Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sassychan ❯ Chapter 15: Involving Shikamaru ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes:
okay, chapter fourteen, I would say this now to get it over with. i think i hate chapter 14. i failed in my attempt at humour. it really sucked. cries anyways, i can't promise this chapter would be good. the thing is, you might be confused as to why this chapter is here, but i need it once again to establish Naruto's character as the protector in the later chapters. thanks for your understanding. you might be thinking: what happned to kabuto? he's gonna appear soon. don't worry.
sighI do not own Naruto.
by Boyarina
Chapter 15: Involving Shikamaru
Shikamaru knew that something is underfoot the moment Kiba started to sniff Sasuke out, and had, thereafter looked like a man struck with lust. He didn't know at first why his instincts tells him that this particular reaction from Kiba should dissuade him from staying close to Uchiha, but based on the things that are happening now, was he ever so GLAD he did as he was told.
There is something wafting around Sasuke-san that's making Lee, Shino and Nejji gravitate towards him. Being five feet away from the missing nin (that now has finally returned), Shikamaru couldn't exactly tell--not that he really cared finding what it is. For sure, he would rather NOT know about it, especially if it means that he would end up looking like a dog who found himself a sniffing post.
Despite the efforts of both Hinata and Tenten, the three males crowded in around Sasuke, breathing in whatever Uchiha scent there may be--nearly inhaling the poor shinobi in to their nostrils.Good thing that Sasuke is a multi-cellular creature for he had been microscopic, that nin would certainly find himself trapped, by now, inside Lee, Shino and Neji's brachioles.
Chaos had certainly been brewing by the time Sasuke was cornered in, but it finally broke out when Naruto barged out of the Godaime's office, already looking pissed as hell and with a Sakura trailing behind him smiling giddily.
"What in the world are you trying to do accomplish here?" Naruto snarled as his eyes landed on the scene before him. The three shinobis quickly backed away from the circle they had made knowing full-well that it's only gonna get ugly if they dare contradict Naruto when he is having his (rare) eloquent moments.
Shikamaru couldn't help observing that right after Sasuke was freed from his human barricade NAruto (with nothing to hinder him on his path) got transfixed by Sasuke's scent as well. The blond seemed to be resisting it though for, albeit, he seemd like he EXTREMELY would've wanted to PASTE himself on Sauke's shirt, he held himself away by stretching a rigid arm before him and placing the hand of the said arm on Sasuke's shoulder. Like an executioner, he steered Sasuke to the Godaime's office.
"The Godaime wishes to speak to you now," Shikamaru heard Naruto saying, still using his I-am-as-eloquent-as-hell speech. Knowing that, at this point, their mission is definitely over, he turned and was about to make his exit when Naruto called out to him.
"Shikamaru, the Godaime requires your presence in her office as well."
Shikamaru stopped in his tracks and looked back, confused (and somewhat amused). Why would the Godaime 'require' his presence? And, what made Naruto that pissed causing him to keep on using that ingrating speech? Really, had Naruto henged into Neji and talked to the him the way he is speaking now, he certainly would not have any clue that it is Naruto he'd be talking to at that time. Also, he would not stick around long enough to investigate further because eloquent speech HURT his eardrums as much as nails screeching against a blackboard does to anyone.
"Troublesome," he finally muttered and waited until Sasuke had gone inside the room before going in himself.
What he saw inside did not surprised him at all. Naruto's sour mood (obscure though the reasons maybe) prepared him for the 'I-need-to-punch-something-utterly-hard-right-now' attitude of Tsunade-sama. As it is, this has always been the case as before.
A pissed off Naruto marching off from the Godaime's office would certainly equal to i-am-going-to-blow-fire-through-my-nose Hokage. She might be sitting there calmly on her chair looking serene, but if you looked closely enough, you'd see her temple nerves rhythmically throbbing. More so, had he had a cool glass of water at that time, he might just have been fool-hardly enough to hold it where her nostrils are and check for evidences of steam coming out of her nose.
Dashing his thoughts in the fear that Tsunade-sama would discover them through her intense scrutiny, Shikamaru bowed to her deeply.
"Hokage-sama," he greeted. "You have requested for me to be here?"
Despite his direct inquiry, Tsunade-sama chose not to answer him. She had given him, however, a look that clearly said 'shut your trap' , then redirected her gaze to Naruto.
"I'll talk to you later. For now, you go."
Naruto is not too happy about what Tsunade-sama said for instead of doing what he was told, he made himself comfortable on his spot beside Sasuke.
"I agreed to what you said! Can't I just stay here?" he griped, threading his hands through his blond hair.
Agreed to what? Shikamaru mused watching as suddenly Naruto perked up and held one finger up to shush the retort that was about to come out of the Godaime's lips.
The blond whipped his head around him and like a man who is yet to decide where he wants to go, shuffled to where the book case stood, then flattened himself to its side.
"OKay, now you go on and pretend that I'm not here," he declared triumphantly.
Tsunade-sama scrunched her face up all the while shaking her head and fist.
"I can still SEE you! How can I--WE--pretend that you're NOT here!" she shouted. Pointing to the door, she continued, "Now get your bum out of this office. NOw!"
Naruto stomped his foot down petutantly, but once again, immediately switched moods like lightning. He shot out from where he was and to the Hokage's astonishment came sprinting towards her. Screeching to a halt in front of the Hokage, Naruto hesitated for a second, then, as if making up his mind, he planted Tsunade-sama off to the side, ducked down and tucked himself under Tsunade-sama's desk.
"There! Can't see me now, CAN YOU!" he cackled madly.
Honestly, Shikamaru don't know what drugs Naruto is taking, but the desk he is hiding under doesn't have wooden panelling underneath and he could definitely see Naruto in plain view. Exhaling loudly, Shikamaru puffed out his cheeks and muttered, "Troublesome."
In a louder voice, he said, "I can still SEE you, Naruto."
The very second the words were out of his mouth, the Hokage, apparently having had enough of Naruto's antics, planted her hands on her desk soundly, and, without a care to what other's would think of her actions, chucked the desk out of her glass panelled window. The glass broke and the desk flew far, far into oblivion.
Tsunade-sama looked like an avenging angel amidst the falling broken shards of glass. She is not finished, however, taking hold of Naruto's shoulders, she lifted him over her head and...
...and sent him flying after the poor unfortunate desk.
"There! That solves that!" she said, satisfaction distinct in her voice. She dusted her hands off as she cooly assessed his and Sasuke's horror-stricken faces.
In the background, if you strain your ears enough, you'd still hear Naruto's outraged 'EIYEEEEEIII' as he continued to free fall down to the ground floor. The hokage tower, after all, is infinitely TALL.
It might take Naruto a WHILE to hit the ground.
Tsunade-sama just waved her hand casually. "Don't worry, he'll survive." Straigthening the front of her hokage robe, she went on in a business-like tone, "Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. I have one thing to say to the both of you, two things to say to you, Shikamaru and a lot to you Uchiha Sasuke."
She paused here for effect, then gave each of them a stern glare.
"From this day forward, the two of you should always be in the same vicinity as the other. You, Shikamaru, you don't need to attach yourself right next to Uchiha. Maintain the distance that you have from him right now. That is good. You just need to watch he--I mean, Sasuke anyway."
The Hokage coughed, making Shikamaru all the more suspicious about what appeared to be a blunder in her last statement.
He could have sworn Tsunade-sama said 'her' right before she corrected herself and said Sasuke's name instead.
Upon hearing his name, Shikamaru shoved all his speculations away and centered all his attention to what the Hokage is saying.
"Report to me any strange ongoings AROUND Sasuke. I repeat, any strange on goings AROUND," She drew a circle in the air to emphasize her point, "Sasuke."
Scowling, Shikamura nodded. Despite the fact that it had been drilled into him to respect his elders, he couldn't really help creasing his brows when Tsunade-sama suddenly began treating him as though he wouldn't be able to figure out for himself what 'around' meant.
Why does she have to keep on repeating AROUND when it's all about Sasuke that he'll be reporting to her anyway? Shikamaru grumbled internally as he observed the Godaime repeatedly tracing the circle she drew in the air moments ago.
"Shikamaru, did you understood what I said?" Tsunade-sama asked, though in Shikamaru's opinion, she didn't really need to.
Humouring her, and to show her that he still treats HER with utmost respect, Shikamaru bowed deeply.
"Hai. Duly noted. Anything else, Hokage-sama?" he asked.
The godaime shook her head, pigtails appearing and disappearing on the front of her shoulders.
"Tha's all Nara. Now, go get yourself gone before before I give you the same exit as I did Naruto," she said cheerfully, finally dismissing him.
After a harried bow, Shikamaru quickly fled not wanting to meet some fate that Naruto did.