Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura's Party ❯ 7 minutes in Heaven (Part 1) ( Chapter 15 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N) HELLO!!! see it didn't take me a month to update this time. lol. It would have been out earlier, but when I was almost done and was making some changes her
and there, I pressed a button and it DELETED HALF of what i had taken SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT to write. And my stupid computer didn't save any of it, so I had to
write the half that was deleted all over again. But anyway it's finally out so I hope you enjoy !!!! Oh, and the next chap will be out next week around the same
time as this one.
To my reviewers:
Fennec Fox Girl: I'm glad that you liked the chap. And I hope that more people do read youre fic. It's freakin' AWESOME! well thanx for reviewing. and I hope
that you like this chap!!! And thanx for reviewing my one-shot 'Friday the 13th' Glad you liked that one too!!!
Destenyne: Has anyone ever told you that you were VERY impatiant? lol. well anyway you're wait is now over! for here is the next chapter to 'Sakuras Party.'
Sorry that I made you wait. I think that i'm starting to get a little writers block. Anywho, thanx for the 3! reviews and i'm not toying with you. Well maybe
a little, or a lot. jkjk! well i hope that you like the chap and thanx for reviewing my one-shot. Glad u liked! :)
7 minutes in Heaven (Part 1)
Last time:
"Oh calm down it'll be fun! And nothing is going to happen to Hinata, don't worry so much." Ino said happily ignoring Tenten's comment.
"Hide and Seek is sounding really good right now." Sakura said.
"Oh ya." agreed Temari.
This time:
"Well enough of that, lets start the game!" exclaimed Ino as cheerful as ever.
"I guess there's no point in arguing with her, is there?" asked a defeated Kiba.
"No, I don't believe there is." Shiba said with a sigh.
"O.k. then! Hey, Sakura can you get me some sticky notes, a pen, and a small bowl?" Ino asked with a huge grin on her face. (not that you could really see it in the dark)
"Sure. Hey, Shiba want to come and help me look for this stuff?" asked Sakura.
"Why not?" she said as she walked towards Sakura. 'it's better then being in a room with the Queen of crazy town over there' Shiba thought to herselfe as she glanced
back at Ino, a.k.a. the Queen of crazy town.
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With Sakura and Shiba:
"So why did you call me to come with you?" asked Shiba with curiosity.
"Because I didn't want to go and look for stuff alone." Sakura said back. "Plus it'll be faster with more then one person." she added before shining the flash
light in the opposite direction.
"Are you sure it wasn't 'cause you want to talk, or're scared?" She said in a teasing voice.
"N-no, Of course not. Why would I be scared?" Sakura said defensively.
"I was just playing around, but I do remember you being scared of the dark when we were kids." She said tapping her chin with her finger, as if she were in deep
"Yeah, but that was what? 10 years ago?" Sakura said back.
"Well yeah, but you could just be pretending that you're not afraid anymore. For all I know you could still keep a night light in you're room and turn it on
everynight." She said poking Sakuras right shoulder.
"I'm one of the most freakin' acomplished leaf village kunoichi and one of the best medical nin in all of Konohoa, not to mention that I was trained by the Fifth
Hokage herself! And you think that I'm scared to be alon in the dark of my OWN home?" Sakura shouted back getting VERY irritated by her cousin at the moment.
"Alright, alright, I was just kidding. Sheesh Sakura, and everyone is scared of something right?" Shiba responded calmly to her cousins' little outburst.
"I AM NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING!!!" Sakura screamed smashing her fist into the the closest thing to her, which was the dinning table, and ended up breaking it
into small peices of wood.
"Sure, whatever you say Sakura." Shiba said as she began to walk out of the kitchen and back into the living room with a all the needed items in hand.
"Hold on Shiba! I'm not finished with you! You owe me a new table!!!" Sakura called to her running out of the kitchen with her flash light and her fist in the
She actually caught up with Shiba pretty fast and well...tackled her to the floor. A 'CRASH' was heard and Shiba was on the floor face down and Sakura was on
top holdng both of Shibas hands.
"Sakura let go!" Shiba whined and struggeled under Sakuras very strong grip, but it was no use she was trapped and couldn't do anything about it.
"No, not untill you say I win and that you were wrong about me being scared." Sakura said pinning her down more.
"o.k. o.k. I give. I give. You win! You're not afraid of anything. Now let me go please." Shiba said giving up.
"Thank you." Sakura said with a victoriouse grin and helped her cousin up from the floor. As Shiba was dusting herself off Sakura began to talk again.
"It's a good thing that you gave up." Sakura said picking up her flash light.
"Really? and why is that?" Shiba asked as she went and picked up the bowl, pen and paper from the floor.
"Well, you don't want anything happening to Mr. Woofums, do you?" She said with an evil smirk, holding up a dog stuffed animal that was white and had a brown
spot over it's left eye.
"H-how did you..." She said with wide eyes.
"I found him in youre room the other day when I was cleaning. I never thought that you would keep it this long." Sakura said with that smirk still on her face.
"Give him back NOW!" Shiba demanded.
"Calm down Shiba. I'm going to give him back. He was just my back up plan incase you wouldn't give up. So here." She said as she gentelly through him back to
"Are you o.k. Mr. Woofums? Did the pink-haired banshee hurt you?" Shiba said to the stuffed animal she was embrassing.
"No Shiba the pink-haired banshee didn't hurt you're preciouse puppy." Sakura said balling up her hand into a fist.
But unknown to the two cousins there were 10 sets of eyes looking at Shiba like she was a crazy.
Both Sakura and Shiba turn to see who was the one trying to get their attention.
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In the living room with the others (this is before the incident with Shiba and Sakura):
"o.k. people this is how we're going to pick who goes first and who goes second, third, forth, and so on." Said Ino as she stood on a couch in front of the others.
"and how are we going to do this?" asked Lee.
"Simpel! Paper, scissor, rock!" She shouted with her fist in the air. Then out of all the excitement she lost her balace, and fell off the couch and landed
right on her face.
"Umm..Ino? you o.k?" Asked Tenten trying not to laugh at her freinds miss fourtune.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Ino said geting up really fast.
"Hey, isn't it rock, paper, scissor, shoe?" Asked Naruto.
"It could be either one idiot." Kiba replied.
"well it was just a question! Sheesh, don't get youre panties in a twist grandma." Naruto retorted while crossing his arms.
"What did you just say?" Kiba asked getting ready to punch the blond.
"You heard me." Naruto said back.
"Get ready for a world of hurt blondie!" Kiba said as he jumped at Naruto.
"Bring it on. I'll beat you to a bloody pulp! Believe it!" Naruto said jumping at Kiba as well.
"I'd like to see you try it!" Kiba said as he and Naruto started theire little fist fight on the living room floor.
"Hey, do you think we should stop them?" asked Tenten.
"Nah, they'll stop eventually. Plus this provides at least some entertainment." replied Temari.
"Yeah the dobe can take care of himself." Sasuke added from the wall, not too far away, that he was leaning on.
"Go Naruto and Kiba! Let the power of youth help you in youre battle!" Lee said as he gave that, oh so creepy, good guy pose. (thank God that you couldn't really
see it in the dark.)
"well anyway, we should start the paper, scissor, rock contest before-" Ino started, but was cut off by a crash that sounded from the kitchen entrence.
It was Sakura and Shiba. Sakura had just tackled Shiba to the floor and was arguing with her about being scared of something. They all saw Sakura get up, and
both picked up they're stuff as they started to talk once more. Shiba had a look of shock on her face as Sakura held up some stuffed animal dog. Sakura then
tossed the dog back to Shiba and she embrassed it and started Everyone was watching and listening to the conversation (except for
Shikamaru who was still on the futon snoring), even Naruto and Kiba had stopped fighting and were paying attention. Then.....
'uh-hum' Ino cleared her throught to get theire attention.
Sakura and Shiba turned around and looked at everyone. Shiba immediately hid the stuffed animal, as best she could, behind her back. A few laughs and giggles
were heared in the room before Shiba broke the scilence. (or fit of giggles)
"H-hey." she said nervousely, blushing a little with embarracement.
"Nice puppy Shiba or should I say, Mr. Woofums." Neji said in a teasing tone. Which earned him an elbow in the side.
"Cut it out Neji!" Tenten said removing her elbow from his side.
"P-pink-haird b-banshee." Naruto said in between laughs.
"Want to say that again Naruto?" Sakura said with a fist ready yo punch Narutos face in.
"N-no Sakura." He said in fear to the 'pink-haired banshee' as he hid behind Hinata, who of course blushed.
"Now that we're all back, and I have all the necessary items. Let's start he game." Ino said like she were a little girl at Christmas, waiting to open her presents.
"What about paper, scissor, rock?" Asked Kiba.
"It's rock, paper, scissor, shoe." Naruto reminded.
"It can be either way." Kiba reppeated getting mad again.
"Alright you two, no more fighting over something so stupid." Temari said.
"It's not stupid!" They both yelled.
"Anyway, as I was saying, let's start! Forget about paper, scissor, rock. Or rock, paper, scissor, shoe." Ino added the last part 'cause she saw Naruto opening
his mouth in protest.
"O.k. so which one of these youthfuly, youthful, young peopl will be first?" Asked Lee.
"Well, I'v put all the guys names into the bowl. So the girls will have to pick a paper from the bowl." Ino stated holding up the bowl.
"Since this was YOURE bright idea Ino. Why don't you go first?" suggested Temari with a smirk.
"M-me?" Ino asked in surprise.
"Sure, Ino. This was youre little plan, so you should be the first to go." Tenten added.
"Yeah Ino-pig. Don't tell me youre nervouse of being in a closet with a boy for ONLY seven minutes." Sakura teased.
"N-no! Of course I'm not nervouse Forhead!" Ino said back.
"Then proove it." Sakura said holding up the bowl.
Ino got a paper and opened it. "It says.....Shikamaru?" She said in dis-belief.
"Huh? Who said my name?" Shikamaru said as he finally woke up.
"You and Ino have to go in the closet for seven minutes." said Neji with a 'I really don't care' kind of attitude.
"How troublesome." He said before getting up and heading towards the closet.
"What you waiting for Ino? Go ahead and get in the closet." said Temari.
"I-i'm going." She said as she started to walk to the closet that Shikamaru was currently in.
"Alright you two. Have fun." Said Sakura with a giggle before closing the door.
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In the closet with Shikamaru and Ino:
"So.....we're stuck in a closet for seven minutes?" Ino said trying to releive some of the tention.
"Yeah, it's such a drag." Shikamaru said leaning on one of the walls.
"What? Is it so bad that you're in a closet with me?" Ino asked getting mad.
"No, it's not that." Shikamaru said lazily.
"Then what is it?" Ino asked curiously
"You talk to much and are doing absolutely nothing." Shikamaru answered.
"And what's wrong with that? It's not like we're going to do anything." Ino replyed.
"So you don't want to do anything?" He said as he started to move closer to her.
"W-well..." She stuttered as she was backed up against a wall. 'what a time for Hinata to be rubbing off on me.' Ino thought as her back was now flat against
the wall.
"Well, what?" He said as he got even closer to her.
"Ummm...." She was totally speachless. She couldn't believe how close he was and her mind just didn't want to function.
"Since you have nothing else to say." He said as he lowered his lips to hers, and kissed her softely.
Ino was in heaven. There was no other way to descride the feeling she had. She was in complete bliss. The kiss was so gentel and careing. It was the sweetest
thing ever. She couldn't help but to kiss him back just as sweet.
When they broke apart Shikamaru just staired down at her. Then asked, "Do you want to go out sometimes? You know, if we survive being in this crazy house?"
"Sure." She said as she brought him back down for another kiss, but this one was more heated.
And so they continued to make-out for the next few minutes that were left. Ino was mouning into Shikamarus mouth as he kissed her and, of course, groped her
quite a few times.
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Out of the closet:
"So..what do you think they're doing in there?" asked Naruto.
"I don't know. Probably making out." replied Temari.
"Yeah, and knowing Shikamaru, some groping is DEFENATLY going on." Tenten added.
Just then a few mouns were heard from the closet.
"Yep, they're making out and he's most likly grouping her." Sakura said looking at her watch.
"Hn." came Sasuke's response to the comment that Sakura just made.
"How much time do they have left?" asked Kiba.
"About a minute." Sakura replied.
"So, who's next?" asked Neji.
"I volunteer Temari." said Shiba.
"Yeah. me too." said Tenten.
"What? w-why me?" asked Temari.
"W-well, b-because you w-were the one w-who v-volunteered Ino, s-so it should b-be f-fair t-that we v-volunteer y-you." Hinata explained.
"Fine then!" Temari said as she crossed her arms.
"O.k. time's up. Let's get those two out of there." Sakura said as she got up and opened the closet door.
There, in the dark of the closet was Ino and Shikamaru making-out like they didn't notice the door open (which they probably didn't.) Sakura flashed the light
of the flash light in theire faces to try and get theire attention. When that didn't work she started to talk.
"Hey guys, times up." Sakura said to the couple.
They immediatly broke apart and blushed.
"S-sorry." Ino said as she and Shikamaru started to walk our of the closet.
"It sounded like you guys had fun in there." Neji said with a smirk
They both blushed again and didn't answer him.
"Thought so." Neji said, with that smirk never leaving his face.
"Anyway, Temari has so graciousely volunteered to go next. So go a head and pick one Temari." Tenten said with the bowl in her hand.
Temari picked up a paper and opened it.
"So who's the lucky guy?" asked Kiba.
"Lee." She answered plainly.
"I am honored to be picked by you, my dear lily of the sand." Lee said with a big grin on his face.
"Y-yeah." Temari replied with a slight blush.
"O.k. you two love birds. Into the closet you go." Sakura said as she shoved both Temari and Lee into her closet.
"This should be interesting." Said Neji as he looked at the closet door.
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In the closet with Temari and Lee:
It was pretty quiet in the room. No one was saying anything and it was getting awkward. So Lee descided to break the scilence with a question.
"Say, Temari?" Lee asked.
"What is it Lee?" Temari replied.
"Can I ask you something important?" Lee asked looking at her.
"Sure." Temari said turning to look at him.
"Do you like me? As in more then a friend?" He said.
This shoked Temari a little and she didn't answer for a while, so Lee spoke again.
"Because if you do not, the-" He was cut off by Temari's lips on him.
She then pulled away and looked at him, "Does that answer your question?" She askes with a smile.
"Yes, it does." Lee said as he bent down and kissed her.
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With the others:
"How much longer do they have?" asked Naruto.
"Two minutes and counting." Sakura said looking at her watch yet again.
"So, who's next?" asked Tenten.
" about Hinata?" Ino suggested.
"W-why m-me?" Asked Hinata as she started to push her fingers together.(a/n. you know like what she does in the show when she's nervouse.)
"Well, I don't know. I just picked someone randomly." Said Ino shrugging her shoulders.
"I think that Hinata should go." Shiba said.
"Yeah, I mean why not?" added Sakura.
"A-alright. I-I'll g-go next." Hinata replied.
"Then it's settled Hinata's next." Tenten said.
"Oh, it's time to go get the love birds out of the closet." Sakura said once again getting up and heading for the closet door.
She turned the knob and found Lee and Temari sitting in a corner kissing. But unlike Shikamaru and Ino, they broke apart as soon as the door was fully opened.
"Time's up." Sakura said.
"Right." Lee said as he helped Temari up and she blushed as they walked out.
"S-so who's going next?" Temari asked as she changed the topick before anyone asked any questions.
"Hinata's next." said Ino.
"How did it end up being Hinata next?" Temari asked.
"Ino chose someone randomly and we agreed with her." Shib answered.
"Oh, o.k." Temari answered sitting down on a couch.
"Well, enough chit-chat. Hinata come and pick." Tenten said from her seat next to the bowl.
"O-o.k." She replied as she walked to where Tenten was seated.
She then took a peice of paper from the bowl and opened it.
"Who is it Hinata?" Tenten asked.
"Yeah, who is it?" Shiba added.
Evil cliffy! MUAHAHAHAHA! lol. That was for you Destenyne! hehe! But don't worry the next chap will be soon. So I guess youre stuck with the dead mouse for
a lil bit. hehe. Sorry! well anyway it's 3:15 in the freakin' morning and i'm sleepy, so i apologize if the ending is a little rushed. See me dedication to
you guys? I think this one of the longest, if not the longest chap I'v writted. So ya. Anywho, hope that you liked the chap. and PLEASE R&R PPL!!!!! 'till
next time!
and there, I pressed a button and it DELETED HALF of what i had taken SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT to write. And my stupid computer didn't save any of it, so I had to
write the half that was deleted all over again. But anyway it's finally out so I hope you enjoy !!!! Oh, and the next chap will be out next week around the same
time as this one.
To my reviewers:
Fennec Fox Girl: I'm glad that you liked the chap. And I hope that more people do read youre fic. It's freakin' AWESOME! well thanx for reviewing. and I hope
that you like this chap!!! And thanx for reviewing my one-shot 'Friday the 13th' Glad you liked that one too!!!
Destenyne: Has anyone ever told you that you were VERY impatiant? lol. well anyway you're wait is now over! for here is the next chapter to 'Sakuras Party.'
Sorry that I made you wait. I think that i'm starting to get a little writers block. Anywho, thanx for the 3! reviews and i'm not toying with you. Well maybe
a little, or a lot. jkjk! well i hope that you like the chap and thanx for reviewing my one-shot. Glad u liked! :)
7 minutes in Heaven (Part 1)
Last time:
"Oh calm down it'll be fun! And nothing is going to happen to Hinata, don't worry so much." Ino said happily ignoring Tenten's comment.
"Hide and Seek is sounding really good right now." Sakura said.
"Oh ya." agreed Temari.
This time:
"Well enough of that, lets start the game!" exclaimed Ino as cheerful as ever.
"I guess there's no point in arguing with her, is there?" asked a defeated Kiba.
"No, I don't believe there is." Shiba said with a sigh.
"O.k. then! Hey, Sakura can you get me some sticky notes, a pen, and a small bowl?" Ino asked with a huge grin on her face. (not that you could really see it in the dark)
"Sure. Hey, Shiba want to come and help me look for this stuff?" asked Sakura.
"Why not?" she said as she walked towards Sakura. 'it's better then being in a room with the Queen of crazy town over there' Shiba thought to herselfe as she glanced
back at Ino, a.k.a. the Queen of crazy town.
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With Sakura and Shiba:
"So why did you call me to come with you?" asked Shiba with curiosity.
"Because I didn't want to go and look for stuff alone." Sakura said back. "Plus it'll be faster with more then one person." she added before shining the flash
light in the opposite direction.
"Are you sure it wasn't 'cause you want to talk, or're scared?" She said in a teasing voice.
"N-no, Of course not. Why would I be scared?" Sakura said defensively.
"I was just playing around, but I do remember you being scared of the dark when we were kids." She said tapping her chin with her finger, as if she were in deep
"Yeah, but that was what? 10 years ago?" Sakura said back.
"Well yeah, but you could just be pretending that you're not afraid anymore. For all I know you could still keep a night light in you're room and turn it on
everynight." She said poking Sakuras right shoulder.
"I'm one of the most freakin' acomplished leaf village kunoichi and one of the best medical nin in all of Konohoa, not to mention that I was trained by the Fifth
Hokage herself! And you think that I'm scared to be alon in the dark of my OWN home?" Sakura shouted back getting VERY irritated by her cousin at the moment.
"Alright, alright, I was just kidding. Sheesh Sakura, and everyone is scared of something right?" Shiba responded calmly to her cousins' little outburst.
"I AM NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING!!!" Sakura screamed smashing her fist into the the closest thing to her, which was the dinning table, and ended up breaking it
into small peices of wood.
"Sure, whatever you say Sakura." Shiba said as she began to walk out of the kitchen and back into the living room with a all the needed items in hand.
"Hold on Shiba! I'm not finished with you! You owe me a new table!!!" Sakura called to her running out of the kitchen with her flash light and her fist in the
She actually caught up with Shiba pretty fast and well...tackled her to the floor. A 'CRASH' was heard and Shiba was on the floor face down and Sakura was on
top holdng both of Shibas hands.
"Sakura let go!" Shiba whined and struggeled under Sakuras very strong grip, but it was no use she was trapped and couldn't do anything about it.
"No, not untill you say I win and that you were wrong about me being scared." Sakura said pinning her down more.
"o.k. o.k. I give. I give. You win! You're not afraid of anything. Now let me go please." Shiba said giving up.
"Thank you." Sakura said with a victoriouse grin and helped her cousin up from the floor. As Shiba was dusting herself off Sakura began to talk again.
"It's a good thing that you gave up." Sakura said picking up her flash light.
"Really? and why is that?" Shiba asked as she went and picked up the bowl, pen and paper from the floor.
"Well, you don't want anything happening to Mr. Woofums, do you?" She said with an evil smirk, holding up a dog stuffed animal that was white and had a brown
spot over it's left eye.
"H-how did you..." She said with wide eyes.
"I found him in youre room the other day when I was cleaning. I never thought that you would keep it this long." Sakura said with that smirk still on her face.
"Give him back NOW!" Shiba demanded.
"Calm down Shiba. I'm going to give him back. He was just my back up plan incase you wouldn't give up. So here." She said as she gentelly through him back to
"Are you o.k. Mr. Woofums? Did the pink-haired banshee hurt you?" Shiba said to the stuffed animal she was embrassing.
"No Shiba the pink-haired banshee didn't hurt you're preciouse puppy." Sakura said balling up her hand into a fist.
But unknown to the two cousins there were 10 sets of eyes looking at Shiba like she was a crazy.
Both Sakura and Shiba turn to see who was the one trying to get their attention.
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In the living room with the others (this is before the incident with Shiba and Sakura):
"o.k. people this is how we're going to pick who goes first and who goes second, third, forth, and so on." Said Ino as she stood on a couch in front of the others.
"and how are we going to do this?" asked Lee.
"Simpel! Paper, scissor, rock!" She shouted with her fist in the air. Then out of all the excitement she lost her balace, and fell off the couch and landed
right on her face.
"Umm..Ino? you o.k?" Asked Tenten trying not to laugh at her freinds miss fourtune.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Ino said geting up really fast.
"Hey, isn't it rock, paper, scissor, shoe?" Asked Naruto.
"It could be either one idiot." Kiba replied.
"well it was just a question! Sheesh, don't get youre panties in a twist grandma." Naruto retorted while crossing his arms.
"What did you just say?" Kiba asked getting ready to punch the blond.
"You heard me." Naruto said back.
"Get ready for a world of hurt blondie!" Kiba said as he jumped at Naruto.
"Bring it on. I'll beat you to a bloody pulp! Believe it!" Naruto said jumping at Kiba as well.
"I'd like to see you try it!" Kiba said as he and Naruto started theire little fist fight on the living room floor.
"Hey, do you think we should stop them?" asked Tenten.
"Nah, they'll stop eventually. Plus this provides at least some entertainment." replied Temari.
"Yeah the dobe can take care of himself." Sasuke added from the wall, not too far away, that he was leaning on.
"Go Naruto and Kiba! Let the power of youth help you in youre battle!" Lee said as he gave that, oh so creepy, good guy pose. (thank God that you couldn't really
see it in the dark.)
"well anyway, we should start the paper, scissor, rock contest before-" Ino started, but was cut off by a crash that sounded from the kitchen entrence.
It was Sakura and Shiba. Sakura had just tackled Shiba to the floor and was arguing with her about being scared of something. They all saw Sakura get up, and
both picked up they're stuff as they started to talk once more. Shiba had a look of shock on her face as Sakura held up some stuffed animal dog. Sakura then
tossed the dog back to Shiba and she embrassed it and started Everyone was watching and listening to the conversation (except for
Shikamaru who was still on the futon snoring), even Naruto and Kiba had stopped fighting and were paying attention. Then.....
'uh-hum' Ino cleared her throught to get theire attention.
Sakura and Shiba turned around and looked at everyone. Shiba immediately hid the stuffed animal, as best she could, behind her back. A few laughs and giggles
were heared in the room before Shiba broke the scilence. (or fit of giggles)
"H-hey." she said nervousely, blushing a little with embarracement.
"Nice puppy Shiba or should I say, Mr. Woofums." Neji said in a teasing tone. Which earned him an elbow in the side.
"Cut it out Neji!" Tenten said removing her elbow from his side.
"P-pink-haird b-banshee." Naruto said in between laughs.
"Want to say that again Naruto?" Sakura said with a fist ready yo punch Narutos face in.
"N-no Sakura." He said in fear to the 'pink-haired banshee' as he hid behind Hinata, who of course blushed.
"Now that we're all back, and I have all the necessary items. Let's start he game." Ino said like she were a little girl at Christmas, waiting to open her presents.
"What about paper, scissor, rock?" Asked Kiba.
"It's rock, paper, scissor, shoe." Naruto reminded.
"It can be either way." Kiba reppeated getting mad again.
"Alright you two, no more fighting over something so stupid." Temari said.
"It's not stupid!" They both yelled.
"Anyway, as I was saying, let's start! Forget about paper, scissor, rock. Or rock, paper, scissor, shoe." Ino added the last part 'cause she saw Naruto opening
his mouth in protest.
"O.k. so which one of these youthfuly, youthful, young peopl will be first?" Asked Lee.
"Well, I'v put all the guys names into the bowl. So the girls will have to pick a paper from the bowl." Ino stated holding up the bowl.
"Since this was YOURE bright idea Ino. Why don't you go first?" suggested Temari with a smirk.
"M-me?" Ino asked in surprise.
"Sure, Ino. This was youre little plan, so you should be the first to go." Tenten added.
"Yeah Ino-pig. Don't tell me youre nervouse of being in a closet with a boy for ONLY seven minutes." Sakura teased.
"N-no! Of course I'm not nervouse Forhead!" Ino said back.
"Then proove it." Sakura said holding up the bowl.
Ino got a paper and opened it. "It says.....Shikamaru?" She said in dis-belief.
"Huh? Who said my name?" Shikamaru said as he finally woke up.
"You and Ino have to go in the closet for seven minutes." said Neji with a 'I really don't care' kind of attitude.
"How troublesome." He said before getting up and heading towards the closet.
"What you waiting for Ino? Go ahead and get in the closet." said Temari.
"I-i'm going." She said as she started to walk to the closet that Shikamaru was currently in.
"Alright you two. Have fun." Said Sakura with a giggle before closing the door.
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In the closet with Shikamaru and Ino:
"So.....we're stuck in a closet for seven minutes?" Ino said trying to releive some of the tention.
"Yeah, it's such a drag." Shikamaru said leaning on one of the walls.
"What? Is it so bad that you're in a closet with me?" Ino asked getting mad.
"No, it's not that." Shikamaru said lazily.
"Then what is it?" Ino asked curiously
"You talk to much and are doing absolutely nothing." Shikamaru answered.
"And what's wrong with that? It's not like we're going to do anything." Ino replyed.
"So you don't want to do anything?" He said as he started to move closer to her.
"W-well..." She stuttered as she was backed up against a wall. 'what a time for Hinata to be rubbing off on me.' Ino thought as her back was now flat against
the wall.
"Well, what?" He said as he got even closer to her.
"Ummm...." She was totally speachless. She couldn't believe how close he was and her mind just didn't want to function.
"Since you have nothing else to say." He said as he lowered his lips to hers, and kissed her softely.
Ino was in heaven. There was no other way to descride the feeling she had. She was in complete bliss. The kiss was so gentel and careing. It was the sweetest
thing ever. She couldn't help but to kiss him back just as sweet.
When they broke apart Shikamaru just staired down at her. Then asked, "Do you want to go out sometimes? You know, if we survive being in this crazy house?"
"Sure." She said as she brought him back down for another kiss, but this one was more heated.
And so they continued to make-out for the next few minutes that were left. Ino was mouning into Shikamarus mouth as he kissed her and, of course, groped her
quite a few times.
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Out of the closet:
"So..what do you think they're doing in there?" asked Naruto.
"I don't know. Probably making out." replied Temari.
"Yeah, and knowing Shikamaru, some groping is DEFENATLY going on." Tenten added.
Just then a few mouns were heard from the closet.
"Yep, they're making out and he's most likly grouping her." Sakura said looking at her watch.
"Hn." came Sasuke's response to the comment that Sakura just made.
"How much time do they have left?" asked Kiba.
"About a minute." Sakura replied.
"So, who's next?" asked Neji.
"I volunteer Temari." said Shiba.
"Yeah. me too." said Tenten.
"What? w-why me?" asked Temari.
"W-well, b-because you w-were the one w-who v-volunteered Ino, s-so it should b-be f-fair t-that we v-volunteer y-you." Hinata explained.
"Fine then!" Temari said as she crossed her arms.
"O.k. time's up. Let's get those two out of there." Sakura said as she got up and opened the closet door.
There, in the dark of the closet was Ino and Shikamaru making-out like they didn't notice the door open (which they probably didn't.) Sakura flashed the light
of the flash light in theire faces to try and get theire attention. When that didn't work she started to talk.
"Hey guys, times up." Sakura said to the couple.
They immediatly broke apart and blushed.
"S-sorry." Ino said as she and Shikamaru started to walk our of the closet.
"It sounded like you guys had fun in there." Neji said with a smirk
They both blushed again and didn't answer him.
"Thought so." Neji said, with that smirk never leaving his face.
"Anyway, Temari has so graciousely volunteered to go next. So go a head and pick one Temari." Tenten said with the bowl in her hand.
Temari picked up a paper and opened it.
"So who's the lucky guy?" asked Kiba.
"Lee." She answered plainly.
"I am honored to be picked by you, my dear lily of the sand." Lee said with a big grin on his face.
"Y-yeah." Temari replied with a slight blush.
"O.k. you two love birds. Into the closet you go." Sakura said as she shoved both Temari and Lee into her closet.
"This should be interesting." Said Neji as he looked at the closet door.
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In the closet with Temari and Lee:
It was pretty quiet in the room. No one was saying anything and it was getting awkward. So Lee descided to break the scilence with a question.
"Say, Temari?" Lee asked.
"What is it Lee?" Temari replied.
"Can I ask you something important?" Lee asked looking at her.
"Sure." Temari said turning to look at him.
"Do you like me? As in more then a friend?" He said.
This shoked Temari a little and she didn't answer for a while, so Lee spoke again.
"Because if you do not, the-" He was cut off by Temari's lips on him.
She then pulled away and looked at him, "Does that answer your question?" She askes with a smile.
"Yes, it does." Lee said as he bent down and kissed her.
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With the others:
"How much longer do they have?" asked Naruto.
"Two minutes and counting." Sakura said looking at her watch yet again.
"So, who's next?" asked Tenten.
" about Hinata?" Ino suggested.
"W-why m-me?" Asked Hinata as she started to push her fingers together.(a/n. you know like what she does in the show when she's nervouse.)
"Well, I don't know. I just picked someone randomly." Said Ino shrugging her shoulders.
"I think that Hinata should go." Shiba said.
"Yeah, I mean why not?" added Sakura.
"A-alright. I-I'll g-go next." Hinata replied.
"Then it's settled Hinata's next." Tenten said.
"Oh, it's time to go get the love birds out of the closet." Sakura said once again getting up and heading for the closet door.
She turned the knob and found Lee and Temari sitting in a corner kissing. But unlike Shikamaru and Ino, they broke apart as soon as the door was fully opened.
"Time's up." Sakura said.
"Right." Lee said as he helped Temari up and she blushed as they walked out.
"S-so who's going next?" Temari asked as she changed the topick before anyone asked any questions.
"Hinata's next." said Ino.
"How did it end up being Hinata next?" Temari asked.
"Ino chose someone randomly and we agreed with her." Shib answered.
"Oh, o.k." Temari answered sitting down on a couch.
"Well, enough chit-chat. Hinata come and pick." Tenten said from her seat next to the bowl.
"O-o.k." She replied as she walked to where Tenten was seated.
She then took a peice of paper from the bowl and opened it.
"Who is it Hinata?" Tenten asked.
"Yeah, who is it?" Shiba added.
Evil cliffy! MUAHAHAHAHA! lol. That was for you Destenyne! hehe! But don't worry the next chap will be soon. So I guess youre stuck with the dead mouse for
a lil bit. hehe. Sorry! well anyway it's 3:15 in the freakin' morning and i'm sleepy, so i apologize if the ending is a little rushed. See me dedication to
you guys? I think this one of the longest, if not the longest chap I'v writted. So ya. Anywho, hope that you liked the chap. and PLEASE R&R PPL!!!!! 'till
next time!