Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sassychan ❯ Chapter 8: And As The Day Shifts...So Will I ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes:
Okay, here's the thing. Please read and review. Thanks!
I am running out of cute ideas to say that I do not own Naruto. However, NO ONE, I MEAN NO ONE could take away my naruto KEYCHAIN! I bought it! nyahahahahahahahahahahahahahha...onto the story!
By Boyarina
Chapter 8: And As The Day Shifts...So Will I
They have established two important things when they were just about a few hundred meters away from Konoha.
One is that Sasuke-kun turns into Sassy-chan completely once the moon peaks out of the sky and turns back to a male once the sun is up. The one thing that is most unsettling about Sasuke-kun's transformation is that he just suddenly changes into the female version of himself so subtlety, even the boy is fails to realize that he already is a she not until after Kabuto pointed out to him...
...Or in some cases, when Sasuke catches Kabuto staring at his ample bossom with a very obvious drool dribbling from his chin. This would lickety-split draw a reaction from the raven-haired teen that would range from a death glaret to a stinging slap (delivered with one arm covering his (her?) chest) to a clenched fist, and in it a kunai ready to be pitched with deadly accuracy. Then an enranged howl would follow this.
Once Sasuke-kun had deemed it that he had delivered the unequivocal revenge appropriate for his crime, that's the only time that the brutality would actually stop.
Another important thing that they found out is that not until they've reached Konoha, they would forever be attacked: ghouls, human beings, dirty name it.
As it is they are being attacked now. They are yet to know the purpose of their attackers so they are biding their time. These people are not from the sound village--making the possiblity that Orochimaru has yet to send troops to hunt them down a good chance to be true.
Not unless he employed a group of ninjas from a different village to throw him and Sasuke-kun off. The main reinforcement are just about to come. Kabuto could feel it in his bones that they would be large enough to take the two of them down.
There is only one way for them to get out of this alive. They have to enlist the help of Konoha ninjas and to do that Sasuke would have to gain their trust. Good thing that these foreign ninjas decided to stage their attack during the day. Because through this folly, they had stumbled upon them with Sasuke as a fully enraged male and fully capable of convincing Konoha that it is indeed he, Sasuke-kun who has come home. Now the only thing that Sasuke-kun needs is a peace offering that would get him to be accepted by Konoha again.
When a shuriken came sailing towards him, Kabuto took that as a cue to body flicker to the spot right beside Sasuke. Two of the mercenary shinobis followed him, and fool-hardly tried to slice his arms into ribbons. With a twist of his wrist, Kabuto flicked four shurikens directly to the eyes of his assailants in a speed so dizzying it left no doubt in his mind that the enemy shinobis didn't even had a glance at the deadly weapons at all.
"We need to reach the gates of Konoha now, " Kabuto said, going back to back against Sasuke as the enemy surrounded them, caging them inside a circle.
"I thought we are going to sneak in at night." Sasuke returned a kunai he caught in mid-air to the ninja in front of him, forming the seals to replicate five more kunais out of the one he threw.
Kabuto shook his head. "Listen. Once we get there, I will get this body killed. Carry it and bring it as a proof of your loyalty to your village."
"And you?"
If he had the time, Kabuto would have quirked a questioning eyebrow at Sasuke when he heard the concern in the young man's voice.
"I'll transfer on a different body," he answered simply as though it's no great feat at all. "I'll return to you and you will know it is me."
Inspirational Stuff:
"There are three ways of seeing life. In one people stick fast. In another they go to excess. In the third they see correctly.
In the first way, people take pleasure in all the things of life--in possessions and happenings, in families and continuation. When a teaching is proclaimed that advises nonattachment and going beyond the dictates of the self, their heart does not leap up and they are not drawn to it. In the second way, people are afflicted by hatred of life. Just as attached to life, they nonetheless revile it and make a bad thing of it to excess.
In the third way, people see life as it is--forever being and ceasing to be. They accept it willingly but are not attached and do not despair. It is they who begin to know the unconditioned."
-Itivuttaka Sutta