Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura Petals ❯ Sun-lit ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Drabble Thirteen

Title: Sun-lit

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. Please don’t sue me! XD

Summary: When your whole world revolves around one smile. [ItaSasu]

A/N: Hmm. I thought this was kind’ve cute…fluffiness rules! So, this is completely AU, which means Itachi never massacred his family, but somehow his parents are still dead and Sasuke is in his care. Review!!!

Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo

He woke up every morning before the first rays of sun peeked between the blinds. He woke up every morning with soft breaths on his neck, a head of dark hair tickling underneath his chin. After the first rays of sun had come, the mass of dark hair would come to life, dark eyes blinking sleepily up at him. A smile would follow, lit up by the sun filtering through the blinds. These were the mornings that Itachi had looked forward to when his little brother still smiled; when Sasuke was happy. He didn’t smile anymore.

Mornings with Sasuke were something Itachi liked to exploit. He got up before the dark-haired teen and waited patiently in the kitchen until the Chuunin came in, hair bed-rumpled. The younger Uchiha would grumble his morning greeting then kiss his brother sloppily on the cheek. Itachi would smirk and poke fun at his little brother’s tiredness just to piss off the younger boy even more. This usually landed him in a mock wrestling match on their kitchen floor – which Itachi usually won anyway.

The nights were what Itachi really waited for. Sasuke was easier to be with, more docile. The two of them could curl up on the couch and watch a movie without arguing over why things happened. Sasuke didn’t brood over something as trivial as Naruto winning their sparring match. Itachi could wrap his arms around his little brother’s waist and not worry about Sasuke getting self-conscious. On some nights, Sasuke would be the one to initiate that first kiss, the kiss that left Itachi breathless.

And Sasuke only smiled when Itachi said, “I love you.”