Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sunday Morning ❯ Move On ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Note:Kiba, Sakura, and all the others (excluding Kakashi,Gai, ect.) are 16+. And Naruto does not belong to me either.

It's Saturday night and yet again Kiba does not show up for his preformance. Sasuke, angered and confused by Kiba's actions, calls him and contiunes to question about why he won't show up for the make up tommorow.

Kiba:I told you, I'm not coming.

Sasuke:You fool, do you know you could make millions on the guy who runs it?

Kiba:Well, yeah, but...I usually preform with my friends.

Sasuke:You do. Shino plays the piano while Hinata plays the drums. What more could-

Kiba:All of my friends, you dolt.

Sasuke:Oh, come on Kiba! It's been two weeks since-

Kiba:So what? Its my life. And my choice, and I choose to not go.

Sasuke:*Sighs deeply* Fine, have it your way. Your really pushin' your luck, Kiba.

Kiba:Good bye, Sauske.

Kiba heard no reply and realized he hanged up.

Kiba:Didn't say good bye. What a doofus.

A loud knock is heard on his apartment door. He hesitates, thinking its Hinata or Shino asking when they are actaully doing a gig. But he shakes his head and remebers that they both took a vacation to Sapparo for a week or so. He twisted knob and gaped.


Sakura:*She laughs and gives a weak smile* I heard.

Kiba:*He gives another smile at her, his first in two weeks, and escorts her inside* W-well, ye-yeah.

Sakura:I'm so sorry, Kiba. But it was Akamaru's time.

Kiba:*He returns to the couch he once sat in* I guess, but still...I wasn't prepared for this...

Sakura:Still going to sue the guy who ran over him, aren't you?

Kiba:Tch, yeah, ofcourse. It's the least I can do to defend him. I'm nothing with him.

Sakura:*She sits next to him and cups his chin and their eyes meet* Don't say that, Kiba.

Kiba:*He blushes slightly and his hands start to tremble* Sa-Sakura...Wha-

Sakura:Akamaru's in heaven now, watching over you. Do you think he'd like to see you like this?

Kiba:*He tries to look the other way but he wanted keep her gaze* No...He wouldn't...

Sakura:*She lets go of his chin lays her hand upon his* He wants you to be happy. Just like I do.

Kiba:Er..well, ye-yeah...

He leaned closer to her as she locked her arms around his neck and captured his lips into a deep kiss. She gave a throaty sigh and tore away from him quickly.

Sakura:I'm...oh, Kiba, I just...I'm so sorry,-

Kiba:No, no...Don't be. *He gives her a grin and traces a finger on his lips* You just made my day.

Sakura:*She's smiles wide and wraps her arms around him in a warm hug* Oh Kiba...

His phone starts to ring and oulls away to look at Sakura's face.

Sakura:Well, pick up the phone?

Kiba:Can't I hug you instead?

Sakura:*She rolls her eyes* Kiiiibaaa.

Kiba:Fine, fine. *He picks up the phone and sighs deeply* Hello?

Gai:Yes! Is this Kiba's home?


Gai:Yes, indeed! I was wondering if you could prefrom at my extremely popular new cafe tommorow morning!

Kiba:I don't know Gai-Sensei, I-

He looks at Sakura who smiles at him warmly and giving him a look that he couldn't resist.

Gai:You what, son? Speak now or forever hold your peace! Haha!

Kiba:...I'd love too.

Gai:Ah, wonderful! Now excuse me while I go run around the city ten times!

Kiba:Later Gai-Sensei. *He clicks the phone back and stares at Sakura*

Sakura:What's up?

Kiba:...I'm going to preform at Gai's cafe tommorow morning...

Sakura:Oh my God, really Kiba?!

Kiba:*He blushes and nods* As long as someone special can come.

She places a hand on her lips and lets out a squeal of joy, as she rises from the couch she holds Kiba and starts to jump up and down uncontroably.

Sakura:Oh, ofcourse I'll go!

Kiba:Woah, a groupie...Eat your heart out, Sasuke....

Sakura:Hmm? Did you say something?

Kiba:Uh, no...Just keep hugging me.