Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Uzamaki Clan ❯ Brotherly Violence ( Chapter 18 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hello! Um, crap I have nothing else to say. Onward!
"I… am going…to kill Neji," Naruto gasped as he literally fell through the door into their hotel room. The three genin looked at Naruto and noticed that his shirt and pants were both badly torn in several places. "You could have helped, Sasuke-teme!" Sasuke glared at Naruto from his spot on the bed.
"You didn't need help getting away from Ten-ten."
"Actually I did! Temari saved me… Oh, that's what this is about," Naruto finally concluded. Without needing to be told the three kids left the room. Well, Hanabi and Inari left, Konohamaru was dragged. Naruto sighed. "I'm sorry your crush tried to rape me, but I don't exactly have control! Besides I don't even like Ten-ten like that!" Sasuke remained obstinate. Naruto grinned. "I was hoping I would have to resort to this." Sasuke's eyebrow raised.
"Resort to what?"
"Beating on you until you forget!" Naruto shouted before tackling Sasuke. The entire inn shook and Hanabi, Inari and Konohamaru decided that they would need to sleep in the lounge tonight.
"Damn senseis," Hanabi muttered, unaccustomed to sleeping without a bed. Inari just yawned and was out like a light. It took both Hanabi and Konohamaru awhile to decide who got the other couch. And by decided I mean that Hanabi beat Konohamaru into a pulp.
The next morning the three young shinobi found the impromptu teachers asleep on the floor with numerous pieces of broken furniture. Hanabi's eye twitched and she muttered "Bakas," before leaving wake-up duty to Inari and Konohamaru. Konohamaru grinned devilishly and looked at Inari who also grinned, although he wasn't quite as creep about it.
"Wet Dream no Jutsu!"
"Konohamaru! Inari!" could be heard miles away.
Next Scene
"Come one, Naruto, we need to buy you some new clothes," Sasuke said after the gang had left the inn. Naruto was about to speak but Sasuke cut him off. "No orange."
"No. No."
"I didn't say anything yet!" Much pointless violence followed.
Next Scene
"Well?" Sasuke asked as he looked at Naruto in the non-orange outfit. Sasuke couldn't wait to see Naruto admit that he had made the best choice.
"It's fine…" Naruto mumbled. Naruto was now wearing blood red pants with multiple pockets, a night blue shirt that showed all of his muscles and a blood red vest with his red Foxgloves to match. Sasuke held up his hand to his ear.
"I said its fine!" Naruto shouted, already missing his jumpsuit. After an awkward pause Naruto turned to the three genin. "Sasuke and I need to talk." The genin stayed in their place. Naruto sighed. "I'll teach you a new jutsu to practice along Souryu Endyan no Jutsu. Now just leave." The three kids smiled and left to the woods by the small village to train. Naruto lead Sasuke into an alley. "When did you find out?" he asked, referring to the nine-tailed fox on the back of his vest. Sasuke smirked.
"I suspected it when you managed to survived fighting that Haku guy and put that together with how the village treated you and other such facts. But the transformation is what made me sure of it. Blood line my ass." Naruto smiled nervously, a little ashamed of the crappy lie. Suddenly Naruto's face brightened into a mischievous grin.
"Do you want to talk to him?" Sasuke's eyes widened. "Oh come on, he's not that bad. He's mostly just perverted. What's the matter, chicken?" That did it.
"Bring him on," Sasuke replied. Naruto lifted his shirt and used chakra to make the seal appear.
"Touch it with your chakra." Sasuke complied and found himself face to face with a giant fox. If there hadn't been a cage Sasuke would have wet him self. Kyuubi sized Sasuke up before speaking.
SO YOU ARE KIT'S FRIEND. Kyuubi winked at him. THAT WEAPON'S GIRL YOU LIKE HAS ONE HOT BODY. IF I DIDN'T HAVE A BETTER MATE IN MIND FOR HIM I'D SAY HE SHOULD FIGHT YOU FOR HER. Sasuke wasn't sure what to think at this point but was dragged out of the sewer-like den.
"Well?" Naruto asked. "What did he say?" Sasuke fought back a blush before replying.
"Oh, nothing of interest." Naruto knew he was lying but was too happy to have his best friend not care about he beast inside him and used all his will power to not hug him. That would've been girly. However, Naruto was smiling so brightly he could make Gai jealous.
"So…" Sasuke began, wanting to avert a brotherly love scene. "Do you know who your parents are. Naruto's smile wavered for a moment.
"Yeah, my mom was named Kana Moriga. And my dad… he was the Yondaime." If Sasuke had been drinking anything he would have spit it out. Naruto went into the speech that Kyunaa had told him. At he end Sasuke chuckled.
"On a positive note, if people had known you'd probably have had to deal with fan girls hanging off you for your heritage." Naruto burst out laughing.
"Yeah, I guess you're right!" Both friends laughed, albeit Naruto was much, much louder. "I think I want to head back to Konohoa." Sasuke gave him a puzzled look. "I just do." Naruto replied to the unasked question, a small blush creeping up his face. Sasuke smirked at the fox boy.
"Think you've found your girl, dobe?" Naruto scowled at Sasuke before grinning when he recalled what else he had picked up the night he found out about Sasuke's crush.
"Do you really want to come up with new 'positions' with Ten-ten all night?" The sound of a skull hitting concrete soon followed.