Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Seijin Shiki ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: If anyone asks…*peeks around the corner* I don't own Naruto.
Seijin Shiki
Chapter 4
The coo of a white-breasted dove broke through Sakura's haze of dreams. She slowly opened her eyes, examining the forest loft above her. The morning sun had yet to break-through the canopy of coniferous and broad-leafed trees. The noise of someone moving about the needle-covered ground alerted Sakura to her companion's presence. With silent movements she turned her head down, looking overtop her thick bedroll to see Kakashi.
He was bent over the fire, a large spoon in one hand as he stirred the contents in the cooking pot. The smells of rice and nato tickled her senses, making her mouth water at the delicious aroma. She pushed her hunger to the back of her mind as she observed Kakashi. He wore his standard Jounin clothing minus his vest and headband, a rare sight in itself. Her eyes couldn't help but be drawn to his taunt calve muscles as he crouched, his back taunt. His hands moved with fluid grace as he spooned their breakfast into two bowls before turning back to tend to the nato. The outline of his muscles through his loose shirt was still visible, flexing as he moved to douse the fire.
A ray of sunlight filtered through the thick leaves above, highlighting Kakashi's unusual hair. The glimmer of silver caught Sakura's attention as it changed tones as the sun flickered and disappeared. She wondered, if not for the first time, how soft his hair really was. Her fingers unconsciously flexed beneath her covers. His ever-present mask didn't seem such a nuisance anymore as she studied just how mysterious he looked with it. He really was handsome.
The blood rushed to her cheeks, her cheeks heating up as her incisors clamped on her bottom lip. She tried to fight down her blush as Kakashi stood, dusting his hands on the back of his pants. Her color only heightened when he turned his head to see her, his eyes all too knowing. She sighed in relief when he turned from her, crouching down to roll up his bedroll. She stood, stretching her arms above her head, sighing when she heard a resounding pop. After rolling up her bedroll she turned towards her pack, rummaging through its contents until she located a change a clothes and toothbrush.
With a glance at Kakashi she turned on her heel, entering deeper into the woods. She stopped when she reached a nearby stream, quickly discarding her dirty clothes and changing them for her cleaner pair. She crouched, dipping her hands into the chilly brook before splashing her face with the clear liquid. She shuddered, quickly wiping the droplets from her skin. After brushing her teeth she stood. Her attention was caught by her reflection in the rippling water. With a curious sort of detachment she studied herself. She found herself to look younger than her years. Was that why everyone who didn't know her thought she couldn't be a medic-nin? She fleetingly wondered what Kakashi thought about her now.
With a quick shake of her head she stood, gathering her things and walking back to camp. When she entered the clearing she immediately blushed, watching as Kakashi walked towards her, bowl in hand. With a wordless thank you she took the proffered bowl, unable to look him in the eyes. As he turned to eat his own helping of breakfast she found herself a little disappointed that she couldn't see his face. She continued to stare at his back as she dug into her own food. An unknown feeling spread throughout her body as her gaze remained locked on her teammate.
The sun beat down on their backs, warming chilled skin as they arrived closer to their rendezvous point. Sakura had stored away the feelings she had experienced earlier that morning, opting to keep her mind away from unfamiliar territory. The Seijin Shiki had been plaguing her mind since they had started on the road after breakfast. No matter how hard she tried she was anxious and nervous about the upcoming day. What if her new beginning started off to a bad start? Or what if she never found anyone to attend the Seijin Shiki with?
She turned her head to Kakashi, her eyes displaying her curiosity. “Did you have a Seijin Shiki?”
Kakashi looked up from the ground with widened eyes. Where had that come from? Upon seeing Sakura's curious and hopeful expression he decided to enlighten her. “No. I was away on a mission.”
Sakura's face faulted. She had been hoping to get some more advice from him and to learn a little more about his past. She shrugged off her disappointment to ask another question. “I thought all shinobi are excused from their duties to attend the Seijin Shiki. So why were you on a mission?”
Kakashi's jaw tightened imperceptibly. “I already believed I was an adult. I also had no one to attend with.”
Sakura's eyes widened before she turned her head down, hiding her saddened expression. She hadn't meant for her question to be painful for him. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you something so personal.”
Kakashi's eye widened for the second time that day. How this young woman could apologize for every little thing she thought she did wrong, he had no idea. He smiled, his eye crinkling at the corners. “It's okay.”
Sakura raised her head, a smile brightening her features. With a lighter countenance Sakura turned back to the road ahead, glad they were back on comfortable ground.
Sakura straightened her tired body as they arrived at the rendezvous point, where the Daimyou was to meet them. He wasn't there. She turned her head to Kakashi, who was thinking similar thoughts.
With a nearly inaudible sigh Kakashi walked towards the side of the road, calling back to Sakura. “We may as well get comfortable. They probably won't be here for another hour or more.”
Sakura nodded, following Kakashi to the edge of the road. Hemlock's bordered the road, their thick trunks providing protection, however small, to those who traveled the road. She slumped to the foot of one, her pack resting beside her as she lay her head back on the hard bark. Within seconds she felt Kakashi's presence take the tree next to her, his clothed knee brushing against her naked one. A small shock ran throughout her body before she shrugged it off as being unused to sitting this close to Kakashi.
She tilted her head back, studying the cloudless sky through veiled eyes. The blue pigment contrasted sharply with the drooping branches of the hemlocks. The opposition of the two elements looked as though a painter had accidentally mixed two opposite pastels together. Thoughts of the Seijin Shiki surfaced once more to her mind. She wondered whom she would ask to go with her. Sasuke's dark looks first came to mind but she frowned sadly. He wouldn't go with anyone. She ignored the feeling that she should feel more saddened about that premonition. With an impassive expression she wondered what she ever saw in him. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had just thought.
With a calming breath she analyzed her feelings for the last Uchiha. In the past she had thought of him as the man of her dreams. A boy, who no one could beat, not even the man sitting beside her. With her attention always on Sasuke she had never pursued another boy. Was it because she was blind-sighted to their charms or prejudices against their prowess compared to Sasuke? As the years had continued to wan and pass she no longer felt the rush of emotion she used to experience upon seeing him. She had seen the horrors of the world, realized that Sasuke had betrayed Konoha to gain more power. She now felt as though she had acted selfishly, always pursuing something she could and never would obtain. Even his roguish and handsome looks didn't send her heart palpitating anymore. She no longer loved him as she used to.
With a sigh she lowered her head, staring at the dusty road with concealed eyes. A patch of new grass beside her caught her attention. She reached her hand out, as though in slow motion, and began pulling the blades, her mind elsewhere.
Kakashi turned a page in his book, the only sound in their quiet surroundings. His eyes flickered over to the daydreaming kunoichi. He had noticed her meditative expression, her eyes giving away her thoughts. She had been thinking about Sasuke, her tensed muscles and frowning lips enough clues as to her plight. With a sad smile he realized she was probably wondering why she didn't feel the same for Sasuke as she did as a child. He had seen it as inevitable, that her feelings for Sasuke would fade away with time, her heart unwilling to continue such a charade.
Her maturity in such a situation made a small smile quirk his lips up. Her perception of her feelings made him proud of her development from an infatuated girl to a worldly woman. His eye inconspicuously roamed her profile, taking in the curve of her cheek to the width of her knee brushing his. His thoughts turned inward towards that morning. He had known she was watching him, but he had remained ignorant, not wanting to embarrass her so early in the day. Warmth spread throughout his chest, making him mentally gasp in surprise. Could he be developing feelings for Sakura? He shook the notion off as absurd. When she turned her face towards him, a smile caressing her features he knew that something had changed between their perspectives on each other.
Sakura's eyes sparkled eagerly. “So Kakashi, are you going to get me something for the Seijin Shiki?”
Kakashi chuckled, softly closing his book. “Why? I thought you would spare your poor old sensei the money.”
Sakura smirked. “If you believe you're getting old then you should be saving your money for retirement.” Her jade eyes sparkled brightly as she observed his reaction. His eye widened, his mouth slightly parted beneath his mask. She laughed. “I'm only joking, Kakashi. You're not my sensei anymore and besides, you're not even forty yet. You're not old.”
Kakashi smiled. His voice changed a mediocre deeper as his eye softened. “You've grown at lot, Sakura.”
Sakura blushed. She watched with narrowing eyes as he reached forward, ruffling her hair as he had done when she was younger. “Then why are you still treating me as a child?”
Kakashi stopped his hand, pulling the appendage back as though he had been burnt. Quickly he stood, turning around until his back faced Sakura.
Sakura observed his actions, wondering if she had said or done something wrong. She hadn't, had she? Her fears were diminished when Kakashi turned back around, a hand being held in front of her. “The Daimyou has arrived.” Sakura craned her head to the side and sure enough, a large caravan was moving down the road. She turned her head back up to Kakashi before placing her hand in his larger one. A tingling began in her slim fingers, racing up her arm to engulf her chest in a searing heat. She suddenly realized she was standing as she snatched her hand back from Kakashi.
She ignored his look of curiosity as she cradled her hand, wondering what had just happened. Her thoughts were cut short when the caravan stopped before them, the long train arranged from the most important person to the servitude. She listened with feigned interest as Kakashi introduced them to the Daimyou, a large man with a long mustache and squinting eyes. Soon the caravan was on its way again, Sakura and Kakashi taking opposite sides of the Daimyou's carriage. As they passed the spot where her and Kakashi had just been sitting Sakura turned her head to find Kakashi. A shock passed through her when she saw him looking at her with a hooded eye before smiling. Her heart's tempo sped up, the blood rushing faster through her veins. With a soft blush coloring her cheeks she turned her attention back to the road. Would she ever stop blushing around this man?
I think this chapter is the best so far. I went with a little more description and less dialogue. I took a leap and diverged deeper into their relationship and thoughts. I hope they sound believable. I typed this chapter all in one session. I was so caught up in it that I couldn't stop, not even when hunger was gnawing at me, *sweatdrops.*
I am very surprised at all the reviews I have received so far. But I am very happy about the result. I'm so ecstatic that so many people like my story. Believe me when I say that I didn't used to be this good. Writing is my passion and I love to make other people happy.
Thank you Zipper Rabbit, I wouldn't be as good, grammatically or stratigically (lol) wise without your most appreciative help. :-)
Okay, that's all for now. Please review and critic if you find anything wrong!