Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sisters ❯ The Uchiha Sisters ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own my thoughts.

Hey! I got this story stuck in my head and thought that I should share it with you guys. Well I hope you enjoy and Please Review! Your feedback helps me write more.

Chapter I The Uchiha Sisters

Kakashi had been returning from an ANBU mission when he spotted the odd pair. In the small canal in a small boat were two figures. Kakashi knew that the water ways leading into Konoha would not receive visitors until the Chuunin Exams and thought it strange to see people traveling the canal. It was around twelve in the afternoon and Kakashi needed to return the scroll he retrieved. Giving the pair in the boat a small glance before disappearing again. Kakashi would slip word to Asuma, Kurenai, and Gai. When Kakashi gave his mission report and the retrieved scroll to Iruka he immediately disappeared with Asuma, Kurenai, and Gai following suit.

The four Jounin’s made their way back to the canal where they found the strangers still paddling to the docks. The sun had changed positions and the canal was in full sun instead of half shadow. The new light made seeing the strangers more clearly but alerted the elite nin to one of the occupants of the boat. The stranger was wearing the Akatsuki coat but it seemed to big because it pooled around their feet and a straw hat. They could see long black and dark orange-amber-ish hair, light tan colored skin and their nails were painted dark blue. The other stranger who was sitting down had a long dark red coat that covered every inch of their body, a straw hat like its partner, the same colored hair and skin, but it’s nails was painted dark green. Gai glanced at the others before landing on the dock. Kakashi landed next to him and Kurenai and Asuma landed a few feet back. The stranger pushing the boat forward with a long pole stopped the boat and looked up. Flattened bangs covered its eyes and Kakashi could not tell if it was Itachi or not. The stranger standing up addressed its companion before getting out of the boat and helping its friend do the same. As they secured the boat to a thick wooden post Kakashi addressed them.

“Do you have business with the Hokage or are you just stopping by?” The stranger in the long dark red coat looked up and Kakashi took a defensive pose as did the other three. The stranger looked very much like Uchiha Itachi and they were not taking any chances. “Can you tell us why you are here Itachi?” The stranger looked at him and smiled. Then it looked at its partner, whispered a few words, and started giggling. Gai was losing patience.

“Can you tell us why you are here Itachi!?” The stranger in the long dark red coat looked at him and smiled.

“You mistake me for our father. I am not Uchiha Itachi.” The four elite nin looked at them in shock.

“Then who are you?” Kurenai asked.

“I am Uchiha Salina.” Salina took off her straw hat and revealed waist long black and dark orange-amber-ish hair and maroon eyes. Salina’s companion took her hat off too.

“And I am Uchiha Byshu” (A/N: Her name is pronounced Bee-shu. Just thought you wanted to know) Byshu’s hair was the same length and color as Salina’s and Byshu had the same maroon eyes. Kakashi looked at the both of them. ’Their both twins. Strangely enough they look a lot like Itachi.’

“Question,” Kakashi looked from Salina to Byshu “Is Uchiha Itachi really your father or are you two just playing some kind of joke?”

“This is no joke,” Salina started

“Itachi really is our father. Our mother is Mishokimoto Yuko.” Byshu finished. Gai looked at them up and down.

“How old are you girls?”

“7” the girls answered in unison. The Jounin looked at the girls in shock.

“From which country do you girls hail from?” Kakashi asked sternly

“The water country” they replied at the same time again. They looked at the girls again.

“Your father sent you?”

“No. We came here against our father’s better judgment” Byshu replied. Her eyes began to fill with tears and Kakashi could tell that she was close to the sharingan user.

“Why did you two come here then?” Kakashi’s voice softened as he stepped towards Byshu and kneeled down. He wiped away the tears that streamed down her light tan cheeks. He smiled and it comforted her slightly but her sister was the one to answer that time.

“Our father has refused us to become shinobi. He says he does not want a repeat of his mistakes. He also said that we are too young to be going around killing people”

“Are you sure your father just does not like his home village?” Kurenai asked.

“Daddy loves this village, but he still refused to let us become ninja. So our mother taught us what little jutsu she knew and knowledge of what a shinobi should be.” Byshu looked at Kakashi.

“Your mother knows Ninjutsu?” He asked

“Sort of. She taught herself because she really did not have anyone to teach her. Our mom was an orphan in the Village Hidden in the Sand. She ran away when Sabaku no Gaara’s father took the position of Kazekage. She met our dad when she was sixteen and had us when she was seventeen.” Salina glared at Kakashi slightly before looking off to Kurenai.

“Alright then. So I take it you girls ran away because you want to be ninja. Am I correct?” Gai asked as the girls nodded.

“We are going to have to take this up with the Hokage. See what he can do.” Kurenai nodded her head at Asuma’s suggestion before picking one of the girls up. She got kicked and dropped the girl to the floor. Salina landed gracefully on the ground and glared at Kurenai. Byshu just whimpered and buried her face in Kakashi’s shoulder. He patted her back a little before picking her up. She was not that heavy and he feared that they have not eaten in a while.

“Byshu, when was the last time you and your sister ate?” Kakashi turned his head a little to look at Byshu’s maroon eyes.

“The day after we left the docks at home.” Kakashi just nodded his head. Kakashi then disappeared with Byshu in his arms. Salina stood on the dock in shock before Gai picked her up and disappeared. Kurenai looked at Asuma before following suit.

The Rokudaime was having a good day. He finished his paperwork early, which was not much of a surprise, and finished any meetings he had for the week. He was just relaxing at his desk reading volume eight of an old chakra control book when Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, and Asuma appeared in his office. Unfazed and not looking up from his book Naruto spoke to the four elite ninja.

“You know I have a door for a reason. It is for you to use not completely ignore and create your own way in here.” Naruto finally looked up from his book with a bored expression on his face. He noticed the two girls being held by Kakashi and Gai but he waited for them to explain.

“Naruto, we found these girls…” Naruto held up a hand for silence. He remembered where he had seen those two girls before. It was when he went for a visit to the water country to catch up on old times with Inari. The boy had introduced him to the two girls and they had told Naruto what they wanted to be. Naruto had simply laughed and told them to train hard but he did not realize the extent of the situation. Apparently the girls were the daughters of Uchiha Itachi who had forbid them from ever becoming shinobi. Naruto did not know this until Itachi found him with the girls. Naruto was teaching them the shadow clone jutsu when Itachi arrived and nearly dragged the two girls away. Naruto was furious but was silenced when Itachi’s wife came and spoke to him telling Naruto that Itachi had forbidden the girls from ever learning Ninjutsu. Naruto just thought it was because they were girls but he was wrong. Itachi’s wife had told him that Itachi did not wish for the girls to live that life and live a life of regret. Naruto understood and left it alone; but now here was Salina and Byshu and their father or mother was no where in sight. He had a bad feeling that this was not going to sit well. Naruto pushed the thought to the side before addressing the issue. No, this as not going to end well at all.

“Salina, Byshu, why are you two here?”

“We ran away because we want to become ninja” Byshu replied. Salina just shot her a glare and kept her mouth shut. Naruto saw what was going on. Salina was a serious girl and a genius actually. She just had a bit of an attitude problem but resembled her father with her personality, the way she acts, and the way she does things. Se is the perfect replica of Itachi minus the cold killer instinct that Itachi had. Salina was warm but she was quiet when she was around new people. Byshu was a different story. Byshu is shy most of the time but she like talking to people. She blushes when she is praised for doing something right and is a genius like her sister. Byshu obeyed her father and loved him greatly and from what Inari told Naruto, Byshu never disobeyed Itachi and when she did Byshu would degrade herself and it was hard for Itachi to make her stop. For twins they looked alike but they acted like they were not even born together. Staring at them once more Naruto continued.

“You realize that by tomorrow the least your father will be pounding on my door asking for you? Correction, he’s here.” Naruto’s face went from bored to solemn. ‘Things are going to get worse’

Naruto heard his secretary try to stop Itachi but to no avail. Itachi burst into the room furious, looking for his daughters. Byshu shrank back and hugged Kakashi’s legs and began to cry silently. Salina just glared at her father as he made his way to them. Itachi had not changed. He still looked the same except that he now wore a black sleeveless coat that ended just slightly above his heels, long black pants, a long sleeved shirt and black boots. Itachi just glared back at his daughter before turning to Naruto.

“Naruto.” Naruto held his hand up again. Itachi silenced and Naruto gathered his thoughts. Things were going to get ugly and Naruto was going to make sure that Salina and Byshu became shinobi. Naruto knew it was going to take a lot of convincing but he knows he could do it. Problem is: How do you convince a headstrong Uchiha whose mind is not easily changed?”

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Hey! How do you like it? Please Review I would really love it! Next Chapter would be Chapter II Showdown.