Every time a mother comes in with a sick child I have to decide if their recovery will be measured in the minutes my jutsu would take, or the weeks the illness would otherwise run.

Every time I am given a possibly life threatening mission I have to decide if I will take it… and you don’t think I’m capable of deciding whether or not to live on my own?!”

“I’m telling you right now Sakura, if you step outside that door- you’re
not coming back. I may not be able to legally keep you here, but if you go now I’m not going to let you come back. I’m drawing the line right here, one way or another- this discussion is over!”

Anger burning brightly in her eyes Sakura lifted her large duffle bag containing all of her most precious belongings and marched out the door without another word, slamming it behind her so hard the wood cracked.


Sakura jolted awake at the sound of the bedroom door slamming shut, her heart trying to beat its way out of her chest from the power of dream merging with reality. A multitude of curses rose to her lips but she bit her tongue before allowing any to slip. She was supposed to be a meek fourteen-year-old girl after all. The fact that she was actually a strong and confident seventeen-year-old shinobi was a secret known only by Kakashi and herself.

At the thought of him Sakura found herself looking up and watching as said shinobi paced the room, tugging at his hair in frustration. At what, she could only guess- though the last few months had been hard on him.

When Kakashi had finally agreed to at least meet Taka’s group they had had no idea what they were really stepping into. They had been prepared for a group of rouge-nin led by an S-class missing-nin with a taste for little girls; the reality was so much worse.

But then, how could they possibly have guessed that the S-class missing-nin they had been prepared to deal with was actually nothing but the lapdog of a woman who could easily pass for a child?

Mejiro, when they finally met her, had proven herself to be almost as deranged as Orochimaru. She fully believed that all girls should be trained in the arts of seduction by the age of eight, should know how to kill a man mid-coitus by ten, and should be capable of every other kind of murder by thirteen. It was the real reason she had formed this ‘little band of misfits,’ to train young girls to become cock-sucking killers for hire.

It was Kakashi’s job to train the most talented of the girls to be true killing machines. Sakura’s part had been to pose as one of these girls and dig deeper into the group’s history and members. Unfortunately, it was a mission she had failed.

As soon as Mejiro learned that Saki was ‘pregnant’ she had been done with her. In her eyes pregnancy was a prison with a life sentence, and suited for only the ‘chattel,’ as she referred to civilian women. From then on Sakura had barely even been able to leave the room that had been given to them for fear of Mejiro throwing her out. It had been made clear that Saki was no longer allowed to practice being a shinobi, she had lost that right when she had thrown her lot in with the ‘breeders.’ Kakashi had only been able to keep her in the compound at all because he refused to stay without her, and Mejiro had already decided that only Kakashi could help her truly accomplish her goals.

In a blur Sakura’s eyes could barely follow, Kakashi stopped his pacing and was suddenly across the room gripping her shoulders. His uncovered eye was glazed over with lust and his words came out strained, like a rubber band that had been stretched a little too far. “Saki, I need you.” The words shocked her, but not enough to stop the automatic response of her body, warming and tingling in anticipation. They had been doing this for long enough, and the sensations that he brought out in her were good enough that her body could only respond in compliance to his little ‘suggestion.’

As his hands worked at pulling the clothes from her body he caressed her in all his favorite places; his favorite because of the moans they ripped from her throat. Her breath hitched as his hands grabbed her ass and pulled her into him, pressing his length against her even as his nimble fingers undid the clasp of her bra.

It wasn’t like he had never come to her with this kind of need before, but after all the times they had done this she could tell that this time was a little different than normal. First off because he usually pretended to be at least a little bit romantic; but even more telling was the fact that he was looking her in the eye.

His face was so close to hers that if he weren’t wearing a mask they would be kissing, she could see nothing but his eye. His fingers traveled down her back and tugged down on the pink lace of her panties, pulling away from her only long enough to divest her of the article and free himself from the confines of his pants.

He didn’t continue with the usual routine of turning her around, but simply lifted her and pressed her into the wall to her left as he entered her swiftly. His strokes were hard and demanding, leaving her breathless and begging for more.

Where before he had been staring into the green of her eyes he now had his face nuzzled into the junction of her shoulder and neck. She felt him bite her through the fabric of his mask and was sure she would lose her mind. He was panting, holding her ass up with one hand and pressing down on her shoulder with the other, forcing himself into her body with reckless need.

“Oh Kami-sama, Sakura, do you have any idea how tight you are?” The words were whispered too quietly for anyone else to hear, but they still alerted Sakura immediately to the fact that something else was wrong. “Even after all the times I’ve had you, I still want more. Don’t you know what you do to me? Do you have any idea? Fuck, I can’t hold out much longer Sakura, your pussy is so tight. Kami-sama, please come for me Sakura, Please, please, please…”

It was too much for her, the new angle combined with his unbelievably dirty words, and his begging had her cumming harder than she had since before the incident at the farm. Everything was a white haze, she was crying out and he was biting down on her shoulder almost mercilessly as a low moan strangled its way from his throat.

And then they were sliding down the wall as his legs seemed to lose all strength. For at least five minutes they could do nothing but pant, Kakashi still hard inside her. Sakura was nearly a pile of mush she was so exhausted, but it wasn’t enough for Kakashi- he needed more.

Mejiro had ambushed him after he had finished his ‘lessons’ for the day, saying that she was impressed with the progress he had made, but that she felt he was limiting himself by his devotion to Saki. She didn’t want his little ‘breeder’ taking up his time and attentions that could be used in lessons with the younger girls as well. For forty minutes she had sucked his cock like it was the best lollipop she had ever tasted, and he had stood there, refusing to let her have the pleasure of making him cum.

She hadn’t been happy about his resistance to both her and her request that he rid himself of the little albatross; but she wasn’t stupid enough to push it either, she did want to keep him after all.  Besides, there was always next time…

Kakashi’s problem though, was that he had already gone too long without cumming and once wasn’t even nearly enough.

For the next hour Kakashi took her again and again, until his balls ached and Sakura no longer had the energy to meet his thrusts with her own. He switched position again so he was laying down with her above him. Bereft of energy though she was able to do nothing but accept the position and lay her head on his shoulder. Every time she had started to get used to a position he had changed it, desperate to satiate the desire that was becoming almost painful as it burned through his blood; but every time he took her he only wanted her more.

Sakura’s eyes were glassy with her inability to move. He wasn’t exactly hurting her, but she felt numb- unable to do more than lay in whatever position he put her in; and he knew it. Kakashi hated himself for being unable to stop, it had never happened before. Sure he had come more than once before, even three times on one very rare occasion but this was… unnatural…

‘Poison.’ The word resounded through his head as he suddenly realized that this had to have something to do with Mejiro.

“Sakura.” He was careful this time, burying his face in her hair and barely breathing the whisper in her ear- she nodded imperceptibly in response.  “Mejiro ambushed me on my way back… I’m not sure if this is entirely natural.”

Alerted by his tone that something serious had transpired Sakura nodded again and pressed her hand between them before allowing her chakra to pour into him. It was unlikely that anyone was watching them right at this moment, but she wasn’t the type to take needless risks. It only took a few moments for Sakura to find what she was looking for, but it wasn’t exactly what she had expected to find.

It wasn’t what she would normally qualify as a poison; really it was just a powerful aphrodisiac that had thoroughly saturated Kakashi’s bloodstream. She immediately began forcing his body to break it down and flush it out of his system. This wouldn’t kill him or even cause him anything more than a little discomfort as far as she could tell; but frankly, Sakura was tired and if this went on much longer she was liable to pass out from sheer exhaustion. Even using her chakra was becoming more difficult, her mind clouded from sex and the numbness that had begun to seep in twenty minutes ago.

As Kakashi felt the chemical leave his system he was finally able to force his body to disengage from Sakura’s, and guide them back to the bed where they happily collapsed in a sweaty heap. After a few long minutes Sakura crawled her way up to his face and placed light kisses across his face and nuzzled the side of his head, taking a moment to whisper in his ear. “I think that it’s about time for Saki to have a ‘miscarriage.’” Kakashi turned his head toward her just enough for her to see the question in his eye.

“If Mejiro has begun ambushing you like this then you need back-up, and I can’t do that from this room- I can’t do anything from here. It’s time for me to get out there and do my part of the mission.” Kakashi looked into her eyes, taking a moment to gage her words before nodding imperceptibly- there really wasn’t much she could do from here. “Okay, I’ll take care of it tomorrow, just don’t forget to panic.” He nodded again and began to pet her hair gently, guiding her head down to the pillow before allowing himself to drift easily into sleep with Sakura not far behind.


The glistening gold of her evening dress reflected the light from the chandelier and captured the eye of everyone who so much as turned in her direction. It was the reason that she had decided to buy it in the first place. Well, that and the fact that it hugged her curves like a glove.

It was a back-less halter dress that wrapped around her neck like a choker and showed absolutely no cleavage. What it did show was her delicate shoulder blades, the dip in her waist between her back and her ass, and most of her left leg. The bottom of the dress came down to her ankles, just above the strappy gold heels she had purchased with the dress; and a slit up the left side went all the way up to a spot just below her hip bone.

If there was one thing Ino would never be accused of it was dressing inappropriately for the situation.

It had been almost three months since the Hokage had assigned Neji and her to watch Takahi Chiro, but tonight was the first time they had been in his home. Home was the wrong word though; it was a mansion with no peer in Konoha when it came to extravagance. Where most buildings were made of wood, and some of the more important ones made of grey stone or brick, the mansion was built entirely of marble. The chandeliers were made of only the finest crystal; the floors were patterned with different shades of hard wood in most rooms and a flawless marble mural in the ballroom.

It was the only ballroom in Konoha.

The mansion itself was owned by Takahi Hana, formerly Hanabisu Hana of the Hanabisu Merchant Guild that had played a major part in the original building of the village. Chiro had married the last of the old-money family left in Konoha and had squandered half their fortune within a year of the marriage. Not one to be cowed or bullied, Hana had taken control of the finances that were her birthright and threatened divorce should he touch another cent he hadn’t earned himself without her permission.

The Hanabisu fortune had since grown back to where it had been before the marriage, Hana had become known throughout the country as a force to be reckoned with, and Chiro’s balls had been neatly tied to her purse strings. It was a wonder he hadn’t tried to sell out his country for a little extra cash years ago.

Tonight was the annual Hanabisu Ball in honor of the company’s founding, and it was Ino’s job to steal the show while Neji and Genma worked their way through all of Chiro’s files and hidey-holes. For the last three months they had dug through every record they could find, and gone to every event Chiro attended while Genma, among others, watched him on his off hours. But it had amounted to nothing more than a list of his favorite hang-outs without so much as a record of where the money he was spending had come from.

Tsunade was not pleased.

The fact that the security at the mansion was the best in the village had not impressed her; nor the fact that despite being a member of one of the most prominent families in Konoha, this was the first event that Neji had been able to snag an invitation to. It also didn’t help matters that if they were discovered Hana could ruin half the village simply by moving her company’s head of operations to another location.

So tonight there couldn’t be any mistakes. Ino would be the center of the party, keeping all eyes on her and Chiro close at hand. Neji would scour the mansion for any hidden rooms, cubbies, vaults, safes, or anything out of the ordinary in general; and Genma would go through first Chiro’s files and then Hana’s. Truthfully they were all hoping that she had nothing to do with it, but they couldn’t take the chance of not looking into her records during their (most likely) only chance to get into the building.

“Ino, I’m going to need you to create a distraction in exactly five minutes- a loud one.” Not outwardly acknowledging Neji’s request Ino played with her gold earring, causing a brief buzz over the headset to let him know that she understood.

It wouldn’t be an easy feat to accomplish, but with the right motivation you could make anything happen.

“Chiro, don’t you think it’s about time you get up there?” Ino waved in the direction of the stage that had been set up for the band. “We’ve all heard Hana say that she married you for your singing voice, but I don’t think we’ve ever heard you sing.” There were nods of agreement in the circle of people who had come to be in the center of the ballroom and even a few song requests from those who had heard him sing before.

Chiro put on his most charming smile. “But Yamanaka-san, what kind of host would I be if I simply left my guests waiting while I indulged myself?” There was a light spattering of laughter from around the circle even as Ino smiled.

“A popular one?” The laughter increased and a few people began to applaud encouragement as more and more guests turned from their conversations to see what was going on at the center of the room.

Chiro laughed and took Ino’s hand lightly in his own. “Well then Yamanaka-san, I would be pleased to entertain you with a song or two; given of course that you accompany me.” Ino smiled sweetly as she took his hand and they proceeded to walk through the crowd of guests and then up the stairs to the stage that had been set up for the performers.

As they reached the stage Chiro consulted with her for a moment before handing her a microphone and turning away with his own to make an announcement. “It has been brought to my attention that many of you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing me sing, and it was suggested that we remedy the situation. So for the entertainment of all, and the pleasure of my lovely Hana, Yamanaka-san and I will perform Cruisin’.”

The music started up and Ino swayed to the music as she sang back-up for Chiro, and after only the first couple verses the crowd began clapping and cheering loudly. Ino hadn’t been exaggerating when she had said Chiro was a good singer, he was actually one of the best non-professional singers she had ever heard. Not that she was too shabby herself her mother had forced her to take singing lessons until she had made chuunin, and for once she was glad.

“Ino, thirty seconds.” Neji’s voice in her ear made Ino smile as she touched the button on her earring again so he would know she was ready.

Chiro would occasionally make eye contact with Ino, but he spent most of his time singing to his wife as the electric guitar and keyboard played the bluesy tune. This left Ino with plenty of stage to play with. She danced slowly as the music dictated and sashayed her way to the left side of the stage. The crowd was swaying to the music and Ino’s back-up made Chiro sound even better.

It was a lovely, romantic song and Ino almost hated to ruin it, but the moment Neji called “now,” over the headset (right at the height of the song) she let the hand holding her microphone fall to the side, directly in front of the electric guitar’s speaker. The feedback created was deafening and lasted a full three seconds before Ino (pretending to be startled) pulled her hand away.

The whole room held their hands over their ears for a few moments longer before turning their glares toward Ino. It was a little awkward to say the least. Ino was used to being the center of attention, but almost never as the cause of unpleasantness. She allowed herself the expected blush of embarrassment and bowed low to her hosts giving profound apology.

The crowd didn’t look in the mood to be forgiving but Chiro laughed it off with a smile. “I think Yamanaka-san had another song in mind, eh?” The room settled their eyes back on him and smiled or laughed off the unpleasantness as Ino tried to sneak her way off the stage and toward the punch bowl without being accosted. As the next song began to play and Chiro struck up another love song Ino realized that though she had been allowed to leave the stage, she had not done so without notice.

Holding out a glass of punch for her was Takahi Hana, with a smile on her face that even Ino couldn’t interpret. “That was quite a performance Yamanaka-san.”

Ino ducked her head in a semblance of shame. “Sorry about that, I have a bad habit of being clumsy at the worst possible moments. Really, the first time Neji’s family and mine met after we announced the engagement I fell flat on my face while carrying out the tea.”

Hana laughed affably before pinning Ino with her penetrating stare. “It was on purpose.”

Ino’s mouth opened and closed like a fish before she was able to gather her words. “How could you say that Takahi-san? I would never…”

She was cut short by Hana’s raised hand. “It doesn’t matter, I don’t care about a little noise. What I do care about however is whether or not your friends upstairs are going to be making similar interruptions during the biggest event I host each year.” Ino tried to gather her words but didn’t know what to say, how had they been so completely caught?

Hana sighed and waived her hand vaguely in the direction of the stage. “If Chiro has done something again, fine; I don’t care what you do to him. But you will not interrupt this party any further, do I make myself clear?”

“Of course Takahi-san.” Ino whipped her head around at the sound of Neji’s smooth voice as he walked up behind her. “What we needed to accomplish tonight has been concluded successfully, there will be no need to interrupt your party further. We will be back in the morning however for your husband. I hope we can count on your cooperation.”

Hana smiled, once again the perfect hostess. “Of course Hyuuga-san, I don’t need trash dirtying my carpet. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll return to my guests. You can show yourselves out?” Neji inclined his head and Takahi Hana walked away without a backward glance.

“What the hell was that about?” Ino questioned him even as he took her arm and gently steered her out of the ballroom and toward the exit.

“She knew.”

“What!” Ino’s loud screech earned her a few glares as well as a pull from Neji to hurry her pace.

“Not exactly what he’d done, but we found evidence that she had figured out that he was up to something less than legal. She was gathering the information before presenting it to her family elders to sue for divorce. It seems that she’s been trying to get rid of him since about six months after their marriage. Almost running the family fortune into the ground hadn’t been deemed as enough and Chiro has always been especially careful about his reputation in public, so she needed better evidence that he wasn’t worthy of the Hanabisu family.”

Ino smiled as they stepped outside and were joined by a silent Genma as he materialized out of the shadows. “And now, after combining her evidence with ours, she’ll be free.” Neji inclined his head at her words and Ino hugged his arm tightly squealing in joy before letting go of his arm to skip forward and spin around laughing.

Genma walked up beside Neji as Ino continued to dance around ahead of them, nudging him slightly with his elbow and smiling around a senbon. “You really going to marry her?”


Genma chuckled and looked back up at the smiling, dancing kunoichi. “At least she’s not boring, eh?”

Neji smirked at the tokubetsu-jounin. “No, Ino is many things, but never boring.”

Just then Ino ran back toward them with a grin plastered on her face. “You know what this means?” Neji nodded even as Genma looked on in bewilderment.

“We can start going on normal missions again?”

Ino stuck out her tongue at Genma. “Baka! It means that we can start planning the wedding.”

Neji indulgently patted her hand while Genma stared at them like they were crazy. “Geez, kids these days… Ja ne!” With a solute he was gone in a puff of smoke, leaving the couple to themselves. Which was just fine with Ino.

Now that they were alone she felt no compulsion to stop herself from leaning over and kissing Neji in the middle of the street, and Neji had no compulsion to stop himself from pulling her closer and angling his mouth to deepen the kiss. The stars were shining brightly against the midnight backdrop of the sky, and two lovers made their way to a bench where they could spend the next hour kissing and holding each other as the rest of the world melted away.


Kakashi had to give it to Sakura, she really had better chakra control than anyone would easily believe. He knew next to nothing about medical jutsu, but even he knew that it took a master to be able to fool a gynecologist into believing that she had had a miscarriage.

When they had woken this morning there had been a small pool of blood running down Sakura’s thigh. Between the blood and Sakura’s screams, it hadn’t been hard for Kakashi to pretend to be panicked. Within a minute he had been dressed and running while carrying the crying girl to the doctor on the other side of the building.

It only took a glance for the doctor to figure out what they were there for, seeing as there was still blood dripping down Sakura’s leg. The doctor had run the tests and delivered the ‘bad news,’ all the while trying to calm the crying girl and the irate Copy-nin. In his ‘rage’ Kakashi had demolished half the private ward before taking off to demolish a training ground or two.

He had done his part, had kept up the pretense, the rest was up to her.


Sakura was frantic, well, ‘Saki’ was. Even knowing that it was part of the plan she had been surprised by Kakashi’s reaction to the ‘news.’ The part of her that was a medic wanted to frown at him for destroying perfectly good medical equipment, but she suppressed it and just cried all the harder. It was difficult to cry so much when she wasn’t really sad, but she once again put her chakra to work to form the tears she needed to shed.

Not more than a minute after Kakashi had left Mejiro had entered the room wanting to know what was going on. “She lost the child Mejiro-sama.” At his words Sakura redoubled her sobs and covered her face with her hands.

Mejiro eyed the girl passionlessly before stepping up to her and slapping her across the face, surprising her out of crying. “Stop your blubbering, breeder.” She said the last with such distain that an idea sprang to Sakura’s mind.

Looking up at the redhead with silent tears rolling down her cheeks Sakura spoke with a broken voice. “You don’t understand Mejiro-sama, I didn’t want a child- but Sensei was so mad I thought he would kill me. I swore to him that I’d never run away again, but he wouldn’t believe me…” She sniffled and spoke again in a broken whisper. “He said pregnant girls don’t run…”

For the first time since their arrival Mejiro looked at Sakura with something resembling sympathy, as an image of her six-year-old self swearing the same thing over and over again to Kabuto flashed through her mind. She didn’t feel bad for the girl, to her mind this was simply the natural progression of things, but for the first time she saw potential in the girl.

“So you’ve been lying?” Sakura’s lip began to quiver and her eyes went wide with fear, she couldn’t bring herself to respond. “You’ve been lying to Hatake Kakashi for three months and getting away with it?” Sakura dropped her eyes to her lap and nodded slightly as tears continued to drip from her chin.

Mejiro smiled predatorily and lifted Sakura’s chin to look her in the eyes. “I may have been wrong about you Saki.” She stared silently into Sakura’s eyes for a long minute before dropping her chin and straitening up. “Don’t worry about Kakashi, I’ll take care of him. You just go back to your room and pack up your things, you’re moving to the training facility.”

Sakura’s eyes went wide with surprise, but she slid off the exam table and bowed. “Hai…” As she stood upright again she looked into Mejiro’s eyes and gave a wobbly smile. “Thank you Mejiro-sama.”

Mejiro waved the girl off with a flick of her wrist and turned as the doctor cleared his throat. “What?”

Looking somewhat cowed the man bowed slightly and avoided eye contact as he straitened. “It would be wise not to train her in your…” He cleared his throat again, licking his lips before continuing. “finer arts for the next month or so. The damage caused by not allowing her body to heal naturally could be irreversible.”

Sweat dripped down his neck as Mejiro glared at him, but after two full minutes of making him panic, she smiled. “Alright Hiro-kun, Hatake probably trained her in most of it already anyway. I’ll hold off on the intercourse part for a while, it’s really not as important as the rest anyway, right?”

Hiro swallowed as Mejiro stepped forward and cupped his semi-hard member with a smile. “Hai, Mejiro-sama.” She pressed herself against him and stood on her tippy toes to whisper breathily in his ear.

“All this talk about fucking makes me want to fuck.” His hands reflexively fell to her waist, flexing as she rubbed her hardened nipples against him. “What do you say Hiro-kun, wanna fuck me against the wall this time?” A strangled groan escaped him as she lifted one leg up around his hip and ground herself against him.

“Yes, fuck yes.” Quickly, because that’s the way she liked it, he let go of her long enough to undo his pants and free himself before picking her up by her ass and pressed into her as he slammed her against the wall. It was so easy to fuck her, because she loved fucking and she never bothered to wear panties beneath her tight little skirts. And she was so tight.

It was one of the side effects of Orochimaru’s experiments. Mejiro could never have children, but her vaginal wall was extra sensitive and extra tight; so she would always love fucking and men would always love to fuck her. It was one of the few perks to working for her.

“Yes Hiro, that’s right fuck me harder, harder damn you!”

Lifting one of her knees all the way to her chest he began to thrust harder, brutally so because she couldn’t come without a little pain. “Come on bitch, take it. Take my dick and like it you dirty whore. Fuck, yes… yes!”

Mejiro’s small top had ridden up to reveal her pert breasts that were free of bra or bindings, bouncing with his every thrust. She loved it when they lost themselves, when they fucked her so hard they forgot who she was and how they should address her. It made her wet just thinking about how she would punish him later. Then his thrusts lost their rhythm and his untrimmed nails dug into her ass to the point where they might be drawing blood and she lost it.

She came screaming as Hiro thrust a final time before his back went ram-rod straight as his body was hit with the pure bliss of Mejiro’s tight pussy clamping down on him impossibly harder. He stood there panting, trying not to collapse because she didn’t like that.

“Hiro-kun,” Mejiro sing-songed his name through her panting. “You know that I’m going to have to punish you.”

Panting himself Hiro somehow managed to respond. “Hai Mejiro-sama.”

She smiled wickedly. “Alright then…” Leaning forward she kissed him, forcing her tongue into his mouth and leaving him no option but to comply. Almost immediately she felt him harden again inside her and she laughed merrily as he hitched both her knees over his shoulders and thrust into her with mindless abandon.

She loved to use her gift to make them lose themselves; she loved the control that only she had over them. And though she didn’t know how Kakashi had withstood her the day before, she knew it was only a matter of time. After all, without his personal sex toy around he would have no one else to turn to.
