Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Taking Kakashi's Virginity ❯ Chapter 1: Kakashi is a virgin? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Possible Spoiler Warnings: I have read most of the available scanlations so I’m sure that I will have some spoilers in here somewhere.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and do not make money off of this fic. Naruto is property of Masashi Kishimoto, give him his works.


It started with a single, small and insignificant lie; only a whisper of untruth that most teenage boys tried at least once in their lives. It was a falsity about Kakashi bedding a particularly beautiful Suna woman when he was sixteen and on a mission of some importance for the ANBU. He had told to his friends to boost his reputation, but never expected it to spark the havoc that it did. At the age of thirty-one, Kakashi was legendary. Every woman swooned about how he was the most spectacular lover that they had ever taken. He couldn’t help to laugh at the few men that also began relinquishing stories of Kakashi’s ability to reduce a lover to tears merely from the magic of the man’s hips. Kakashi laughed…he did…it was actually humorous if you thought about it. He could have set the record straight, but chose to only fuel the fire that seemed to engulf his love-life. The silver-haired copy-nin didn’t help matters much when he strolled around town, like he was today, reading volumes of the Icha Icha series that he adored. Everyone assumed that Kakashi was a bona fide Sex-God, no one even suspected the real truth.


Sakura watched her ex-sensei walk past the Yamanaka Flower Shop, nose buried in a familiar orange book. She was inside listening to Ino’s excited ramblings about the latest Suna gossip, but couldn’t help but be distracted by the handsome man that was sauntering by in the most aloof way. Sakura shushed Ino, telling her that she was sorry and would come back in a little bit for the rest of the highly humorous story about Choji and Shika’s supposedly secret (but not to a gossip guru like Ino) rendezvous to a brothel where they accidentally chose a very stunning beauty from the lot of whores who just happened to turn out to be a very gorgeous and effeminate man.

Nearly running out of the store Sakura caught up with Kakashi, “Good morning.” Kakashi didn’t even look up from the book, but gave her a small acknowledging wave. Sakura examined the book closely. It was from the newest line of Icha Icha books. She gave a devious grin as she noticed that the model which graced the volume’s cover very closely resembled the nude female form of a certain whiskered teammate, minus the whiskers and the seal that was permanently imprinted on his stomach. “Reading about Naruto I see,” Sakura teased.

Kakashi choked, had she really just said that he was reading about Naruto? “What?” he questioned, finally removing his eye from the page he had been engrossed in.

Sakura, with a devilish look, grabbed the book and tapped her finger on the cover. “Remind you of anyone?” she questioned her team leader.

Kakashi studied the picture carefully and then let out a disgusted sigh. He had been living in blissful ignorance until Sakura pointed out the very Naruto-like girl on the cover. He was pissed, because the entirety of this particular set of novels was based around the beautiful and boisterous blonde woman who was bedding all the men of her village in order to prove herself. Dammit…he HAD been reading about some sick perverse fantasy version of Naruto. Kakashi was going to write his favorite author one very nasty fan-mail.

“Did I just ruin it for you?” Sakura asked, eyes gleaming with no apology.

“Yes,” came a very grumpy reply from the copy-nin.

“Oh, guess you’ll have to wait for the next series to start then, one that doesn’t star our little blond teammate.” Kakashi eyed Sakura warily, he could tell that she wanted something…he wasn’t sure what it was, but Kakashi was certain that he wasn’t going to like it. Sakura continued, “Guess you’ll have to find something more…tangible.”

Kakashi raised his eyebrow, he knew exactly what Sakura was trying to tell him, and in lieu of the bile that seemed to be tempting to spill from his stomach he started reading about “Naruto” again. It didn’t help, Sakura moved closer as they were walking…leaning in toward his body. ‘No, not Sakura…please not Sakura,’ Kakashi wished vehemently to himself. He didn’t need this kind of distraction. Kakashi had managed to maintain a set distance from her for so long, giving himself a wide berth that kept the fantasies of his younger teammate at bay.

Sakura was getting frustrated, Kakashi was mirroring her movements. Every time she leaned toward him he would move away, every time she tried to touch him he shrugged her off, every single infinitesimal shift in her was countered and matched by him in a way that avoided her. He was being cold, and that made her angry. Why was it that he could go around and please every other woman in Konoha and all the other villages, but treated her as if she were rancid and undesirable? She had decided about a month ago that she was ready to delve into the world of men and relationships; something that she had previously put out of her mind due to the war, Sasuke leaving (and then returning), Ochimaru’s attack, Itachi’s death, Naruto’s close call with the Akatsuki, and all the other things that took precedence up until recently. Now things seemed calm, almost quiet and peaceful, so her mind was finally realizing that at nineteen she was lonely.

All of the other kunoichi she knew had experience with men…Ino, Tenten, even Hinata (who was dating Naruto). She had somehow let duty take over her life and now she felt utterly inexperienced and a bit stupid when it came to relating to men. Ino had suggested that she find someone with experience who would be willing to teach her; and who better than the most acclaimed sexual being in Konoha…Hatake Kakashi, her former sensei and current team leader. Ino had told her that he would be perfect since Sakura knew him well and trusted him. It would have been a perfect plan had Kakashi not turned icy and completely unresponsive to Sakura’s meager advances.

“Well, I guess that I better be getting back to Ino, I just wanted to say hi,” she told Kakashi. He nodded at her while still pretending to read the lines of the book that disturbed him to his very core. He felt bad because he noted her deflated attitude, slumping shoulders, sad face, beautiful eyes, subtle curves, heaving bosom…oh kami save him…he was not thinking about Sakura in that way. Kakashi let out a subconscious sigh, not realizing that it had escaped his lips.

“That happy to be getting rid of me, huh?” Sakura asked, trying her hardest to swallow the lump in her throat and hold back the dejected tones from her voice. She hated the fact that tears threatened to fall as droplets formed and stung her eyes. She was reacting childishly to Kakashi’s rejection of her, but she couldn’t help it. If someone like Kakashi, who had slept with more women than she could wrap her mind around, didn’t want to be touched by or even be near her, what hope was there of finding a person who did?

“You don’t have to leave,” Kakashi told Sakura. Trying to mend the expansive damage he had not meant to wreak on their relationship.

“I think I do, Kakashi,” the words quietly slipped from her mouth, “I get the impression that you don’t want me around.” With that Sakura was gone in a puff of smoke, trying to make the hastiest exit possible, mostly to hide the tears that were slipping down her cheeks.


Kakashi wasn’t sure why he pacing on the rooftop of Sakura’s apartment building. He shouldn’t be there, it was nearly midnight and he had no idea what he was going to tell his friend. Friend…when had she become that? When had Naruto, Sasuke, Sai, and Sakura become his friends more than students or allies? Sakura was the worst of the lot too, always finding some subtle way to disarm him or make him smile. She was strong and kind and very beautiful, but she wanted something from Kakashi that he wasn’t sure that he could give her. It wasn’t that he couldn’t love…wait, did he just think that? Did he, Hatake Kakashi, just muse about the thought of loving Haruno Sakura? Flinging frustrated fingers into his hair as he paced, Kakashi realized that he was…thinking about it that is. What other woman in the village had wormed their way into his heart more than the pink haired kunoichi who was probably closer to him than any other person. Damn her…damn him…damn the situation…most of all damn his reputation.

Amidst the various thoughts of certain damnation he hadn’t realized that his footsteps had become louder, almost stomping on the rooftop beneath him as Kakashi walked in crooked, angry circles. He also didn’t notice when a very exhausted Sakura appeared on the rooftop to examine what idiot was making such a ruckus above her apartment.

Sakura had awoken to the sounds of thudding on her ceiling. She had chosen to live on the top floor of the complex because it was quiet and peaceful most nights…but tonight it wasn’t. Sakura hadn’t even changed from the silky camisole and shorts that she slept in. She was prepared to simply beat down the individual that was disturbing her rest and then return to sleep. She had assumed that it was Naruto, trying to get her attention so he could ask her opinion for the thousandth time about some aspect of his relationship with Hinata…but it wasn’t, it was Kakashi.

The anger dripped away, and left her stunned watching him pace and mumble to himself. “Kakashi?” she murmured softly, trying not to surprise him too badly knowing his affinity for attacking upon such instances with shuriken. He still jumped, but at least she didn’t have to dodge anything as not a single weapon flew at her.

“Sa…Sa…Sakura?” he stammered. This was bad…very bad. He was just considering leaving and not talking to her at all, especially because of the realization that he made. He needed time to process the fact that he had discovered feelings unconsciously buried for his female teammate in his own mind. He considered lying, but realized he had never been good at making excuses when it wasn’t for a mission. He thought back to all the times he had received skeptical laughs from his team as he tried to excuse his tardiness. Kakashi didn’t need Sakura to hear him lying about this after her reaction to his hesitance this afternoon, it would most likely only push her further away. Kakashi just wanted time to figure out what the entire situation meant.

“Are you okay?” she asked walking toward him. That was the point when Kakashi noticed what she was wearing…Sakura was barefoot and her attire consisted of light layers of silky undergarments that barely hid the fact that a bra or bindings were not among the ensemble. His eyes focused on her pert breasts as Sakura sauntered up to him, bouncing a bit with each of her steps. He wanted to answer, he wanted to tell her, but words were not an option in this moment.

Sakura, only feet from her apprehensive friend, watched as Kakashi ripped his mask down and closed the remaining space between them before crushing his lips to hers. His lips were warm and his arms strong as she allowed the ravenous kiss. This particular kiss was very hungry and filled with need that he had not even shown a glimpse of this afternoon, but it wasn’t just that…it was also a bit…sloppy (if only very slightly).

Sakura couldn’t believe what she was experiencing, Hatake Kakashi a sloppy kisser, that was unfathomable! In the very few instances when she had kissed a man, she had been the one to be unsure of her movements, letting her naivety show through until her partner would take over the kiss and demonstrate how it was to be done. That is how Kakashi was kissing her, like a novice…too wet, too much tongue, not enough skill to be mouth of the most notorious lover in all of Konoha. If she hadn’t been so shocked, she might have laughed, because the entire situation confused her to no end.

Kakashi pulled his mouth away from Sakura, she was being very unresponsive and he knew it probably had something to do with the kiss. Panting from their previously shared moment, he decided that he would rather hold her than kiss her, so Kakashi pulled her close to his chest and gripped her very hard. His chin rested upon the top of her head and finally he felt her melt into his body, releasing the tension that had been present during their kiss. “Sakura,” he murmured into her hair. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings earlier…I just…I didn’t…”

She snaked her arms around his back and squeezed hard to let him know it was okay, she wasn’t mad at him. How could she be mad at the wonderful man that was holding her and kissing her? Her thoughts got stuck on the kiss again, she couldn’t help it. Sakura’s mind was used to knowing all the given facts of a situation in order to come up with a good plan of action. The kiss had just disproved everything she thought she knew about Kakashi, and she desperately wanted to ask him about it. There was no graceful way of presenting the question, because it would either shatter his male ego or just make him feel stupid. How do you question someone that was a well-proclaimed lecher why their kiss felt so unknowing and unsure of itself? Sakura didn’t have a clue.

Another bout of nervousness hit Kakashi, he wanted to continue to hold the beautiful woman, but also wanted to drag her down to her apartment bedroom or perhaps just disappear in a puff of smoke. He was sure that she would find it comical if he told her the truth. Staying or taking this to her bedroom would require him to admit the biggest secret of his entire life, and she would laugh, Kakashi was sure of it.

Sakura felt Kakashi trying to pull away and noted the panicked look that was splayed across his maskless face. He was going to run, she was sure of it. Using the fact that her arms were still woven around him she performed a transportation jutsu and took them to a place that only increased the terror on Kakashi’s face.

Kakashi found himself smack in the middle of Sakura’s bedroom, she could be so damn tricky. He hated the fact that it oozed the essence that was Sakura. It was clean and quite organized, but smelled of cherry blossoms, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of the Satin sheets that were mussed in a piled on her bed. It was pretty and feminine, just like the kunoichi that was still wrapped around him kissing the base of his neck and trying to maneuver him over to the invitingly soft bed that taunted him so.

“Please Kakashi?” she murmured into the cloth that covered his neck.

“I can’t,” he told her sternly.

“Why not? I want you to be my first,” she looked up at him with pleading eyes.

Kakashi tried to gulp the nervous, dry feeling from his mouth. He wanted her so badly. This was blatantly apparent from his wildly beating heart, the way she incited butterflies in his stomach, and the growing bulge in his pants that was pressed firmly against Sakura’s abdomen, but could he really act upon it? Could he really admit to the secret that he’d kept for nearly fifteen years? Was it in him to tell her that he wanted her…desired her…that he also chose her to be his first.


When you let a lie get so out of control that it becomes your life, you know you have a problem. Kakashi had reveled in the fact that he was known to be such a wonderful lover during the expanse of his teenage years. The self-feeding lie gave him respect he desired, but also allowed him to focus on his missions and duty as a shinobi without having many distractions. When he found that he was finally ready to begin living up to his reputation, it was too late. He couldn’t find a single woman that he was interested in that hadn’t already claimed to have slept with him or one that didn’t expect perfection from the so-called Sex-God of Konoha. Afraid that it would blow his cover and mar his character if he clumsily performed and was discovered to be a liar by omission, he remained withdrawn from such situations and never took any lovers. Instead the copy-nin made due with his beloved Icha Icha series and sometimes his hand. He would just have to wait for someone that he trusted enough to share his secret with to come along.


(back in Sakura’s room)

Sakura started tugging at Kakashi’s jonin vest, trying to undo the zipper and pull it off his shoulders, but her would-be partner kept squirming and trying to swat her hands away. Sakura was getting fed up with his nearly bi-polar nature that seemed to rear its ugly head only when concerning her. One minute he was mauling her face on the roof and the next he was trying to run away. Being that Sakura had never been with a man before she was very confused to why he was acting so oddly. It wasn’t like she was completely in the dark about such things. Truth be told she lived vicariously through her friends…mostly Ino, but sometime Naruto would forget that it was her and let loose secrets about him and Hinata. At first when Naruto disclosed such information Sakura gave a good pounding and called him a pervert, but as the time passed and they became more comfortable as friends and acted more like adults. It was at this point she was able to handle his stories and questions without resorting to violence.

Kakashi was absolutely torn between wanting to throw Sakura down on the bed and wanting to push her away. Eager fingers worked at his clothes and he pried them off, but the moment Sakura got aggravated and stopped Kakashi would capture a glimpse of her cute, frustrated pout and move back toward her and attempt to caress her softly. Kakashi knew that he was sending mixed signals, but every time he thought he was ready to go through with admitting the truth the picture of Sakura laughing would pop into his mind. ‘Maybe she won’t notice…she’s a virgin too,’ Kakashi mused to himself, not realizing that Sakura had given up on his vest and was going straight for prize as she started unbuttoning his pants. Her hands yanked them down to his knees and even got her spry fingers latched onto his boxers before he fell completely backwards in the horror of what was happening.

“Oh for Kami’s sake! What the hell is wrong?” Sakura finally shouted at him as he was splayed on the floor with his pants tangled around his legs, his boxers half off and erection poking though. “First you kiss me and then you hold me, next you push me away, but then you try to fondle me again and won’t let me touch you. I don’t understand Kakashi, and it certainly doesn’t sound like the Hatake Kakashi that I’ve heard so much about in the women’s baths and in the ANBU office and even in the corner convenience store! Is it because I’m not good enough? Do I not meet your lecherous standards? Or is it because you have just lost your ever-friggin’ mind?”

“No, no, and no…well, maybe yes to the last one,” he said very quietly as he laid his head against the hard wood of the floor and then banged his fists into the ground to punctuate his frustration. “I do want you, and I do want to be your first.”

“Then why? Why Kakashi, what is going on that has you so defensive?” Sakura folded her arms across her chest and sat on the edge of the bed to wait for Kakashi’s explanation. “And do not give me one of your lame, made up excuses. I am not in the mood to hear you try and lie your way out of this one.”

There was no way around it, he was going to have to tell her. It wasn’t like the moment could get any more embarrassing at this point. Kakashi decided this when he realized that he was exposing himself to Sakura and pulled up the boxers that were hanging a bit too low and crooked on his thighs. This left a very obvious tent of fabric that really didn’t hide anything. “You really want to know?”

“Yes Kakashi, I would really like to know,” she replied and then he was met with silence.

Kakashi allowed a very pregnant pause because his voice was betraying him and he couldn’t force the words out. After swallowing hard Kakashi finally felt able to speak and decided to just bluntly present the truth, “I’m a virgin.”

Sakura’s mouth hung agape at his admission, a little because she was shocked, but mostly because it was the most preposterous thing she’s ever heard in her life. Hataki Kakashi was NOT a virgin. There were hundreds of women and even some men that claimed to have been between his sheets and one point or another, so there was no way that this stupid excuse could be anything but fiction (perhaps straight out of his stupid novels). “You liar!” Sakura was mad because she had specifically told him to lay off his ridiculous excuses.

“I’m not lying,” he mumbled. At least she hadn’t laughed, but then again she didn’t believe him yet.

“You want me to believe that a man with your reputation is a virgin?”


Sakura’s eyebrow was twitching in anger, reminiscent of days when Naruto had driven her to migraines. “And that hundreds of people are lying, but YOU are telling the truth?”


She admired him for sticking to his guns, but still didn’t believe him. “You’ve never slept with a single person?”


“Not once?”

Kakashi sat up and shook his head no. Sakura was about to blow up at him, but then remembered their kiss…and how she herself thought it odd was that he kissed like a novice. Almost like someone that had never kissed anyone in…oh Kami help her, Kakashi might be telling the truth. “You…are…a virgin?” she asked this with wide eyes and shook her head up and down as if it helped convince herself.

“Yes, I’m a virgin. I’ve never had sex with a single person in my life and it’s even been about a decade since I’ve kissed anyone. Are you happy?” He was even more miffed than she was, and raked his finger along the floor because he knew what was next, he had heard it start to well up under her breath.

Sakura stared at him in disbelief and a smile crept onto her face, then her stomach and lungs hitched in that familiar way to signal that she was just about to…

Kakashi gritted his teeth as Sakura began roaring with laughter. It was worse than he had imagined, and he was wrong earlier…it COULD get more embarrassing. “Would you please stop?” the copy-nin growled, more of a demand that a request. To Sakura’s credit she did try to silence her laughter, but only made it come out in hard muffled bits that were riddled with tears and even an indignant snort or two. “Really, it isn’t funny.”

“But Kakashi…REALLY, it is,” she told him between giggles. “I wanted you to be my first because you were so experienced. I wanted you to teach me.”

Kakashi growled under his breath, Sakura only wanted him because she was like all the other women of Konoha…she wanted the strong, virile and reputable man that didn’t exist…Sakura desired a fantasy and not the reality. “I’m leaving.”

“What?” Sakura looked surprised when Kakashi stood to leave, but first stopped to pull up and put back on his now very constrictive pants. The pink-haired girl leapt up to block him, grabbing his arm so he couldn’t use a transportation jutsu without taking her with him. “No, you are not leaving. We are doing this thing.”

“You want something that I can’t give,” he told her coldly.

“You can’t give me yourself? I thought that you said that you wanted me. I thought that you wanted to be my first.” Her words came out in quiet concerned tones, making Kakashi want to pull her close again, but instead concentrated on getting her to release the death grip that she had on his arm. “I want to be your first, too….I want us to make clumsy love and laugh about it and then try again. I want…I want you Kakashi.”

Those words…Kakashi stopped trying to pry Sakura off of him. He wanted to respond, truly he did, but his ability to speak in the moment was taken away by the blood pounding in his ears and the overwhelming need to take Sakura and attempt every fantasy that he’d ever had in his life with her.

Sakura released Kakashi’s arm and took a few steps backward. If he wanted to leave now, she would let him, but not before placing the full extent of the offer on the table. Bringing her fingers to the hem of her silk shirt she gripped it and pulled the article of clothing off in a slow, tedious manner. Next, Sakura hooked her thumbs in the band of elastic around the little shorts and the flowy fabric ended up in a pool at her feet. Kicking the shorts away she untied the string of one side of her underwear, and then the other, letting the last garment drop away.

Kakashi licked his lips unconsciously and sucked in a nervous breath as his eyes perused up and down the stark naked Sakura in front of him. Making an attempt to breathe calmly, he began working at the zipper to his vest, trying to pull it down unsuccessfully with shaking digits. He cursed quietly until he felt Sakura’s warm fingers on his, helping him unstick the zipper and slowly shove his vest off of his shoulders until it fell onto the floor behind them with a loud thud. Kakashi leaned his head down and placed his lips very softly on Sakura’s, letting the kiss maintain a slow and sensual pace while the two maneuvered over to the bed.

Sakura broke the contact between them to lie down on the bed and Kakashi divested himself of the rest of his clothing in a much focused way, even pursing his lips together in concentration in a way that made Sakura giggle. Sakura swallowed the excess amount of saliva that was pooling in her mouth, Kakashi was so handsome that he made her drool.

Kakashi glanced down at Sakura who was lying down on the bed waiting for him. She was leaning back with one hand draped across her stomach and the other propping her up, her knees were slightly bent and her back arched ever so slightly in a way that made his hardness throb painfully. Kakashi groaned and stopped being so deliberate, nearly ripping his pants and boxers off in order to join her sooner. Just looking at her made it difficult to control himself as he lowered his body into the bed beside her.

They started slowly, by kissing and letting hands explore each other; and yes, it was a bit clumsy, but not completely inept as Kakashi and Sakura allowed the moment to grow and continue. Kakashi would give her breast a hesitant squeeze or her collarbone a tender nip. Sakura suckled on a pulse point in his neck and traced the lines of his chiseled chest, accidentally tickling him in the process. Kakashi snickered at the feeling of her fingertips, which broke a bit of the tension between the two letting them relax and explore in a less restrained way. Kakashi drew one nipple into his mouth making Sakura cry out from the over-stimulation on her skin. Sakura returned the favor by giving Kakashi’s shaft a hard tug, making him groan into her.

The pair continued their ministrations, letting themselves get lost amongst the flesh of their partner. The foreplay was long and drawn out until Kakashi finally settled himself at her entrance and pushed in tentatively. It wasn’t surprising that the young woman’s barrier wasn’t present (it was well known that arduous training usually ridded most kunoichi’s of it at a very young age) but it didn’t stop Sakura from yelping under the feeling of Kakashi’s length entering her. As Kakashi sunk himself deep into his partner he had to grit his teeth to keep from coming right at that moment. It was difficult to focus on anything while buried inside of Sakura, especially moving, but he knew he had to. The strokes were short and the rhythm a bit broken, but Kakashi moved his hips the best way he could. A few minutes of this and Kakashi let his instincts take over and started thrusting a bit quicker and with longer strokes. He came before she did, but Kakashi pulled out and moved his mouth to her nether lips to rectify the situation, filling her with his fingers instead of his length and pumped her furiously until she came. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either…it was simply their first time.

Kakashi collapsed beside Sakura and pulled her body to him, “So, should we laugh?”

“No, it was nice, not laughable,” She said nestling her face in his chest. “We should try it again sometime.”

“I agree, because practice makes perfect,” he told her with a grin.

“How cliché, Kakashi,” Sakura said while rolling her eyes.

“Yes, but I’m too exhausted to think of anything better.” With that he kissed her forehead and they both fell asleep.


Sakura and Kakashi lounged together on the copy-nin’s bed.had found that it was nicer than her own, and quite a bit bigger.The two ninjas were completely clothed and surrounded by a pile of books, some of which were various copies of Kakashi’s beloved Icha Icha series and others were manuals and ‘how to’ books that showed the many possible ways and techniques the two could use to couple with.was flipping through a book of positions when she stopped and studied a page that caught her eye.Kakashi laid the book he was perusing down and leaned into her to see what had captured her attention so fully.of them looked at the page with great perplexity and began to cock their heads to the side to try to understand how the move was even possible.added to the comical nature of their education when she rotated the book the opposite way of their heads about ninety degrees.

“I think that is for advanced students,” Kakashi mumbled, turning the page for Sakura while a complete look of confusion still graced her features.

“Does your body contort like that?” Sakura asked while turning to investigate his book instead of her own.

“I’m not sure, but I’m thinking that my back would snap in two,” Kakashi told her with a chuckle.“This one looks promising, and I’ve read about it in Icha Icha Kingdom, so I think I could pull it off.”

Sakura nodded her head, the position did look alright for beginners, but more interesting than the missionary position that the two had been stuck in the four times they had been together since this whole shenanigan had begun.Kakashi had even been nervous when Sakura had mentioned something about doggy style…he was nervous period.assumed that it had everything to do with his ego, trying to live up to something that he was not or not being comfortable with being so unknowing of things he was renowned for.‘Men and their pride…what a tricky thing to try and work around,’ Sakura mused as she mussed up Kakashi’s hair.

“What was that for?” he asked purposely bumping shoulders with her and giving her a smiling eye crinkle.His lips were covered with the all too familiar mask that he only took off when they were kissing or doing other things that required his mouth.

Sakura’s fingers slid up his cheek and caressed him gently, getting Kakashi to close his eye and nuzzle into her fingers.Sakura let out a devious chuckle as Sakura moved her hand up just a bit and caught the edge of the mask’s fabric.lightning fast reflexes Kakashi’s hand caught hers and he tsk’d her for attempting to remove it.“Take it off, I’ve seen you without it, so what’s the big deal?” Sakura whined.

Kakashi looked over at his bedroom window, “Can’t…the window shade is open.”

“So close it!” she told him with a poking finger that demanded his face be naked in her presence.

“I like the sunlight, it’s nice and warm,” he told her, crinkling his eye again in a smile.knew the man was just toying with her now.teased her to no end, always knowing exactly which buttons to push.

“I’ll show you sunlight,” she murmured, crawling off of the bed and maneuvering around the stacks of books that surrounded the two of them.shade was instantly closed and the room was filled with only a bit of light that still peeked through the shade, but too little to read by.

“Now how am I supposed to study up on ways to make you scream if you don’t give me enough light to read?” Kakashi asked smugly as he rolled onto his back and dropped the book he was reading on the bed beside him.

Sakura grinned at the man that was so obviously faking his desire for sunlight.on the bed, Sakura crawled over to Kakashi and climbed on top of him, straddling his hips and grinding a bit against the growing arousal in his pants.“Hmmm…how about a practical exam to test your knowledge in the field of action…see how far my little pupil has come.”

“I’m the pupil?” he asked as Sakura leaned down and tugged the mask away from his face.“I don’t think I’m the pupil.”

“We’re both learning, and today…I get to play teacher.” Sakura told him very directly while running her hands along the fabric that covered his well-toned chest.

“Yes, ma’am,” he murmured under the feel of Sakura’s fingers.“Shall I call you sensei?” Kakashi teased.

Sakura didn’t respond right away, only raised an eyebrow at the honorific that had never been directed toward her.was reminded of a story that she heard Iruka telling Naruto, bragging about how Kakashi had called him Iruka-sensei during the entirety of their coupling.smirked and knew that Iruka had only been a dirty liar…but perhaps she could live out that fantasy for Naruto’s favorite old teacher.“Yes, call me sensei,” Sakura purred to the man beneath her, using a silky voice that was only reserved for moments like this with Kakashi.

“Okay…sensei…how would you like me to begin?” Kakashi asked, allowing a now visible smirk to grace his features.“Would Sakura-sensei like me to help her remove her clothing?”

“Yes, I think that would a good place to start, Kakashi…well done,” she replied to his little game.

“Thank you Sakura-sensei, receiving praise from your teacher is always a wonderful thing,” Kakashi’s words were coupled with him gripping the corner of Sakura’s shirt and lifting it over her head.

“I’ve always had wonderful teachers of my own that taught me to be gracious and kind, but also strong and deadly.” she smiled down at him and ground her hips into his.

“Deadly indeed, Sakura-sensei,” Kakashi gasped and lifted his hips up against her in response and elicited a low moan from the nearly topless woman, save the bindings that were still around her breasts.“These will not do, Sakura-sensei.” Kakashi told her, alluding to the bindings.

Kakashi pulled a kunai out of his hip-pack and sliced the area right between her breasts.had happened so quickly that Sakura wasn’t even sure if he had really done anything, but as the wrap began tumbling away from her breasts she realized that the man beneath her was truly a very deadly and elite ninja.fingers replaced the kunai in Kakashi’s hip-pack and moved up to Sakura’s breasts, giving each nipple a firm squeeze before releasing them from his grasp.

“Would Sakura-sensei like me to use my mouth?”

Sakura laughed a little and nodded her head.was quite humorous to see how far Kakashi was taking this little act of his, perhaps he’d even cry out “Sakura-sensei!” as he came.What a story that would make to tell Naruto, if Kakashi agreed to let Sakura talk about it with her teammate.had wanted to spill the news that she was sleeping with Kakashi to someone, but knew that she wouldn’t be able to share the details unless it was someone that Kakashi approved of to know his secret.left few options, and definitely not the town gossip (otherwise known as Ino), but perhaps Kakashi would be okay with the idea of Naruto knowing. Kakashi’s mouth hummed as he propped himself up a bit and arched his back forward attach his lips to one of Sakura’s breasts, swirling his tongue around the areola and sucking hard on the nipple.

Sakura moaned and tossed her head back, liking very much the sensations that Kakashi was creating.“Very good, Kakashi,” she murmured and rubbed herself along his clothed manhood.

A sudden pounding on Kakashi’s main door startled Sakura and Kakashi, neither one moved for a moment and they gave each other curious glances.“Ignore that, they’ll go away,” Kakashi whispered and motioning Sakura to move up a bit so he could remove her pants.another knocking occurred a few seconds later, Kakashi once again informed Sakura on what she should do, “They will leave, Sakura-sensei, the test is much more important.”

Sakura smirked and lifted her hips off of him, backing up and repositioning herself in-between his parted thighs.unzipped Kakashi’s pants and pulled out a hard mound of flesh.“Okay than, what should I do now Kakashi?”

“I think that Sakura-sensei should...use her mouth,” he replied watching her intently with his one uncovered eye.he wasn’t wearing the Leaf head band he normally brandished on his forehead, a patch covered the Sharingan and prevented him from overusing it and exhausting himself.

“Kakashi…that is answer is rather vague…I think I’ll have to ask you to clarify your response,” Sakura told him, giving his length a hard tug to help punctuate herself.

“I’m sorry, Sakura-sensei, I would like it if you used your mouth to suck on my cock.that less vague?”didn’t answer only dipped her head onto the tip of Kakashi’s manhood and suckled on it a bit.

“Oh yes, Sakura-sensei, that is perfect,” Kakashi told her as his back arched a bit and his head fell back, giving him a good view of the person that was standing in their doorway.

“What in the hell?” Naruto asked.“Do you know how difficult it is to get into your apartment, Kakashi?have so many booby traps that I nearly died via poison tipped kunai.”

Sakura pulled off of Kakashi and scrambled backwards, falling completely off of the bed in her rush to hide from Naruto.

“Sakura!” Kakashi exclaimed, leaping up to see if the woman on the side of the bed was okay.

“Ow.” Sakura muttered, brushing books off of her that had followed her in the fall.

“Out!” Kakashi told Naruto pointing at the door while his other hand tried to shove the erection back into his pants.

“Well, I’ll wait outside until you two are decent, but we have a mission, one that can’t wait,” Naruto told them, not at all averting his eyes from the two as he left. “Hurry up and get dressed, Kakashi and Sakura-sensei.”

Kakashi leaned down and lifted Sakura off the floor, kissing her forehead as he did.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t think it was important enough for the blonde dimwit to break in.” Kakashi grumbled.

“Next time we answer the door,” Sakura told her lover with an embarrassed look, “But I guess this does answer my question of whether I can tell Naruto or not.”

“Yes, I think that it was pretty self-explanatory, wasn’t it?” the copy-nin started picking up books from the floor and tossing them haphazardly on the bed.

Sakura looked at Kakashi with pleading eyes, “Can I tell him everything, please?know we can trust him.he can give you pointers.”

“He and Hinata have…gone that far?” Kakashi asked with a stunned look on his face.

“Yep, two years ago was when they started.told me that he’s planning on proposing to her at the summer festival.” she told Kakashi, hoping to gain his trust.

Naruto, of course, had to go and spoil it.the door came a muffled, “Hey!was supposed to be a secret, and why would I have to give Kakashi, the Sex God of Konoha, pointers?And why for the love all things sacred were there fifty sex books on your bed, Kakashi?is going on?”

Sakura giggled as she found some bandaging wrap and began to bind her breasts, “He knows, so let’s come clean.” she told Kakashi.

“He doesn’t know, nor will he know.” Kakashi grumbled back.

“I think someone is a bit of an over-exaggerator,” Came Naruto’s voice through the door.“And if Sakura, who was a virgin only a week ago, is being referred to as Sakura-sensei, you are either performing some sick fantasy or someone doesn’t know his way around the ladies.’m thinking it’s the second choice, because in the years that I’ve known you Kakashi, I’ve never once seen you with a woman or a man.”

“Shut up, Naruto.” Kakashi warned, opening the door as Sakura slipped her shirt on.

“So?is it?” Naruto asked, but didn’t receive a reply from Kakashi, so he turned to Sakura, “Did you deflower our precious teacher?” Naruto teased, not thinking that Kakashi was that inexperienced with women.Sakura, who was hidden from Kakashi’s eyes smirked and gave a slight nod.

“What?you kidding me?was only joking about the virgin bit…you were a virgin?” Naruto asked Kakashi as his teacher flushed bright red and realized that his mask was down.

“Shut up, Naruto,” Kakashi reiterated.“I don’t think that is any of your business.”

Naruto chuckled and smiled at his ex-sensei.“I’ll give you pointers, don’t worry…I’ve got a technique or two that you’ll enjoy.”

“I don’t need your help.” Kakashi hissed at the blond.

“Sure you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading…” Naruto’s words hinged as he walked over to the bed and picked up the nearest book, “Sex for Dummies, two hundred positions and techniques.This is a good book, I read it when I was thirteen.”

A shuriken whizzed by Naruto’s ear and lodged itself into the book, earning a concerned look from Sakura and Naruto.

“He’s just embarrassed,” Sakura told her friend, giving a slight wink.“Somehow he got caught up in rumors and never found his way out.’ve been working at it, we were even going to try this.” Sakura told the whiskered blond as she held up the book that Kakashi had been reading earlier.

Naruto gave her an approving smile, “Yeah, that’s a good one.can get pretty deep with that position, you’ll like it.”blushed and nodded, glad that she had received Naruto’s weird version of a blessing.

“I’ll help you pick out some more for Mr. Grump when we return from the mission.need to hurry because Sasuke is waiting at the gates for us.”

Sakura nodded and headed to the apartment’s entrance to fetch her sandals, weapons, and jonin vest.“Don’t tell Sasuke, Kakashi doesn’t want anyone to know.”

“I won’t, I promise,” Naruto told her with a wink.“And when I get a chance alone with the guy, I’ll give him ‘the talk’ to help him understand what he’s going through.” Naruto told her snicker.

“He knows about the birds and bees, Naruto.” Sakura replied rolling her eyes.

“Yes, I know, but that isn’t the talk I was referring to.promise you’ll get him back as a new and improved Kakashi.”this made Sakura laugh, she wasn’t sure what Naruto was going to tell Kakashi, but it was probably going to be a very interesting experience for the man…a VERY interesting experience.


A/N’s: Please review, it is appreciated. One or two more long chapters after this. :)