Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Seijin Shiki ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Misashi Kishimoto.
Seijin Shiki
Chapter 2
Exhaustion, a throbbing temple and tensed muscles is what Sakura felt as she trudged from the hospital. It had been another long day healing injured and near-death shinobi. Why so many returned hurt was a mystery to her. Perhaps it was because they wanted her to nearly exhaust her chakra reserves. But she knew that was improbable. The reason didn't matter. All she felt was tiredness.
It was bad enough that she had stayed up most of the night contemplating Kakashi's words. Not mentioning the fact that she had to decide whether to attend the Seijin Shiki. But after she had thought over Kakashi's words she came to the conclusion that yes, she would attend if not for more than to let go of her past. Kakashi's sincere words had brought up memories that she would have preferred to keep dormant. She had thought that once she had become Jounin that she had put her past behind her. But it was not so. Images of blood, shrieks of terror, and the efforts of her friends had haunted her dreams during the little sleep she was able to get.
Kakashi's presence the previous night hadn't helped her much either. It was frustrating to talk with the man after not having a descent conversation with him in two years. She could still feel the lingering affects of the scene of Kakashi being slammed into a cliff wall. His fight against Sasuke had nearly cost him his life. Those memories were the hardest to stomach. Their former friend and teammate trying his best to destroy what few people that cared for him.
Sakura forcefully pushed her thoughts from her mind. Perhaps the Seijin Shiki would finally put her past away for good and be a stepping stone for her new and improved life. The doors to Tsunade's office came into view. She entered on silent feet, turning to close the door softly behind her. She was soon standing in front of Tsunade, her hands demurely at her sides. “Tsunade-sama?”
Tsunade looked up from her paperwork. She pushed the pile aside, lying her hands on her cracked desk, a aspect from too many rising tempers, as she looked up at her apprentice. The resolved look in Sakura's eyes brought a smile to her face. “Have you decided.”
Sakura nodded. “I have Tsunade-shishou. I will attend.”
Tsunade's smile enlarged. “Great. I knew you would see the opportunities that will be presented to you.”
Sakura shuffled her feet, looking everywhere but at Tsunade. “But there is one problem…”
Tsunade arched a thin brow. “Oh, do tell.”
Sakura turned her eyes back to Tsunade, a worried frown on her rosy lips. “How am I supposed to buy a furisode. My mother rented hers so I cannot use it and I don't have the money to buy one. I can't even afford to rent one. I've got to pay for my apartment soon and I won't have any money except for necessities.”
Tsunade interrupted Sakura. She had known Sakura since she was thirteen years old, these long monologues were Sakura's way of being nervous. She waved her hand dismissively, her red nails glittering in the dim light. “Think nothing of it. I'll take care of everything.”
Sakura hesitated. “But Tsunade-shishou, a furisode is expensive. It would take me a few years to pay that amount back.”
“Like I said, don't worry about it.” Tsunade looked over at the clock on the wall. “He's late as usual.” She turned her head back to Sakura. “You may go now. I'll speak with you tomorrow. I have a research project for you to work on for the next few days.”
Sakura nodded, bowing at the waist before she turned to leave. She still felt that she needed to say something, but Tsunade was everything if not impatient with frivolous things. Sakura hands were on the doorknob leading from the room just when a new presence entered. The tendrils of smoke that had appeared along with him was a huge clue as to who he was.
Tsunade narrowed her amber eyes. “Ah, Hatake. One of these days I'll make sure you are on time for an appointment.”
Kakashi rubbed the back of his head. “Ah, about that. You see, this old woman was lost and I had to help her find her way back home.”
Sakura laughed, the sound bringing both Kakashi's and Tsunade's attention to her. With a demure duck of her head to avoid their stares she turned towards the door again. Just as she was beginning to push the door open Tsunade spoke. The tone of her voice was not good for the young kunoichi.
“Sakura. I changed my mind. You'll be going with Hatake on this mission.”
Sakura turned around with widened eyes. “Kakashi? But I thought you said I had a research project to do.”
With a devious smile Tsunade beckoned Sakura over with a manicured hand. “You can pick up your duties when you return from this mission. Now then, do you have any objects?”
Sakura glanced at Kakashi from the corner of her eye to see him watching her curiously. With a small blush she came to stand beside him. “No Tsunade-shishou.”
Tsunade smiled. “Very well then.” She pulled a scroll from her desk, pushing it across the desk towards Kakashi. “All the details are in there.” Kakashi casually stepped forward and took the scroll, unraveling it before Tsunade continued. “You will be heading to the western Sand boarder. There you will be escorting the Daimyou home. This is a C-class mission but the pay will be A-rank. Do you have any questions?”
Kakashi scanned the scroll, slowing only at the important passages. Sakura watched the way his obsidian eye moved across the paper. It was mesmerizing in a disconcerting way. The steady hands that held the paper were tanned, not yet faded from summer. With a jerk of her head Sakura turned her attention away from studying Kakashi. She hoped he hadn't realized her stares.
Kakashi rolled the scroll back up. He focused his droopy eye back on the Hokage. “I have no questions.”
Tsunade turned her eyes to Sakura. “Any questions?”
Sakura shook her head, a few strands of her pink locks escaping the bun at the back of her head.
Tsunade smiled, pleased that her apprentice had such intelligence. “If there is nothing else then you are dismissed. I expect you to return in less than a week.” She picked up her quill pen, dipping it into a bottle of black ink before resuming her work.
Sakura took that as her queue to leave. She expected Kakashi to teleport away but was surprised when he followed her out of the door. Her nerves began to kick in when she realized exactly whom she was going on this mission with. She felt nervous because she hadn't gone on a mission with Kakashi in over two years. They had each taken their separate ways after Sasuke's return. She felt even more distant from him now than when she had first met him as a Genin.
Kakashi looked over at Sakura, watching the way she worried her bottom lip between her teeth. It was a habit she had always had. He was glad that at least some things hadn't changed about the young woman. He smiled, his eye crinkling as he lay a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I'm glad to be working with you again. It'll be just like old times.”
Sakura looked up, surprised once again by the Copy-nin. This was more sure proof that people did change when they got older. She processed his words. The turn of her rosy lips brought a joyous smile on her face. “I'm glad too. I can't believe we haven't gone on a mission in so long.”
They exited the Hokage Tower, the cool night air immediately bringing goosebumps on Sakura's skin. With a shudder she looked up at Kakashi who had his hands in his pockets, staring forward in his usual slouched position. It was already night once again. The lanterns on the side of the street lit the paths as she stars above twinkled in their own world. Sakura giggled. “It seems the only time I ever see you is at night.”
Kakashi looked down at Sakura, his eye crinkling. “Is that so? Come on, I'll walk you home.” He started forward, looking back after a couple of steps as Sakura remained standing.
She looked at him questioningly. “I can walk myself home you know. You don't have to.”
Kakashi shrugged. “Your apartment is my way so why not go the extra block?” He watched as Sakura thought. His eye trailed from her dark lashes to roam her face. Why hadn't he noticed before how her skin seemed to glow in the moonlight? With a mental shake of his head he called out. “Are you coming?”
Sakura smiled, moving forward until they were walking alongside each other. She wrapped her arms about herself, trying to retain as much body heat as she could. She stole a glance at Kakashi, wondering how he couldn't be cold with his thin shirt and vest. She smiled to herself when she realized that even if he was cold; he would never say anything about it. Men and their pride, she wondered if there even was a man that didn't put his ego before his feelings. But she could understand. In her own way she was prideful. She hated it when people always saw her as weaker since she was female. Those few who had assumed as much were either dead or almost to that stage.
All too soon they were nearing Sakura's apartment. Sakura realized that she liked these comfortable silences she shared with Kakashi. It wasn't much but just knowing that he cared enough to be in her company, it made it worthwhile. He wasn't the most social man but at least he wasn't like Sasuke, uptight and unfriendly. She berated herself for comparing Sasuke with Kakashi. Even if she didn't voice her thoughts aloud she still felt guilty. She knew it was foolish, but she still held feelings for the last surviving Uchiha. No matter how many times she said that she would move on from the cold shinobi, she would always feel as if a part of herself belonged to him.
Kakashi's voice cut through her inner musings. “Did you decide if you were going to the Seijin Shiki yet?”
Sakura hummed in affirmative. “Yes.” She looked forward to see her apartment fast approaching. She suddenly wished that she lived further into the village.
The warm presence of a hand on her shoulder had her turning her head back up to regard her companion. Kakashi smiled down at her. He squeezed her shoulder gently. “I'm glad.”
Sakura watched with a slightly faster heart as he disappeared. A passing breeze quickly stole any warmth left lingering from Kakashi's hand. She looked up at the night sky. It was a full moon. She smiled. It looked close enough to touch. With a last glance in the direction of Kakashi's apartment Sakura entered her house. She knew she would be getting a better sleep that night.
So everyone, what do you think? I didn't put as much effort into this chapter. I guess it was because I've been typing different things all day. But I'm very happy with it. I hope I'm getting Kakashi and Sakura's relationship moving along nicely. Kakashi is harder for me to write. His feelings and such are sometimes hard to think up, especially for a kakasaku story. But after writing Naruto fics for almost two years now, I think I've got his personality pretty much down.
Oh and once again, I would like to think my beta, ZipperRabbit. Thank you!
Sakura is pretty easy for me to write, especially since there are quite a few things similar between her and I. In this fic I'm trying to get across that Sakura is a lot maturer. She thinks about things more thoroughly and she is more patient, and contemplative. I hope I got that across. Well, that's all for now. :)