Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Starting Anew ❯ At The Hospital ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I can never own Naruto… *sigh* Life can be so mean…
Pairings: SasuNaru, SasuNaruNeji, KakaIru
He's inside the hospital now… Once again, he's meeting new friends, and he's only been in the hospital for a day!! Now wait…who is this pale-eyed cute guy?
Note: I'm sorry for the last two chapters because I didn't put any warning. My apologies to anti-hule, and thanks for pointing it out. ^__^ Right, I'm sorry for the very long update but after I've started this chapter, things have become hectic… I'll explain later, but first, please forgive me because it was exam week!! Not only that, F.Y.I. Oh, anyone still want that Sasuke version? XD
Replies: (Will be on the bottom ^__^)
Warning: Yaoi, Shounen-ai, slash, fluff, jealous people, manipulating people who are clueless, and rough language.
Dedication (friend): Moony
Dedication (reviewer): e n t w i n e d d e s t i n y (XD a sorry chap for not telling)
And in the Memory of Mary Jane (37 yrs. Old) and Iris Jillian (8 yrs. Old) Baylon who had died in a fire on January 5. May God have Mercy on your Soul.
Chapter 2- At The Hospital
“Naruto,” The brunette man said, ignoring Kakashi for the meantime. “What happened to you?” Naruto groaned. So he accepted the name. He didn't have any other choice, did he? He looked at the brunette clueless.
“Right. I didn't introduce you to him yet. He's your Iruka-sensei. Are you alright, Naruto?” He nodded. “Maybe you should lie down and rest… You'll be able to get back to your own home tomorrow.” Kakashi said. Iruka glared at the older man.
“Oh, no he won't!” He turned to Naruto who looked confused. Iruka sighed. “While he doesn't have his memories, he should at least stay with someone who knows him best. But… Sakura and Ino's out of the question. Hinata would be too shy to make him remember, Neji might try to do something, and the rest would be too busy with their own families.”
“Why not Sasuke, then?” Kakashi said, not looking up from his Icha Icha Paradise book. Iruka thought for a moment. He sighed deeper. “I guess we don't have any other choice. I'll have to tell Sasuke later…”
“No need. He's right out the door.” Kakashi bluntly said. Iruka and Naruto looked at the door for any movement at all. But none came.
(OOCness again, I think! If it's not, then it's not. But if it is, you were warned. ^_^)
“—he should at least stay with someone who knows him best.” Sasuke heard his old sensei's voice. He froze, but his posture did not change. It could've ruined his reputation, you know. He prayed hard that it wouldn't be any one who could manipulate the blonde.
“But…” Sasuke gulped slightly. “Sakura and Ino's out of question. Hinata would be too shy to make him remember, Neji might try to do something, and the rest would be too busy with their own families.” He sighed. Now that he knew the blonde boy wouldn't go to the hands of some maniac females (namely Sakura and Ino), he would be able to breath freely.
“Why not Sasuke, then?” Sasuke swore his blood reached his cheeks. His head was starting to get dizzy, but he still wouldn't change or lose his composure. He vowed to kill that perverted sensei of his sooner or later.
He heard Iruka sigh deeply. “I guess we don't have any other choice. I'll have to tell Sasuke later…”
“No need.” Kakashi said. Sasuke felt his blood run cold, and his whole body stiffen. “He's right out the door.” He waited for Iruka to open the door, but all that came was a sudden silence. He breathed deeply. `Damn. I just came here earlier this morning. Why am I this nervous?! I am definitely not myself today…' He grabbed the doorknob. He turned the knob slowly, his hands sweating and shaking.
He opened the door. Sasuke saw Naruto's blue eyes turn wide, and the blonde looked away. Iruka was looking at Sasuke then Naruto, back and forth. “It seems that you already know what we were suppose to tell you… do you have any problems with this?”
Sasuke only made a slight noise as a reply. No matter how much his heart was pounding, he was doubting that it wasn't heard by the other three in the room.
“Hey, don't I have anything to say in this!?” Iruka glared at Naruto, like a mother scolding her child. Naruto felt like shrinking. He didn't know how close he was to this teacher, but he was now asking himself on why they were.
“No. Let me emphasize these words: you are not to go back to your house alone. You are not to go anywherethis village alone. And you are not to doanythinguntil you get your memories back. Clear?” He said, his eyes narrowing, if possible.
Naruto couldn't find anything to say. He was scared of this teacher, he was that clear. When the teacher's eyes narrowed, he gulped. “C—crystal…” Oh, good. He still remembered how to get scared. Iruka's face expression changed into a smile. “Good! Now, you lie down, and you rest. Sasuke won't do anything.”
“…wanna bet…?” Naruto murmured. For an odd reason, he doesn't trust this boy. When he caught the other boy's eyes, he looked away and blushed. He cursed. Sasuke raised an eyebrow. Iruka took Kakashi's book, and shut it.
“Do you not know it's rude to take something while someone is using it?” Kakashi said, standing up.
“Did you not know it's rude to read perverted books in a hospital?” Iruka replied with another question. Both Sasuke and Naruto thought the same thing, and agreed with their old teacher. Naruto watched the two teachers amusingly. His lips twitched into a smile.
Before Iruka and Kakashi made their way out fully, Iruka turned around one last time. “Naruto… you'll get out sooner. I'll visit you later tomorrow, and we'll see if you can get out by then.” And the door was closed.
A very painful silence surrounded the room. Naruto blushed, he knew. He doesn't know why he was feeling nervous just by being alone with this boy, when he didn't even know him…yet was the missing word.
Little did he know, Sasuke was feeling the same. He was just as nervous being alone in a room with the blonde boy in just a hospital gown. After training with Kakashi for so long, who would know what goes through the sole survivor's mind right this moment. For all we know, he was blushing darkly.
“Um…” They both said at the same time. Silence surrounded the four walls again. It was painful for both, especially Sasuke. He didn't know what to do. He thought of himself as helpless towards the blonde boy. The boy that was once so pure, innocent, and noisy had now officially become quiet…calm…naïve.
Naruto chuckled slightly. Sasuke didn't know what the other boy started laughing about, which just added to Naruto's amusement. He began to laugh harder. Suddenly, a knock came through the door. Sasuke cursed himself. He swore this time that whenever he and the blonde were alone in a room he will never let anyone, even himself or the blonde ruin it. He cursed all the way through opening the door.
By the time his hand was already on the knob, the door smashed opened and nearly hit Sasuke straight to the face. Naruto's eyes went wide and worried to what nearly had happened to Sasuke. The said boy quickly appeared to Naruto's side, shocked.
“Naruto! There you are! SASUKE-KUN!! YOU'RE HERE TOO!!!” A blonde girl squealed, and behind her was Sakura, as Naruto remembered. There were also two more girls behind them and six boys. One girl had brown hair tied into two buns, and the other had short navy blue and lavender with white pupil eyes. Naruto looked at them.
“Hey, Naruto.” Sakura smiled slightly, remembering what she told him. Seeing Sasuke only made it worse, especially when he was the only one, and beside him. Her best friend didn't seem to notice it.
“The blonde over there is named Ino. The brown haired is TenTen, and this one is Hinata.” Sakura said sadly as she wrenched Ino from Sasuke. Ino gasped and grinned.
“THAT'S RIGHT!! You have amnesia!! Boys! Introduce yourselves again!!” She pointed at them and they introduced one by one.
One boy with tied black hair and a vest like Iruka-sensei said his name was Shikamaru. The one beside him…well, the fat one who had chips on his hand and was shoving it into his mouth often answered Chouji with his mouth full.
One with sunglasses and short hair, the bottom half of his face practically hidden was Shino. The other one beside him (literally) was Kiba. He said loudly that he had a white dog-named Akamaru. Only the hospital didn't allow him to get inside. But, without proof of that, there was a small white head that popped out of Kiba's inner vest.
There was one where Naruto forced himself not to laugh. He had a bowl-cut black hair, very; very thick eyebrows, and very wide eyes were named Rock Lee (he was the only one who shouted his whole name because it was the “shortest”). The last one, who nearly had the pale eyes as that girl Hinata, only his was silver, was named Neji. Naruto looked down and strained himself, his veins, his muscles, his mind, and his blood not to do anything strange.
Sasuke watched as the blonde boy blushed at the sight of the Hyuuga Genius. He growled, although came unnoticed because the girls were making too much noise.
“How troublesome, damnit.” Shikamaru cursed. He actually wanted to visit his friend, only the girls they were with were squealing and screaming. Scratch that—Ino was squealing and screaming. TenTen was too occupied talking with Sakura, and Hinata was busy blushing, playing with her thumbs, and trying to talk to Naruto who was still in bed and grinning happily. He, too, smiled. He had never seen the Kyuubi-vessel this happy before. He had never seen anyone be so innocent and naïve about his surroundings, not even taking notice that he doesn't know these people and doesn't give a damn in the world.
His eyes reverted back to Sasuke, who, he noticed, was glaring at Neji. The Hyuuga Genius and Hyuuga Heiress were beside Naruto. They talked to him as if nothing happened. Even in the eyes of a Byakugan heir, the feelings hidden inside were shown clearly. If everyone else were dense, Shikamaru observed it.
Shino and Kiba were in one side talking to each other, and telling Ino to shut up and keep quiet for the rest of the day, while Chouji just kept on opening a bag of chips when he finishes. Shikamaru sighed. `We all came here to visit Naruto, and it only seems as if the two Hyuuga heirs are the only ones who talk to him and try to make him remember. Stupid Ino's scolding Kiba and Shino. Shino doesn't talk much, so I understand that…but Kiba's just as noisy as Naruto.' He thought first, observing everything inside the room.
`Chouji's always hungry, so no surprise to that. Sakura's acting strange ever since she told us what happened to Naruto. TenTen might be there to agree with Sakura's thoughts. Lee's just running around the hallway and jumping for no apparent reason. This is why I tell people I don't know them sometimes…'
“…so, how are you feeling and where are you staying anyway? I don't think your house is an option.” Neji asked Naruto. The blonde on the bed smiled. “I'm doing fine. Iruka-sensei said that I should be with someone who knows me best and will have to let me live there until I regain my memories. For now, the only candidate is Sasuke. Apparently, it seems as if he's the winner already.” Neji growled behind his throat, his Adam's apple vibrating.
`Damn it. Why does it have to be that damned Uchiha?! His house isn't even suitable for someone who's sick as Naruto! I should complain about this tomorrow.' He thought, being so un-Neji-ish. `Maybe I'll get to persuade Iruka-sensei tomorrow…'