Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sight Seeing ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: This is a non- profit, amateur effort not intended to infringe on the rights of Masashi Kishimoto or any other copy-right holder.

I would like to thank my reviewers Rhea_Foxx, Oni to Sakura and Bananagurl. You all get a big hug and a pat on the back since you took the time to review. Much grateful.

So here is chapter three of Sight Seeing.


“Hey Kay, I want you to stay here today. No training with Kakashi, you’re too sick. There is some food on the fridge. You can help yourself to whatever you want. I’m on a mission with Kotetsu so I’ll be most of the day but I’ll be home before dinner, depends on how the mission goes. Get better quickly and have fun.”

‘Have fun? How can you have fun when you’re stuck in a stupid apartment all day?’ Kay thought angrily. She replayed the message that Izumo had left for her on a mini recorder again. But she had to admit that it was an ingenious idea to use a recorder to leave her a message. She woke up with a string tied to her wrist and the mini recorder at the end of the string.

She turned over on the couch and buried her face in the pillow that she had woken up with. She knew she was too sick to train with Kakashi but she really wanted too. This just put her back even further from others her age. She sat up suddenly and started coughing. A few moments later it subsided, leaving her dizzy. Lucky for her, her headache was gone for the time being.

She sat up, leaning against the arm of the couch and curling her legs under her, and turned on the TV. She flicked through the channels until she found the news. Eventually it would tell her the time. About fifteen minutes later the news caster told her it was 11:30.

Kay’s stomach growled hungrily to her, informing her of her need to eat. Slowly she got up and walked to the kitchen, feeling around on the walls for the fridge. Finding it she opened it and sifted through the drawers until she found an apple. Smiling because he had her favourite fruit she walked back to the couch, sitting down with a thump.

‘I wonder what Kakashi is doing today?’ Kay asked herself. ‘He’s does know that I’m not coming today, doesn’t he?’ She took a big bite of her apple. ‘Oh well, serves him right for being late yesterday!’ She kept eating her apple while flicking through TV channels, finally settling with some soap opera.


Knock, knock. Wait a few seconds. Knock, knock. A just a bit longer. Knock-knock, BANG! Yup, typical male. BANG, BANG, BANG, “Open up Kay!” ‘Oh crap, it’s Kakashi!’
“Shut up, I’m coming!” Kay yelled, instantly regretting it when she fell into a coughing fit. As soon as it subsided she walked to the door and opened it. “What do you want with me now?”

Kakashi walked past her into the apartment, leaving Kay at he door. “Well sure, come on in,” Kay said sarcastically. “Just make yourself at home. This isn’t even my home.”

Kakashi seemed to have not even heard her. He just flounced down on ‘Her’ couch and started flicking channels. Kay walked over to him and yanked the remote out of his hand, turning back to the channel she was watching and sat down on Kakashi’s legs. “What’s this all about?” he asked lazily.

“I want to know how Saki is going to deal with Togashi when she finds out that he’s been sleeping with her sister,” Kay said. “And you’re on my couch.”

Kakashi just smiled at her even though she couldn’t see it. “Yes but it’s such a comfy couch.” Her reaction was what he expected, a glare that turned into a pout. “Why weren’t you at the bridge? You know we have training.”

Kay sighed and picked up the mini recorder off the coffee table and handed it to Kakashi. “I’m not allowed to leave. Here, listen to this if you don’t believe me.”

Kakashi took the recorder and pressed play, listening to her excuse. After hearing it he put it back on the table. He thought hard for a moment, as if trying to figure out what made the world round and then a look of realization dawned across his face. “We can train here. And I have something that is experimental that I want you to try. If it works, it works. If it doesn’t, then no harm to you.”

Kay groaned out loud. Screw self-containment, she was tired and sick. ‘Not that it’s stopped me before.’ she thought in her head. But she wouldn’t let Kakashi know that. “Fine.”

Kakashi thought for a few more seconds. “Okay, when you walk into a room, can you tell if there is an object in you way? At all?”

Kay shrugged nonchalantly, “Yah, but I can’t tell what they are or anything. I just know that something is there. But sometimes I can’t sense things like door ways. I run into those a lot like when you came to the Hokage’s office.” Kay said.

“Well then that’s what we are going to figure out, temporarily.” Kakashi said standing up quickly, causing Kay to fall on the floor. “Get up, we got lots to try.”

‘Get up? Get up?! You’re the reason I’m on the floor to begin with!’ Kay angrily thought in her head. Never less, she got up. “Alright, what do I have to do?”

“I want you to put this on,” Kakashi said, handing her a necklace. It was a silver sun with a red glass centre stung on a black cord. Kay took it, nervously, feeling it with her fingers to see the design and to figure out what is was to start with. She put it on, hooking the clasp behind her neck.

“I like it Kakashi, but what has it to do with my training?” she asked, confused. She fingered it lightly. “You’re not one to give out gifts to girls two days after you meet them.”

“Three actually. The glass in the centre is actually a sonar,” Kakashi explained, holding out something else. “It will send what it records to these receptors that go behind your ears. The receptors will send stimulants to your brain which, if it works, will create a 3-D blueprint of your surroundings in your mind.” He walked behind Kay. “Now if you move your hair out of the way, I’ll get them on.”

Kay grabbed her hair out of the way, twisting it up and holding it on the top of her head. It was one of the strangest feelings she had ever felt. Kakashi gently pressed one behind her right ear, holding it there for a few moments. That was fine and all for Kay but then she felt them sink into her skin. Kakashi removed his fingers that were previously holding it down and went to work on the left side. First, it was just gentle pressure, but then that weird feeling of it sinking into her skin began again. As soon as Kakashi removed his fingers her hands flew up to try and feel anything but there was nothing there.

“Um, Kakashi, what did you just do?” she asked, rubbing the back of her ears, still trying to find any bumps or dents that weren’t there.

“I used my chakra to fuse it into your skin,” Kakashi said, and then added seeing the look on her face. “That’s what I was instructed to do. If it was just sitting on the outside of your skin, something could knock it off and it would be uncomfortable.”

Kay sat down back on her couch, picking up the necklace off her neck. “So, um, how does it work?”

“On one of the rays from the sun there should be a small lever type thing. I forget what one so you have to find it yourself. But yah, just push it down and it should pop back up. Then just push it the other way to turn it off.” Kakashi said, putting down a manual that he pulled out of his pocket. “Well, what are you waiting for? Try it”

Kay cautiously felt all the rays and found the one that moved. Pushing it back she and letting it go, she gasped, dropping the necklace back on her neck. “Wow,” she breathed, looking around the room with a look of awe on her face. “That’s amazing.”

“It worked?” Kakashi asked watching as she stood up and walked around the room, looking this way and that.

“Yes,” she confirmed. “It’s the weirdest thing I have ever seen. More like done. It’s all dark, like ususal, except for blue lines where things are like walls and chairs and such.. Except I can’t tell where you are with this, only by your presence.”

“They said that would happen, “Kakashi explained. “Something about only being able to get inanimate objects to appear on the grid. So what do you think?”

Kay’s head snapped up to look at Kakashi. “I love it. But something tells me that it is only temporary,” she said, excited at first. She started coughing again. “Okay what’s the catch?” She asked.

Kakashi sat back down on the couch, actually, more like layed back on it, legs stretched out across it. “There’s two catches actually.” Kay glared at him. “Well, yes, you see, you’re right. It is only temporary. As soon as you learn how to use chakra you can’t use it anymore. And catch number two, you can only use it for training. Bad for your brain to use them all the time. Oh, and emergencies too.”

Kay shook her head and mumbled something that sounded like ‘knew it’ and turned it off. “Um, Kakashi, what time is it?”

Kakashi looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s 1:00. Why?” Kay shrugged “I’m hungry. Want something to eat?”

Kakashi agreed so Kay walked over to the kitchen to make something for lunch. She ended up making quesadillas with some cheese and tortilla shells she found. She was throughly surprised at how much fresh food was in the fridge. When the food was finished cooking she took it to the table making Kakashi have to get up to get it.

“What’s wrong?” Kay asked when he wasn’t eat anything. “If it’s your face, you’re stupid. And I’ll let you figure out why by yourself.” Kakashi then quickly pulled down his mask and ate his food. Kay smirked. “Thought so.”


“Hey Kakashi?” Kay inquired. “What’s on TV?”

It was about three o’clock now and Kakashi had just gotten back. He had to leave for about an hour to do something that he wouldn’t tell Kay. “Um, not much. That show you were watching earlier is on again. So now you can finally figure out what will happen when whoever finds out that her boyfriend or someone is cheating on her with her mom or someone like that.”

“Good. Go there.” Kay commanded, curling up in her corner. Her blanket was tucked up to her chin. Kakashi would relinquish ‘his’ couch so they cut a deal where he got one half of the couch and Kay got the other half. The only down side to that is that Kakashi’s kegs are a lot longer than half the couch so Kay ended up curled on them again.

Who knew it was an hour special that day so when they found out Kakashi got up and made popcorn while grabbing some cans of Pepsi. They had there cans on the coffee table in front of them and the bowl of popcorn on Kakashi’s legs. Basically in the middle of the couch.

Near the end of the show the front door opened but they were to enraptured by the soap opera to notice. Suddenly a blur of blue and green flashed by and Kakashi was pinned to the ground by Izumo. “What are you doing with my sister?” he growled to Kakashi.

“Shhhhh!!!!” Kay hissed. “We need to find out how Saki will deal with Togashi when she finds out that he is sleeping with her sister! And we need quiet! Cough cough. And he wasn’t doing anything,” That silenced everyone and now everyone was watching the TV. Kakashi crawled out of Izumo’s grasp and regained his spot on the couch.


“Wow,” Kakashi said quietly. “That was harsh.”

The show had just finished and Saki had some major blackmail material and used it against Togashi. Lets just say that no one will be wanting to go out with him for a while now.

“Agreed,” Kay said. “But he totally deserved it. I am personally surprised that he is still alive.”

“I agree with Kay,” Kotetsu said, adding his own opinion. “But I really hungry so I don’t want to discuss this anymore.”

He walked over to the kitchen and started taking things out of the fridge to make something. After cutting up some stuff and clanging around some pans, he finally had the stuff cooking on the stove. Returning to his spot on the floor he listened into the conversation that Kay was holding with Izumo.

“I’ve never met a guy with so much good food in his fridge before,” Kay said amazed. “And you guys can actually cook too.”

“Well, we like to eat good foods,” Izumo confessed with bad grammar. “So we both learned to cook to keep costs down.”

“So you both know how to cook?” Kay asked.


“Cool, where did you learn!”

“We took a course at some place, I don’t remember where,” Izumo said. “Why?”

Kay grinned at him, pointing her thumb over to the kitchen, “Cause whatever Kotetsu is cooking is burning!”

Kotetsu cursed as he jumped up and ran into the kitchen, trying to salvage his dinner. Unfortunately his food had other plans and decided to stay unsalvageable. Kotetsu scraped his burnt cooking into the garbage can and muttered something that sounded like “All I wanted was an omelette.”

Kakashi stood up and walked lazily to the door. “Well, I’m going. Kay, I’ll see you tomorrow at the bridge at seven.”

“You mean eleven?” Kay piped up.

“Ha ha. Seven. And you better be there.” With that he walked out the door.

Kay stood up and yawned. Despite not doing anything today, she was very tired. Guess being sick does that. “I best be going. I have some stuff to do at my place.” she too started walking to the door. “Thanks for letting me stay here for the night. I really appreciate it. So um, goodnight.”


After leaving Izumo’s room she walked to Hayate’s door and started knocking on the door. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Ah, there we go. The door has been answered. Today, by Genma. “I told you earlier, I don’t want any! Oh, oops. Hi Kay”

“Hello Genma, how are you today?” Kay asked in a sweet voice.

“Um fine,” he answered, gulping. “What do you want.”

“Tee he, me? Why would I want something?” she giggled. Kay loved playing things out like this.

“Who is it?” Hayate called from inside.

“It’s Kay,” Genma yelled back then turned his attention back on Kay. “Okay what do you want?”

“I don’t want to tell you anything,” Kay said skipping past him into the room. “I’d rather talk to Hayate. I like him better. Hayate-kun, I want to talk to you.” He just popped his head around the corner when she walked in and she gave him a big hug and then gave a pointed look to Genma. “See I don’t think I gave you a big hug when I walked in. Nope I don’t think so.” Then she whispered to Hayate.”Play along.” He gave a slight nod so only she could feel it and slipped his arm around her waist and walked to the couch, sitting down and pulling her into his lap.
“So what did you want to talk to me about?” he asked, now slightly serious.

Kay giggled in his lap, “About tomorrow’s date of course, silly.”

Hayate nodded his head as he understood what she was saying. “Same time as last time?”

Kay nodded eagerly “Same time and place and I’ll come over like last time too. Cough, cough.” She tried to cover up the coughs but Hayate heard them as well as Genma. Hayate placed his hand on her forehead to feel for a temperature.

“You’re burning up,” he said, alarmed. “You shouldn’t be going out tomorrow!”

Kay pushed his hand off and dropped her act, “It’s from yesterday but I’ll be fine. Izumo said that it was fine since Kakashi would come anyways. And I want to go, I’m behind as it is.”

She got up and started to leave the room, “I still expect you to be ready tomorrow morning no matter what.” She didn’t like it when people told her to that she couldn’t do something when someone had already told her that she could. For now she was mad at him but it would pass by tomorrow. “Goodnight.”

She walked across the hall to her room and went straight to bed, even though it was really early, forgetting about what she was going to do in the first place.


I think that’s a good place to leave off for now. Lots of tension between Hayate , Genma and Kay but hopefully it will work out. I haven’t exactly figured out how it work out yet so it’s
one big surprise for everyone.
IMPORTANT: I will be going to Edmonton for vacation from the 17 to the 28 of August so I most likely will not be posting when I’m there. I will work on the story while I’m there but I wont be posting until I get back.

Okay, I think that’s all. Please review, I really appreciate it when you do. Other than that, see ya later.