Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Song of the Mist ❯ Warmth ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Okay, I decided to post yet ANOTHER chapter today before bed because I'm confusing people who read the original into believing I'm rushing a big part of the story… Which I'd understand why they'd view it that way with the point I left off at. All of who are first timers with this story and have not read the original,(which is now off I hope you enjoy this extra, extra chapter!
Hinata opened her tired eyes as she heard a loud, deep rumbling noise. As she moved her stiff arms, she found that she was no longer being carried by Kisame, but laying against a cold wall. When her vision cleared, she saw that the two of them were now in a dark cave. As she looked to her right, she found her captor standing before the dead-end wall that now opened. Before turning towards her, she saw him withdraw her hand from an indent in the wall that was shaped like a hand.
I see; those rings they wear are also the keys to their hideouts.”Hinata thought as Kisame threw her over his shoulder.
“Well, well, girl; looks like I got you here in one piece. Looks like my job of taking care of you is almost completed,” Kisame said smirking as the cave wall behind them closed.
Hinata then looked around the gloomy place. The damp, cave walls had torches about a yard apart from each other, each giving off its own small fragment of light. She wondered how the torches all stayed lit, when water splashed on her from above many times within ten minutes. Other than the torches though, the hideout looked like an ordinary cave until they walked a good ten minutes to another entry. Kisame suddenly put her down, made her sit, sat down next to her with his legs crossed, and his hands in a jutsu position. Not knowing what quite to do, Hinata just sat where he placed her, knowing it would be no use to try running away with all the cave entrances shut. A few minutes later, Kisame opened his eyes, and stood up. Then a few seconds after, the cave wall in front of them opened slowly like the last one did.
“Let's go,” Kisame said grabbing her forearm as he briskly walked into the lair that was more like a maze. They then walked a good five minutes before they went up a floor, and went into a corridor where three Akatsuki members stood. One of them, had piercings all over his face, with a long, blond ponytail. Another member had an orange mask covering all but his right eye. And to the right of the blond haired man, was a woman with blue hair with a paper flower in it.
“Who is this?” The blond haired man asked as she and Kisame approached.
“Itachi told me to bring her in,” he snickered. “Where do you want me to put her?”
The man looked from Kisame, to the girl, and replied saying,” There's only one room you could keep her in at the moment. Konan, take the girl.” He said looking at his assistant.
“Yes, Pain,” she replied respectfully as she walked over to the two and took Hinata away from Kisame. For a moment, Hinata thought she could feel Kisame grip her a bit harder as the woman approached, but she was sure that she just imagined it; she had been taking many things in the wrong way ever since she was kidnapped. Very soon though, all thoughts of this vanished as she was harshly pulled throughout many different halls and stairways that made it feel like hours had passed before the Akatsuki woman halted.
“This is where we will be keeping you.” Konan said as she opened a door.
It was a small room, probably only the size of a small storage room; which was probably what it was originally made to be. It looked so grim and musty now though, that Hinata regretted ever feeling that Kisame's treatment of her was harsh.
“If you need to use the bathroom, there's a door behind that shelf that leads into one. You're some sort of shinobi; you should at least be able to move that. Releasing her tight grip, the woman then pushed her into the room and shut the door.
Its pitch dark in here,” Hinata thought as she rubbed the area that the woman's long nails had dug into her. Hearing a rather loud clanking noise from behind her, she quickly turned to look at the door. She could easily guess that they were putting some sort of a lock on the door so it would be impossible to get out. The thought made her almost go into panic before her father's face came to mind. He would be ashamed if she'd panic over being imprisoned, and yet what would he expect? She was a Chunin verses many Akatsuki members, who are all over the common Jonin's level. Seeing no use in just standing in front of a locked door for no good reason, she felt around for a corner to lean up against. “W-where's the wall?” She asked herself as she blindly searched around with her hands. Her fingers suddenly felt the side of the wall, but within seconds Hinata found herself slipping in a puddle of water. As she held her twisted leg, she brought the other one close to her body. “Shall this be my fate? Will I die in here?”She asked herself. “No, no I will not! I will not let everyone down; I won't disappoint Naruto-Kun! But what am I to do?”
That was a good question indeed. Each minute felt like hours, and hours like days. She constantly waited for someone to check on her or to at least give her some food; but they never came. Her eyes felt like weights that didn't want to fall, and her body felt like a large block of led. Her body's energy had run out. When was the last time she had eaten? She didn't even remember what the least thing she ate was. She didn't remember how long ago it had been since she slept in a warm bed, or even had a decent meal to eat. Everything seemed to be a blur now in her mind as bitter tears she had held back now trickled down her cold cheeks.
“Why am I so weak? If I had been stronger, none of this would have happened. I probably would be in my own bed at home now if I weren't captured. I would be training with Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino tomorrow morning, or I'd be helping Kurenai with chores around her home to help her feel more comfortable throughout her pregnancy. I could be on a mission right now with the team, or perhaps even with Naruto-Kun. And yet even now, instead of helping, I'm being a burden to everyone once again. The Hokage-Sama probably sent out a team to find me, and they're looking for me right now. I'm probably worrying my family, my friends… I'm just getting in the way.” Sobbing silently, she buried her face in her arms as she wished that someone would come rescue her from that terrible place.
“Please Naruto-Kun, come save me.” She whispered under her breath.