Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Slumber Party!!! Naruto Style ❯ Chapter 4- Movies and Midnight sparring ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- here we go again. I don't own Naruto.
*5 minutes later back in the living room*
Itatchi: Do girls dress up for everything?
Temari: What's that supposed to mean?
Itatchi: Well look at you girls. You all look so dressed up…well most of you.
The girls were all wearing their pajamas. Sakura was wearing a pink night gown. Elegant birch trees decorated it. Ino was wearing a skimpy purple slip with white lace trim. Shikamaru was staring at her a lot. Hinata was wearing a royal blue long sleeve cotton shirt with matching cotton pant bottoms. Temari was wearing a fish net top and a very dark green miniskirt. TenTen was wearing a white baby tee and very, short shorts. Yuri was wearing a black tank top with black shorts. Her athletic body revealed her well toned muscles. Sasuke was having a hard time trying not to drool and stare at her forever.
Ino: It's not like you guys are particularly slobish yourself.
The guys looked down at their PJs.
Neji was wearing white soccer shorts and a loose white t-shirt with the Shuriken High Ninjas soccer team written on it. Gaara was wearing a red t-shirt with black plaid pajama bottoms. Shikamaru had a gray sleeveless shirt with the Shuriken High chess team's logo on it. Naruto was wearing an oversized orange t-shirt over yellow boxers. He was also wearing that doggy hat he wore whenever he was going to sleep. Itatchi was wearing black, red and purple boxers and was shirtless. Temari was goggling at his bare chest. His abs looked rock hard! Sasuke was wearing black boxer shorts with the Uchiha fan on the bottom right corner and a tight black t-shirt.
Neji: Whatever. Anyways, what movie do you want to watch? We have The Grudge, The Ring and The Ring 2, Saw and Saw 2 and Dawn of the Dead, Land of the Dead, House of Wax, Amityville Horror and Dracula.
Temari, Sakura, Ino, Temari and Hinata: How about we watch a nice, not scary movie instead? *shaking with fear, Hinata fainted*
Yuri and TenTen: No way!
Yuri: I love horror movies! Bring on the vampires, demons, evil spirits, serial killers and whatever else there is.
TenTen: Ditto what you said.
Ino: Come on you guys. Look at poor Hinata.
Neji: That's just a minor setback. *walks over to Hinata, leans down and whispers something into her ear. Hinata immediately wakes up*
Temari: What did you tell her?
Neji: I told her I'd get Naruto to comfort her if she got scared.
Naruto: *blushing* Yea ok Hinata. I'll comfort you.
Hinata: Thanks Naruto.
Shikamaru: Anyways, what should we watch?
TenTen: How about Saw 2? I haven't seen that one yet.
Boys and Yuri: Alright.
Other girls: *whimpering* O-o-ok-oka-okay,
They started the movie. Near the middle, when Jigsaw was torturing one of his victims, Hinata, Temari, Sakura and Ino screamed and fainted.
TenTen and Yuri: T_T
Yuri: Remind me why we're friends with them again?
TenTen: I have no idea…
Gaara picked up Sakura, Shikamaru picked up Ino, Itatchi picked up Temari and Naruto picked up Hinata.
Itatchi: We'll take them to their rooms and return. You guys can continue with the movie.
Neji, TenTen, Sasuke and Yuri: Fine.
They continued the movie. By the time it was over, the rest of the guys had still not returned.
Sasuke: How long does it take to put someone to bed and come back?
Yuri: *bored*Are you kidding? Those girls weren't really fainting. It was obviously so fake. It's a classic way to isolate a guy and then find an opportune way to seduce him.
Sasuke: O_O
Yuri: What? You try hanging out with them everyday without hearing at least one pickup trick. I swear, if they weren't our friends, TenTen and I would have killed them by now.
TenTen: You got that right. I have 5,673 useless ways to get a guy stuck in my memory file.
Yuri: At least you don't have the memory of an elephant! I have 10, 932 useless ways to get a guy stuck in MY memory file.
Neji and Sasuke: O_O
Yuri and TenTen: *draws kunai* you better get those looks off of your faces. You're making us feel like one of them.
Sasuke and Neji: *smirk*
Sasuke: *draws kunai as well* is that a challenge?
Neji: *drops into an attack pose, shuriken in hand* because if it is, I would quit if I were you.
Yuri and TenTen: What amateurs. *yawn*
Neji: Oh yea? The let's settle this outside. And I'll go easy on you. No Byakugan. Promise.
Sasuke: Yea. And I won't use my Sharingan.
Yuri and TenTen: *scoff* You're gonna need both just to keep up.
Neji: We'll see about that.
Yuri: Then bring it on.
Neji: *fires shuriken at Yuri* Take that.
Yuri: *lazily flicks away the shuriken with a kunai*
They kept it up for 2 hours until they were all exhausted.
TenTen: OMG! I am like ready to fall asleep any moment.
Sasuke: Where *pant* did *gasp* you girls *wheeze* learn to fight *coughs* like that?
Yuri: Please. We're not that hopeless you know.
Neji: Ugh! Come on we better get some sleep.
Others: Right.
Neji: Ok. Well there are only 2 rooms left and there are 4 of us so we're going to have to share.
TenTen: Right. So I guess Yuri and I will share one and you guys can share one.
Sasuke: Right.
They went into their respective bedrooms.